Example #1
    def roles(self,new_roles):
        # mainlog.debug("set_roles {}".format(new_roles))

        if new_roles is None or len(new_roles) == 0:
            self._roles = None
            for r in new_roles:
                if r not in RoleType.symbols():
                    raise Exception("The role '{}' does not exist.".format(r))

            self._roles = ','.join(map(lambda r:r.name,new_roles))
Example #2
    def set_edit_widget_data(self,data):
        mainlog.debug(u"set_edit_widget_data {}".format(data))
        chosen_roles = []
        if data is not None:
            chosen_roles = data

        data = []
        for r in RoleType.symbols():
            data.append((r,r.description,r in chosen_roles))

Example #3
def create_root_account(login="******", password="******"):

    employee = session().query(Employee).filter(
        Employee.login == login).first()
    if not employee:
        employee = Employee()
        employee.login = login

    # Don't forget that this may update the admin account instead of creating
    # it. So we have to make sure it is usable.

    employee.roles = RoleType.symbols()  # Admin has all rights
    employee.fullname = 'Administrator'
    employee.is_active = True
Example #4
File: demo.py Project: wiz21b/koi
def create_demo_database( nb_orders=50):

    create_blank_database(configuration.get("Database", "admin_url"),
                          configuration.get("Database", "url"))
    dao = DAO()


    employees_texts  = ["Alfred Hitchcok", "Rocky Balboa", "Donald Knuth", "Ray Parker Junior", "Henry Mancini", "Nivek Ogre",
                 "Johnny Cash", "Sarah Connor"]

    nb_employees = len(employees_texts)

    for name in employees_texts:
        e = dao.employee_dao.make(name)
        e.login = (name.split(' ')[0][0:2] + name.split(' ')[1][0:2]).lower()
        e.roles = RoleType.symbols()

    for name in customers_texts:
        customer = dao.customer_dao.make(name)
        customer.address1 = u"Square Niklaus Wirth" + chr(233)
        customer.country = u"Pakistan" + chr(233)
        customer.phone = u"+494 0412 32 32 6654"
        customer.email = u"*****@*****.**"

    for name, short_name in operations_texts:
        opdef_op = dao.operation_definition_dao.make()
        opdef_op.short_id = short_name
        opdef_op.description = name
        opdef_op.imputable = True
        opdef_op.on_order = False
        opdef_op.on_operation = True
        opdef_op.XXXcost = random.random() * 50 + 50.0

        period = OperationDefinitionPeriod()
        period.start_date = date(2010, 1, 1)
        period.cost = random.randint(30, 60)
        dao.operation_definition_dao.add_period(period, opdef_op)

    customers = session().query(Customer).all()

    for i in range(nb_orders):
        order = dao.order_dao.make(u"Test order", customer)
        order.state = OrderStatusType.preorder_definition  # OrderStatusType.order_ready_for_production
        order.customer = customers[random.randint(0, len(customers) - 1)]
        order.creation_date = (world_begin + timedelta(days=random.randint(0, max_past_days))).date()

    for order in session().query(Order).all():

        position = 1
        for i in range(random.randint(3, 10)):
            order_part = dao.order_part_dao.make(order)

