Example #1
    def update_a_resource_quota(
            self, namespace: str, name: str,
            spec: Union[Dict, V1ResourceQuotaSpec]) -> ResourceInstance:
        Method to change the resource quota for a project.

        Note when patching a ResourceQuota make sure to include everything
        that you don't want changed either.
        :param namespace: The namespace containing the targeted
                          resource quota
        :param name: The targeted resource quota
        :param spec: a V1ResourceQuotaSpec or a ResourceQuotaSpec dictionary
        :return: A ResourceInstace object
       Can't update/patch a quota with different scope values once a quota has been 
       created with scopes values. It always throws a 422 error from OpenShift.
       If you really want to patch a quota so that it does not have scopes define. 
       You're better off running the delete_a_resource_quota and
       create_a_resource_quota using the new scope values

        if isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = V1ResourceQuotaSpec(**spec)

        body = {"spec": spec.to_dict()}
        api_response = None
            api_response = self.ocp_resource_quota.patch(name=name,
        except ApiException as e:
            logger.error("Exception while updating ResourceQuota: %s\n", e)
        return api_response
Example #2
    def build(self) -> V1ResourceQuota:
        This returns the final product that a client can use to create ResourceQuota.
        :return: V1ResourceQuotaSpec object

        lri = self._model
        self._model = V1ResourceQuotaSpec()
        return lri
Example #3
def create_resource_quota_namespaced(cluster_mgmt,namespace,noOfgpu):
    quota = V1ResourceQuota()
    quota.api_version = "v1"
    quota.kind = "ResourceQuota"
    meta = V1ObjectMeta()
    meta.generate_name = "quota"
    quota.metadata = meta
    quota_spec = V1ResourceQuotaSpec()
    hard = {"requests.nvidia.com/gpu": str(int(noOfgpu))}
    quota_spec.hard = hard
    quota.spec = quota_spec
    api_response = v1_api.create_namespaced_resource_quota(namespace, quota)
    return api_response.metadata.name
Example #4
    def get_resource_quota_spec(self):
        '''We're going to return a resource quota spec that checks whether we
        have a custom resource map and uses that information.  If we do not
        then our default quota allows a maximum of MAX_DASK_WORKERS or
        25 (chosen arbitrarily) of the largest-size machines available to the

        Note that you could get a lot fancier, and check the user group
        memberships to determine what class a user belonged to, or some other
        more-sophisticated-than-one-size-fits-all quota mechanism.
        self.log.info("Entering get_resource_quota_spec()")
        from kubernetes.client import V1ResourceQuotaSpec
        self.log.info("Calculating default resource quotas.")
        sizes = self.sizelist
        max_dask_workers = os.environ.get('MAX_DASK_WORKERS') or 25
        max_machines = int(max_dask_workers) + 1  # (the 1 is the Lab)
        big_multiplier = 2**(len(sizes) - 1)
        tiny_cpu = os.environ.get('TINY_MAX_CPU') or 0.5
        if type(tiny_cpu) is str:
            tiny_cpu = float(tiny_cpu)
        mem_per_cpu = os.environ.get('MB_PER_CPU') or 2048
        if type(mem_per_cpu) is str:
            mem_per_cpu = int(mem_per_cpu)
        total_cpu = max_machines * big_multiplier * tiny_cpu
        total_mem = str(int(total_cpu * mem_per_cpu + 0.5)) + "Mi"
        total_cpu = str(int(total_cpu + 0.5))
        self.log.debug("Default quota sizes: CPU %r, mem %r" %
                       (total_cpu, total_mem))
        if self._custom_resources:
            self.log.debug("Have custom resources.")
            cpuq = self._custom_resources.get("cpu_quota")
            if cpuq:
                self.log.debug("Overriding CPU quota.")
                total_cpu = str(cpuq)
            memq = self._custom_resources.get("mem_quota")
            if memq:
                self.log.debug("Overriding memory quota.")
                total_mem = str(memq) + "Mi"
        self.log.info("Determined quota sizes: CPU %r, mem %r" %
                      (total_cpu, total_mem))
        qs = V1ResourceQuotaSpec(hard={
            "limits.cpu": total_cpu,
            "limits.memory": total_mem
        self.log.info("Resource quota spec: %r" % qs)
        self._quota = qs.hard
        return qs
    def define_resource_quota_spec(self):
        '''We're going to return a resource quota spec that checks whether we
        have a custom resource map and uses that information.  If we do not
        then we use the quota from our parent's config object.

