def test_zarr_scenes_chunk(dmg: LocalDataManager, tmp_path: Path,
                           zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset,
                           num_frames_to_copy: int) -> None:
    # first let's concat so we have multiple scenes
    concat_count = 10
    zarr_input_path = dmg.require("single_scene.zarr")
    zarr_concatenated_path = str(tmp_path / f"{uuid4()}.zarr")
    zarr_concat([zarr_input_path] * concat_count, zarr_concatenated_path)

    # now let's chunk it
    zarr_chopped_path = str(tmp_path / f"{uuid4()}.zarr")

    # open both and compare
    zarr_concatenated = ChunkedDataset(zarr_concatenated_path)
    zarr_chopped = ChunkedDataset(zarr_chopped_path)

    assert len(zarr_concatenated.scenes) == len(zarr_chopped.scenes)
    assert len(
        zarr_chopped.frames) == num_frames_to_copy * len(zarr_chopped.scenes)

    for idx in range(len(zarr_concatenated.scenes)):
        scene_cat = zarr_concatenated.scenes[idx]
        scene_chopped = zarr_chopped.scenes[idx]

        frames_cat = zarr_concatenated.frames[
            scene_cat["frame_index_interval"][0] + num_frames_to_copy]

        frames_chopped = zarr_chopped.frames[get_frames_slice_from_scenes(

        agents_cat = zarr_concatenated.agents[get_agents_slice_from_frames(
            *frames_cat[[0, -1]])]
        tl_faces_cat = zarr_concatenated.tl_faces[
            get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(*frames_cat[[0, -1]])]

        agents_chopped = zarr_chopped.agents[get_agents_slice_from_frames(
            *frames_chopped[[0, -1]])]
        tl_faces_chopped = zarr_chopped.tl_faces[
            get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(*frames_chopped[[0, -1]])]

        assert scene_chopped["host"] == scene_cat["host"]
        assert scene_chopped["start_time"] == scene_cat["start_time"]
        assert scene_chopped["end_time"] == scene_cat["end_time"]

        assert len(frames_chopped) == num_frames_to_copy

        assert np.all(frames_chopped["ego_translation"] ==
        assert np.all(frames_chopped["ego_rotation"] ==

        assert np.all(agents_chopped == agents_cat)
        assert np.all(tl_faces_chopped == tl_faces_cat)
def test_zarr_split(dmg: LocalDataManager, tmp_path: Path,
                    zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset) -> None:
    concat_count = 10
    zarr_input_path = dmg.require("single_scene.zarr")
    zarr_concatenated_path = str(tmp_path / f"{uuid4()}.zarr")
    zarr_concat([zarr_input_path] * concat_count, zarr_concatenated_path)

    split_infos = [
            "name": f"{uuid4()}.zarr",
            "split_size_GB": 0.002
        },  # cut around 2MB
            "name": f"{uuid4()}.zarr",
            "split_size_GB": 0.001
        },  # cut around 0.5MB
            "name": f"{uuid4()}.zarr",
            "split_size_GB": -1
    ]  # everything else

    scene_splits = zarr_split(zarr_concatenated_path, str(tmp_path),

    # load the zarrs and check elements
    zarr_concatenated = ChunkedDataset(zarr_concatenated_path)

    for scene_split, split_info in zip(scene_splits, split_infos):
        zarr_out = ChunkedDataset(str(tmp_path / str(split_info["name"])))

        # compare elements at the start and end of each scene in both zarrs
        for idx_scene in range(len(zarr_out.scenes)):
            # compare elements in the scene
            input_scene = zarr_concatenated.scenes[scene_split[0] + idx_scene]
            input_frames = zarr_concatenated.frames[
            input_agents = zarr_concatenated.agents[
                get_agents_slice_from_frames(*input_frames[[0, -1]])]
            input_tl_faces = zarr_concatenated.tl_faces[
                get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(*input_frames[[0, -1]])]

            output_scene = zarr_out.scenes[idx_scene]
            output_frames = zarr_out.frames[get_frames_slice_from_scenes(
            output_agents = zarr_out.agents[get_agents_slice_from_frames(
                *output_frames[[0, -1]])]
            output_tl_faces = zarr_out.tl_faces[get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
                *output_frames[[0, -1]])]

            assert np.all(input_frames["ego_translation"] ==
            assert np.all(
                input_frames["ego_rotation"] == output_frames["ego_rotation"])
            assert np.all(input_agents == output_agents)
            assert np.all(input_tl_faces == output_tl_faces)
Example #3
    def compute(self, simulation_output: SimulationOutput) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Compute the metric on all frames of the scene.

