Example #1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

import re
import lightkurve as lk
import exoarch

import starspot as ss
import starspot.rotation_tools as rt
from stardate.lhf import gk_age_model
from stardate import load_samples, read_samples
from isochrones import get_ichrone

import kepler_data as kd
import kplr
client = kplr.API()

def get_index_from_filename(df, filename):
    kepid = re.findall(r'\d+', filename)[0]
    m = df.kepid == int(kepid)
    return int(np.arange(len(df))[m]), kepid

def load_lc(starname, timespan=200):
    # # lcfs = lk.search_lightcurvefile(starname).download_all()
    # lc1 = lk.search_lightcurvefile(starname, quarter=2)
    # lc2 = lk.search_lightcurvefile(starname, quarter=3)
    # # lc = lcf.PDCSAP_FLUX
    # # lc = lcfs.PDCSAP_FLUX.stitch()
    # lc_collection = lk.LightCurveCollection([lc1, lc2])
Example #2
def export_planets_to_pkl():
    client = kplr.API()
    planets = client.planets(koi_prad=">1.5") + client.planets(koi_prad="<=1.5")
    with open('planets.pkl', 'rb') as input_f:
        pickled_planets = cPickle.load(input_f)
    print "Saved planet info to planets.pkl"
Example #3
def EstablishCompatableKOI():
    '''** No arguments, please. The function will issue a prompt for user's choice of KOI.'''
    # declare that the koi established in this function be used as a global variable 
    global koi
    global usercall
    invalidAttempts = 0 
    totalPlanetsInSystem = 0 
    selectableList= []
    KOIlist = []
    usercall = int(input("Enter the KOI system to lookup in MAST: "))
    client = kplr.API()
    #Determine how many KOI are in the system associated with the user's choice
    print" KOI#     KOI Name         Period         Usable?"
    for PlanetInSystem in range(1,15,1):

            KOI = client.koi(float(usercall+.01*PlanetInSystem))
            KOIlist = np.append(KOIlist, KOI)
            if KOI.koi_period < 15.4: 
                selectableList = np.append(selectableList, PlanetInSystem)
                print "(",PlanetInSystem,") ", KOI, round(KOI.koi_period,2), "   usable KOI"
                print "(",PlanetInSystem,") ", KOI, round(KOI.koi_period,2), "   non-usable KOI"
        except ValueError:
    print totalPlanetsInSystem, " total KOI in system"
    print totalPlanetsInSystem-invalidAttempts, " compatable KOI"
    #while the system has no compatable KOI for this program, require another system from the user.
    while totalPlanetsInSystem == invalidAttempts:
        usercall = int(input("Sorry, non are compatable, enter another system: "))
        # reset the total count and invalid count
        totalPlanetsInSystem = 0 
        invalidAttempts = 0 
        print" KOI#     KOI Name    Period     Usable?"
        for PlanetInSystem in range(1,15,1):
                KOI = client.koi(float(usercall+.01*PlanetInSystem))
                KOIlist = np.append(KOIlist, KOI) 
                if KOI.koi_period < 15.4: 
                    selectableList = np.append(selectableList, PlanetInSystem)
                    print "(",PlanetInSystem,") ", KOI, round(KOI.koi_period,2), "   usable KOI"
                    print "(",PlanetInSystem,") ", KOI, round(KOI.koi_period,2), "   non-usable KOI"
            except ValueError:
        print totalPlanetsInSystem, " total KOI in system"
        print totalPlanetsInSystem-invalidAttempts, " compatable KOI"
    if len(selectableList) > 1:
        KOIChoice = int(input("Choose from "+str(selectableList)+" : "))
        print "that is ", KOIlist[KOIChoice-1]
        KOIChoice = 1
    # now we have  
    #print"          PROPERTIES:"
    koi = KOIlist[KOIChoice-1]
Example #4
def simulate_one(smass, srad, duration, catalog, data_path, injection):
    import warnings
    pop = ParaSampler(smass, srad, duration)
    B = LcNoiseSampler(catalog, data_path, pop.rprs_pop)
    client = kplr.API('/media/yinanzhao/Backup_7/kepdata')
    #star = client.star(kepid)
    lcs = client.light_curves(B.kepid, short_cadence=False)
    #datepat = re.compile(r'Q+\d+')
    #index = 0
    #for i in range(len(filenames)):
    #    index = datepat.findall(filenames[i])[0][1:]
    #    rms = self.catalog.loc[lambda df: df.kepid == self.kepid, 'Q'+index+'rms'].values[0]
    #    #read into cadence
    #    instr = fits.open(filenames[i])
    #    #read into time series
    #    intime = kepreduce.fetchtseries(instr, filenames[i])
    #    #simulate
    #    rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=13)
    #    flux1 = np.zeros(intime.size)+ 1.0
    #    errors1 = rms*np.ones_like(intime)#use global std
    #    #errors1 = cdpp*1e-06*np.ones_like(nordata)*math.sqrt(timescale * 3600.0 / cadence)#correct from cdpp to std
    #    #add gaussian noise
    #    flux1 += errors1*rs.randn(len(intime))
    #    all_time.append(intime)
    #    all_flux.append(flux1)
    #    instr.close()
    with Pool(5) as p:
        task = [lc for lc in lcs]
        #prod_lc=partial(generateone, kepid=self.kepid, catalog=self.catalog)
        cube = np.transpose(p.map(B.generateone, task, 4))
        t = cube[0]
        simflux = cube[1]
    t = np.concatenate(t)
    bareflux = np.concatenate(simflux)

