Example #1
    def _get_warnings_text_and_table(self):
        Return a :py:class:`Table <lab.reports.Table>` containing one line for
        each run where an unexplained error occured.
        if not self.ERROR_ATTRIBUTES:
            logging.critical("The list of error attributes must not be empty.")

        table = reports.Table(title="Unexplained errors")

        wrote_to_slurm_err = any(
            "output-to-slurm.err" in run.get("unexplained_errors", [])
            for run in self.runs.values())

        for run in self.runs.values():
            error_message = tools.get_unexplained_errors_message(run)
            if error_message:
                run_dir = run["run_dir"]
                for attr in self.ERROR_ATTRIBUTES:
                    value = run.get(attr, "?")
                    if attr == "unexplained_errors":
                        value = self._format_unexplained_errors(value)
                        # Use formatted value as-is.
                            attr] = reports.CellFormatter()
                    table.add_cell(run_dir, attr, value)

        errors = []

        if wrote_to_slurm_err:
            src_dir = self.eval_dir.rstrip("/")[:-len("-eval")]
            slurm_err_file = src_dir + "-grid-steps/slurm.err"
                slurm_err_content = tools.get_slurm_err_content(src_dir)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                slurm_err_file = "*-grid-steps/slurm.err"
                    f"There was output to {slurm_err_file}, but the file was missing "
                    f"when this report was made.")
                slurm_err_content = tools.filter_slurm_err_content(
                    f"There was output to {slurm_err_file}. Below is the output without"
                    f'"memory cg" errors:\n```\n{slurm_err_content}\n```')
            logging.error(f"There was output to {slurm_err_file}.")

        if table:

        infai_1_nodes = {f"ase{i:02d}.cluster.bc2.ch" for i in range(1, 25)}
        infai_2_nodes = {f"ase{i:02d}.cluster.bc2.ch" for i in range(31, 55)}
        nodes = self._get_node_names()
        if nodes & infai_1_nodes and nodes & infai_2_nodes:
                "Report combines runs from infai_1 and infai_2 partitions.")

        return "\n".join(errors)
Example #2
    def _get_empty_table(self, attribute=None, title=None, columns=None):
        """Return an empty table."""
        if title is None:
            assert attribute is not None
            title = attribute
            if self.output_format == 'tex':
                title = title.capitalize().replace('_', ' ')
        if columns is None:
            columns = self.algorithms

        if attribute is not None and self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute):
            # Decide whether we want to highlight minima or maxima.
            kwargs = {
                'min_wins': attribute.min_wins,
                'colored': self.colored and attribute.min_wins is not None,
                'digits': attribute.digits,
            # Do not highlight anything.
            kwargs = {}
        table = reports.Table(title=title, **kwargs)
        link = '#%s' % title
        formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link)
            table.header_column] = formatter
        return table
Example #3
    def _get_suite_table(self, attribute):
        assert self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute), attribute
        table = self._get_empty_table(attribute)
        self._add_summary_functions(table, attribute)
        func_name, func = self._get_aggregation_function(attribute)
        num_probs = 0
        self._add_table_info(attribute, func_name, table)
        domain_algo_values = {}
        for domain in self.domains:
            for algorithm in self.algorithms:
                domain_algo_values[(domain, algorithm)] = []
        for (domain, _), runs in self.problem_runs.items():
            # If the attribute is absolute, no runs must have been filtered and
            # no values must be missing.
            if not attribute.absolute and (len(runs) < len(self.algorithms)
                                           or any(
                                               run.get(attribute) is None
                                               for run in runs)):
            num_probs += 1
            for run in runs:
                value = run.get(attribute)
                if value is not None:

        # If the attribute is absolute (e.g. coverage) we may have
        # added problems for which not all algorithms have a value. Therefore, we
        # can only print the number of instances (in brackets after the domain
        # name) if that number is the same for all algorithms. If not all algorithms
        # have values for the same number of problems, we write the full list of
        # different problem numbers.
        for domain in self.domains:
            task_counts = [
                str(len(domain_algo_values[(domain, algo)]))
                for algo in self.algorithms
            if len(set(task_counts)) == 1:
                count = task_counts[0]
                count = ", ".join(task_counts)
            link = None
            if self.use_domain_links:
                link = f"#{attribute}-{domain}"
            formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link, count=count)
            table.cell_formatters[domain][table.header_column] = formatter

        for (domain, algo), values in domain_algo_values.items():
            domain_value = func(values) if values else None
            table.add_cell(domain, algo, domain_value)