        :param simulation_output: the output from the closed-loop simulation
        :returns: collision per frame (a 1D array with the same size of the
                  number of frames, where 1 means a colision, 0 otherwise)
        simulated_scene_ego_state = simulation_output.simulated_ego_states
        simulated_agents = simulation_output.simulated_agents
        simulated_egos = simulation_output.simulated_ego

        if len(simulated_agents) < len(simulated_scene_ego_state):
            raise ValueError("More simulated timesteps than observed.")

        num_frames = simulated_scene_ego_state.size(0)
        metric_results = torch.zeros(num_frames,
        for frame_idx in range(num_frames):
            simulated_ego_state_frame = simulated_scene_ego_state[frame_idx]
            simulated_ego_frame = simulated_egos[frame_idx]
            simulated_agent_frame = simulated_agents[
            result = self._compute_frame(simulated_agent_frame,
            metric_results[frame_idx] = result
        return metric_results
Example #4
def get_frames_subset(dataset: ChunkedDataset, frame_start_idx: int,
                      frame_end_idx: int) -> ChunkedDataset:
    """Get a new dataset with frames between start (included) and end (excluded).
    - the dataset has only 1 scene
    - the dataset is in numpy format and not zarr anymore

    :param dataset: the single-scene dataset.
    :param frame_start_idx: first frame to keep.
    :param frame_end_idx: where to stop taking frames (excluded).

    if not len(dataset.scenes) == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"dataset should have a single scene, got {len(dataset.scenes)}")
    if not isinstance(dataset.agents, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("dataset agents should be an editable np array")
    if not isinstance(dataset.tl_faces, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("dataset tls should be an editable np array")
    if not isinstance(dataset.frames, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("dataset frames should be an editable np array")
    if frame_start_idx >= len(dataset.frames):
        raise ValueError(
            f"frame start {frame_start_idx} is over the length of the dataset")
    if frame_end_idx > len(dataset.frames):
        raise ValueError(
            f"frame end {frame_end_idx} is over the length of the dataset")
    if frame_start_idx >= frame_end_idx:
        raise ValueError(
            f"end frame {frame_end_idx} should be higher than start {frame_start_idx}"
    if frame_start_idx < 0:
        raise ValueError(f"start frame {frame_start_idx} should be positive")

    new_dataset = ChunkedDataset("")
    new_dataset.scenes = dataset.scenes.copy()
    new_dataset.scenes[0]["start_time"] = dataset.frames[frame_start_idx][
    new_dataset.scenes[0]["end_time"] = dataset.frames[frame_end_idx -

    new_dataset.frames = dataset.frames[frame_start_idx:frame_end_idx].copy()
    new_dataset.scenes[0]["frame_index_interval"] = (0,

    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(
        *dataset.frames[[frame_start_idx, frame_end_idx - 1]])
    tls_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
        *dataset.frames[[frame_start_idx, frame_end_idx - 1]])
    new_dataset.frames["agent_index_interval"] -= new_dataset.frames[
        "agent_index_interval"][0, 0]
        "traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= new_dataset.frames[
            "traffic_light_faces_index_interval"][0, 0]
    new_dataset.agents = dataset.agents[agent_slice].copy()
    new_dataset.tl_faces = dataset.tl_faces[tls_slice].copy()
    return new_dataset
Example #5
def test_get_frame_data(ego_cat_dataset: EgoDataset, frame_index: int) -> None:
    mapAPI = ego_cat_dataset.rasterizer.sem_rast.mapAPI  # type: ignore

    frame = ego_cat_dataset.dataset.frames[frame_index]
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame)
    tls_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(frame)
    agents = ego_cat_dataset.dataset.agents[agent_slice]
    tls = ego_cat_dataset.dataset.tl_faces[tls_slice]

    frame_out = _get_frame_data(mapAPI, frame, agents, tls)
    assert isinstance(frame_out, FrameVisualization)
    assert len(frame_out.agents) > 0
    assert len(frame_out.trajectories) == 0
def create_chopped_mask(zarr_path: str, th_agent_prob: float,
                        num_frames_to_copy: int, min_frame_future: int) -> str:
    """Create mask to emulate chopped dataset with gt data.

        zarr_path (str): input zarr path to be chopped
        th_agent_prob (float): threshold over agents probabilities used in select_agents function
        num_frames_to_copy (int):  number of frames to copy from the beginning of each scene, others will be discarded
        min_frame_future (int): minimum number of frames that must be available in the future for an agent

        str: Path to saved mask
    zarr_path = Path(zarr_path)
    mask_chopped_path = get_mask_chopped_path(zarr_path, th_agent_prob,

    # Create standard mask for the dataset so we can use it to filter out unreliable agents
    zarr_dt = ChunkedDataset(str(zarr_path))

    agents_mask_path = Path(zarr_path) / f"agents_mask/{th_agent_prob}"
    if not agents_mask_path.exists(
    ):  # don't check in root but check for the path
    agents_mask_origin = np.asarray(convenience.load(str(agents_mask_path)))

    # compute the chopped boolean mask, but also the original one limited to frames of interest for GT csv
    agents_mask_orig_bool = np.zeros(len(zarr_dt.agents), dtype=np.bool)

    for idx in range(len(zarr_dt.scenes)):
        scene = zarr_dt.scenes[idx]

        frame_original = zarr_dt.frames[scene["frame_index_interval"][0] +
                                        num_frames_to_copy - 1]
        slice_agents_original = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame_original)

        mask = agents_mask_origin[slice_agents_original][:,
                                                         1] >= min_frame_future
        agents_mask_orig_bool[slice_agents_original] = mask.copy()

