Example #1
    def vis(self, mesh, grasp_vertices, grasp_qualities):
        Pass in any grasp and its associated grasp quality.  this function will plot
        each grasp on the object and plot the grasps as a bar between the points, with
        colored dots on the line endpoints representing the grasp quality associated
        with each grasp
        mesh : :obj:`Trimesh`
        grasp_vertices : mx2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            m grasps.  Each grasp containts two contact points.  Each contact point
            is a 3 dimensional vector, hence the shape mx2x3
        grasp_qualities : mx' :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            vector of grasp qualities for each grasp

        dirs = normalize(grasp_vertices[:, 0] - grasp_vertices[:, 1], axis=1)
        midpoints = (grasp_vertices[:, 0] + grasp_vertices[:, 1]) / 2
        grasp_endpoints = np.zeros(grasp_vertices.shape)
        grasp_vertices[:, 0] = midpoints + dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2
        grasp_vertices[:, 1] = midpoints - dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2

        for grasp, quality in zip(grasp_vertices, grasp_qualities):
            color = [min(1, 2 * (1 - quality)), min(1, 2 * quality), 0, 1]
            if color != [1, 0, 0, 1]:
                good_grasp += 1
                # vis3d.plot3d(grasp, color=color, tube_radius=.0005)
            vis3d.plot3d(grasp, color=color, tube_radius=.0005)
Example #2
    def vertices_to_baxter_hand_pose(self, grasp_vertices, approach_direction,
        takes the contacts positions in the object frame and returns the hand pose T_obj_gripper
        BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE FROM FRAME AND TO FRAME.  the RigidTransform class' frames are

        grasp_vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            position of the fingers in object frame
        approach_direction : 3x' :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            there are multiple grasps that go through contact1 and contact2.  This describes which
            orientation the hand should be in

        :obj:`autolab_core:RigidTransform` Hand pose in the object frame
        # parameters required to create a autolab_core:RigidTransform:
        # - rotation (aka 3x3 rotation matrix)
        # - translation (aka 3x1 vector)
        # - from_frame (aka str)
        # - to_frame (aka str)

        midpoint = (grasp_vertices[0] + grasp_vertices[1]) / 2

        gripper_half_width = MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2

        z = normalize(approach_direction)
        y = normalize(grasp_vertices[0] - grasp_vertices[1])
        x = np.cross(y, z)

        rot_mat_opposite = np.array([x, y, z]).T
        p_opposite = midpoint

        rot_mat = rot_mat_opposite.T
        p = -np.matmul(rot_mat_opposite.T, p_opposite)

        rigid_trans = RigidTransform(rot_mat_opposite,

        return rigid_trans
Example #3
    def vis(self, mesh, grasp_vertices, grasp_qualities, grasp_normals):
        Pass in any grasp and its associated grasp quality.  this function will plot
        each grasp on the object and plot the grasps as a bar between the points, with
        colored dots on the line endpoints representing the grasp quality associated
        with each grasp

        mesh : :obj:`Trimesh`
        grasp_vertices : mx2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            m grasps.  Each grasp containts two contact points.  Each contact point
            is a 3 dimensional vector, hence the shape mx2x3
        grasp_qualities : mx' :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            vector of grasp qualities for each grasp

        middle_of_part = np.mean(np.mean(grasp_vertices, axis=1), axis=0)
        vis3d.points(middle_of_part, scale=0.003)

        dirs = normalize(grasp_vertices[:, 0] - grasp_vertices[:, 1], axis=1)

        midpoints = (grasp_vertices[:, 0] + grasp_vertices[:, 1]) / 2
        grasp_endpoints = np.zeros(grasp_vertices.shape)
        grasp_endpoints[:, 0] = midpoints + dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2
        grasp_endpoints[:, 1] = midpoints - dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2

        n0 = np.zeros(grasp_endpoints.shape)
        n1 = np.zeros(grasp_endpoints.shape)

        normal_scale = 0.01
        n0[:, 0] = grasp_vertices[:, 0]
        n0[:, 1] = grasp_vertices[:, 0] + normal_scale * grasp_normals[:, 0]
        n1[:, 0] = grasp_vertices[:, 1]
        n1[:, 1] = grasp_vertices[:, 1] + normal_scale * grasp_normals[:, 1]

        for grasp, quality, normal0, normal1 in zip(grasp_endpoints,
                                                    grasp_qualities, n0, n1):
            color = [min(1, 2 * (1 - quality)), min(1, 2 * quality), 0, 1]
            vis3d.plot3d(grasp, color=color, tube_radius=.001)
            vis3d.plot3d(normal0, color=(0, 0, 0), tube_radius=.002)
            vis3d.plot3d(normal1, color=(0, 0, 0), tube_radius=.002)
Example #4
    def compute_approach_direction(self, mesh, grasp_vertices, grasp_quality,

        ## initalizing stuff ##
        visualize = True
        nb_directions_to_test = 6
        normal_scale = 0.01
        plane_normal = normalize(grasp_vertices[0] - grasp_vertices[1])

        midpoint = (grasp_vertices[0] + grasp_vertices[1]) / 2

        ## generating a certain number of approach directions ##
        theta = np.pi / nb_directions_to_test
        rot_mat = rotation_3d(-plane_normal, theta)

        horizontal_direction = normalize(
            np.cross(plane_normal, np.array([0, 0, 1])))
        directions_to_test = [horizontal_direction]  #these are vectors
        approach_directions = [
                [midpoint, midpoint + horizontal_direction * normal_scale])
        ]  #these are two points for visualization

        for i in range(nb_directions_to_test - 1):
                normalize(np.matmul(rot_mat, directions_to_test[-1])))
                    midpoint, midpoint + directions_to_test[-1] * normal_scale