        table.num_values = num_probs
        return table
Example #4
    def _get_suite_table(self, attribute):
        assert self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute), attribute
        table = self._get_empty_table(attribute)
        self._add_summary_functions(table, attribute)
        # The first group function is used for aggregation.
        func_name, func = self._get_group_functions(attribute)[0]
        num_probs = 0
        self._add_table_info(attribute, func_name, table)
        domain_config_values = defaultdict(list)
        for domain, problems in self.domains.items():
            for problem in problems:
                runs = self.problem_runs[(domain, problem)]
                if (not attribute.absolute and
                        any(run.get(attribute) is None for run in runs)):
                num_probs += 1
                for run in runs:
                    value = run.get(attribute)
                    if value is not None:
                        domain_config_values[(domain, run['config'])].append(value)

        # If the attribute is absolute (e.g. coverage) we may have
        # added problems for which not all configs have a value. Therefore, we
        # can only print the number of instances (in brackets after the domain
        # name) if that number is the same for all configs. If not all configs
        # have values for the same number of problems, we write the full list of
        # different problem numbers.
        num_values_lists = defaultdict(list)
        for domain in self.domains:
            for config in self.configs:
                values = domain_config_values.get((domain, config), [])
        for domain, num_values_list in num_values_lists.items():
            if len(set(num_values_list)) == 1:
                count = num_values_list[0]
                count = ','.join(num_values_list)
            link = None
            if self.resolution == 'combined':
                link = '#%s-%s' % (attribute, domain)
            formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link, count=count)
            table.cell_formatters[domain][table.header_column] = formatter

        for (domain, config), values in domain_config_values.items():
            table.add_cell(domain, config, func(values))

        table.num_values = num_probs
        return table
Example #5
    def _get_suite_table(self, attribute):
        assert self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute), attribute
        table = self._get_empty_table(attribute)
        self._add_summary_functions(table, attribute)
        func_name, func = self._get_aggregation_function(attribute)
        num_probs = 0
        self._add_table_info(attribute, func_name, table)
        domain_algo_values = defaultdict(list)
        for (domain, _), runs in self.problem_runs.items():
            if (not attribute.absolute
                    and any(run.get(attribute) is None for run in runs)):
            num_probs += 1
            for run in runs:
                value = run.get(attribute)
                if value is not None:

        # If the attribute is absolute (e.g. coverage) we may have
        # added problems for which not all algorithms have a value. Therefore, we
        # can only print the number of instances (in brackets after the domain
        # name) if that number is the same for all algorithms. If not all algorithms
        # have values for the same number of problems, we write the full list of
        # different problem numbers.
        num_values_lists = defaultdict(list)
        for domain in self.domains:
            for algo in self.algorithms:
                values = domain_algo_values.get((domain, algo), [])
        for domain, num_values_list in num_values_lists.items():
            if len(set(num_values_list)) == 1:
                count = num_values_list[0]
                count = ','.join(num_values_list)
            link = None
            if self.use_domain_links:
                link = '#{}-{}'.format(attribute, domain)
            formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link, count=count)
            table.cell_formatters[domain][table.header_column] = formatter

        for (domain, algo), values in domain_algo_values.items():
            table.add_cell(domain, algo, func(values))

        table.num_values = num_probs
        return table
Example #6
 def _get_empty_table(self, attribute=None, title=None, columns=None):
     """Return an empty table."""
     if title is None:
         assert attribute is not None
         title = attribute
     if columns is None:
         columns = self.configs
     if attribute is not None and self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute):
         # Decide whether we want to highlight minima or maxima.
         min_wins = attribute.min_wins
         colored = self.colored and min_wins is not None
         # Do not highlight anything.
         min_wins = None
         colored = False
     table = reports.Table(title=title, min_wins=min_wins, colored=colored)
     if self.resolution == 'combined':
         link = '#%s' % title
         formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link)
         table.cell_formatters[table.header_row][table.header_column] = formatter
     return table
    def _get_commulative_table(self, domain):
        #init new table
        title = 'Commulative'
        columns = {'Percentage', 'h*/h(s)'}
        min_wins = False
        colored = True
        table = reports.Table(title=title, min_wins=min_wins, colored=colored)
        link = '#%s' % title
        formatter = reports.CellFormatter(link=link)
            table.header_column] = formatter
        domain_dir = self.outFile + '/' + domain
        domain_file = domain_dir + '/' + 'PAC_Commulative_ratio.csv'
        file = open(domain_file, "w")

