Example #1
def test_morlet_1d():
    Tests for Morlet wavelets:
    - Make sure that it has exact zero mean
    - Make sure that it has a fast decay in time
    - Check that the maximal frequency is relatively close to xi,
        up to 1% accuracy
    size_signal = [2**13]
    Q_range = np.arange(1, 20, dtype=int)
    for N in size_signal:
        for Q in Q_range:
            xi_max = compute_xi_max(Q)
            xi_range = xi_max / np.power(2, np.arange(7))
            for xi in xi_range:
                sigma = compute_sigma_psi(xi, Q)
                # get the morlet for these parameters
                psi_f = morlet_1d(N, xi, sigma, normalize='l2')
                # make sure that it has zero mean
                assert np.isclose(psi_f[0], 0.)
                # make sure that it has a fast decay in time
                psi = np.fft.ifft(psi_f)
                psi_abs = np.abs(psi)
                assert np.min(psi_abs) / np.max(psi_abs) < 1e-4
                # Check that the maximal frequency is relatively close to xi,
                # up to 1 percent
                k_max = np.argmax(np.abs(psi_f))
                xi_emp = float(k_max) / float(N)
                assert np.abs(xi_emp - xi) / xi < 1e-2
Example #2
def test_get_max_dyadic_subsampling():
    Tests on the subsampling formula for wavelets, to check that the retained
    value does not create aliasing (the wavelet should have decreased by
    a relative value of 1e-2 at the border of the aliasing.)
    N = 2**12
    Q_range = np.arange(1, 20, dtype=int)
    J = 7
    for Q in Q_range:
        xi_max = compute_xi_max(Q)
        xi_range = xi_max * np.power(0.5, np.arange(J * Q) / float(Q))
        for xi in xi_range:
            sigma = compute_sigma_psi(xi, Q)
            j = get_max_dyadic_subsampling(xi, sigma)
            if j > 0:  # if there is subsampling
                # compute the corresponding Morlet
                psi_f = morlet_1d(N, xi, sigma)
                # find the integer k such that
                k = N // 2**(j + 1)
                assert np.abs(psi_f[k]) / np.max(np.abs(psi_f)) < 1e-2
                # pass this case: we have detected that there cannot
                # be any subsampling, and we assume that the filters are not
                # aliased already
Example #3
def test_gauss_1d():
    Tests for Gabor low-pass
    - Make sure that it has a fast decay in time
    - Make sure that it is symmetric, up to 1e-7 absolute precision
    N = 2**13
    J = 7
    P_range = [1, 5]
    sigma0 = 0.1
    tol = 1e-7
    for j in range(1, J + 1):
        for P in P_range:
            sigma_low = sigma0 / math.pow(2, j)
            g_f = gauss_1d(N, sigma_low, P_max=P)
            # check the symmetry of g_f
            assert np.max(np.abs(g_f[1:N // 2] - g_f[N // 2 + 1:][::-1])) < tol
            # make sure that it has a fast decay in time
            phi = np.fft.ifft(g_f)
            assert np.min(phi) > - tol
            assert np.min(np.abs(phi)) / np.max(np.abs(phi)) < 1e-4

    Q = 1
    xi = compute_xi_max(Q)
    sigma = compute_sigma_psi(xi, Q)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        gauss_1d(N, xi, sigma, P_max=5.1)
    assert "should be an int" in ve.value.args[0]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        gauss_1d(N, xi, sigma, P_max=-5)
    assert "should be non-negative" in ve.value.args[0]
Example #4
def test_morlet_1d():
    Tests for Morlet wavelets:
    - Make sure that it has exact zero mean
    - Make sure that it has a fast decay in time
    - Check that the maximal frequency is relatively close to xi,
        up to 1% accuracy
    size_signal = [2**13]
    Q_range = np.arange(1, 20, dtype=int)
    P_range = [1, 5]
    for N in size_signal:
        for Q in Q_range:
            xi_max = compute_xi_max(Q)
            xi_range = xi_max / np.power(2, np.arange(7))
            for xi in xi_range:
                for P in P_range:
                    sigma = compute_sigma_psi(xi, Q)
                    # get the morlet for these parameters
                    psi_f = morlet_1d(N, xi, sigma, normalize='l2', P_max=P)
                    # make sure that it has zero mean
                    assert np.isclose(psi_f[0], 0.)
                    # make sure that it has a fast decay in time
                    psi = np.fft.ifft(psi_f)
                    psi_abs = np.abs(psi)
                    assert np.min(psi_abs) / np.max(psi_abs) < 1e-3
                    # Check that the maximal frequency is relatively close to xi,
                    # up to 1 percent
                    k_max = np.argmax(np.abs(psi_f))
                    xi_emp = float(k_max) / float(N)
                    assert np.abs(xi_emp - xi) / xi < 1e-2

    Q = 1
    xi = compute_xi_max(Q)
    sigma = compute_sigma_psi(xi, Q)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        morlet_1d(size_signal[0], xi, sigma, P_max=5.1)
    assert "should be an int" in ve.value.args[0]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
        morlet_1d(size_signal[0], xi, sigma, P_max=-5)
    assert "should be non-negative" in ve.value.args[0]