def test_pod_scheduled(init_openshift_deployer, pod_not_deployed): od = init_openshift_deployer flexmock(od).should_receive("get_pod").and_raise( ApiException(status=404, )).and_return( V1Pod(status=V1PodStatus(phase="Running"))).and_return( V1Pod(status=V1PodStatus(phase="Succeeded"))) flexmock(od.api).should_receive("create_namespaced_pod").and_raise( ApiException(status="403")).and_return(1) od.deploy_pod(["false"])
def _mock_v1_pod(jobId, userName, vcName, nodeName): pod = V1Pod() pod.metadata = V1ObjectMeta() pod.metadata.labels = { "jobId": jobId, "type": "job", "userName": userName, "vcName": vcName } pod.spec = V1PodSpec(containers=[]) pod.spec.node_name = nodeName return pod
def test_list_resources(self, mock_pod_list, mock_pod_delete): plugin = K8sPodProtectablePlugin(self._context, cfg.CONF) pod = V1Pod(api_version="v1", kind="Pod", metadata=V1ObjectMeta( name="busybox-test", namespace="default", uid="dd8236e1-8c6c-11e7-9b7a-fa163e18e097"), status=V1PodStatus(phase="Running")) pod_list = V1PodList(items=[pod]) mock_pod_list.return_value = pod_list self.assertEqual([ Resource('OS::Kubernetes::Pod', uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, "default:busybox-test"), 'default:busybox-test') ], plugin.list_resources(self._context))
def test_show_resource(self, mock_pod_get): plugin = K8sPodProtectablePlugin(self._context, cfg.CONF) pod = V1Pod(api_version="v1", kind="Pod", metadata=V1ObjectMeta( name="busybox-test", namespace="default", uid="dd8236e1-8c6c-11e7-9b7a-fa163e18e097"), status=V1PodStatus(phase="Running")) mock_pod_get.return_value = pod self.assertEqual( Resource('OS::Kubernetes::Pod', uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, "default:busybox-test"), 'default:busybox-test'), plugin.show_resource( self._context, uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, "default:busybox-test"), {'name': 'default:busybox-test'}))
def test_create_backup(self, mock_k8s_create): resource = Resource(id="c88b92a8-e8b4-504c-bad4-343d92061871", type=constants.POD_RESOURCE_TYPE, name='default:busybox-test') fake_bank_section.update_object = mock.MagicMock() protect_operation = self.plugin.get_protect_operation(resource) mock_k8s_create.return_value = self.k8s_client self.k8s_client.read_namespaced_pod = mock.MagicMock() self.k8s_client.read_namespaced_pod.return_value = V1Pod( api_version="v1", kind="Pod", metadata=V1ObjectMeta(name="busybox-test", namespace="default", uid="dd8236e1-8c6c-11e7-9b7a-fa163e18e097"), spec=V1PodSpec(volumes=[], containers=[]), status=V1PodStatus(phase="Running")) fake_bank_section.update_object = mock.MagicMock() call_hooks(protect_operation, self.checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {})
def mock_k8s_pod(config): if not isinstance(config, MockK8sPodConfig): raise TypeError("Wrong config type") pod = V1Pod() pod.metadata = V1ObjectMeta(, labels=config.labels, namespace=config.namespace) containers = [] for i, requests in enumerate(config.container_requests): r = V1ResourceRequirements(requests=requests) c = V1Container( + str(i), resources=r) containers.append(c) pod.spec = V1PodSpec(node_name=config.node_name, containers=containers, node_selector=config.node_selector) pod.status = V1PodStatus(phase=config.phase) return pod
def test_get_pod_dependent_resources(self, mock_pod_read, mock_pvc_read, mock_pv_read, mock_volume_list): plugin = VolumeProtectablePlugin(self._context) pod = V1Pod(api_version="v1", kind="Pod", metadata=V1ObjectMeta( name="busybox-test", namespace="default", uid="dd8236e1-8c6c-11e7-9b7a-fa163e18e097"), spec=V1PodSpec(volumes=[ V1Volume(persistent_volume_claim=( V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource( claim_name="cinder-claim1'"))) ]), status=V1PodStatus(phase="Running")) pvc = V1PersistentVolumeClaim( api_version="v1", kind="PersistentVolumeClaim", metadata=V1ObjectMeta(name="cinder-claim1", namespace="default", uid="fec036b7-9123-11e7-a930-fa163e18e097"), spec=V1PersistentVolumeClaimSpec( access_modes=["ReadWriteOnce"], volume_name="pvc-fec036b7-9123-11e7-a930-fa163e18e097"), status=V1PersistentVolumeClaimStatus(phase="Bound")) pv = V1PersistentVolume( api_version="v1", kind="PersistentVolume", metadata=V1ObjectMeta( name="pvc-fec036b7-9123-11e7-a930-fa163e18e097", namespace="None", uid="ff43c217-9123-11e7-a930-fa163e18e097"), spec=V1PersistentVolumeSpec(cinder=V1CinderVolumeSource( fs_type=None, read_only=None, volume_id="7daedb1d-fc99-4a35-ab1b-b64971271d17")), status=V1PersistentVolumeClaimStatus(phase="Bound")) volumes = [ mock.Mock(name='Volume', id='7daedb1d-fc99-4a35-ab1b-b64971271d17', availability_zone='az1'), mock.Mock(name='Volume', id='7daedb1d-fc99-4a35-ab1b-b64922441d17', availability_zone='az1'), ] setattr(volumes[0], 'name', 'name123') setattr(volumes[1], 'name', 'name456') mock_pod_read.return_value = pod mock_pvc_read.return_value = pvc mock_pv_read.return_value = pv mock_volume_list.return_value = volumes self.assertEqual([ Resource('OS::Cinder::Volume', '7daedb1d-fc99-4a35-ab1b-b64971271d17', 'name123', {'availability_zone': 'az1'}) ], plugin.get_dependent_resources( self._context, Resource( id="c88b92a8-e8b4-504c-bad4-343d92061871", name="default:busybox-test", type="OS::Kubernetes::Pod")))
def make_pod( name, image_spec, image_pull_policy, image_pull_secret, port, cmd, node_selector, run_as_uid, fs_gid, env, working_dir, volumes, volume_mounts, labels, cpu_limit, cpu_guarantee, mem_limit, mem_guarantee, nvidia_gpu_limit, lifecycle_hooks, init_containers, ): """ Make a k8s pod specification for running a user notebook. Parameters: - name: Name of pod. Must be unique within the namespace the object is going to be created in. Must be a valid DNS label. - image_spec: Image specification - usually a image name and tag in the form of image_name:tag. Same thing you would use with docker commandline arguments - image_pull_policy: Image pull policy - one of 'Always', 'IfNotPresent' or 'Never'. Decides when kubernetes will check for a newer version of image and pull it when running a pod. - image_pull_secret: Image pull secret - Default is None -- set to your secret name to pull from private docker registry. - port: Port the notebook server is going to be listening on - cmd: The command used to execute the singleuser server. - node_selector: Dictionary Selector to match nodes where to launch the Pods - run_as_uid: The UID used to run single-user pods. The default is to run as the user specified in the Dockerfile, if this is set to None. - fs_gid The gid that will own any fresh volumes mounted into this pod, if using volume types that support this (such as GCE). This should be a group that the uid the process is running as should be a member of, so that it can read / write to the volumes mounted. - env: Dictionary of environment variables. - volumes: List of dictionaries containing the volumes of various types this pod will be using. See k8s documentation about volumes on how to specify these - volume_mounts: List of dictionaries mapping paths in the container and the volume( specified in volumes) that should be mounted on them. See the k8s documentaiton for more details - working_dir: String specifying the working directory for the notebook container - labels: Labels to add to the spawned pod. - cpu_limit: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is allowed to use. - cpu_guarentee: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to, by the scheduler. - mem_limit: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is allowed to use. String instead of float/int since common suffixes are allowed - mem_guarantee: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to. String ins loat/int since common suffixes are allowed - nvidia_gpu_limit: Number of Nvidia GPUs to be allocated to user's pod. - lifecycle_hooks: Dictionary of lifecycle hooks - init_containers: List of initialization containers belonging to the pod. """ pod = V1Pod() pod.kind = "Pod" pod.api_version = "v1" pod.metadata = V1ObjectMeta() = name pod.metadata.labels = labels.copy() pod.spec = V1PodSpec() security_context = V1PodSecurityContext() if