        ## computing the palm position for each approach direction ##
        palm_positions = []
        for i in range(nb_directions_to_test):
            palm_positions.append(midpoint +
                                  finger_length * directions_to_test[i])

        if visualize:
            ## plotting the whole mesh ##
            vis3d.mesh(mesh, style='wireframe')

            ## computing and plotting midpoint and gripper position ##
            dirs = (grasp_vertices[0] - grasp_vertices[1]
                    ) / np.linalg.norm(grasp_vertices[0] - grasp_vertices[1])
            grasp_endpoints = np.zeros(grasp_vertices.shape)
            grasp_endpoints[0] = midpoint + dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2
            grasp_endpoints[1] = midpoint - dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2

            color = [
                min(1, 2 * (1 - grasp_quality)),
                min(1, 2 * grasp_quality), 0, 1
            vis3d.plot3d(grasp_endpoints, color=color, tube_radius=.001)
            vis3d.points(midpoint, scale=0.003)

            ## computing and plotting normals at contact points ##
            n0 = np.zeros(grasp_endpoints.shape)
            n1 = np.zeros(grasp_endpoints.shape)
            n0[0] = grasp_vertices[0]
            n0[1] = grasp_vertices[0] + normal_scale * grasp_normals[0]
            n1[0] = grasp_vertices[1]
            n1[1] = grasp_vertices[1] + normal_scale * grasp_normals[1]
            vis3d.plot3d(n0, color=(0, 0, 0), tube_radius=.002)
            vis3d.plot3d(n1, color=(0, 0, 0), tube_radius=.002)

            ## plotting normals the palm positions for each potential approach direction ##
            for i in range(nb_directions_to_test):
                vis3d.points(palm_positions[i], scale=0.003)


        directions_to_test = [
            directions_to_test[3], directions_to_test[2],
            directions_to_test[4], directions_to_test[1],
            directions_to_test[5], directions_to_test[0]
        palm_positions = [
            palm_positions[3], palm_positions[2], palm_positions[4],
            palm_positions[1], palm_positions[5], palm_positions[0]

        ## checking if some approach direction is valid ##
        for i in range(nb_directions_to_test):
            if len(
                                                     palm_positions[i])) == 0:
                # it means the palm won't bump with part
                return directions_to_test[i]

        # it means all approach directions will bump with part
        return -1
Example #5
    def vis(self, mesh, grasp_vertices, grasp_normals, grasp_qualities,
        Pass in any grasp and its associated grasp quality.  this function will plot
        each grasp on the object and plot the grasps as a bar between the points, with
        colored dots on the line endpoints representing the grasp quality associated
        with each grasp
        mesh : :obj:`Trimesh`
        grasp_vertices : mx2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            m grasps.  Each grasp containts two contact points.  Each contact point
            is a 3 dimensional vector, hence the shape mx2x3
        grasp_qualities : mx' :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            vector of grasp qualities for each grasp
        hand_poses: list of RigidTransform objects

        dirs = normalize(grasp_vertices[:, 0] - grasp_vertices[:, 1], axis=1)
        midpoints = (grasp_vertices[:, 0] + grasp_vertices[:, 1]) / 2
        grasp_contacts = np.zeros(grasp_vertices.shape)
        grasp_contacts[:, 0] = midpoints + dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2
        grasp_contacts[:, 1] = midpoints - dirs * MAX_HAND_DISTANCE / 2

        for grasp, quality, normal, contacts, hand_pose in zip(
                grasp_vertices, grasp_qualities, grasp_normals, grasp_contacts,
            color = [min(1, 2 * (1 - quality)), min(1, 2 * quality), 0, 1]

            vis3d.points(grasp, scale=0.001, color=(1, 0, 0))
            n1_endpoints = np.zeros((2, 3))
            n1_endpoints[0] = grasp[0]
            n1_endpoints[1] = grasp[0] + 0.01 * normal[0]

            n2_endpoints = np.zeros((2, 3))
            n2_endpoints[0] = grasp[1]
            n2_endpoints[1] = grasp[1] + 0.01 * normal[1]

            vis3d.plot3d(n1_endpoints, color=color, tube_radius=0.001)
            vis3d.plot3d(n2_endpoints, color=color, tube_radius=0.001)

            # hand pose
                         color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))

            x_axis_endpoints = np.zeros((2, 3))
            x_axis_endpoints[0] = hand_pose.position
            x_axis_endpoints[1] = hand_pose.position + 0.01 * hand_pose.x_axis
            vis3d.plot3d(x_axis_endpoints, color=(1, 0, 0), tube_radius=0.0001)

            y_axis_endpoints = np.zeros((2, 3))
            y_axis_endpoints[0] = hand_pose.position
            y_axis_endpoints[1] = hand_pose.position + 0.01 * hand_pose.y_axis
            vis3d.plot3d(y_axis_endpoints, color=(0, 1, 0), tube_radius=0.0001)

            z_axis_endpoints = np.zeros((2, 3))
            z_axis_endpoints[0] = hand_pose.position
            z_axis_endpoints[1] = hand_pose.position + 0.01 * hand_pose.z_axis
            vis3d.plot3d(z_axis_endpoints, color=(0, 0, 1), tube_radius=0.0001)

            vis3d.plot3d(contacts, color=(0, 0, 1), tube_radius=.0005)