            texts = ["For part {}".format(random.randint(100, 999)),
                     "As plan {}".format(str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()[0:6]),
                     "Customer ref #{}".format(str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()[0:6]),
                     "#1 Bare Bright Copper Wire",
                     "#1 Copper Tubing",
                     "#1 Flashing Copper",
                     "#2 Copper Tubing",
                     "#2/3 Mix Copper",
                     "#3 Copper with Tar",
                     "#3 Roofing Copper",
                     "17-4 Stainless Steel",
                     "300 Series Stainless Steel",
                     "400 Series Stainless Steel",
                     "500/750 Insulated Cable",
                     "ACR Ends",
                     "AL Extrusion",
                     "AL Thermopane",
                     "AL/ Copper Rads w/Iron",
                     "AL/Copper Cutoffs",
                     "Aluminum #3",
                     "Aluminum 6061",
                     "Aluminum 6063",
                     "Aluminum Boat",
                     "Aluminum Breakage",
                     "Aluminum Bumpers",
                     "Aluminum Cans",
                     "Aluminum Clips",
                     "Aluminum Copper Coil",
                     "Aluminum Copper Radiators",
                     "Aluminum Diesel Tank",
                     "Aluminum Engine Block",
                     "Aluminum Litho",
                     "Aluminum Radiators",
                     "Aluminum Rims",
                     "Aluminum Scrap",
                     "Aluminum Siding",
                     "Aluminum Thermo-Pane/Break",
                     "Aluminum Transformers",
                     "Aluminum Turnings",
                     "Aluminum Wire w/Steel",
                     "Bare Bright Copper",
                     "Brass Hair Wire",
                     "Brass Heater Cores",
                     "Brass Pipe",
                     "Brass Radiators",
                     "Brass Scrap",
                     "Brass Shells",
                     "Brass Turnings",
                     "Bronze Turnings",
                     "Burnt Copper",
                     "Car/Truck Batteries",
                     "Cast Aluminum",
                     "Catalytic Converters",
                     "CATV Wire",
                     "Christmas Lights",
                     "Circuit Breakers",
                     "Clean ACR",
                     "Clean AL Wire",
                     "Clean AL/Copper Fin",
                     "Clean Brass Radiators",
                     "Clean Brass Turnings",
                     "Clean Roofing Copper",
                     "Communications Wire",
                     "Composition Scrap",
                     "Copper Scrap",
                     "Copper Transformers",
                     "Copper Turnings",
                     "Copper Yokes",
                     "Die Cast",
                     "Dirty ACR",
                     "Dirty AL Extrusion",
                     "Dirty AL Radiators",
                     "Dirty AL/Copper Fin",
                     "Dirty Aluminum Turnings",
                     "Dirty Brass",
                     "Dirty Brass Radiators",
                     "Dirty Roofing Copper",
                     "Double Insulated Cable",
                     "EC Wire",
                     "Electric Motors (Aluminum)",
                     "Electric Motors (Copper)",
                     "Elevator Wire",
                     "Enameled Copper",
                     "F 75",
                     "Fire Wire",
                     "Forktruck Battery",
                     "FSX 414",
                     "Hastelloy Solids",
                     "Hastelloy Turnings",
                     "Heliax Wire",
                     "High Speed Steel",
                     "Inconel 792",
                     "Inconel 800",
                     "Inconel 825",
                     "Insulated Aluminum Wire",
                     "Insulated Copper Cable",
                     "Insulated Copper Wire",
                     "Insulated Steel BX",
                     "Junkshop Extrusion",
                     "Lead Batteries",
                     "Lead Coated Copper",
                     "Lead Shot",
                     "Lead Wheel Weights",
                     "Light Copper",
                     "Meatballs (Electric Motors)",
                     "Ni-Cad Batteries",
                     "Non Magnetic Stainless Steel",
                     "Old Sheet Aluminum",
                     "Painted Aluminum",
                     "Plumbers Brass",
                     "Prepared Aluminum",
                     "Red Brass",
                     "Refined Rebrass & Copper",
                     "Rod Brass",
                     "Rod Brass Turnings",
                     "Romex® Wire",
                     "Sealed Units",
                     "Semi-Red Brass",
                     "Sheet Aluminum",
                     "Silver Plated Copper",
                     "Solid Core Heliax",
                     "Stainless Steel",
                     "Stainless Steel Breakage",
                     "Stainless Steel Heatsinks",
                     "Stainless Steel Kegs",
                     "Stainless Steel Sinks",
                     "Stainless Turnings",
                     "Steel BX",
                     "Steel Case Batteries",
                     "THHN Wire",
                     "Tin Babbit",
                     "Tin Coated Copper",
                     "Tin Insulated Copper Wire",
                     "Unclean Brass Radiators",
                     "Wire Scrap",
                     "Wiring Harness",
                     "Yellow Brass",
                     "#1 Heavy Melting Steel",
                     "#1 HMS",
                     "#1 Prepared",
                     "#1 Steel",
                     "#2 Heavy Melting Steel",
                     "#2 HMS",
                     "#2 Prepared",
                     "Car w/Tires",
                     "Cast Iron",
                     "Complete Car",
                     "Crushed Cars",
                     "Dry Automobile",
                     "Incomplete Car",
                     "Light Iron",
                     "Machine Shop Turning/Iron Borings",
                     "Plate & Structural Steel",
                     "Scrap Iron",
                     "Sheet Iron",
                     "Shreddable Steel",
                     "Steel Shavings",
                     "Uncleaned Auto Cast",
                     "Unprepared Cast Iron",
                     "Unprepared HMS",
                     "Unprepared P&S",
                     "Washing Machines",
                     "Water Heaters",
                     "Wet Automobile",
                     "Back Panels",
                     "Backup Batteries",
                     "Computer Wire",
                     "CPU Chips",
                     "Empty PC Servers",
                     "Hard Drive Boards",
                     "Hard Drives",
                     "Hard Drives without Boards",
                     "Ink Cartridges",
                     "LCD Monitors (not working)",
                     "LCD Monitors (working)",
                     "Low Grade Boards",
                     "Non-Green PC Board",
                     "PC Board with Steel",
                     "PC Boards",
                     "PC Tower",
                     "Power Supplies",
                     "Printers/Fax Machines",
                     "Telecom Equipment"]
            order_part.description = random.choice(texts)
            order_part.position = position
            order_part.priority = random.randint(1, 5)
            position += 1
            order_part.qty = random.randint(4, 4+10)
            order_part.sell_price = random.randint(100, 200)