fs_gid is not None: security_context.fs_group = int(fs_gid) if run_as_uid is not None: security_context.run_as_user = int(run_as_uid) pod.spec.security_context = security_context if image_pull_secret is not None: pod.spec.image_pull_secrets = [] image_secret = V1LocalObjectReference() = image_pull_secret pod.spec.image_pull_secrets.append(image_secret) if node_selector: pod.spec.node_selector = node_selector pod.spec.containers = [] notebook_container = V1Container() = "notebook" notebook_container.image = image_spec notebook_container.working_dir = working_dir notebook_container.ports = [] port_ = V1ContainerPort() = "notebook-port" port_.container_port = port notebook_container.ports.append(port_) notebook_container.env = [V1EnvVar(k, v) for k, v in env.items()] notebook_container.args = cmd notebook_container.image_pull_policy = image_pull_policy notebook_container.lifecycle = lifecycle_hooks notebook_container.resources = V1ResourceRequirements() notebook_container.resources.requests = {} if cpu_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['cpu'] = float(cpu_guarantee) if mem_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['memory'] = mem_guarantee notebook_container.resources.limits = {} if cpu_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['cpu'] = float(cpu_limit) if mem_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['memory'] = mem_limit if nvidia_gpu_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits[ ''] = nvidia_gpu_limit notebook_container.volume_mounts = volume_mounts pod.spec.containers.append(notebook_container) pod.spec.init_containers = init_containers pod.spec.volumes = volumes return pod
def make_pod(name, cmd, port, image_spec, image_pull_policy, image_pull_secret=None, node_selector=None, run_as_uid=None, fs_gid=None, run_privileged=False, env={}, working_dir=None, volumes=[], volume_mounts=[], labels={}, cpu_limit=None, cpu_guarantee=None, mem_limit=None, mem_guarantee=None, lifecycle_hooks=None, init_containers=None, service_account=None, extra_container_config=None, extra_pod_config=None, extra_containers=None): """ Make a k8s pod specification for running a user notebook. Parameters: - name: Name of pod. Must be unique within the namespace the object is going to be created in. Must be a valid DNS label. - image_spec: Image specification - usually a image name and tag in the form of image_name:tag. Same thing you would use with docker commandline arguments - image_pull_policy: Image pull policy - one of 'Always', 'IfNotPresent' or 'Never'. Decides when kubernetes will check for a newer version of image and pull it when running a pod. - image_pull_secret: Image pull secret - Default is None -- set to your secret name to pull from private docker registry. - port: Port the notebook server is going to be listening on - cmd: The command used to execute the singleuser server. - node_selector: Dictionary Selector to match nodes where to launch the Pods - run_as_uid: The UID used to run single-user pods. The default is to run as the user specified in the Dockerfile, if this is set to None. - fs_gid The gid that will own any fresh volumes mounted into this pod, if using volume types that support this (such as GCE). This should be a group that the uid the process is running as should be a member of, so that it can read / write to the volumes mounted. - run_privileged: Whether the container should be run in privileged mode. - env: Dictionary of environment variables. - volumes: List of dictionaries containing the volumes of various types this pod will be using. See k8s documentation about volumes on how to specify these - volume_mounts: List of dictionaries mapping paths in the container and the volume( specified in volumes) that should be mounted on them. See the k8s documentaiton for more details - working_dir: String specifying the working directory for the notebook container - labels: Labels to add to the spawned pod. - cpu_limit: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is allowed to use. - cpu_guarentee: Float specifying the max number of CPU cores the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to, by the scheduler. - mem_limit: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is allowed to use. String instead of float/int since common suffixes are allowed - mem_guarantee: String specifying the max amount of RAM the user's pod is guaranteed to have access to. String ins loat/int since common suffixes are allowed - lifecycle_hooks: Dictionary of lifecycle hooks - init_containers: List of initialization containers belonging to the pod. - service_account: Service account to mount on the pod. None disables mounting - extra_container_config: Extra configuration (e.g. envFrom) for notebook container which is not covered by parameters above. - extra_pod_config: Extra configuration (e.g. tolerations) for pod which is not covered by parameters above. - extra_containers: Extra containers besides notebook container. Used for some housekeeping jobs (e.g. crontab). """ pod = V1Pod() pod.kind = "Pod" pod.api_version = "v1" pod.metadata = V1ObjectMeta() = name pod.metadata.labels = labels.copy() pod.spec = V1PodSpec() security_context = V1PodSecurityContext() if fs_gid is not None: security_context.fs_group = int(fs_gid) if run_as_uid is not None: security_context.run_as_user = int(run_as_uid) pod.spec.security_context = security_context if image_pull_secret is not None: pod.spec.image_pull_secrets = [] image_secret = V1LocalObjectReference() = image_pull_secret pod.spec.image_pull_secrets.append(image_secret) if node_selector: pod.spec.node_selector = node_selector pod.spec.containers = [] notebook_container = V1Container() = "notebook" notebook_container.image = image_spec notebook_container.working_dir = working_dir notebook_container.ports = [] port_ = V1ContainerPort() = "notebook-port" port_.container_port = port notebook_container.ports.append(port_) notebook_container.env = [V1EnvVar(k, v) for k, v in env.items()] notebook_container.args = cmd notebook_container.image_pull_policy = image_pull_policy notebook_container.lifecycle = lifecycle_hooks notebook_container.resources = V1ResourceRequirements() if service_account is None: # Add a hack to ensure that no service accounts are mounted in spawned pods # This makes sure that we don"t accidentally give access to the whole # kubernetes API to the users in the spawned pods. # Note: We don't simply use `automountServiceAccountToken` here since we wanna be compatible # with older kubernetes versions too for now. hack_volume = V1Volume() = "no-api-access-please" hack_volume.empty_dir = {} hack_volumes = [hack_volume] hack_volume_mount = V1VolumeMount() = "no-api-access-please" hack_volume_mount.mount_path = "/var/run/secrets/" hack_volume_mount.read_only = True hack_volume_mounts = [hack_volume_mount] else: hack_volumes = [] hack_volume_mounts = [] pod.service_account_name = service_account if run_privileged: container_security_context = V1SecurityContext() container_security_context.privileged = True notebook_container.security_context = container_security_context notebook_container.resources.requests = {} if cpu_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['cpu'] = cpu_guarantee if mem_guarantee: notebook_container.resources.requests['memory'] = mem_guarantee notebook_container.resources.limits = {} if cpu_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['cpu'] = cpu_limit if mem_limit: notebook_container.resources.limits['memory'] = mem_limit notebook_container.volume_mounts = volume_mounts + hack_volume_mounts pod.spec.containers.append(notebook_container) if extra_container_config: for key, value in extra_container_config.items(): setattr(notebook_container, _map_attribute(notebook_container.attribute_map, key), value) if extra_pod_config: for key, value in extra_pod_config.items(): setattr(pod.spec, _map_attribute(pod.spec.attribute_map, key), value) if extra_containers: pod.spec.containers.extend(extra_containers) pod.spec.init_containers = init_containers pod.spec.volumes = volumes + hack_volumes return pod