        #get relevant value from original table
        ratio_attr = Attribute('hstar_to_h', min_wins=False, absolute=True)
        ratio_table = AbsoluteReport._get_table(self, ratio_attr, domain)
        #define arrays to work
        ratios = [
            0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3,
            1.35, 1.4, 1.45, 1.5, 1.55, 1.6, 1.65, 1.7, 1.75, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9,
            1.95, 2, 2.05, 2.1, 2.15, 2.2, 2.25, 2.3, 2.35, 2.4, 2.45, 2.5,
            2.55, 2.6, 2.65, 2.7, 2.75, 2.8, 2.85, 2.9, 2.95, 3.0, 3.05, 3.1,
            3.15, 3.2, 3.25, 3.3, 3.35, 3.4, 3.45, 3.5, 3.55, 3.6, 3.65, 3.7,
            3.75, 3.80, 3.85, 3.9, 3.95, 4.0, 4.05, 4.1, 4.15, 4.2, 2.25, 4.3,
            4.35, 4.4, 4.45, 4.5
        names = [
            'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
            'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
            'za', 'zb', 'zc', 'zd', 'ze', 'zf', 'zg', 'zh', 'zi', 'zj', 'zk',
            'zl', 'zm', 'zn', 'zo', 'aa', 'ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ag',
            'ah', 'ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'al', 'am', 'an', 'ao', 'ap', 'aq', 'ar',
            'as', 'at', 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'bb', 'bc',
            'bd', 'be', 'bf', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi'
        counter = 0

        #calculate number of solved problems
        total_solved = 0
        for row in ratio_table.row_names:
            curr_val = ratio_table.get(row)
            val = curr_val[self.nick]
            if val > 0:
                total_solved = total_solved + 1

        #for each ratio (1,1.05...), find the number of problems with this ratio, calc percentage and add row
        for ratio in ratios:
            _sum = 0
            for row in ratio_table.row_names:
                curr_val = ratio_table.get(row)
                val = curr_val[self.nick]
                if val <= ratio and val > 0:
                    _sum = _sum + 1

            if total_solved == 0:
                _sum_percent = 0
                _sum_percent = _sum * 100 / total_solved

            #add new row
            row_to_add = {}
            row_to_add['Percentage'] = _sum_percent
            row_to_add['h*/h(s)'] = ratio
            table.add_row(names[counter], row_to_add)
            counter = counter + 1
            #TODO - save only one ratio per percentage
            toWrite = str(ratio) + ',' + str(_sum_percent) + '\n'



        return table
Example #8
    def get_markup(self):
        sections = []
        toc_lines = []

        warnings = self._get_warnings_text_and_table()
        if warnings:
            toc_lines.append('- **['
                             'Unexplained Errors'
                             ' #unexplained-errors]**')
            sections.append(('unexplained-errors', warnings))

        toc_lines.append('- **[Info #info]**')
        sections.append(('info', self._get_general_info()))

        # Index of summary section.
        summary_index = len(sections)

        # Build a table containing summary functions of all other tables.
        # The actual section is added at position summary_index after creating
        # all other tables.
        summary = self._get_empty_table(title='Summary')
        summary.colored = self.colored
        toc_lines.append('- **[Summary #summary]**')

        for attribute in self.attributes:
            logging.info('Creating table(s) for %s' % attribute)
            tables = []
            if attribute == 'error':
                seen_errors = set()
                error_counter = defaultdict(int)

                for run in self.runs.values():
                    error = run.get('error', 'attribute-error-missing')
                    error_counter[(run["algorithm"], run["domain"],
                                   error)] += 1

                error_to_min_wins = {
                    outcome.msg: outcome.min_wins
                    for outcome in outcomes.OUTCOMES

                for error in sorted(seen_errors):
                    # Txt2tags seems to only allow letters, "-" and "_" in anchors.
                    pseudo_attribute = 'error-' + error
                    table = self._get_empty_table(title=pseudo_attribute)
                    min_wins = error_to_min_wins.get(error, None)
                    table.min_wins = min_wins
                    table.colored = min_wins is not None
                    for domain in self.domains:
                        if self.use_domain_links:
                                table.header_column] = (reports.CellFormatter(
                        for algorithm in self.algorithms:
                            count = error_counter.get(
                                (algorithm, domain, error), 0)
                            table.add_cell(domain, algorithm, count)
                    table.add_summary_function('Sum', sum)
                                                 link='#' + 'error-' +
                    tables.append((pseudo_attribute, table))
            elif self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute):
                domain_table = self._get_table(attribute)
                tables.append(('', domain_table))
                                             link='#' + attribute)
                    ('', 'Domain-wise reports only support numeric '
                     'attributes, but %s has type %s.' %
                     (attribute, self._all_attributes[attribute].__name__)))
            for domain in sorted(self.domains.keys()):
                tables.append((domain, self._get_table(attribute, domain)))