    t0 = np.random.choice(t)
    if injection == 1.0:

        transitflux = batman_planet(t0, pop.P_pop, pop.rprs_pop,pop.ars_pop,\
                pop.inc_pop, 0, 90, t)
        #t0, per, rp, a, inc, ecc, w, t
        final_flux = bareflux * transitflux
        time_array = t
        flux = final_flux
        phase = keputils.phase_fold_time(time_array, pop.P_pop, t0)
        sorted_i = np.argsort(phase)
        phase = phase[sorted_i]
        flux = flux[sorted_i]
        transitflux = transitflux[sorted_i]
        TP = TransitProfile(pop.P_pop, t0, phase, flux, transitflux,
                            pop.duration_pop, 1 - pop.rprs_pop**2)
        cksnr = TP.check_snr()[0]
        if cksnr == 1.0:
            profile = TP.transit_profile
            para = {'t0':t0, 'Period':pop.P_pop, 'rprs':pop.rprs_pop, 'ars':pop.ars_pop,\
                    'inclination':pop.inc_pop, 'duration':pop.duration_pop, 'prekid':B.kepid,\
                     'std_nobining': TP.check_snr()[1], 'std_bining': TP.check_snr()[2],'flag': 1.0}
            lc = np.array([profile['phase'], profile['flux']])

            #plt.scatter(phase, flux, color='black', marker='.', alpha=0.2, label=str(1.0))
            #plt.scatter(phase, np.ones(len(phase))*(1-pop.rprs_pop**2.0), marker='.', color='g', alpha=0.2, label='depth')
            return para, lc, cksnr
            return None, None, cksnr
        final_flux = bareflux
        time_array = t
        flux = final_flux
        phase = keputils.phase_fold_time(time_array, pop.P_pop, t0)
        sorted_i = np.argsort(phase)
        phase = phase[sorted_i]
        flux = flux[sorted_i]
        TP = TransitProfile(pop.P_pop, t0, phase, flux, pop.duration_pop,
                            1 - pop.rprs_pop**2.0)
        profile = TP.transit_profile
        para = {'t0':t0, 'Period':pop.P_pop, 'rprs':pop.rprs_pop, 'ars':pop.ars_pop,\
                'inclination':pop.inc_pop, 'duration':pop.duration_pop, 'prekid':B.kepid,\
                 'std': np.std(flux), 'flag':0.0}
        lc = np.array([profile['phase'], profile['flux']])

        return para, lc, injection
Example #5
    def make_postcard(self, npix=300, shape=(1070, 1132), buffer_size=15):
        Develop a "postcard" region around the target star.
        Other stars in this postcard will be used as possible reference stars.
            npix: The size of the postcard region. The region will be a square with sides npix pixels
                (default: ``300``)
            shape: The size of each individual image. For Kepler/K2 FFIs this should never need to be
                changed from the default, but will be different for e.g. TESS FFIs (default: ``(1070, 1132)``)
            buffer_size: The number of pixels at the edge of the detector to avoid (default: ``15``)

        source = self.kic
        client = kplr.API()
        targ = client.target(source)

        channel = [
            targ.params['Channel_0'], targ.params['Channel_1'],
            targ.params['Channel_2'], targ.params['Channel_3']

        col = [
            targ.params['Column_0'], targ.params['Column_1'],
            targ.params['Column_2'], targ.params['Column_3']

        row = [
            targ.params['Row_0'], targ.params['Row_1'], targ.params['Row_2'],

        if None in row:
            raise ValueError('Star not on detector all quarters!')

