Example #1
    def __init__(self, permutation=None, lengths=None):

        - ``permutation`` - a permutation (LabelledPermutationIET)

        - ``lengths`` - the list of lengths


            sage: p=iet.IntervalExchangeTransformation(('a','a'),[1])
            sage: p == loads(dumps(p))
        from labelled import LabelledPermutationIET
        if permutation is None or lengths is None:
            self._permutation = LabelledPermutationIET()
            self._lengths = []
            self._permutation = permutation
            self._lengths = lengths
Example #2
def Permutation(*args,**kargs):
    Returns a permutation of an interval exchange transformation.

    Those permutations are the combinatoric part of an interval exchange
    transformation (IET). The combinatorial study of those objects starts with
    Gerard Rauzy [R79]_ and William Veech [V78]_.

    The combinatoric part of interval exchange transformation can be taken
    independently from its dynamical origin. It has an important link with
    strata of Abelian differential (see :mod:`~sage.combinat.iet.strata`)

    - ``intervals`` - string, two strings, list, tuples that can be converted to
      two lists

    - ``reduced`` - boolean (default: False) specifies reduction. False means
      labelled permutation and True means reduced permutation.

    - ``flips`` -  iterable (default: None) the letters which correspond to
      flipped intervals.


    permutation -- the output type depends of the data.


    Creation of labelled permutations ::

        sage: iet.Permutation('a b c d','d c b a')
        a b c d
        d c b a
        sage: iet.Permutation([[0,1,2,3],[2,1,3,0]])
        0 1 2 3
        2 1 3 0
        sage: iet.Permutation([0, 'A', 'B', 1], ['B', 0, 1, 'A'])
        0 A B 1
        B 0 1 A

    Creation of reduced permutations::
        sage: iet.Permutation('a b c', 'c b a', reduced = True)
        a b c
        c b a
        sage: iet.Permutation([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 0, 2])
        0 1 2 3
        1 3 0 2

    Creation of flipped permutations::
        sage: iet.Permutation('a b c', 'c b a', flips=['a','b'])
        -a -b  c
         c -b -a
        sage: iet.Permutation('a b c', 'c b a', flips=['a'], reduced=True)
        -a  b  c
         c  b -a



        sage: p = iet.Permutation('a b c','c b a')
        sage: iet.Permutation(p) == p
        sage: iet.Permutation(p, reduced=True) == p.reduced()


        sage: p = iet.Permutation('a','a',flips='a',reduced=True)
        sage: iet.Permutation(p) == p


        sage: p = iet.Permutation('a b c','c b a',flips='a')
        sage: iet.Permutation(p) == p
        sage: iet.Permutation(p, reduced=True) == p.reduced()


        sage: p = iet.Permutation('a b c','c b a',reduced=True)
        sage: iet.Permutation(p) == p
    from labelled import LabelledPermutation
    from labelled import LabelledPermutationIET
    from labelled import FlippedLabelledPermutationIET

    from reduced import ReducedPermutation
    from reduced import ReducedPermutationIET
    from reduced import FlippedReducedPermutationIET

    if 'reduced' not in kargs :
        reduction = None
    elif not isinstance(kargs["reduced"], bool) :
        raise TypeError("reduced must be of type boolean")
    else :
        if kargs["reduced"] == True : reduction = True
        else : reduction = False

    if 'flips' not in kargs :
        flips = []
    else :
        flips = list(kargs['flips'])

    if 'alphabet' not in kargs :
        alphabet = None
    else :
        alphabet = kargs['alphabet']

    if len(args) == 1:
        args = args[0]
        if isinstance(args, LabelledPermutation):
            if flips == []:
                if reduction is None or reduction is False:
                    from copy import copy
                    return copy(args)
                    return args.reduced()
            else: # conversion not yet implemented
                reduced = reduction in (None, False)
                return PermutationIET(

