Example #1
def api_completions(task_id):
    """ Delete or save new completion to output_dir with the same name as task_id
    project = project_get_or_create()

    if request.method == 'POST':
        completion = request.json
        completion.pop('state', None)  # remove editor state
        completion_id = project.save_completion(task_id, completion)
        log.info(msg='Completion saved',
                     'task_id': task_id,
                     'output': request.json
        # try to train model with new completions
        if project.ml_backend:
                                            completion, project.project_obj)
        return make_response(json.dumps({'id': completion_id}), 201)

        return make_response('Incorrect request method', 500)
Example #2
def api_completions(task_id):
    """ Delete or save new completion to output_dir with the same name as task_id
    project = project_get_or_create()

    if request.method == 'POST':
        completion = request.json
        completion.pop('state', None)  # remove editor state
        cur_user= User.query.filter_by(email=current_user.email).first()

        completion_id = project.save_completion(task_id, completion, cur_user.name)[0]
        completion_user = project.save_completion(task_id, completion, cur_user.name)[1]
        log.info(msg='Completion saved', extra={'task_id': task_id, 'output': request.json})
        # Increase tasks that the user has completed

        get_db().execute('update num_completed SET num = num + 1 where user = :u', {'u':cur_user.name})
        worker_num_tasks = list(get_db().execute('select num as c from num_completed'))

        # try to train model with new completions
        if project.ml_backend:
            project.ml_backend.update_model(project.get_task(task_id), completion, project.project_obj)
        return make_response(json.dumps({'id': completion_id, 'user': completion_user}), 201)

        project.analytics.send(getframeinfo(currentframe()).function, error=500)
        return make_response('Incorrect request method', 500)
Example #3
def api_completion_update(task_id, completion_id):
    """ Rewrite existing completion with patch.
        This is technical api call for editor testing only. It's used for Rewrite button in editor.
    project = project_get_or_create()
    completion = request.json

    completion.pop('state', None)  # remove editor state
    completion['id'] = int(completion_id)
    project.save_completion(task_id, completion)
    log.info(msg='Completion saved', extra={'task_id': task_id, 'output': request.json})
    return make_response('ok', 201)
Example #4
def api_generate_next_task():
    """ Generate next task to label
    # try to find task is not presented in completions
    completions = db.get_completions_ids()
    for task_id, task in db.iter_tasks():
        if task_id not in completions:
            log.info(msg='New task for labeling', extra=task)
            # try to use ml backend for predictions
            if ml_backend:
                task = deepcopy(task)
                task['predictions'] = ml_backend.make_predictions(
                    task, project)
            return make_response(jsonify(task), 200)

    # no tasks found
    analytics.send(getframeinfo(currentframe()).function, error=404)
    return make_response('', 404)
Example #5
def api_generate_next_task():
    print("in api generate next task")
    """ Generate next task to label
    # try to find task is not presented in completions
    project = project_get_or_create()
    completions = project.get_completions_ids()
    #filter tasks
    num_workers = db.session.execute(
        'select count(id) as c from user where role="worker" ').scalar()
    num_tasks = len(project.tasks)
    num_each = num_tasks // num_workers
    remain = num_tasks % num_workers

    lower_bound = 0
    upper_bound = num_tasks

    task_queue = make_task_queue(num_tasks)

    if (current_user.role == "worker"):
        cur_id = current_user.id
        if (cur_id > len(task_queue)):
            return flask.render_template('closed.html')
        if (len(task_queue) != 0):
            lower_bound = task_queue[cur_id % len(task_queue)][0]
            upper_bound = task_queue[cur_id % len(task_queue)][
                len(task_queue[cur_id % len(task_queue)]) - 1]

    for task_id, task in project.iter_tasks():
        if task_id not in completions and task_id >= lower_bound and task_id <= upper_bound:
            log.info(msg='New task for labeling', extra=task)
            # try to use ml backend for predictions
            if project.ml_backend:
                task = deepcopy(task)
                task['predictions'] = project.ml_backend.make_predictions(
                    task, project.project_obj)
            return make_response(jsonify(task), 200)

    # no tasks found
    project.analytics.send(getframeinfo(currentframe()).function, error=404)
    return make_response('', 404)