        if None in col:
            raise ValueError('Star not on detector all quarters!')

        center = np.array([npix / 2, npix / 2])

        # If star close to edge, shift frame so that we have the full npix by npix
        # In this case, postcard will not be centered on target star
        if (np.min(col) < npix / 2):
            jump = npix / 2 - np.min(col) + buffer_size
            col += jump
            center[1] -= jump

        if (np.min(row) < npix / 2):
            jump = npix / 2 - np.min(row) + buffer_size
            row += jump
            center[0] -= jump

        if (np.max(row) > shape[0] - npix / 2):
            jump = shape[0] - npix / 2 - np.max(row) - buffer_size
            row += jump
            center[0] -= jump

        if (np.max(col) > shape[1] - npix / 2):
            jump = shape[1] - npix / 2 - np.max(col) - buffer_size
            col += jump
            center[1] -= jump

        fin_arr = np.zeros((len(self.times), npix, npix))

        for icount, iname in enumerate(self.obs_filenames):
            a = p.open(self.ffi_dir + iname)

            quarter = a[0].header['quarter']

            if int(quarter) == 0:
                season = 3
                season = (int(quarter) - 2) % 4

            #season_arr[icount] = season
            img = a[channel[season]].data
            img -= np.median(img)

            ymin = int(max([int(row[season]) - npix / 2, 0]))
            ymax = int(min([int(row[season]) + npix / 2, img.shape[0]]))
            xmin = int(max([int(col[season]) - npix / 2, 0]))
            xmax = int(min([int(col[season]) + npix / 2, img.shape[1]]))

            pimg = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
            fin_arr[icount, :, :] = pimg

        self.postcard = fin_arr
        self.integrated_postcard = np.sum(self.postcard, axis=0)
        self.center = center
def processPlanetData(index, planets, df, baseline_sap_flux, baseline_sap_bkg,
                      baseline_pd_sap_flux, baseline_det_sap_flux):
    # Get Kepler Object of Interest name and disposition
    kepoi_name = planets.iloc[index]['kepoi_name']
    koi_disposition = planets.iloc[index]['koi_disposition']

    # Set Files Names for the resultant Stiched File and Resultant Detrended File
    filenameStitch = "data/stitched/{}.fits".format(kepoi_name)
    filenameDetrend = "data/detrended/{}.fits".format(kepoi_name)

    # Initialize kplr API
    client = kplr.API()

    print "Processing Kepler Object: {} at index: {}".format(kepoi_name, index)

    # Find a Kepler Object of Interest
    koi = client.koi(planets.iloc[index]['kepoi_name'])

    # Get a list of light curve data sets.
    lcs = koi.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False, fetch=True, clobber=False)

    print "Got Kepler Object of Interest and Light Curve Files for {}".format(

    lc_list = ""

    # Looping trough lcs to get list of light curves path
    for lc in lcs:
        lc_list += str(lc.filename) + ","

    # Removing trailing comma
    lc_list_clean = lc_list[:-1]

    print "Got path list of light curves."

    # Stitching together light curves quarters
    kepstitch(lc_list_clean, filenameStitch, True, False, LOG_FILENAME, 0)

    print "Finished Stiching the data for {}".format(kepoi_name)

    # Detrending Light Curve
    kepflatten(filenameStitch, filenameDetrend, "PDCSAP_FLUX",
               "PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR", 3.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3, 10, "0,0", False, True,
               False, LOG_FILENAME, 0, True)

    print "Finished Detrending the data for {}".format(kepoi_name)

