Example #1
    def test_translation_Bx4x4(self, batch_size):
        offset = 10
        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size)
        trans_12 = identity_matrix(batch_size)
        trans_12[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector

        trans_02 = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert_allclose(trans_02, trans_12)
Example #2
    def test_translation_Bx4x4(self, batch_size, device, dtype):
        offset = 10
        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size, device=device, dtype=dtype)
        trans_12 = identity_matrix(batch_size, device=device, dtype=dtype)
        trans_12[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector

        trans_02 = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert_close(trans_02, trans_12, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
Example #3
    def test_translation_4x4(self):
        offset = 10
        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1)[0]
        trans_12 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1)[0]
        trans_12[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector

        trans_02 = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert utils.check_equal_torch(trans_02, trans_12)
Example #4
    def test_translation_4x4(self):
        offset = 10.
        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1)[0]
        trans_02 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1)[0]
        trans_02[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector

        trans_12 = kornia.relative_transformation(trans_01, trans_02)
        trans_02_hat = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert_allclose(trans_02_hat, trans_02)
Example #5
    def test_translation_4x4(self, device, dtype):
        offset = 10.0
        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1, device=device, dtype=dtype)[0]
        trans_02 = identity_matrix(batch_size=1, device=device, dtype=dtype)[0]
        trans_02[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector

        trans_12 = kornia.relative_transformation(trans_01, trans_02)
        trans_02_hat = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert_close(trans_02_hat, trans_02, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
Example #6
    def test_rotation_translation_Bx4x4(self, batch_size):
        offset = 10.
        x, y, z = 0., 0., kornia.pi
        ones = torch.ones(batch_size)
        rmat_02 = euler_angles_to_rotation_matrix(x * ones, y * ones, z * ones)

        trans_01 = identity_matrix(batch_size)
        trans_02 = identity_matrix(batch_size)
        trans_02[..., :3, -1] += offset  # add offset to translation vector
        trans_02[..., :3, :3] = rmat_02[..., :3, :3]

        trans_12 = kornia.relative_transformation(trans_01, trans_02)
        trans_02_hat = kornia.compose_transformations(trans_01, trans_12)
        assert_allclose(trans_02_hat, trans_02)