            pf = dao.production_file_dao.make()
            pf.order_part = order_part
            order_part.production_file = [pf]

    operation_definitions = session().query(OperationDefinition).all()

    for pf in session().query(ProductionFile).all():
        for i in range(random.randint(3, 10)):
            operation = dao.operation_dao.make()
            operation.production_file = pf

            begin = random.randint(0, len(lorem) - 5)
            end = begin + min(6, random.randint(begin, len(lorem) - 1))
            operation.description = " ".join(lorem[begin:end])
            operation.operation_model = random.choice(operation_definitions)
            operation.planned_hours = float(random.randint(1, 20)) / 5 # per unit


    for order in session().query(Order).all():

    tasks = []

    for operation in session().query(Operation).all():
        task = TaskOnOperation()
        task.operation_id = operation.operation_id

    order_schedules = dict()

    for order in session().query(Order).all():

        mainlog.info("populating order")

        order_start = order.creation_date
        central_clock.set_now_function(lambda: datetime( order_start.year, order_start.month, order_start.day))

        if True or random.randint(0,10) > 1:
            # a production order
            order_end = order_start + timedelta(days=(30 + order.order_id % 20))

            mainlog.debug("Interval {} {}".format( order_start, order_end))

            dao.order_dao.change_order_state(order.order_id, OrderStatusType.preorder_definition)
            dao.order_dao.change_order_state(order.order_id, OrderStatusType.order_ready_for_production)
            order_schedules[order.order_id] = (order_start, order_end)
            # a preorder

            dao.order_dao.change_order_state(order.order_id, OrderStatusType.preorder_definition)
            dao.order_dao.change_order_state(order.order_id, OrderStatusType.preorder_sent)

    mainlog.info("There are {} tasks".format(len(tasks)))
    mainlog.info("There are {} order scheduled for work".format(len(order_schedules)))

    # _make_tar(TaskActionReportType.start_task, datetime.now(), e, task)

    employees = session().query(Employee).all()

    # Buld the list of tasks available on each day
    tasks_on_day = dict()
    for task in tasks:
        order = task.operation.production_file.order_part.order
        if order.order_id in order_schedules:
            order_start, order_end = order_schedules[order.order_id]

            for d in daterange( order_start, order_end):
                if d not in tasks_on_day:
                    tasks_on_day[d] = []

    for day in range( int(max_past_days)):
        d = world_begin + timedelta(days=2 + day)
        d = date( d.year, d.month, d.day)

        if d.weekday() not in (5, 6) and d in tasks_on_day:

            employees_with_work = []
            central_clock.set_now_function(lambda: datetime(d.year,d.month,d.day))

            # tasks we can work on

            workable_tasks = tasks_on_day[d]

            mainlog.debug("{} workable tasks".format(len(workable_tasks)))

            if workable_tasks:
                # Now put actual work on those tasks
                for employee in employees:
                    # Each employee may or may not work
                    if random.randint(0,10) > 2:

                        total_duration = 0

                        while total_duration < 8:
                            task = random.choice(workable_tasks)
                            duration = float(random.randint(1,4)) + float(random.randint(0,4)) / 4.0
                            tt = _make_timetrack( task.task_id, employee.employee_id,

                            total_duration += duration

                        dts = DayTimeSynthesis()
                        dts.employee_id = tt.employee_id
                        dts.day = d
                        dts.presence_time = total_duration
                        session().add( dts)
                        from koi.people_admin.people_admin_mapping import DayEventType, DayEvent
                        from koi.people_admin.people_admin_service import people_admin_service