    # store the mask and the GT csv of frames on interest
    np.savez(str(mask_chopped_path), agents_mask_orig_bool)
    return str(mask_chopped_path)
Example #7
def test_get_agent_context(zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset, state_index: int,
                           history_steps: int, future_steps: int) -> None:

    scene = zarr_dataset.scenes[0]
    frames = zarr_dataset.frames[get_frames_slice_from_scenes(scene)]
    agents = zarr_dataset.agents[get_agents_slice_from_frames(
        *frames[[0, -1]])]
    tls = zarr_dataset.tl_faces[get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
        *frames[[0, -1]])]

    frames_his_f, frames_fut_f, agents_his_f, agents_fut_f, tls_his_f, tls_fut_f = get_agent_context(
        state_index, frames, agents, tls, history_steps, future_steps)

    # test future using timestamp
    first_idx = state_index + 1
    last_idx = state_index + 1 + future_steps

    frames_fut = frames[first_idx:last_idx]
    agents_fut = filter_agents_by_frames(frames_fut, zarr_dataset.agents)
    tls_fut = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(frames_fut, zarr_dataset.tl_faces)

    assert np.all(frames_fut_f["timestamp"] == frames_fut["timestamp"])

    assert len(agents_fut) == len(agents_fut_f)
    for idx in range(len(agents_fut)):
        assert np.all(agents_fut_f[idx] == agents_fut[idx])

    assert len(tls_fut) == len(tls_fut_f)
    for idx in range(len(tls_fut)):
        assert np.all(tls_fut_f[idx] == tls_fut[idx])

    # test past (which is reversed and include present)
    first_idx = max(state_index - history_steps, 0)
    last_idx = state_index + 1

    frames_his = frames[first_idx:last_idx]
    agents_his = filter_agents_by_frames(frames_his, zarr_dataset.agents)
    tls_his = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(frames_his, zarr_dataset.tl_faces)

    assert np.all(frames_his_f["timestamp"] == frames_his["timestamp"][::-1])

    assert len(agents_his) == len(agents_his_f)
    for idx in range(len(agents_his)):
        assert np.all(agents_his_f[idx] == agents_his[len(agents_his) - idx -

    assert len(tls_his) == len(tls_his_f)
    for idx in range(len(tls_his)):
        assert np.all(tls_his_f[idx] == tls_his[len(tls_his) - idx - 1])
def test_get_agents_slice_from_frames(slice_end: int,
                                      zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset) -> None:
    # get agents for first N using function
    frame_slice = slice(0, slice_end)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(
        *zarr_dataset.frames[frame_slice][[0, -1]])
    agents_new = zarr_dataset.agents[agent_slice]

    # get agents for first N using standard approach
    frames = zarr_dataset.frames[frame_slice]
    frame_a = frames[0]
    frame_b = frames[-1]
    agents = zarr_dataset.agents[
    assert np.all(agents_new == agents)
def test_get_frame_indices_agent(frame_idx: int, zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset,
                                 dmg: LocalDataManager, cfg: dict) -> None:
    cfg["raster_params"]["map_type"] = "box_debug"
    rasterizer = build_rasterizer(cfg, dmg)
    dataset = AgentDataset(cfg, zarr_dataset, rasterizer)

    frame_indices = dataset.get_frame_indices(frame_idx)
    # get valid agents from that frame only
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(
    agents = dataset.dataset.agents[agent_slice]
    agents = agents[dataset.agents_mask[agent_slice]]

    for agent, idx in zip(agents, frame_indices):
        id_agent = dataset[idx]["track_id"]
        assert id_agent == agent["track_id"]
def test_get_frames_slice_from_scenes(zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset) -> None:
    scene_a = zarr_dataset.scenes[0]
    frame_slice = get_frames_slice_from_scenes(scene_a)
    assert len(zarr_dataset.frames) == len(zarr_dataset.frames[frame_slice])

    # test e2e starting from scene
    frame_range = get_frames_slice_from_scenes(zarr_dataset.scenes[0])
    agents_range = get_agents_slice_from_frames(
        *zarr_dataset.frames[frame_range][[0, -1]])
    tl_faces_range = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
        *zarr_dataset.frames[frame_range][[0, -1]])
    agents = zarr_dataset.agents[agents_range]
    tl_faces = zarr_dataset.tl_faces[tl_faces_range]

    assert len(agents) == len(zarr_dataset.agents)
    assert len(tl_faces) == len(zarr_dataset.tl_faces)
Example #11
def insert_agent(agent: np.ndarray, frame_idx: int,
                 dataset: ChunkedDataset) -> None:
    """Insert an agent in one frame.
    - the dataset has only 1 scene
    - the dataset is in numpy format and not zarr anymore

    :param agent: the agent info to be inserted
    :param frame_idx: the frame where we want to insert the agent
    :param dataset: the single-scene dataset.
    if not len(dataset.scenes) == 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"dataset should have a single scene, got {len(dataset.scenes)}")
    if not isinstance(dataset.agents, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("dataset agents should be an editable np array")
    if not isinstance(dataset.frames, np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("dataset frames should be an editable np array")
    if not frame_idx < len(dataset.frames):
        raise ValueError(
            f"can't set frame {frame_idx} in dataset with len {len(dataset.frames)}"

    frame = dataset.frames[frame_idx]
    agents_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame)
    agents_frame = dataset.agents[agents_slice]

    idx_set = np.argwhere(agent["track_id"] == agents_frame["track_id"])
    assert len(idx_set) in [0, 1]

    if len(idx_set):
        # CASE 1
        # the agent is already there and we can just update it
        # we set also label_probabilities from the current one to ensure it is high enough
        idx_set = int(idx_set[0])
        agents_frame[idx_set:idx_set + 1] = agent
        # CASE 2
        # we need to insert the agent and move everything
        dataset.agents = np.concatenate([
            dataset.agents[0:agents_slice.stop], agent,
        ], 0)