            parts = []
            toc_line = []
            for (domain, table) in tables:
                if domain:
                    assert table
                        "[''%(domain)s'' #%(attribute)s-%(domain)s]" %
                    parts.append('== %(domain)s ==[%(attribute)s-%(domain)s]\n'
                                 '%(table)s\n' % locals())
                    if table:
                        parts.append('%(table)s\n' % locals())
                        parts.append('No task was found where all algorithms '
                                     'have a value for "%s". Therefore no '
                                     'domain-wise table can be generated.\n' %

            toc_lines.append("- **[''{}'' #{}]**".format(attribute, attribute))
            toc_lines.append('  - ' + ' '.join(toc_line))
            sections.append((attribute, '\n'.join(parts)))

        # Add summary before main content. This is done after creating the main content
        # because the summary table is extracted from all other tables.
        sections.insert(summary_index, ('summary', summary))

        toc = '\n'.join(toc_lines)

        content = '\n'.join('= {} =[{}]\n\n{}'.format(attr, attr, section)
                            for (attr, section) in sections)
        return '{}\n\n\n{}'.format(toc, content)
Example #9
    def get_markup(self):
        sections = []
        toc_lines = []

        warnings = self._get_warnings_text_and_table()
        if warnings:
            toc_lines.append("- **["
                             "Unexplained Errors"
                             " #unexplained-errors]**")
            sections.append(("unexplained-errors", warnings))

        toc_lines.append("- **[Info #info]**")
        sections.append(("info", self._get_general_info()))

        # Index of summary section.
        summary_index = len(sections)

        # Build a table containing summary functions of all other tables.
        # The actual section is added at position summary_index after creating
        # all other tables.
        summary = self._get_empty_table(title="Summary")
        summary.colored = self.colored
        toc_lines.append("- **[Summary #summary]**")

        for attribute in self.attributes:
            logging.info(f"Creating table(s) for {attribute}")
            tables = []
            if attribute == "error":
                seen_errors = set()
                error_counter = defaultdict(int)

                for run in self.runs.values():
                    error = run.get("error", "attribute-error-missing")
                    error_counter[(run["algorithm"], run["domain"],
                                   error)] += 1

                error_to_min_wins = {
                    outcome.msg: outcome.min_wins
                    for outcome in outcomes.OUTCOMES

                for error in sorted(seen_errors):
                    # Txt2tags seems to only allow letters, "-" and "_" in anchors.
                    pseudo_attribute = "error-" + error
                    table = self._get_empty_table(title=pseudo_attribute)
                    min_wins = error_to_min_wins.get(error, None)
                    table.min_wins = min_wins
                    table.colored = min_wins is not None
                    for domain in self.domains:
                        if self.use_domain_links:
                                table.header_column] = reports.CellFormatter(
                        for algorithm in self.algorithms:
                            count = error_counter.get(
                                (algorithm, domain, error), 0)
                            table.add_cell(domain, algorithm, count)
                    table.add_summary_function("Sum", sum)
                                                 link="#" + "error-" +
                    tables.append((pseudo_attribute, table))
            elif self.attribute_is_numeric(attribute):
                domain_table = self._get_suite_table(attribute)
                tables.append(("", domain_table))
                                             link="#" + attribute)
                    f"Domain-wise reports only support numeric "
                    f"attributes, but {attribute} has type "
            for domain in sorted(self.domains.keys()):
                    (domain, self._get_domain_table(attribute, domain)))

            parts = []
            toc_line = []
            for (domain, table) in tables:
                if domain:
                    assert table
                    toc_line.append(f"[''{domain}'' #{attribute}-{domain}]")
                        f"== {domain} ==[{attribute}-{domain}]\n{table}\n")
                    if table:
                            f"No task was found where all algorithms "
                            f'have a value for "{attribute}". Therefore no '
                            f"domain-wise table can be generated.\n")

            toc_lines.append(f"- **[''{attribute}'' #{attribute}]**")
            toc_lines.append("  - " + " ".join(toc_line))
            sections.append((attribute, "\n".join(parts)))

        # Add summary before main content. This is done after creating the main content
        # because the summary table is extracted from all other tables.
        sections.insert(summary_index, ("summary", summary))

        toc = "\n".join(toc_lines)

        content = "\n".join(f"= {attr} =[{attr}]\n\n{section}"
                            for (attr, section) in sections)
        return f"{toc}\n\n\n{content}"