Example #1
File: app.py Project: mnpk/Kyoukai
    def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs):
        Create a new app.

        self.name = name
        self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Kyoukai")

        self.error_handlers = {}

        # Define the config.
        self.config = kwargs

        # Define the "root" blueprint, which is used for @app.request.
        self._root_bp = Blueprint(name, None)

        self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)
        self._debugger = KyoukaiDebugger(self)

        # Define the component here so it can be checked easily.
        self.component = None

        # On startup function.
        self._on_startup = lambda app: None

        self._renderer = None

        self.udsh = None

Example #2
    def register_blueprint(self, bp: Blueprint):
        Registers a blueprint as a sub-blueprint to the root blueprint.

        :return: The modified Blueprint with the correct parent.
        assert check_argument_types()
        if bp.parent is None:
            bp.parent = self._root_bp
        return bp
Example #3
import json
from math import floor

import unidecode
from kyoukai import Response
from kyoukai import Request
from kyoukai.blueprints import Blueprint
from kyoukai.context import HTTPRequestContext
from kyoukai.exc import HTTPException

from owapi import util
from owapi import blizz_interface as bz
from owapi.prestige import PRESTIGE

api_v2 = Blueprint("api_v2", url_prefix="/v2", reverse_hooks=True)

hero_data_div_ids = {
    "reaper": "0x02E0000000000002",
    "tracer": "0x02E0000000000003",
    "mercy": "0x02E0000000000004",
    "hanzo": "0x02E0000000000005",
    "torbjorn": "0x02E0000000000006",
    "reinhardt": "0x02E0000000000007",
    "pharah": "0x02E0000000000008",
    "winston": "0x02E0000000000009",
    "widowmaker": "0x02E000000000000A",
    "bastion": "0x02E0000000000015",
    "symmetra": "0x02E0000000000016",
    "zenyatta": "0x02E0000000000020",
    "genji": "0x02E0000000000029",
    "roadhog": "0x02E0000000000040",
Example #4
class Kyoukai(object):
    A Kyoukai app.

    This is the core component to your web application based on Kyoukai.

    :param name:
        The name of the app. This is passed into the root blueprint as the name, which shows up in exceptions.
    :type name: :class:`str`

    :cvar request_cls: The class to use to create Requests.
    :cvar response_cls: The class to use to create wrapped Responses.
    request_cls = Request
    response_cls = Response

    def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs):
        Create a new app.

        self.name = name
        self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("Kyoukai")

        self.error_handlers = {}

        # Define the config.
        self.config = kwargs

        # Define the "root" blueprint, which is used for @app.request.
        self._root_bp = Blueprint(name, None)

        self.debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)
        self._debugger = KyoukaiDebugger(self)

        # Define the component here so it can be checked easily.
        self.component = None

        # On startup function.
        self._on_startup = lambda app: None

        # Renderer class.
        self._renderer = None

        # Default static file handler.
        self.udsh = None

        # Extensions dict. Used to get the current extensions added.
        self.extensions = {}


    def reconfigure(self, **cfg: dict):
        Reconfigures the app using the parameters passed in from the config.

        This is used, for example, with Asphalt's config and the KyoukaiComponent's consume rest behaviour when
        dealing with keyword arguments.

        :param cfg: A dictionary of config values to reconfigure the application with.
        :return: The new configuration.
        self.config = {**self.config, **cfg}

        # Define the renderer.
        if self._renderer is None:
            render = self.config.get("renderer", "mako")
            if render == "mako":
                self._renderer = mako_renderer.MakoRenderer(
            elif render == "jinja2":
                if not _has_jinja2:
                    raise ImportError(
                        "Jinja2 is not installed; cannot be used as a renderer"
                    self._renderer = jinja_renderer.Jinja2Renderer(

        # Check if we should use the default static handler.
        if self.udsh is None:
            self.udsh = self.config.get("use_static_handler", True)
            if self.udsh:
                new_route = self.root.wrap_route(r'/static/(.*)',

        return self.config

    def renderer(self) -> Renderer:
        :return: The current :class:`kyoukai.renderers.Renderer` configured for this application.
        return self._renderer

    def root(self):
        This property is a way to access the root blueprint.