        # move end of the current frame and all other frames start and end
        dataset.frames[frame_idx]["agent_index_interval"] += (0, 1)
        dataset.frames[frame_idx + 1:]["agent_index_interval"] += 1
Example #12
def test_dataset_frames_subset(zarr_dataset: ChunkedDataset) -> None:
    zarr_dataset = zarr_dataset.get_scene_dataset(0)
    frame_start = 10
    frame_end = 25
    zarr_cut = get_frames_subset(zarr_dataset, frame_start, frame_end)

    assert len(zarr_cut.scenes) == 1
    assert len(zarr_cut.frames) == frame_end - frame_start
    assert np.all(
        == zarr_dataset.frames["ego_translation"][frame_start:frame_end]

    agents_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(
        *zarr_dataset.frames[[frame_start, frame_end - 1]]
    tls_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
        *zarr_dataset.frames[[frame_start, frame_end - 1]]

    assert np.all(zarr_cut.agents == zarr_dataset.agents[agents_slice])
    assert np.all(zarr_cut.tl_faces == zarr_dataset.tl_faces[tls_slice])
    assert np.all(zarr_cut.scenes["frame_index_interval"] == (0, len(zarr_cut.frames)))
Example #13
def create_chopped_dataset_lite(
    zarr_path: str, th_agent_prob: float, num_frames_to_copy: int, num_frames_gt: int, min_frame_future: int, history_num_frames: int
) -> str:
    Create a chopped version of the zarr that can be used as a test set.
    This version only includes frames from num_frames_to_copy - history_num_frames : num_frames_to_copy.
    This function was used to generate the test set for the competition so that the future GT is not in the data.

     - a dataset where each scene has been chopped at `num_frames_to_copy` frames;
     - a mask for agents for those final frames based on the original mask and a threshold on the future_frames;
     - the GT csv for those agents

     For the competition, only the first two (dataset and mask) will be available in the notebooks

        zarr_path (str): input zarr path to be chopped
        th_agent_prob (float): threshold over agents probabilities used in select_agents function
        num_frames_to_copy (int):  number of frames to copy from the beginning of each scene, others will be discarded
        min_frame_future (int): minimum number of frames that must be available in the future for an agent
        num_frames_gt (int): number of future predictions to store in the GT file
        history_num_frames (int): number of historic frames to include

        str: the parent folder of the new datam
    zarr_path = Path(zarr_path)
    dest_path = zarr_path.parent / f"{zarr_path.stem}_chopped_{num_frames_to_copy}_lite_{history_num_frames}_{num_frames_gt}"
    chopped_path = dest_path /
    gt_path = dest_path / "gt.csv"
    mask_chopped_path = dest_path / "mask"

    if not os.path.exists(gt_path):
        # Create standard mask for the dataset so we can use it to filter out unreliable agents
        zarr_dt = ChunkedDataset(str(zarr_path))

        agents_mask_path = Path(zarr_path) / f"agents_mask/{th_agent_prob}"
        if not agents_mask_path.exists():  # don't check in root but check for the path
        agents_mask_origin = np.asarray(convenience.load(str(agents_mask_path)))

        # create chopped dataset
        chopped_info_filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(chopped_path)[0], 'chopped_info.pkl')
        chopped_indices = check_load(chopped_info_filename,  zarr_scenes_chop_lite, str(chopped_path), save_to_file=True, args_in=(str(zarr_path), str(chopped_path), num_frames_to_copy, history_num_frames), verbose=True)

        zarr_chopped = ChunkedDataset(str(chopped_path))

        # compute original and chopped boolean mask limited to frames of interest for GT csv
        agents_mask_orig_bool = np.zeros(len(zarr_dt.agents), dtype=np.bool)
        agents_mask_chop_bool = np.zeros(len(zarr_chopped.agents), dtype=np.bool)

        for idx in tqdm(range(len(zarr_dt.scenes)), desc='Extracting masks'):

            scene = zarr_dt.scenes[idx]

            frame_original = zarr_dt.frames[scene["frame_index_interval"][0] + num_frames_to_copy - 1]
            slice_agents_original = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame_original)

            mask = agents_mask_origin[slice_agents_original][:, 1] >= min_frame_future
            agents_mask_orig_bool[slice_agents_original] = mask.copy()

            if idx in chopped_indices:

                chopped_scene = zarr_chopped.scenes[chopped_indices.index(idx)]

                frame_chopped = zarr_chopped.frames[chopped_scene["frame_index_interval"][-1] - 1]
                slice_agents_chopped = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame_chopped)

                agents_mask_chop_bool[slice_agents_chopped] = mask.copy()

        # Store the mask
        np.savez(str(mask_chopped_path), agents_mask_chop_bool)
        # Store the GT
        export_zarr_to_csv(zarr_dt, str(gt_path), num_frames_gt, th_agent_prob, agents_mask=agents_mask_orig_bool)


        print(' : '.join((str(gt_path), 'COMPLETED')))

    return str(dest_path)
Example #14
def create_chopped_dataset(zarr_path: str, th_agent_prob: float,
                           num_frames_to_copy: int, num_frames_gt: int,
                           min_frame_future: int) -> str:
    Create a chopped version of the zarr that can be used as a test set.
    This function was used to generate the test set for the competition so that the future GT is not in the data.

