Example #1
def state_request(d, sr):

    mode = d.mode
    workspace = d.workspace
    workspace_id = workspace.id
    user = d.user
    # Dictionary for storing results.
    res_dict = {}

    # Shortcut variables
    force_sync = sr.hasFlags(sr.STATE_FORCE_SYNC)
    last_perms_update_version = sr.getIntParam('last_perms_update_version', 0)
    last_evt_ws_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_ws_id', 0)
    last_evt_user_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_user_id', 0)
    last_evt_kfs_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_kfs_id', 0)
    last_evt_chat_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_chat_id', 0)
    last_evt_vnc_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_vnc_id', 0)
    last_evt_skurl_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_skurl_id', 0)
    kfs_share_id = 0
    chat_channel_id = sr.getIntParam('chat_channel_id', 0)

    #log.debug("state_request(): %s" % ( str(sr) ) )
    #log.debug("state_request(): fsync=%s user_evt_id=%i kfs_evt_id=%i chat_evt_id=%i vnc_evt_id=%i skurl_evt_id=%i" % \
    #    ( force_sync, last_evt_user_id, last_evt_kfs_id, last_evt_chat_id, last_evt_vnc_id, last_evt_skurl_id ) )

    # State variables
    moved = False
    iteration = 0

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Open the wake-up file and go to the end.
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wakeup_file_path = .........
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file = open(wakeup_file_path)
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file.seek(wakeup_size, os.SEEK_SET)

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#init_time = int(time.time())

    # Loop until we got what we needed.
    while 1:
        iteration += 1
        #log.debug("state_request(): iteration %i" % ( iteration ) )

        # Get the workspace from model.
        ws = Workspace.get_by(id=workspace_id)

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS):
            if (ws.evt_ws_id > last_evt_ws_id) or force_sync:
                # Send the workspace informations.
                moved = True

                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS] = {}
                data = ws_state_request(ws)
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_ws_id
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS]['data'] = data

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS):
            if (ws.evt_user_id > last_evt_user_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('users.list'):
                    # Send the members list.
                    moved = True

                    # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                    # All users are fetched and scanned to get the real
                    # last event ID, even in skurl mode.
                    # This avoids double updates with the same data, that would be possible
                    # if sending ws.evt_user_id instead (but note that this would not have been
                    # a big problem in the users context because of the low probability of the race
                    # and the low cost of sending the same update twice).
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS] = {}
                    t_last_evt_id, data = user_state_request(
                        workspace_id, user, mode, ws.evt_user_id)
                             STATE_WANT_MEMBERS]['last_evt'] = t_last_evt_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS]['data'] = data

                    log.debug("No users list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS):
            if (ws.evt_kfs_id > last_evt_kfs_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('kfs.list.share.%i' % (kfs_share_id)):
                    # Send the KFS status.
                    moved = True

                    if ws.public and not d.is_admin:
                        email_info = d.email_info
                        identities = d.identities
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS] = {}
                        data = pubws_kfs_state_request(ws, email_info,
                                 STATE_WANT_KFS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_kfs_id
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['data'] = data

                        kfs_dir_dict = sr.getParam('kfs_dir')
                        kfs_dir = kfs_lib.WebKFSDirectory().from_dict(

                        assert kfs_dir.workspace_id == workspace_id
                        assert kfs_dir.share_id == kfs_share_id

                        # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                        # Not all nodes are fetched, and no locks are are used to wrap the multiple workspace and kfsnode tables
                        # accesses... this means that:
                        #  - ws.evt_kfs_id is not that reliable
                        #  - there are no quick and easy alternatives
                        # So, we use it anyways. With the current design, no changes updates are sent to the client:
                        # all directory content is sent at every change, so problems are limited to
                        # unnecessary updates:
                        # - when there are changes in other share_ids
                        # - when there are changes in other directories
                        # - when changes occur between fetching workspace and fetching kfs nodes
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS] = {}
                        data = ws_kfs_state_request(kfs_dir)
                                 STATE_WANT_KFS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_kfs_id
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['data'] = data
                    log.debug("No KFS list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT):
            if (ws.evt_chat_id > last_evt_chat_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('chat.list.channel.%i' % (chat_channel_id)):
                    # Send chat messages.
                    moved = True

                    # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                    # Changes are sent to client, so all fetched messages are scanned to ensure
                    # the last event ID sent matches the messages sent.
                    # Issue: as not all messages from all channels are scanned,
                    # this could result in sending empty results all the time
                    # instead of not sending results (see the comparison with ws.evt_chat_id which can
                    # occur whenever there are messages in other chat channels which have bigger event IDs).
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT] = {}
                    t_last_evt_id, data = chat_state_request(
                        workspace_id, chat_channel_id, last_evt_chat_id)
                             STATE_WANT_CHAT]['last_evt'] = t_last_evt_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT]['data'] = data
                    log.debug("No chat list permission. Rules: %s." %