        Note that you could get a lot fancier, and check the user group
        memberships to determine what class a user belonged to, or some other
        more-sophisticated-than-one-size-fits-all quota mechanism.
        with start_action(action_type="define_resource_quota_spec"):
            self.log.debug("Calculating default resource quotas.")
            om = self.parent.optionsform_mgr
            sizemap = om.sizemap
            # sizemap is an ordered dict, and we want the last-inserted one,
            #  which is the biggest
            big = list(sizemap.keys())[-1]
            cpu = sizemap[big]['cpu']
            cfg = self.parent.config
            max_dask_workers = 0
            if cfg.allow_dask_spawn:
                max_dask_workers = cfg.max_dask_workers
            mem_per_cpu = cfg.mb_per_cpu
            total_cpu = (1 + max_dask_workers) * cpu
            total_mem = str(int(total_cpu * mem_per_cpu + 0.5)) + "Mi"
            total_cpu = str(int(total_cpu + 0.5))
            self.log.debug("Default quota sizes: CPU %r, mem %r" %
                           (total_cpu, total_mem))
            if self.custom_resources:
                self.log.debug("Have custom resources.")
                cpuq = self.custom_resources.get("cpu_quota")
                if cpuq:
                    self.log.debug("Overriding CPU quota.")
                    total_cpu = str(cpuq)
                memq = self.custom_resources.get("mem_quota")
                if memq:
                    self.log.debug("Overriding memory quota.")
                    total_mem = str(memq) + "Mi"
            self.log.debug("Determined quota sizes: CPU %r, mem %r" %
                           (total_cpu, total_mem))
            qs = V1ResourceQuotaSpec(hard={
                "limits.cpu": total_cpu,
                "limits.memory": total_mem
            self.quota = qs.hard
Example #6
def make_resource_quota(
    hard = {"limits.cpu": limits_cpu,
            "limits.memory": str(limits_memory) + "Mi",
            "requests.cpu": requests_cpu,
            "requests.memory": str(requests_memory) + "Mi",
    spec = V1ResourceQuotaSpec(hard=hard)
    meta = V1ObjectMeta(namespace=namespace, name=name)
    quota = V1ResourceQuota(metadata=meta, spec=spec)

    return quota
Example #7
    def get_resource_quota_spec(self):
        '''We're going to return a resource quota spec that allows a max of
        25 (chosen arbitrarily) of the largest-size machines available to
        the user.

        Note that you could get a lot fancier, and check the user group
        memberships to determine what class a user belonged to, or some other
        more-sophisticated-than-one-size-fits-all quota mechanism.
        self.log.info("Entering get_resource_quota_spec()")
        from kubernetes.client import V1ResourceQuotaSpec
        sizes = self.sizelist
        max_machines = 25 + 1  # Arbitrary (the 25 is intended to represent
        # the number of dask machines, and the 1 is the lab )
        big_multiplier = 2**(len(sizes) - 1)
        self.log.info("Max machines %r, multiplier %r" %
                      (max_machines, big_multiplier))
        tiny_cpu = os.environ.get('TINY_MAX_CPU') or 0.5
        if type(tiny_cpu) is str:
            tiny_cpu = float(tiny_cpu)
        mem_per_cpu = os.environ.get('MB_PER_CPU') or 2048
        if type(mem_per_cpu) is str:
            mem_per_cpu = int(mem_per_cpu)
        self.log.info("Tiny CPU: %r, Mem per cpu: %r" %
                      (tiny_cpu, mem_per_cpu))
        total_cpu = max_machines * big_multiplier * tiny_cpu
        total_mem = str(int(total_cpu * mem_per_cpu + 0.5)) + "Mi"
        total_cpu = str(int(total_cpu + 0.5))

        self.log.info("Determined quota sizes: CPU %r, mem %r" %
                      (total_cpu, total_mem))
        qs = V1ResourceQuotaSpec(hard={
            "limits.cpu": total_cpu,
            "limits.memory": total_mem
        self.log.info("Resource quota spec: %r" % qs)
        self._quota = qs.hard
        return qs
Example #8
    def __init__(self):

        self._model = V1ResourceQuotaSpec()