     - a dataset where each scene has been chopped at `num_frames_to_copy` frames;
     - a mask for agents for those final frames based on the original mask and a threshold on the future_frames;
     - the GT csv for those agents

     For the competition, only the first two (dataset and mask) will be available in the notebooks

        zarr_path (str): input zarr path to be chopped
        th_agent_prob (float): threshold over agents probabilities used in select_agents function
        num_frames_to_copy (int):  number of frames to copy from the beginning of each scene, others will be discarded
        min_frame_future (int): minimum number of frames that must be available in the future for an agent
        num_frames_gt (int): number of future predictions to store in the GT file

        str: the parent folder of the new datam
    zarr_path = Path(zarr_path)
    dest_path = zarr_path.parent / f"{zarr_path.stem}_chopped_{num_frames_to_copy}"
    chopped_path = dest_path /
    gt_path = dest_path / "gt.csv"
    mask_chopped_path = dest_path / "mask"

    # Create standard mask for the dataset so we can use it to filter out unreliable agents
    zarr_dt = ChunkedDataset(str(zarr_path))

    agents_mask_path = Path(zarr_path) / f"agents_mask/{th_agent_prob}"
    if not agents_mask_path.exists(
    ):  # don't check in root but check for the path
    agents_mask_origin = np.asarray(convenience.load(str(agents_mask_path)))

    # create chopped dataset
    zarr_chopped = ChunkedDataset(str(chopped_path))

    # compute the chopped boolean mask, but also the original one limited to frames of interest for GT csv
    agents_mask_chop_bool = np.zeros(len(zarr_chopped.agents), dtype=np.bool)
    agents_mask_orig_bool = np.zeros(len(zarr_dt.agents), dtype=np.bool)

    for idx in range(len(zarr_dt.scenes)):
        scene = zarr_dt.scenes[idx]

        frame_original = zarr_dt.frames[scene["frame_index_interval"][0] +
                                        num_frames_to_copy - 1]
        slice_agents_original = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame_original)
        frame_chopped = zarr_chopped.frames[
            zarr_chopped.scenes[idx]["frame_index_interval"][-1] - 1]
        slice_agents_chopped = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame_chopped)

        mask = agents_mask_origin[slice_agents_original][:,
                                                         1] >= min_frame_future
        agents_mask_orig_bool[slice_agents_original] = mask.copy()
        agents_mask_chop_bool[slice_agents_chopped] = mask.copy()

    # store the mask and the GT csv of frames on interest
    np.savez(str(mask_chopped_path), agents_mask_chop_bool)
    return str(dest_path)
def generate_frame_sample_without_hist(
    state_index: int,
    frames: zarr.core.Array,
    tl_faces: zarr.core.Array,
    agents: zarr.core.Array,
    agents_from_standard_mask_only: bool = False,
    mask_agent_indices: zarr.core.Array = None,
) -> dict:
    frame = frames[state_index]
    if not agents_from_standard_mask_only:
        agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(frame)
        agents = agents[agent_slice].copy()
        masked_indices_slice = slice(*frame["mask_agent_index_interval"])
        masked_agent_indices = [
            el[0] for el in mask_agent_indices[masked_indices_slice]
        if masked_agent_indices:
            agents = agents.get_coordinate_selection(
            agents = []

    ego_centroid = frame["ego_translation"][:2]
    # try to estimate ego velocity
    if state_index > 0:
        prev_frame_candidate = frames[state_index - 1]
        prev_ego_centroid = prev_frame_candidate["ego_translation"][:2]
        translation_m = np.hypot(
            prev_ego_centroid[0] - ego_centroid[0],
            prev_ego_centroid[1] - ego_centroid[1],
        if translation_m < 10:
            timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                frame["timestamp"] / 10**9).astimezone(timezone("US/Pacific"))
            timestamp_prev = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                prev_frame_candidate["timestamp"] / 10**9).astimezone(
            timediff_sec = (timestamp - timestamp_prev).total_seconds()
            if timestamp > timestamp_prev and timediff_sec < 0.2:
                ego_speed = (ego_centroid - prev_ego_centroid) / timediff_sec
                ego_speed = None
            ego_speed = None
        ego_speed = None

        tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(frame)  # -1 is the farthest
        frame["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
        tl_faces_this = filter_tl_faces_by_frames([frame],
        tl_faces_this = filter_tl_faces_by_status(tl_faces_this, "ACTIVE")
    except ValueError:
        tl_faces_this = []
    return {
        "ego_centroid": ego_centroid,
        "ego_speed": ego_speed,
        "ego_yaw": rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"]),
        "tl_faces": tl_faces_this,
        "agents": agents,
Example #16
def generate_multi_agent_sample(
    state_index: int,
    frames: np.ndarray,
    agents: np.ndarray,
    tl_faces: np.ndarray,
    selected_track_id: Optional[int],
    render_context: RenderContext,
    history_num_frames: int,
    history_step_size: int,
    future_num_frames: int,
    future_step_size: int,
    filter_agents_threshold: float,
    rasterizer: Optional[Rasterizer] = None,
    perturbation: Optional[Perturbation] = None,
    min_frame_history: int = MIN_FRAME_HISTORY,
    min_frame_future: int = MIN_FRAME_FUTURE,
) -> dict:
    """Generates the inputs and targets to train a deep prediction model. A deep prediction model takes as input
    the state of the world (here: an image we will call the "raster"), and outputs where that agent will be some
    seconds into the future.