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC):
            if (ws.evt_vnc_id > last_evt_vnc_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('vnc.list'):
                    moved = True
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC] = {}
                    mode, vnc_list = vnc_state_request(workspace_id,
                             STATE_WANT_VNC]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_vnc_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC]["list"] = vnc_list
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC]["mode"] = mode
                    log.debug("No shared applications list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PERMS):
            #log.debug("Permissions rules: '%s'." % ( str(d.perms._rules) ) )
            if (d.perms.update_version >
                    last_perms_update_version) or force_sync:
                # Send permissions (last, in case some other module updates the permissions).
                moved = True
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PERMS] = perms_state_request(

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS):
            # Support for multiple uploads is quite easy by the js code sending multiple client_random_id's (in an array),
            # and setting the status of each file in res_dict
            client_random_id = sr.getIntParam('last_upload_random_id', 0)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS] = {}
            data = upload_status_state_request(client_random_id, workspace_id,
                                               kfs_share_id, user)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS]['data'] = data

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO):
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO] = {}
            data = pubws_info_state_request(workspace_id, d.email_id)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO]['data'] = data

        # We're done.
        if moved:
            log.debug("state_request(): update at iteration %i." % (iteration))

        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Wait for something to happen.
        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST##if wait_for_event(req, init_time, wake_up_file):
        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST##    break


    # cache updated workspace
    ###if moved:
    ###    sess.kws = kws

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Close the wake-up file.
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file.close()

    #log.debug("handle_state(): res_dict='%s'" % ( str(res_dict) ) )

    return res_dict
Example #2
def state_request(d, sr):

    mode = d.mode
    workspace = d.workspace
    workspace_id = workspace.id
    user = d.user
    # Dictionary for storing results.
    res_dict = {}

    # Shortcut variables
    force_sync = sr.hasFlags(sr.STATE_FORCE_SYNC)
    last_perms_update_version = sr.getIntParam('last_perms_update_version', 0)
    last_evt_ws_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_ws_id', 0)
    last_evt_user_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_user_id', 0)
    last_evt_kfs_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_kfs_id', 0)
    last_evt_chat_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_chat_id', 0)
    last_evt_vnc_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_vnc_id', 0)
    last_evt_skurl_id = sr.getIntParam('last_evt_skurl_id', 0)
    kfs_share_id = 0
    chat_channel_id = sr.getIntParam('chat_channel_id', 0)

    #log.debug("state_request(): %s" % ( str(sr) ) )
    #log.debug("state_request(): fsync=%s user_evt_id=%i kfs_evt_id=%i chat_evt_id=%i vnc_evt_id=%i skurl_evt_id=%i" % \
    #    ( force_sync, last_evt_user_id, last_evt_kfs_id, last_evt_chat_id, last_evt_vnc_id, last_evt_skurl_id ) )

    # State variables
    moved = False
    iteration = 0

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Open the wake-up file and go to the end.
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wakeup_file_path = .........
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file = open(wakeup_file_path)
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file.seek(wakeup_size, os.SEEK_SET)

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#init_time = int(time.time())

    # Loop until we got what we needed.
    while 1:
        iteration += 1
        #log.debug("state_request(): iteration %i" % ( iteration ) )

        # Get the workspace from model.
        ws = Workspace.get_by(id=workspace_id)

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS):
            if (ws.evt_ws_id > last_evt_ws_id) or force_sync:
                # Send the workspace informations.
                moved = True

                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS] = {}
                data = ws_state_request(ws)
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_ws_id
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_WS]['data'] = data

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS):
            if (ws.evt_user_id > last_evt_user_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('users.list'):
                    # Send the members list.
                    moved = True

                    # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                    # All users are fetched and scanned to get the real
                    # last event ID, even in skurl mode.
                    # This avoids double updates with the same data, that would be possible
                    # if sending ws.evt_user_id instead (but note that this would not have been 
                    # a big problem in the users context because of the low probability of the race
                    # and the low cost of sending the same update twice).
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS] = {}
                    t_last_evt_id, data = user_state_request(workspace_id, user, mode, ws.evt_user_id)
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS]['last_evt'] = t_last_evt_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_MEMBERS]['data'] = data

                    log.debug("No users list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS):
            if (ws.evt_kfs_id > last_evt_kfs_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('kfs.list.share.%i' % (kfs_share_id)):
                    # Send the KFS status.
                    moved = True

                    if ws.public and not d.is_admin:
                        email_info = d.email_info
                        identities = d.identities
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS] = {}
                        data = pubws_kfs_state_request(ws, email_info, identities)
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_kfs_id
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['data'] = data

                        kfs_dir_dict = sr.getParam('kfs_dir')
                        kfs_dir = kfs_lib.WebKFSDirectory().from_dict(kfs_dir_dict)

