Example #1
def compare(steps, number_ktrans, number_rays, fineness, inner_of_box):

    radius = 3
    cuboid_coordinates = {
        'x1': -1,
        'x2': 1,
        'y1': -1,
        'y2': 1,
        'z1': -1,
        'z2': 1

    x_cor, y_cor, z_cor = coordinate_discretization(cuboid_coordinates, steps)

    discrete_model = discretization_of_model(x_cor, y_cor, z_cor, inner_of_box,
    one_d_model = threed_to_oned(discrete_model, cuboid_coordinates, steps)

    source_point_d = create_source_point_d(radius,
    rays_d = generate_rays_d(source_point_d, cuboid_coordinates, number_rays)
    liam_all = generate_all_line_integral_array_matrix(rays_d,
                                                       steps, fineness)
    cont_results = create_con_results(rays_d, inner_of_box, fineness)
    dis_results = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, one_d_model)

    return cont_results, dis_results
def v_step_function(values_1d, *args):
    """the function we are optimizing"""

    liam_all, cont_results, steps, cuboid_coordinates, rho, u = args
    value_results = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values_1d)

    value_difference_norm = np.linalg.norm(value_results - cont_results)**2
    uv_dif = np.linalg.norm(u - values_1d)

    return value_difference_norm + (rho / 2) * uv_dif
def eq_system_for_opt(values, *args):
    """the function we are optimizing"""

    liam_all, cont_results, steps, cuboid_coordinates, alpha = args

    value_results = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values)
    value_difference = value_results - cont_results
    value_difference_norm = (np.sum(value_difference**2) /

    return value_difference_norm
Example #4
def y_function(values_1d, *args):
    """the function we are optimizing - y = values_1d"""

    liam_all, cont_results, gamma, x, z = args

    value_results = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values_1d)
    value_difference_norm = np.linalg.norm(value_results - cont_results)**2

    difference = np.linalg.norm(2 * x - z - values_1d)**2

    y = 0.5 * difference + 0.5 * gamma * value_difference_norm

    return y
Example #5
def test_k_transform_oned_vs_threed():
    """ test if the three dimensional K-transform leads to the same result as the one dimensional
    K transform for symmetric inner_of_box functions """
    def inner_of_box(x, y, z):
        Different shells around the origin.

        rad_pos = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**0.5
        if rad_pos <= 0.2:
            return 1
        if rad_pos <= 0.5:
            return 0.8
        if rad_pos <= 0.8:
            return 0.5
        return 0

    steps = 20
    cuboid_coordinates = {
        'x1': -1,
        'x2': 1,
        'y1': -1,
        'y2': 1,
        'z1': -1,
        'z2': 1

    number_rays = {'dim_1': 5, 'dim_2': 5}
    number_ktrans = 10

    big_line_matrix_array, ktra_v, touched, values, x_cor, y_cor, z_cor, rays_d =\
        generate_everything(number_ktrans, cuboid_coordinates, number_rays, steps, inner_of_box)

    result_3d = k_transform(values, big_line_matrix_array)

    fineness = 10**3
    radius = 2

    source_point_d = create_source_point_d(radius, number_ktrans)
    rays_d = generate_rays_d(source_point_d, cuboid_coordinates, number_rays)
    liam_all = generate_all_line_integral_array_matrix(rays_d,
                                                       steps, fineness)
    x_cor, y_cor, z_cor = coordinate_discretization(cuboid_coordinates, steps)
    values = discretization_of_model(x_cor, y_cor, z_cor, inner_of_box, steps)
    values_1d = threed_to_oned(values, cuboid_coordinates, steps)

    result_1d = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values_1d)

    assert (result_3d == result_1d).all()
def callback_fun(values, *args):
    """this callback function is used to display the value of the function we
    are optimizing"""

    global iteration

    liam_all, cont_results, steps, cuboid_coordinates, alpha = args

    iteration += 1

    a = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values) - cont_results

        str(iteration) + " : Value of the function: " + str(np.sum(a**2)**0.5))
Example #7
def test_create_con_results():
    """ testing of the cont results of the k_transform are the same as the one for the
    1d k_transform, if the object is discrete """
    def inner_of_box(x, y, z):

        if (0.5 > x > -0.5) and (0.5 > y > -0.5) and (0.5 > z > -0.5):
            return 1

        return 0

    number_rays = {'dim_1': 1, 'dim_2': 1}
    cuboid_coordinates = {
        'x1': -1,
        'x2': 1,
        'y1': -1,
        'y2': 1,
        'z1': -1,
        'z2': 1
    steps = 4
    radius = 2
    fineness = 10**4
    number_ktrans = 5

    source_point_d = create_source_point_d(radius, number_ktrans)
    rays_d = generate_rays_d(source_point_d, cuboid_coordinates, number_rays)
    cont_results = create_con_results(rays_d, inner_of_box, fineness)

    liam_all = generate_all_line_integral_array_matrix(rays_d,
                                                       steps, fineness)
    x_cor, y_cor, z_cor = coordinate_discretization(cuboid_coordinates, steps)
    values = discretization_of_model(x_cor, y_cor, z_cor, inner_of_box, steps)
    values_1d = threed_to_oned(values, cuboid_coordinates, steps)
    result_1d = k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, values_1d)


    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cont_results, result_1d, decimal=2)
Example #8
            'disp': False,
            'maxcor': 10,
            'ftol': 10**-20,
            'gtol': 10**-20,
            'eps': 10**-8,  # if to high stops fast
            'maxiter': 10**7,
            'maxls': 100,
            'maxfun': 10**7

    if i > 0:
        change_in_solution(old_solution, v.x)
            np.linalg.norm(cont_results_noise -
                           k_trafo_one_dim_all(liam_all, v.x)))
        #np.linalg.norm(cont_results_noise - dis_results),

    old_solution = v.x  # + np.average(v.x) * 0.05 * (np.random.random(len(v.x)) - 0.5)

    v1d = threed_to_oned(values, cuboid_coordinates, steps)
    plt.plot(v1d, "-o")
    plt.plot(v.x, "-o")
    plt.savefig(str(i) + ".png")
#while dist > 3 * 10**-13:
while dist > 0.0118:

    u = threed_to_oned(values, cuboid_coordinates, steps) * 0
    v = scipy.optimize.minimize(