    This function has a lot of arguments and is intended for internal use, you should try to use higher level classes
    and partials that use this function.

        state_index (int): The anchor frame index, i.e. the "current" timestep in the scene
        frames (np.ndarray): The scene frames array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        agents (np.ndarray): The full agents array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        tl_faces (np.ndarray): The full traffic light faces array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): Either None for AV, or the ID of an agent that you want to
        predict the future of. This agent is centered in the raster and the returned targets are derived from
        their future states.
        render_context (RenderContext):
            raster_size (Tuple[int, int]): Desired output raster dimensions
            pixel_size (np.ndarray): Size of one pixel in the real world
            ego_center (np.ndarray): Where in the raster to draw the ego, [0.5,0.5] would be the center
        history_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        history_step_size (int): Steps to take between frames, can be used to subsample history frames
        future_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        future_step_size (int): Steps to take between targets into the future
        filter_agents_threshold (float): Value between 0 and 1 to use as cutoff value for agent filtering
        based on their probability of being a relevant agent
        rasterizer (Optional[Rasterizer]): Rasterizer of some sort that draws a map image
        perturbation (Optional[Perturbation]): Object that perturbs the input and targets, used
to train models that can recover from slight divergence from training set data

        ValueError: A ValueError is returned if the specified ``selected_track_id`` is not present in the scene
        or was filtered by applying the ``filter_agent_threshold`` probability filtering.

        dict: a dict object with the raster array, the future offset coordinates (meters),
        the future yaw angular offset, the future_availability as a binary mask
    #  the history slice is ordered starting from the latest frame and goes backward in time., ex. slice(100, 91, -2)
    history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index,
    future_slice = get_future_slice(state_index, future_num_frames,

    history_frames = frames[history_slice].copy(
    )  # copy() required if the object is a np.ndarray
    future_frames = frames[future_slice].copy()

    sorted_frames = np.concatenate(
        (history_frames[::-1], future_frames))  # from past to future

    # get agents (past and future)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(sorted_frames[0],
    agents = agents[agent_slice].copy(
    )  # this is the minimum slice of agents we need
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
        "agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    history_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(history_frames, agents)
    future_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(future_frames, agents)

        tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(
            history_frames[-1], history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
        # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
        history_frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
        history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(history_frames,
    except ValueError:
        history_tl_faces = [
            np.empty(0, dtype=TL_FACE_DTYPE) for _ in history_frames

    if perturbation is not None:
        history_frames, future_frames = perturbation.perturb(
            history_frames=history_frames, future_frames=future_frames)

    # State you want to predict the future of.
    cur_frame = history_frames[0]
    cur_agents = history_agents[0]

    cur_agents = filter_agents_by_labels(cur_agents, filter_agents_threshold)
    agent_track_ids_u64 = cur_agents["track_id"]
    # uint64 --> int64
    agent_track_ids = agent_track_ids_u64.astype(np.int64)
    assert np.alltrue(agent_track_ids == agent_track_ids_u64)
    agent_track_ids = np.concatenate(
        [np.array([-1], dtype=np.int64), agent_track_ids])

    # Draw image with Ego car in center
    selected_agent = None
    input_im = (None if not rasterizer else rasterizer.rasterize(
        history_frames, history_agents, history_tl_faces, selected_agent))

    future_coords_offset_list = []
    future_yaws_offset_list = []
    future_availability_list = []
    history_coords_offset_list = []
    history_yaws_offset_list = []
    history_availability_list = []
    agent_centroid_list = []
    agent_yaw_list = []
    agent_extent_list = []
    filtered_track_ids_list = []
    for selected_track_id in agent_track_ids:
        if selected_track_id == -1:
            agent_centroid = cur_frame["ego_translation"][:2]
            agent_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(cur_frame["ego_rotation"])
            agent_extent = np.asarray(

            world_from_agent = compute_agent_pose(agent_centroid,
            agent_from_world = np.linalg.inv(world_from_agent)
            raster_from_world = render_context.raster_from_world(
                agent_centroid, agent_yaw_rad)

            agent_origin = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=np.float32)
            # this will raise IndexError if the agent is not in the frame or under agent-threshold
            # this is a strict error, we cannot recover from this situation
                agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(cur_agents,
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f" track_id {selected_track_id} not in frame or below threshold"
            agent_centroid = agent["centroid"]
            agent_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]
            agent_extent = agent["extent"]

            agent_origin = transform_point(agent_centroid, agent_from_world)
        future_coords_offset, future_yaws_offset, future_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
            future_num_frames, future_frames, selected_track_id, future_agents,
            agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad, agent_origin)
        if selected_track_id != -1 and np.sum(
                future_availability) < min_frame_future:
            # Not enough future to predict, skip this agent.
        # history_num_frames + 1 because it also includes the current frame
        history_coords_offset, history_yaws_offset, history_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
            history_num_frames + 1, history_frames, selected_track_id,
            history_agents, agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad, agent_origin)
        if selected_track_id != -1 and np.sum(
                history_availability) < min_frame_history:
            # Not enough history to predict, skip this agent.