                        de = DayEvent()
                        de.employee_id = employee.employee_id
                        de.event_type = random.choice(DayEventType.symbols())
                        people_admin_service.set_event_on_days( de, [ (d, 1) ])

    for i in range(3):
        for order in session().query(Order).filter(Order.state == OrderStatusType.order_ready_for_production).all():
            parts_ids_quantities = dict()

            for order_part in order.parts:
                mainlog.debug("qex = {} / {}".format(order_part.tex2, order_part.qty))
                if order_part.tex2 < order_part.qty and order_part.total_hours:
                    parts_ids_quantities[order_part.order_part_id] = random.randint(1, order_part.qty - order_part.tex2)

            if parts_ids_quantities:
                mainlog.debug("Creating delivery slip")
                order_start, order_end = order_schedules[order.order_id]

                for dsp in session().query(DeliverySlipPart).filter(DeliverySlipPart.order_part_id.in_(parts_ids_quantities.keys())).all():
                    if dsp.delivery_slip.creation > datetime( order_start.year, order_start.month, order_start.day):
                        order_start = dsp.delivery_slip.creation.date()

                mainlog.debug("{} {}".format( type(order_end), type(order_start)))
                mainlog.debug("{} {}".format( order_start, order_end))

                days_between = (order_end - order_start).days
                if days_between > 0:
                    the_now = order_start + timedelta( days=random.randint(1, 1 + int(days_between / 2)))
                    mainlog.debug("Adding slips to an order on {}".format(the_now))
                    the_now = datetime( the_now.year, the_now.month, the_now.day) + timedelta(seconds=random.randint(1,10000))

                    central_clock.set_now_function( lambda : the_now)

                    dao.delivery_slip_part_dao.make_delivery_slip_for_order( order.order_id, parts_ids_quantities,
                        the_now, False)


    for order in session().query(Order).filter(Order.state == OrderStatusType.order_ready_for_production).all():
        parts_ids_quantities = dict()

        for order_part in order.parts:
            mainlog.debug("qex = {} / {}".format(order_part.tex2, order_part.qty))
            if order_part.tex2 < order_part.qty and order_part.total_hours:
                parts_ids_quantities[order_part.order_part_id] = order_part.qty - order_part.tex2

        if parts_ids_quantities:
            mainlog.debug("Creating last delivery slip")

            the_now = world_begin + timedelta(days=max_past_days + random.randint(1,grace_period))
            mainlog.debug("Adding slips to an order on {}".format(the_now))
            the_now = datetime( the_now.year, the_now.month, the_now.day) + timedelta(seconds=random.randint(1,10000))

            central_clock.set_now_function( lambda : the_now)

            dao.delivery_slip_part_dao.make_delivery_slip_for_order( order.order_id, parts_ids_quantities,
                the_now, False)

    # Now we adapt the sell price to match the costs

    TWO_PLACES = decimal.Decimal(10) ** -2
    for order_part in session().query(OrderPart).all():
        order_part.sell_price = decimal.Decimal(
            (1.0 + random.random()) * dao.order_part_dao.value_work_on_order_part_up_to_date(
                order_part.order_part_id, date.today())).quantize(TWO_PLACES)

    mainlog.info("Not completed orders = {}".format(
        session().query(Order).filter(Order.state != OrderStatusType.order_completed).count()))

    mainlog.info("Not completed parts = {}".format(
        session().query(OrderPart).filter(OrderPart.state != OrderPartStateType.completed).count()))

    mainlog.info("Maximum completion date for order parts = {}".format(
        session().query( func.max( OrderPart.completed_date)).scalar()))
Example #5

    # init_db_session("postgresql://stefan:@", metadata, False or configuration.echo_query)
    init_db_session("postgresql://stefan:@", metadata,
                    False or configuration.echo_query)

    # add_user(100,'admin','admin','Administrator','TimeTrackModify,ModifyParameters')

    employee = Employee()
    employee.login = "******"
    h = hashlib.md5()
    employee.password = h.hexdigest()
    employee.roles = RoleType.symbols()
    employee.fullname = 'Administrator'


        "grant usage on schema {} to horse_clt".format(DATABASE_SCHEMA))
        "grant select,insert,update,delete on all tables in schema {} to horse_clt"
        "grant select,update on all sequences in schema {} to horse_clt".

Example #6
                        if hours is not None:
                            t = str(hours).replace('.', ',')
                            t = ""


            s += "\t".join(d) + u"\n"


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from koi.session.UserSession import user_session
    user_session._roles = set(RoleType.symbols())
    user_session._active = True

    # dao.session.query(DayTimeSynthesis).delete()
    # for employee in dao.session.query(Employee).all():
    #     for daynr in range(1,28):
    #         day = date(2013,5,daynr)
    #         if random.random() > 0.1:
    #             z = 5 + random.random()*4
    #             p = 0.7
    #         else:
    #             z = random.random()*4
    #             p = 0.7
    #         dao.day_time_synthesis_dao.save(employee,day,z,p)

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)