        if isinstance(args, ReducedPermutation):
            if flips == []:
                if reduction is None or reduction is True:
                    from copy import copy
                    return copy(args)
                else:  # conversion not yet implemented
                    return PermutationIET(
            else: # conversion not yet implemented
                reduced = reduction in (None, True)
                return PermutationIET(

    a = _two_lists(args)
    l = a[0] + a[1]
    letters = set(l)

    for letter in flips :
        if letter not in letters :
            raise ValueError, "flips contains not valid letters"
    for letter in letters :
        if a[0].count(letter) != 1 or a[1].count(letter) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "letters must appear once in each interval"
    if reduction == True :
        if flips == [] :
            return ReducedPermutationIET(a, alphabet=alphabet)
        else :
            return FlippedReducedPermutationIET(a, alphabet=alphabet, flips=flips)
    else :
        if flips == [] :
            return LabelledPermutationIET(a, alphabet=alphabet)
        else :
            return FlippedLabelledPermutationIET(a, alphabet=alphabet, flips=flips)
Example #3
    def __mul__(self, other):
        Composition of iet.

        The domain (i.e. the length) of the two iets must be the same). The
        alphabet choosen depends on the permutation.



            sage: p = iet.Permutation("a b", "a b")
            sage: t = iet.IET(p, [1,1])
            sage: r = t*t
            sage: r.permutation()
            aa bb
            aa bb
            sage: r.lengths()
            [1, 1]


            sage: p = iet.Permutation("a b","b a")
            sage: t = iet.IET(p, [1,1])
            sage: r = t*t
            sage: r.permutation()
            ab ba
            ab ba
            sage: r.lengths()
            [1, 1]


            sage: p = iet.Permutation("1 2 3 4 5","5 4 3 2 1")
            sage: q = iet.Permutation("a b","b a")
            sage: s = iet.IET(p, [1]*5)
            sage: t = iet.IET(q, [1/2, 9/2])
            sage: r = s*t
            sage: r.permutation()
            a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
            b5 a5 b4 b3 b2 b1
            sage: r.lengths()
            [1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1/2]
            sage: r = t*s
            sage: r.permutation()
            1b 2b 3b 4b 5a 5b
            5b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5a
            sage: r.lengths()
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1/2, 1/2]
            sage: t = iet.IET(q, [3/2, 7/2])
            sage: r = s*t
            sage: r.permutation()
            a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4
            a5 b4 a4 b3 b2 b1
            sage: r.lengths()
            [1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1/2]
            sage: t = iet.IET(q, [5/2,5/2])
            sage: r = s*t
            sage: r.permutation()
            a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3
            a5 a4 b3 a3 b2 b1
            sage: r = t*s
            sage: r.permutation()
            1b 2b 3a 3b 4a 5a
            3b 2b 1b 5a 4a 3a


            sage: p = iet.Permutation("a b","b a")
            sage: s = iet.IET(p, [4,2])
            sage: q = iet.Permutation("c d","d c")
            sage: t = iet.IET(q, [3, 3])
            sage: r1 = t * s
            sage: r1.permutation()
            ac ad bc
            ad bc ac
            sage: r1.lengths()
            [1, 3, 2]
            sage: r2 = s * t
            sage: r2.permutation()
            ca cb da
            cb da ca
            sage: r2.lengths()
            [1, 2, 3]
        assert (isinstance(other, IntervalExchangeTransformation)
                and self.length() == other.length())

        from labelled import LabelledPermutationIET
        from sage.combinat.words.words import Words

        other_sg = other.range_singularities()[1:]
        self_sg = self.domain_singularities()[1:]

        n_other = len(other._permutation)
        n_self = len(self._permutation)

        interval_other = other._permutation._intervals[1]
        interval_self = self._permutation._intervals[0]

        d_other = dict([(i, []) for i in interval_other])
        d_self = dict([(i, []) for i in interval_self])

        i_other = 0
        i_self = 0

        x = 0
        l_lengths = []
        while i_other < n_other and i_self < n_self:
            j_other = interval_other[i_other]
            j_self = interval_self[i_self]