    # Get pixel coordinate
    agent_centroid_array = np.array(agent_centroid_list)
    agent_centroid_in_pixel = transform_points(agent_centroid_array,

    return {
        "image": input_im,  # (h, w, ch)
        # --- All below is in world coordinate ---
        np.array(future_coords_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 2)
        np.array(future_yaws_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 1)
        np.array(future_availability_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames)
        np.array(history_coords_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 2)
        np.array(history_yaws_offset_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames, 1)
        np.array(history_availability_list),  # (n_agents, num_frames)
        # "world_to_image": raster_from_world,  # (3, 3)
        "raster_from_world": raster_from_world,  # (3, 3)
        "centroid": agent_centroid_array,  # (n_agents, 2)
        "yaw": np.array(agent_yaw_list),  # (n_agents, 1)
        "extent": np.array(agent_extent_list),  # (n_agents, 3)
        "track_ids": np.array(filtered_track_ids_list),  # (n_agents)
        "centroid_pixel": agent_centroid_in_pixel,  # (n_agents, 2)
Example #17
def generate_agent_sample_tl_persistence(
        state_index: int,
        frames: np.ndarray,
        agents: np.ndarray,
        tl_faces: np.ndarray,
        selected_track_id: Optional[int],
        render_context: RenderContext,
        history_num_frames: int,
        history_step_size: int,
        future_num_frames: int,
        future_step_size: int,
        filter_agents_threshold: float,
        rasterizer: Optional[Rasterizer] = None,
        perturbation: Optional[Perturbation] = None,
) -> dict:
    """Generates the inputs and targets to train a deep prediction model. A deep prediction model takes as input
    the state of the world (here: an image we will call the "raster"), and outputs where that agent will be some
    seconds into the future.

    This function has a lot of arguments and is intended for internal use, you should try to use higher level classes
    and partials that use this function.

        state_index (int): The anchor frame index, i.e. the "current" timestep in the scene
        frames (np.ndarray): The scene frames array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        agents (np.ndarray): The full agents array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        tl_faces (np.ndarray): The full traffic light faces array, can be numpy array or a zarr array
        selected_track_id (Optional[int]): Either None for AV, or the ID of an agent that you want to
        predict the future of. This agent is centered in the raster and the returned targets are derived from
        their future states.
        raster_size (Tuple[int, int]): Desired output raster dimensions
        pixel_size (np.ndarray): Size of one pixel in the real world
        ego_center (np.ndarray): Where in the raster to draw the ego, [0.5,0.5] would be the center
        history_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        history_step_size (int): Steps to take between frames, can be used to subsample history frames
        future_num_frames (int): Amount of history frames to draw into the rasters
        future_step_size (int): Steps to take between targets into the future
        filter_agents_threshold (float): Value between 0 and 1 to use as cutoff value for agent filtering
        based on their probability of being a relevant agent
        rasterizer (Optional[Rasterizer]): Rasterizer of some sort that draws a map image
        perturbation (Optional[Perturbation]): Object that perturbs the input and targets, used
    to train models that can recover from slight divergence from training set data

        ValueError: A ValueError is returned if the specified ``selected_track_id`` is not present in the scene
        or was filtered by applying the ``filter_agent_threshold`` probability filtering.

        dict: a dict object with the raster array, the future offset coordinates (meters),
        the future yaw angular offset, the future_availability as a binary mask
    #  the history slice is ordered starting from the latest frame and goes backward in time., ex. slice(100, 91, -2)
    all_history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index, state_index, history_step_size, include_current_state=True)
    history_slice = get_history_slice(state_index, history_num_frames, history_step_size, include_current_state=True)
    future_slice = get_future_slice(state_index, future_num_frames, future_step_size)

    all_history_frames = frames[all_history_slice].copy()  # TL data will be based on all history
    history_frames = frames[history_slice].copy()  # copy() required if the object is a np.ndarray
    future_frames = frames[future_slice].copy()

    sorted_frames = np.concatenate((history_frames[::-1], future_frames))  # from past to future

    # get agents (past and future)
    agent_slice = get_agents_slice_from_frames(sorted_frames[0], sorted_frames[-1])
    agents = agents[agent_slice].copy()  # this is the minimum slice of agents we need
    history_frames["agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    future_frames["agent_index_interval"] -= agent_slice.start  # sync interval with the agents array
    history_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(history_frames, agents)
    future_agents = filter_agents_by_frames(future_frames, agents)

    # sync interval with the traffic light faces array
    tl_slice = get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(all_history_frames[-1], all_history_frames[0])  # -1 is the farthest
    all_history_frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] -= tl_slice.start
    history_tl_faces = filter_tl_faces_by_frames(all_history_frames, tl_faces[tl_slice].copy())