        The root blueprint is the parent of all registered blueprints in the application. It can be used to directly
        route onto the top-level, however it is recommended to just use :meth:`Kyoukai.route` and similar to run onto
        the root blueprint.

        return self._root_bp

    def register_blueprint(self, bp: Blueprint):
        Registers a blueprint as a sub-blueprint to the root blueprint.

        :return: The modified Blueprint with the correct parent.
        assert check_argument_types()
        if bp.parent is None:
            bp.parent = self._root_bp
        return bp

    def render(self, filename: str, **kwargs) -> str:
        Render a template using the currently loaded rendering engine.

        :param filename: The filename of the template to load and render.
        :type filename: str

        :param kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the template renderer.
                These are directly passed to :meth:`mako.template.Template.render` to render the template.

        :return: A :class:`str` containing the rendered information.
        return self.renderer.render(filename, **kwargs)

    def render_template(self, filename: str, code=200, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Render a template using the currently loaded rendering engine.

        Unlike :meth:`Kyoukai.render`, this returns a :class:`Response` object.

        :param filename: The filename of the template to load and render.
        :type filename: str

        :param code: The response code to add into the Response.

        :param kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the template renderer.
                These are directly passed to :meth:`mako.template.Template.render` to render the template.

        :return: A :class:`Response` object with the rendered template.
        data = self.render(filename, **kwargs)
        # Wrap it in a response.
        return Response(code, data, headers={"Content-Type": "text/html"})

    def get_static_path(self, filename: str) -> str:
        Gets a sanitized static path.

        This will use the current working directory and the `static_dir` defined by the configuration, or `static` if
        that is not specified, to build the full path.

        :param filename: The filename to look up.
        :return: A :class:`str` with the fully built path.
        return os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                            self.config.get("static_dir", "static"),

    def get_static_file(self, filename: str) -> io.BufferedIOBase:
        Opens and returns a static file from the path.

        Internally, this uses :meth:`Kyoukai.get_static_path` to sanitize the path.

        :param filename: The filename to load.
        :return: A file object opened in binary mode, attached to the file.
        :rtype: :class:`io.BufferedIOBase`
        fname = self.get_static_path(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            return None
            return open(
                             self.config.get("static_dir", "static"), fname),

    def get_static(self, filename: str) -> Response:
        Gets a file, using static, but returns a Response instead of the file handle.
        content = self.get_static_file(filename)
        if not content:
            raise HTTPException(404)

        with content:
            path = self.get_static_path(filename)
            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0]
            if not mimetype:
                if _has_magic:
                    mimetype = magic.from_file(path, mime=True)
                    if isinstance(mimetype, bytes):
                        mimetype = mimetype.decode()
                    mimetype = "application/octet-stream"
            return Response(200,
                            headers={"Content-Type": mimetype})

    async def default_static_handler(self, ctx: HTTPRequestContext,
                                     filename: str):
        A default static file handler.

        This is automatically registered as ``/static/`` on the root blueprint, unless ``use_static_handler=False``
        is passed into the app's configuration.

        .. versionadded:: 1.8.6
        # Unparse the filename.
        newpath = urlsplit(filename).path

        # Get the static file.
        return self.get_static(newpath)

    def _match_route(self, path, meth) -> Route:
        Match a route, based on the regular expression of the route.

        :return: The :class:`kyoukai.Route` of the route that matches, or None if no route matches.
        :raises: :class:`kyoukai.exc.HTTPException` if the route matches, but the method is not allowed.
        return self._root_bp.match(path, meth)

    def route(self, regex, *, methods: list = None, run_hooks=True):
        Convenience decorator to create a new route.

        This is equivalent to:

        .. code:: python

            route = bp.wrap_route(regex, callable, methods, run_hooks)

        .. note::

            This function is a shortcut to ``app.root.route(*args, **kwargs)``.

        :param regex: The regular expression to match the path to. This uses standard Python :mod:`re` syntax.
                Group matches are automatically extracted from the regex, and passed as arguments.

        :param methods: The list of allowed methods, e.g ["GET", "POST"].
                You can check the method with `request.method`.

        :param run_hooks: Should the pre and post request hooks run automatically?
                This is set to True by default.
        return self._root_bp.route(regex, methods=methods, run_hooks=run_hooks)

    def errorhandler(self, code: int):
        Convenience decorator to add an error handler.