            if other_sg[i_other] < self_sg[i_self]:
                l = other_sg[i_other] - x
                x = other_sg[i_other]
                i_other += 1
            elif other_sg[i_other] > self_sg[i_self]:
                l = self_sg[i_self] - x
                x = self_sg[i_self]
                i_self += 1
                l = self_sg[i_self] - x
                x = self_sg[i_self]
                i_other += 1
                i_self += 1

            l_lengths.append(((j_other, j_self), l))

        alphabet_other = other._permutation.alphabet()
        alphabet_self = self._permutation.alphabet()

        d_lengths = dict(l_lengths)

        l_lengths = []
        top_interval = []
        for i in other._permutation._intervals[0]:
            for j in d_other[i]:
                a = alphabet_other.unrank(i)
                b = alphabet_self.unrank(j)
                top_interval.append(str(a) + str(b))
                l_lengths.append(d_lengths[(i, j)])

        bottom_interval = []
        for i in self._permutation._intervals[1]:
            for j in d_self[i]:
                a = alphabet_other.unrank(j)
                b = alphabet_self.unrank(i)
                bottom_interval.append(str(a) + str(b))

        p = LabelledPermutationIET((top_interval, bottom_interval))
        return IntervalExchangeTransformation(p, l_lengths)
Example #4
    def recoding(self, n):
        Recode this interval exchange transformation on the words of length


            sage: from surface_dynamics.all import *
            sage: p = iet.Permutation('a d c b', 'b c a d', alphabet='abcd')
            sage: T = iet.IntervalExchangeTransformation(p, [119,213,82,33])
            sage: T.recoding(2)
            Interval exchange transformation of [0, 447[ with permutation
            ab db cc cb ba bd bc
            ba bd bc cc cb ab db
            sage: T.recoding(3)
            Interval exchange transformation of [0, 447[ with permutation
            aba abd abc dbc ccb cba bab bdb bcc bcb
            cba aba abd abc dbc bcc bcb ccb bab bdb
        length = len(self._permutation)
        lengths = self._lengths
        A = self.permutation().alphabet()
        unrank = A.unrank

        top = self._permutation._labels[0]
        bot = self._permutation._labels[1]
        bot_twin = self._permutation._twin[1]

        sg_top = self.domain_singularities()[
            1:-1]  # iterates of the top singularities
        cuts = [[[i], lengths[i]] for i in bot]  # the refined bottom interval

        translations = self.translations()

        for step in range(n - 1):
            i = 0
            y = self.base_ring().zero()
            new_sg_top = []
            limits = [0]
            for j, x in enumerate(sg_top):
                while y < x:
                    y += cuts[i][1]
                    i += 1

                if y != x:
                    cuts.insert(i, [cuts[i - 1][0][:-1], cuts[i - 1][1]])
                    cuts[i - 1][1] -= y - x
                    cuts[i][0].append(top[j + 1])
                    cuts[i][1] = y - x
                    i += 1
            while i < len(cuts):
                cuts[i][0].append(top[j + 1])
                i += 1

            # now we reorder cuts with respect to T according to the cut at
            # limits
            if step != n - 2:
                new_cuts = []
                for j in bot_twin:
                    new_cuts.extend(cuts[limits[j]:limits[j + 1]])
                cuts = new_cuts

        # build the new interval exchange transformations
        itop = [None] * (max(top) + 1)
        for i, j in enumerate(top):
            itop[j] = i
        key = lambda x: [itop[i] for i in x[0]]
        top = sorted(cuts, key=key)
        lengths = [y for x, y in top]
        top = [''.join(str(unrank(i)) for i in x) for x, y in top]
        bot = cuts
        bot = [''.join(str(unrank(i)) for i in x) for x, y in bot]

        from labelled import LabelledPermutationIET
        p = LabelledPermutationIET((top, bot))
        return IntervalExchangeTransformation(p, lengths)