    # Opening Detrended FITs File
    hdu = pyfits.open(filenameDetrend)

    # Getting Detrended Data
    hdu_data = hdu[1].data

    # Getting all features form the Fit Files
    sap_flux = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["SAP_FLUX"]))
    sap_bkg = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["SAP_BKG"]))
    pd_sap_flux = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["PDCSAP_FLUX"]))
    det_sap_flux = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["DETSAP_FLUX"]))
    mom_centr1 = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["MOM_CENTR1"]))
    mom_centr2 = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["MOM_CENTR2"]))
    pos_corr1 = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["POS_CORR1"]))
    pos_corr2 = pd.Series(np.array(hdu_data["POS_CORR2"]))

    # Try to apply DTW with the baseline. If fails return NaN
        dtw_sap_flux = LB_Keogh(sap_flux, baseline_sap_flux, 10)
        dtw_sap_bkg = LB_Keogh(sap_bkg, baseline_sap_bkg, 10)
        dtw_pd_sap_flux = LB_Keogh(pd_sap_flux, baseline_pd_sap_flux, 10)
        dtw_det_sap_flux = LB_Keogh(det_sap_flux, baseline_det_sap_flux, 10)
        dtw_sap_flux, dtw_sap_bkg, dtw_pd_sap_flux, dtw_det_sap_flux = 'nan', 'nan', 'nan', 'nan'

    print "dtw_sap_flux: {}, dtw_sap_bkg: {}, dtw_pd_sap_flux: {}, dtw_det_sap_flux: {}".format(
        dtw_sap_flux, dtw_sap_bkg, dtw_pd_sap_flux, dtw_det_sap_flux)

    # Describe the Features Extracted (STD, MEAN, MIN, MAX)
    desc_sap_flux, desc_sap_bkg = sap_flux.describe(), sap_bkg.describe()
    desc_pd_sap_flux, desc_det_sap_flux = pd_sap_flux.describe(
    ), det_sap_flux.describe()
    desc_mom_centr1, desc_mom_centr2 = mom_centr1.describe(
    ), mom_centr2.describe()
    desc_pos_corr1, desc_pos_corr2 = pos_corr1.describe(), pos_corr2.describe()

    print "Features Described Correctly."

    # Apply the Features to the dataframe
    df.loc[index] = [
        kepoi_name, koi_disposition, dtw_sap_flux, desc_sap_flux['mean'],
        desc_sap_flux['std'], desc_sap_flux['min'], desc_sap_flux['max'],
        dtw_sap_bkg, desc_sap_bkg['mean'], desc_sap_bkg['std'],
        desc_sap_bkg['min'], desc_sap_bkg['max'], dtw_pd_sap_flux,
        desc_pd_sap_flux['mean'], desc_pd_sap_flux['std'],
        desc_pd_sap_flux['min'], desc_pd_sap_flux['max'], dtw_det_sap_flux,
        desc_det_sap_flux['mean'], desc_det_sap_flux['std'],
        desc_det_sap_flux['min'], desc_det_sap_flux['max'],
        desc_mom_centr1['mean'], desc_mom_centr1['std'],
        desc_mom_centr1['min'], desc_mom_centr1['max'],
        desc_mom_centr2['mean'], desc_mom_centr2['std'],
        desc_mom_centr2['min'], desc_mom_centr2['max'], desc_pos_corr1['mean'],
        desc_pos_corr1['std'], desc_pos_corr1['min'], desc_pos_corr1['max'],
        desc_pos_corr2['mean'], desc_pos_corr2['std'], desc_pos_corr2['min'],

    print "Dataframe Row Added Correctly."
Example #7
def load_kepler_lc(target,
    Import a Kepler light curve.


    koi        koi number
    planet     planet name (if koi not given)
    cadence    cadence to load
    use_pdc    load pdcsap flux instead of sap

    bl_factor  baseline duration to include in transit durations
    tr_factor  in-transit duration to exclude for oot level estimation
    bl_min      minimum baseline duration
    client = kplr.API()

    if isinstance(target, kplr.api.KOI):
        koi = target
    elif isinstance(target, str) and 'kepler-' in target.lower():
        koi = client.planet(planet).koi
        koi = client.koi(koi)

    bl_min = kwargs.get('bl_min', 0.5)
    bl_factor = kwargs.get('bl_factor', 3.0)
    td_factor = kwargs.get('td_factor', 1.2)

    files = koi.get_light_curves(
        short_cadence=False if cadence == 'l' else True)
    cadence_string = 'llc' if cadence == 'l' else 'slc'

    t, f, q = [], [], []
    for ff in files:
        if cadence_string in ff.filename:
            with ff.open() as hdul:
                fl = hdul[1]
                    'time'))  # + fl.header['bjdrefi'] + fl.header['bjdreff'])
                q.append(hdul[0].header['quarter'] *
                         np.ones(t[-1].size, dtype=np.int))
    t, f, q = map(np.concatenate, (t, f, q))

    tcenter = koi.koi_time0bk
    period = koi.koi_period
    trdur = koi.koi_duration / 24.