        This is equivalent to:

        .. code:: python

            route = bp.wrap_route("", coro, methods=[], run_hooks=False)
            bp.add_errorhandler(code, route)

        .. note::

            This function is a shortcut to ``app.root.errorhandler(code)``.
        return self._root_bp.errorhandler(code)

    def log_request(self, ctx: HTTPRequestContext, code: int = 200):
        Logs a request to the logger.

        This is an **internal** method and should not be used by user code.

        :param ctx: The :class:`kyoukai.context.HTTPRequestContext` to log from.
        :param code: The error code to log. Defaults to 200.
            route = ctx.request.path
        except AttributeError:
            # *really* bad request - ignore it.
        self.logger.info("HTTP/{} {} {} - {}".format(ctx.request.version,
                                                     ctx.request.method, route,

    def before_request(self, func):
        Set a coroutine to run as before the request.

        This coroutine should take in the HTTPRequestContext, and return a new HTTPRequestContext.

        .. note::

            This function is a shortcut to ``app.root.before_request(func)``.
        return self._root_bp.before_request(func)

    def after_request(self, func):
        Set a coroutine to run after the request.

        This coroutine should take in a :class:`Response`, and return a :class:`Response`.

        .. note::

            This function is a shortcut to ``app.root.after_request(func)``.

        return self._root_bp.after_request(func)

    def bind_view(self, view: View):
        Binds a view class to a Blueprint.

        This takes the *class*, not the instance, as a param.

        It also takes args and keyword args to instantiate the class with.

        .. note::

            This function is a shortcut to ``app.root.bind_view(view)``.

    async def call_on_startup(self):
        Calls the on_startup handler.

        This should not be called, unless you wish to call the startup function again (?).

        .. versionchanged:: 1.8

            This now passes the app object.
            item = self._on_startup(self)
            # Only print the bottom most traceback.
            tb = traceback.format_exc()
                "Error calling on startup function:\n{}".format(tb))
            raise SystemExit()
        # If it's a coroutine or otherwise awaitable, await it.
        # This is so that coroutines can be passed in to handle.
        if inspect.isawaitable(item):
            await item

    def on_startup(self, coro_or_callable: typing.Callable[['Kyoukai'], None]):
        Registers a function to be called on startup.

        The function should be a callable.
        :return: The unmodified callable.
        if not callable(coro_or_callable):
            raise TypeError(
                "Object {} is not callable".format(coro_or_callable))
        self._on_startup = coro_or_callable

        return coro_or_callable

    async def handle_http_error(self, err: HTTPException, protocol,
                                ctx: HTTPRequestContext):
        Handle a :class:`kyoukai.exc.HTTPException`.

        This will invoke the appropriate error handler as registered in the blueprint of the route, if we can.
        Otherwise, it will invoke the default error handler.
        code = err.code
        bp = err.blueprint or self.root

        # Get the error handler.
        error_handler = bp.get_errorhandler(code)
        if not error_handler:
            # Since there's no special error handler derived for this code, return a basic Response.
            # If it's a 500 and we're in debug mode, format the traceback.
            if err.code == 500 and self.debug:
                # Use the Kyoukai debugger.
                should_err, r = self._debugger.debug(ctx, err)
                return should_err
                body = str(code)

            if err.response is None:
                resp = Response(code, body)
                resp = err.response

            resp.request = ctx.request
            # Invoke the error handler specified.
                resp = wrap_response(
                    await error_handler.invoke(ctx, exception=err),
            except Exception:
                    "Unhandled exception in error handler:\n {}".format(
                resp = wrap_response("500", self.response_cls)

            resp.request = ctx.request


        # Check if we should close the connection.
        if hasattr(ctx.request, "should_keep_alive"):
            if not ctx.request.should_keep_alive:
            # If it's that bad, just close it anyway.

        return True

    async def delegate_request(self, protocol, ctx: HTTPRequestContext):
        Handles a :class:`kyoukai.context.HTTPRequestContext` and it's underlying request, processing it to the route
        handlers and such in the blueprints.