                        assert kfs_dir.workspace_id == workspace_id
                        assert kfs_dir.share_id == kfs_share_id

                        # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                        # Not all nodes are fetched, and no locks are are used to wrap the multiple workspace and kfsnode tables
                        # accesses... this means that:
                        #  - ws.evt_kfs_id is not that reliable
                        #  - there are no quick and easy alternatives
                        # So, we use it anyways. With the current design, no changes updates are sent to the client: 
                        # all directory content is sent at every change, so problems are limited to 
                        # unnecessary updates:
                        # - when there are changes in other share_ids
                        # - when there are changes in other directories
                        # - when changes occur between fetching workspace and fetching kfs nodes 
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS] = {}
                        data = ws_kfs_state_request(kfs_dir)
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_kfs_id
                        res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_KFS]['data'] = data
                    log.debug("No KFS list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT):
            if (ws.evt_chat_id > last_evt_chat_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('chat.list.channel.%i' % (chat_channel_id)):
                    # Send chat messages.
                    moved = True

                    # NOTE (followup for the synchronisation note):
                    # Changes are sent to client, so all fetched messages are scanned to ensure 
                    # the last event ID sent matches the messages sent.
                    # Issue: as not all messages from all channels are scanned,
                    # this could result in sending empty results all the time
                    # instead of not sending results (see the comparison with ws.evt_chat_id which can
                    # occur whenever there are messages in other chat channels which have bigger event IDs).
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT] = {}
                    t_last_evt_id, data =  chat_state_request(workspace_id, chat_channel_id, last_evt_chat_id)
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT]['last_evt'] = t_last_evt_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_CHAT]['data'] = data
                    log.debug("No chat list permission. Rules: %s." % ( str(d.perms._rules) ) )

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC):
            if (ws.evt_vnc_id > last_evt_vnc_id) or force_sync:
                if d.perms.hasPerm('vnc.list'):
                    moved = True
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC] = {}
                    mode, vnc_list =  vnc_state_request(workspace_id, last_evt_vnc_id)
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC]['last_evt'] = ws.evt_vnc_id
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC]["list"] = vnc_list
                    res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_VNC]["mode"] = mode
                    log.debug("No shared applications list permission.")

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PERMS):
            #log.debug("Permissions rules: '%s'." % ( str(d.perms._rules) ) )
            if (d.perms.update_version > last_perms_update_version) or force_sync:
                # Send permissions (last, in case some other module updates the permissions).
                moved = True
                res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PERMS] = perms_state_request(d.perms)

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS):
            # Support for multiple uploads is quite easy by the js code sending multiple client_random_id's (in an array),
            # and setting the status of each file in res_dict 
            client_random_id = sr.getIntParam('last_upload_random_id', 0)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS] = {}
            data = upload_status_state_request(client_random_id, workspace_id, kfs_share_id, user)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_UPLOAD_STATUS]['data'] = data

        if sr.hasFlags(StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO):
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO] = {}
            data = pubws_info_state_request(workspace_id, d.email_id)
            res_dict[StateRequest.STATE_WANT_PUBWS_INFO]['data'] = data

        # We're done.
        if moved:
            log.debug("state_request(): update at iteration %i." % (iteration) )

        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Wait for something to happen.
        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST##if wait_for_event(req, init_time, wake_up_file):
        #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST##    break


    # cache updated workspace
    ###if moved:
    ###    sess.kws = kws

    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST## Close the wake-up file.
    #OUTSTANDING HTTP REQUEST#wake_up_file.close()

    #log.debug("handle_state(): res_dict='%s'" % ( str(res_dict) ) )

    return res_dict
Example #3
    def __before__(self, action, controller, workspace_id=None, email_id=None):

        log.debug("Request to %s.%s, workspace_id=%s, email_id=%s, session_id=%s." % \
            ( controller, action, str(workspace_id), str(email_id), str(session.id) ) )

        # Detect changes in configuration.
        def config_has_changed():


        # Get cached master configuration.
        c.mc = get_cached_master_config()

        # Initialize models in local thread.

        # Initialize context variables.
        c.perms = KWMOPermissions()
        c.logout_url = None
        c.glob_messages = []

        # Prevent page caching.
        response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
        response.headers['Max-Age'] = '0'
        response.headers['Expires'] = 'Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'

        # Detect global message passed in session (flash).
        if 'uimessage' in session:
            del session['uimessage']

        # Detect global message passed in a GET variable.
        for var_name, callable in self.glob_msg_var_name_to_callable_map.items(
            code = request.GET.get(var_name, None)
            if code:

        if workspace_id:
            # Get workspace.
            ws = Workspace.get_by(id=workspace_id)
            if not ws:
                log.warn("Workspace %s does not exit." % (workspace_id))
                abort(404)  # Not reliable here!

