Example #1
def main(
    ctx: click.Context,
    config_path: T.Optional[T.Text],
    host: T.Text,
    port: int,
    log_level: T.Text,
    syslog: bool,
    log_file: T.Optional[T.Text],
    graphiql: bool,
    """Console script for kofi."""
    shell_config = {}  # type: T.Dict[T.Text, T.Any]
    if host:
        shell_config["host"] = host
    if port:
        shell_config["port"] = port
    log_conf = {
        "level": log_level,
        "syslog": syslog,
    if log_file:
        log_conf["log_file"] = log_file
    if log_level or syslog or log_file:
        shell_config["log"] = log_conf
    if graphiql:
        shell_config["graphiql"] = True
    config = read_config(config_path)
    def_config = merge_configs(config, shell_config)

    if log_level and log_level.upper() == "DEBUG":
        click.echo("Resulting conf:\n{}".format(pformat(def_config)))

Example #2
def test_port_validation(port: int, tmpdir: py.path.local) -> None:
    """Test the conf validation"""
    conf_path = fill_mock_conf({"port": port}, tmpdir)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        with mock.patch("kofi.config._find_conf", return_value=str(conf_path)):
            conf = read_config()

    assert "is invalid in configuration" in str(e.value)
    assert str(port) in str(e.value)
Example #3
def test_log_validation(log_conf: T.Dict[T.Text, T.Any], msg: T.Text,
                        tmpdir: py.path.local) -> None:
    """Test the conf validation"""
    conf_path = fill_mock_conf({"log": log_conf}, tmpdir)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        with mock.patch("kofi.config._find_conf", return_value=str(conf_path)):
            conf = read_config()

    assert "is invalid in configuration" in str(e.value)
    assert msg in str(e.value)
Example #4
def test_override_conf(
    conf_data: T.Dict[T.Text, T.Any],
    result: T.Dict[T.Text, T.Any],
    tmpdir: py.path.local,
) -> None:
    """Test the overrided conf."""
    conf_path = fill_mock_conf(conf_data, tmpdir)
    with mock.patch("kofi.config._find_conf", return_value=str(conf_path)):
        conf = read_config()

    assert conf == result
Example #5
def run() -> None:
    """KoFi entrypoint."""
    config = read_config()
    app = setup(config)