    return KeplerLC(t, f, tcenter + phase_offset * period, period,
                    max(td_factor * trdur, 0.18), max(bl_factor * trdur, 0.5),
                    q, **kwargs)
Example #8
import pandas as pd
import kplr
import kepio
import time
import urllib
cata_path = '../catalog/keplerstellar1'
catalog = pd.read_csv(cata_path)
allid = kepio.get_id(catalog)
i = 0
s = time.time()
while i < len(allid):
        client = kplr.API('/media/yinanzhao/Backup_7/kepdata')
        lcs = client.light_curves(allid[i], fetch=True)
        i = i + 1
    except (TimeoutError, urllib.error.URLError) as e:
        print(e, allid[i])
        if str(e) == 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found':
            i = i + 1

e = time.time()
print(e - s)
Example #9
there will then be N data points of flux for that time in the orbit. The average of
these can be taken as the best estimate of the true flux value at that point in time,
from which a model of the true flux vs time can be descirbed and plotted as an overlaid
red line. 
    The base intensity of the host star is taken as the best estimate of flux values
that are not associated with the transit event. Because we will be mainly looking
at KOI with periods greater than 300 days(**needs justification - larger objects 
farther away??), we can determine the average base intensity of the star by taking
the average of flux that lies between 
    For each time bin, the best estimate (model value) of flux can be subtracted 
from the base intensity, from which the maxmium value outside'''

# Establish the search criteria for kepler objects of interest.
# here, we search for koi that have period greater than 500 days, producing
# a list 'kois' from which we can work with.
kois = kplr.API().kois(where="koi_period<800", sort=("koi_period", 1))
print "Found {} KOI list with specified criteria.".format(len(kois))

# here, we further filter the results to those who are not false positives,
# leaving only the candidates and the confirmed planets.

good_kois = []
for i in kois:
    if i.koi_disposition != 'CONFIRMED':
        good_kois = np.append(good_kois, i)
        print i.kepoi_name, i.koi_disposition, "Period:", i.koi_period
count = len(good_kois)
print count, " Confirmed Planets."
Example #10
def update_kepler(wtoken, rtoken, endpoint, limit):
    client = kplr.API()

    click.echo('Fetching all KOI where koi_period>{}'.format(limit))
    # Getting all Kepler object of Interests, not K2
    kois = client.kois(where="koi_period>{}".format(limit), sort="kepid")

    click.echo('Found {} KOIS'.format(len(kois)))

    koisdict = {}

    for koi in kois:
        disposition = koi.koi_disposition
        score = koi.koi_score
        kepid = koi.kepid
        kepoi_name = koi.kepoi_name
        kepler_name = koi.kepler_name

        if score is None:
            score = -1

        if kepler_name is None:
            kepler_name = ''

        # Example:
        # kepoi_name:K00992.01, kepler_name:Kepler-745 b, disposition:CONFIRMED, score:0
        click.echo('fetched info for {}: kepoi_name:{}, kepler_name:{}, disposition:{}, score:{}'
                   .format(kepid, kepoi_name, kepler_name, disposition, score))

        lcs = koi.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)

        files = []

        for lcsfile in lcs:
            _, filename = os.path.split(lcsfile.filename)
            filename = filename.split("-")[0]
            filename = filename[4:]

        files = set(files)

        if  kepid in koisdict:
            koisdict[kepid]['attributes']['{}'.format(kepoi_name)] = disposition
            if disposition == 'CONFIRMED':
                koisdict[kepid]['attributes']['status'] = "CONFIRMED"
            koisdict[kepid] = {
                'filenames': files,
                'kepid': kepid,
                'attributes': {
                    '{}'.format(kepoi_name):  disposition,
            if disposition == 'CONFIRMED':
                koisdict[kepid]['attributes']['status'] = "CONFIRMED"