        This is an **internal** method, and should not be used outside of the protocol, or for testing.
        async with ctx:
            # Acquire the lock on the protocol.
            async with protocol.lock:
                # Check if we should skip our own handling and go straight to the debugger.
                if self.debug:
                    if '__debugger__' in ctx.request.args and ctx.request.args[
                            "__debugger__"] == "yes":
                        resp = self._debugger.debug(ctx, None)

                # Check if there's a host header.
                if ctx.request.version != "1.0":
                    host = ctx.request.headers.get("host", None)
                    if not host:
                        exc = HTTPException(400)
                        self.log_request(ctx, code=400)
                        await self.handle_http_error(exc, protocol, ctx)

                # First, try and match the route.
                    route = self._match_route(ctx.request.path,
                except HTTPException as e:
                    # We matched it; but the route doesn't work for this method.
                    # So we catch the 405 error,
                    if e.code == 405:
                        self.log_request(ctx, code=e.code)
                        await self.handle_http_error(e, protocol, ctx)
                    elif e.code == 500:
                        # Failure matching, probably.
                        self.log_request(ctx, code=e.code)
                        await self.handle_http_error(e, protocol, ctx)
                            "Unhandled exception in route matching:\n {}".
                            "??????? Something went terribly wrong.")

                # If the route did not match, return a 404.
                if not route:
                    fof = HTTPException(404)
                    self.log_request(ctx, code=404)
                    await self.handle_http_error(fof, protocol, ctx)

                # Set the `route` and `bp` items on the context.
                ctx.blueprint = route.bp
                ctx.route = route

                # Try and invoke the Route.
                    # Note that this will already be a Response.
                    # The route should call `app._wrap_response` when handling the response.
                    # This is because routes are responsible for pre-route and post-route hooks, calling them in the
                    # blueprint as appropriate.
                    # So we just pass ourselves to the route and hope it invokes properly.
                    response = await route.invoke(ctx)
                except HTTPException as e:
                    # Handle a HTTPException normally.
                    self.log_request(ctx, e.code)
                    # Set the route of the exception.
                    e.route = route
                    await self.handle_http_error(e, protocol, ctx)
                except Exception as e:
                    # An uncaught exception has propogated down to our level - oh dear.
                    # Catch it, turn it into a 500, and return.
                    exc = HTTPException(500)
                    # Set the cause of the HTTP exception. Useful for 500 error handlers.
                    exc.__cause__ = e
                    # Set the route of the exception.
                    exc.route = route
                    self.log_request(ctx, 500)
                    should_err = await self.handle_http_error(
                        exc, protocol, ctx)
                    if should_err:
                            "Unhandled exception in route `{}`:".format(
                    # If there is no error happening, just log it as normal.
                    self.log_request(ctx, response.code)

                # Respond with the response.

                # Check if we should Keep-Alive it.
                if not ctx.request.should_keep_alive:

    async def start(self,
                    component=None):  # pragma: no cover
        Run the Kyoukai component asynchronously.

        This bypasses Asphalt's runner completely and starts Kyoukai as it's own context.

        :param ip: The IP address to bind to.
        :param port: The port to bind to.
        :param component: The component to set on the application.
            If this is not passed in, it will create an empty one.
            "Kyoukai is bypassing Asphalt - contexts will not work.")
        ctx = Context()
        if not component:
            from kyoukai.asphalt import KyoukaiComponent
            self.component = KyoukaiComponent(self, ip, port)
        await self.component.start(ctx)

    def run(self, ip="", port=4444, component=None):  # pragma: no cover
        Runs the Kyoukai server from within your code.

        This is not normally invoked - instead Asphalt should invoke the Kyoukai component.
        However, this is here for convenience.
        if not component:
            from kyoukai.asphalt import KyoukaiComponent
            component = KyoukaiComponent(self, ip, port)
Example #5
from math import floor

import unidecode
from kyoukai import Response
from lxml import etree

from kyoukai import Request
from kyoukai.blueprints import Blueprint
from kyoukai.context import HTTPRequestContext
from kyoukai.exc import HTTPException

from owapi import util
from owapi import blizz_interface as bz
from owapi.prestige import PRESTIGE

bp = Blueprint("routes", url_prefix="/api")

hero_data_div_ids = {
    "reaper": "0x02E0000000000002",
    "tracer": "0x02E0000000000003",
    "mercy": "0x02E0000000000004",
    "hanzo": "0x02E0000000000005",
    "torbjorn": "0x02E0000000000006",
    "reinhardt": "0x02E0000000000007",
    "pharah": "0x02E0000000000008",
    "winston": "0x02E0000000000009",
    "widowmaker": "0x02E000000000000A",
    "bastion": "0x02E0000000000015",
    "symmetra": "0x02E0000000000016",
    "zenyatta": "0x02E0000000000020",
    "genji": "0x02E0000000000029",