Example #1
def rollout_status_stateful_set(api: client.AppsV1Api, name: str,
                                namespace: str,
                                replicas_to_update: int) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
    # tbh this is mostly ported from Go into Python from:
    # https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/polymorphichelpers/rollout_status.go#L119-L152
    ss = api.read_namespaced_stateful_set(name=name, namespace=namespace)
    if ss.metadata.generation > ss.status.observed_generation:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} spec update to be observed...",

    spec_replicas = ss.spec.replicas
    updated_replicas = ss.status.updated_replicas or 0
    ready_replicas = ss.status.ready_replicas or 0

    rollout_partition = None
    if ss.spec.update_strategy.rolling_update is not None:
        rollout_partition = ss.spec.update_strategy.rolling_update.partition

    if ready_replicas < spec_replicas:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} rollout to finish:  {spec_replicas - ready_replicas} not ready",

    if rollout_partition:
        if updated_replicas < replicas_to_update:
            return (
                f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} partitioned rollout to finish:  {updated_replicas} out of {replicas_to_update} replicas have been updated",
        return (
            f"StatefulSet {repr(name)} successfully completed partitioned rollout. {updated_replicas} replicas updated.",

    if ss.status.update_revision != ss.status.current_revision:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} rollout to finish:  {updated_replicas} out of {replicas_to_update} replicas have been updated",

    return f"StatefulSet {repr(name)} successfully rolled out", True
Example #2
def rollout_status_stateful_set(
    api: client.AppsV1Api,
    name: str,
    namespace: str,
) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
    # tbh this is mostly ported from Go into Python from:
    # https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/kubectl/rollout_status.go#L76-L92
    ss = api.read_namespaced_stateful_set(name=name, namespace=namespace)
    if ss.metadata.generation > ss.status.observed_generation:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} spec update to be observed...",

    # TimedOutReason is added in a deployment when its newest replica set
    # fails to show any progress within the given deadline (progressDeadlineSeconds).
    for condition in ss.status.conditions or []:
        if condition.type == "Progressing":
            if condition.reason == "ProgressDeadlineExceeded":
                return f"statefulset {repr(name)} exceeded its progress deadline", False

    spec_replicas = ss.spec.replicas
    status_replicas = ss.status.replicas or 0
    updated_replicas = ss.status.updated_replicas or 0
    ready_replicas = ss.status.ready_replicas or 0

    if updated_replicas < spec_replicas:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} rollout to finish: {updated_replicas} out of {spec_replicas} new replicas have been updated...",
    if status_replicas > updated_replicas:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} rollout to finish: {status_replicas-updated_replicas} old replicas are pending termination...",
    if ready_replicas < updated_replicas:
        return (
            f"Waiting for statefulset {repr(name)} rollout to finish: {ready_replicas} of {updated_replicas} updated replicas are available...",
    return f"StatefulSet {repr(name)} successfully rolled out", True