            # Initialize some context variables.
            c.workspace = ws
            c.is_admin = False
            if 'admin' in session and session['admin'] == True:
                c.is_admin = True
            if 'user_id' in session and session['user_id']:
                # User is logged.
                c.logout_url = url('teambox_logout',
                if c.is_admin:
                    # User is admin.
                    c.logout_url = url('teambox_admin_logout',

            if 'initialized' in session:
                # Session is initialized.

                if not 'version' in session:
                    # Update session.
                    log.debug("Updating session.")
                    from kwmo.lib.updates import update_session_v1
                    update_session_v1(c, session)

                    # Save session.

                # Fill the permission object with the session permissions dictionary.

                # Initialize session.

            # Detect some workspace property changes.
            self._check_workspace_prop(controller, action)

            # Detect perm_check.
            if ws.last_perm_check_id > session['last_perm_check_id']:
                session['last_perm_check_id'] = ws.last_perm_check_id

            # Set welcome name to use in the header partial
            if (('user_id' in session) and ('user' in session)
                    and session['user']):
                if c.is_admin:
                    c.welcome_name = 'Administrator'
                elif session['user']['admin_name']:
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['admin_name']
                elif session['user']['real_name']:
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['real_name']
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['email']

            # Check session expiration if set.
            if 'expiration_time' in session and \
                    not (controller == 'admin_teambox' and action == 'login'):
                if time.time() > session['expiration_time']:
                    log.debug("Admin session expired.")
                    init_session(c.workspace, reinit=True)

            # Authenticate
            if action in self.requires_auth:
                if 'user_id' not in session:
                        url('invite_resend_show', workspace_id=workspace_id))
Example #4
    def __before__(self, action, controller, workspace_id = None, email_id = None):
        log.debug("Request to %s.%s, workspace_id=%s, email_id=%s, session_id=%s." % \
            ( controller, action, str(workspace_id), str(email_id), str(session.id) ) )

        # Detect changes in configuration.
        def config_has_changed():
        detect_cached_config_change(config_has_changed, config['master_file_path'])

        # Get cached master configuration.
        c.mc = get_cached_master_config()

        # Initialize models in local thread.

        # Initialize context variables.
        c.perms = KWMOPermissions()
        c.logout_url = None
        c.glob_messages = []

        # Prevent page caching.
        response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
        response.headers['Max-Age'] = '0'
        response.headers['Expires'] = 'Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'

        # Detect global message passed in session (flash).
        if 'uimessage' in session:
            del session['uimessage']

        # Detect global message passed in a GET variable.
        for var_name, callable in self.glob_msg_var_name_to_callable_map.items():
            code = request.GET.get(var_name, None)
            if code:

        if workspace_id:
            # Get workspace.
            ws = Workspace.get_by(id=workspace_id)
            if not ws:
                log.warn("Workspace %s does not exit." % ( workspace_id ) )
                abort(404) # Not reliable here!

            # Initialize some context variables.
            c.workspace = ws
            c.is_admin = False
            if 'admin' in session and session['admin'] == True: 
                c.is_admin = True
            if 'user_id' in session and session['user_id']:
                # User is logged.
                c.logout_url = url('teambox_logout', workspace_id=c.workspace.id)
                if c.is_admin:
                    # User is admin.
                    c.logout_url = url('teambox_admin_logout', workspace_id=c.workspace.id)

            if 'initialized' in session:
                # Session is initialized.

                if not 'version' in session:
                    # Update session.
                    log.debug("Updating session.")
                    from kwmo.lib.updates import update_session_v1
                    update_session_v1(c, session)

                    # Save session.

                # Fill the permission object with the session permissions dictionary.
                # Initialize session.

            # Detect some workspace property changes.
            self._check_workspace_prop(controller, action)

            # Detect perm_check.
            if ws.last_perm_check_id > session['last_perm_check_id']:
                session['last_perm_check_id'] = ws.last_perm_check_id

            # Set welcome name to use in the header partial
            if (('user_id' in session) and ('user' in session) and session['user']):
                if c.is_admin:
                    c.welcome_name = 'Administrator'
                elif session['user']['admin_name']:
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['admin_name']
                elif session['user']['real_name']:
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['real_name']
                    c.welcome_name = session['user']['email']

            # Check session expiration if set.
            if 'expiration_time' in session and \
                    not (controller == 'admin_teambox' and action == 'login'):
                if time.time() > session['expiration_time']:
                    log.debug("Admin session expired.")
                    init_session(c.workspace, reinit=True)
                    redirect_to(url('message_show', workspace_id=c.workspace.id, warning_code='admin_sess_expired'))
            # Authenticate
            if action in self.requires_auth:
                if 'user_id' not in session:
                    redirect_to(url('invite_resend_show', workspace_id = workspace_id))