    click.echo("attributes fetched, updating GTS with the new attributes")
    files = set(files)

    for _, value in koisdict.items():
        mc2 = Template(META_UPDATE_MC2_TEMPLATE)
        mc2 = mc2.substitute(rt=rtoken, wt=wtoken,
                             labels="~(" + ")|(".join(value['filenames']) + ")",
        r = requests.post(endpoint + '/api/v0/exec', data = mc2)
        if r.status_code is not 200:
            click.echo("Warp respond 200")
Example #11
def inject(kicid, rng=6):
    # Download the data.
    client = kplr.API()
    kic = client.star(kicid)
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)
    lc = lcs[np.random.randint(len(lcs))]

    # Read the data.
    data = lc.read()
    t = data["TIME"]
    f = data["SAP_FLUX"]
    fe = data["SAP_FLUX_ERR"]
    q = data["SAP_QUALITY"]

    # Remove missing points.
    m = np.isfinite(t) * np.isfinite(f) * np.isfinite(fe) * (q == 0)
    t, f, fe = t[m], f[m], fe[m]
    t -= t.min()

    # Build the transit system.
    s = transit.System(
        transit.Central(q1=np.random.rand(), q2=np.random.rand()))
    body = transit.Body(period=365.25,

    # Compute the transit model.
    texp = kplr.EXPOSURE_TIMES[1] / 86400.0  # Long cadence exposure time.
    model = s.light_curve(t, texp=texp)
    f *= model

    # Trim the dataset to include data only near the transit.
    m = np.abs(t - body.t0) < rng
    t, f, fe = t[m], f[m], fe[m]
    t -= body.t0

    # Save the injection as a FITS light curve.
    dt = [("TIME", float), ("SAP_FLUX", float), ("SAP_FLUX_ERR", float)]
    data = np.array(zip(t, f, fe), dtype=dt)
    hdr = dict(b=body.b,

    # Plot the light curve.
    ppm = (f / np.median(f) - 1) * 1e6
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(t, ppm, ".k")
    ax.set_xlim(-rng, rng)
    ax.set_xlabel("time since transit [days]")
    ax.set_ylabel("relative flux [ppm]")
    ax.set_title("raw light curve")
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.9, right=0.9)
Example #12
def update(wtoken, rtoken, endpoint, limit):

    client = kplr.API()

    click.echo('Fetching all KOI where koi_period>{}'.format(limit))
    # Getting all Kepler object of Interests, not K2
    kois = client.kois(where="koi_period>{}".format(limit), sort="kepid")

    click.echo('Found {} KOIS'.format(len(kois)))

    koisdict = {}

    for koi in kois:
        disposition = koi.koi_disposition
        score = koi.koi_score
        kepid = koi.kepid
        kepoi_name = koi.kepoi_name
        kepler_name = koi.kepler_name

        if score is None:
            score = -1

        if kepler_name is None:
            kepler_name = ''

        # Example:
        # kepoi_name:K00992.01, kepler_name:Kepler-745 b, disposition:CONFIRMED, score:0
            'fetched info for {}: kepoi_name:{}, kepler_name:{}, disposition:{}, score:{}'
            .format(kepid, kepoi_name, kepler_name, disposition, score))

        lcs = koi.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)

        files = []

        for lcsfile in lcs:
            _, filename = os.path.split(lcsfile.filename)

            if "":
                click.echo("ktwo found! {}".format(filename))

        if kepid in koisdict:
            koisdict[kepid]['attributes']['{}'.format(kepoi_name)] = {
                'kepler_name': kepler_name,
                'disposition': disposition,
                'score': score,
            koisdict[kepid]['attributes']['size'] += 1
            koisdict[kepid] = {
                'filenames': files,
                'kepid': kepid,
                'attributes': {
                    '{}'.format(kepoi_name): {
                        'kepler_name': kepler_name,
                        'disposition': disposition,
                        'score': score,
                    'size': 1,

    click.echo("attributes fetched, updating GTS with the new attributes")

    for _, value in koisdict.items():
        mc2 = Template(META_UPDATE_MC2_TEMPLATE)
        mc2 = mc2.substitute(rt=rtoken,
                             filenames="~(" + ")|(".join(value['filenames']) +