    # State you want to predict the future of.
    cur_frame = history_frames[0]
    cur_agents = history_agents[0]

    if selected_track_id is None:
        agent_centroid_m = cur_frame["ego_translation"][:2]
        agent_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(cur_frame["ego_rotation"])
        agent_extent_m = np.asarray((EGO_EXTENT_LENGTH, EGO_EXTENT_WIDTH, EGO_EXTENT_HEIGHT))
        selected_agent = None
        # this will raise IndexError if the agent is not in the frame or under agent-threshold
        # this is a strict error, we cannot recover from this situation
            agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(
                filter_agents_by_labels(cur_agents, filter_agents_threshold), selected_track_id
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError(f" track_id {selected_track_id} not in frame or below threshold")
        agent_centroid_m = agent["centroid"]
        agent_yaw_rad = float(agent["yaw"])
        agent_extent_m = agent["extent"]
        selected_agent = agent

    input_im = (
        if not rasterizer
        else rasterizer.rasterize(history_frames, history_agents, history_tl_faces, selected_agent)

    world_from_agent = compute_agent_pose(agent_centroid_m, agent_yaw_rad)
    agent_from_world = np.linalg.inv(world_from_agent)
    raster_from_world = render_context.raster_from_world(agent_centroid_m, agent_yaw_rad)

    future_coords_offset, future_yaws_offset, future_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
        future_num_frames, future_frames, selected_track_id, future_agents, agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad

    # history_num_frames + 1 because it also includes the current frame
    history_coords_offset, history_yaws_offset, history_availability = _create_targets_for_deep_prediction(
        history_num_frames + 1, history_frames, selected_track_id, history_agents, agent_from_world, agent_yaw_rad

    return {
        "image": input_im,
        "target_positions": future_coords_offset,
        "target_yaws": future_yaws_offset,
        "target_availabilities": future_availability,
        "history_positions": history_coords_offset,
        "history_yaws": history_yaws_offset,
        "history_availabilities": history_availability,
        "world_to_image": raster_from_world,  # TODO deprecate
        "raster_from_agent": raster_from_world @ world_from_agent,
        "raster_from_world": raster_from_world,
        "agent_from_world": agent_from_world,
        "world_from_agent": world_from_agent,
        "centroid": agent_centroid_m,
        "yaw": agent_yaw_rad,
        "extent": agent_extent_m,
Example #18
def zarr_scenes_chop_lite(input_zarr: str, output_zarr: str, num_frames_to_copy: int, history_num_frames: int) -> None:
    Copy (num_frames_to_copy - history_num_frames : num_frames_to_copy) from each scene in input_zarr and paste them into output_zarr

        input_zarr (str): path to the input zarr
        output_zarr (str): path to the output zarr
        num_frames_to_copy (int): how many frames to copy from the start of each scene
        history_num_frames (int): how many frames to include as a history from the point `num_frames_to_copy`

        chopped_indices (list[int])

    input_dataset = ChunkedDataset(input_zarr)

    # check we can actually copy the frames we want from each scene
    #assert np.all(np.diff(input_dataset.scenes["frame_index_interval"], 1) > num_frames_to_copy), "not enough frames"

    output_dataset = ChunkedDataset(output_zarr)

    # current indices where to copy in the output_dataset
    cur_scene_idx, cur_frame_idx, cur_agent_idx, cur_tl_face_idx = 0, 0, 0, 0
    chopped_indices = []

    for idx in tqdm(range(len(input_dataset.scenes)), desc="copying"):

        # get data and immediately chop frames, agents and traffic lights
        scene = input_dataset.scenes[idx]
        first_frame_idx = scene["frame_index_interval"][0]
        last_frame_idx = scene["frame_index_interval"][-1]

        if (last_frame_idx - first_frame_idx - num_frames_to_copy) >= 0 and num_frames_to_copy >= history_num_frames:

            frames = input_dataset.frames[first_frame_idx + num_frames_to_copy - history_num_frames: first_frame_idx + num_frames_to_copy]
            agents = input_dataset.agents[get_agents_slice_from_frames(*frames[[0, -1]])]
            tl_faces = input_dataset.tl_faces[get_tl_faces_slice_from_frames(*frames[[0, -1]])]

            # reset interval relative to our output (subtract current history and add output history)
            scene["frame_index_interval"][0] = cur_frame_idx
            scene["frame_index_interval"][1] = cur_frame_idx + len(frames)  # address for less frames

            frames["agent_index_interval"] += cur_agent_idx - frames[0]["agent_index_interval"][0]
            frames["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"] += (
                cur_tl_face_idx - frames[0]["traffic_light_faces_index_interval"][0]

            # write in dest using append (slow)
            output_dataset.scenes.append(scene[None, ...])  # need 2D array to concatenate

            # increase indices in output
            cur_scene_idx += len(scene)
            cur_frame_idx += len(frames)
            cur_agent_idx += len(agents)
            cur_tl_face_idx += len(tl_faces)

            # Add to chopped info


            print(' : '.join(('Excluded', str(idx), str(last_frame_idx - first_frame_idx))))

    return chopped_indices