def get_visit_date(self): if not self.time_confirmation: return "" if not self.napravleniye.visit_date or not self.napravleniye.visit_who_mark: self.napravleniye.visit_date = self.napravleniye.visit_who_mark = self.doc_confirmation return strdate(self.napravleniye.visit_date)
def gen_band_pdf(request): pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('PTAstraSerifBold', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Bold.ttf'))) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('PTAstraSerifReg', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Regular.ttf'))) pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Symbola', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'Symbola.ttf'))) napr_id = json.loads(request.GET["napr_id"]) direction = Napravleniya.objects.filter(pk=napr_id[0]).first() dir_create = strdate(direction.data_sozdaniya) iss = Issledovaniya.objects.values('research__title').filter(napravleniye=direction).first() individual_birthday = strdate(direction.client.individual.birthday) individual_fio = direction.client.individual.fio() buffer = BytesIO() c = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=(152 * mm, 25 * mm)) c.setFont('PTAstraSerifBold', 12) c.drawString(3.5 * mm, 18 * mm, '{}, {}'.format(individual_fio, individual_birthday)) c.setFont('PTAstraSerifBold', 13) c.drawString(50 * mm, 12 * mm, '№: {}'.format(napr_id[0])) c.setFont('PTAstraSerifReg', 11) c.drawString(50 * mm, 8 * mm, '{}'.format(iss['research__title'])) c.drawString(50 * mm, 4 * mm, 'поступил: {}'.format(dir_create)) barcodeEAN = eanbc.Ean13BarcodeWidget(napr_id[0] + 460000000000, humanReadable=0, barHeight=11 * mm, barWidth=1.25) d = Drawing() d.add(barcodeEAN) renderPDF.draw(d, c, 0 * mm, 4 * mm) c.showPage() pdf = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="band.pdf"' response.write(pdf) return response
def get_plan_operations_by_patient(request): request_data = json.loads(request.body) start_date = datetime.combine(current_time(), dtime.min) patient_card = Card.objects.filter(pk=request_data['card_pk'])[0] result = PlanOperations.objects.filter( patient_card=patient_card, date__gte=start_date).order_by('date') data = [{ 'direction': i.direction, 'hirurg': i.doc_operate.get_fio(), 'hirurg_pk':, 'date': strdate(, 'type_operation': i.type_operation, 'pk_plan':, 'cancel': i.canceled, } for i in result] return JsonResponse({"data": data})
def save(request): request_data = json.loads(request.body) pk = int(request_data.get("pk", -1)) value = str(request_data.get("value", '')).strip() with_confirm = bool(request_data.get("withConfirm", True)) direction = Napravleniya.objects.filter(pk=pk).first() if not direction: return JsonResponse({'ok': False, 'message': 'Документ не найден'}) if not value and with_confirm: return JsonResponse({'ok': False, 'message': 'Некорректное значение'}) iss = Issledovaniya.objects.filter( napravleniye=direction, time_confirmation__isnull=True ).filter( Q(research__podrazdeleniye=request.user.doctorprofile.podrazdeleniye) | Q(research__is_doc_refferal=True) | Q(research__is_treatment=True) | Q(research__is_gistology=True) | Q(research__is_stom=True) | Q(research__is_gistology=True) | Q(research__is_form=True)) confirmed_at = None ok = False message = 'Неизвестная ошибка' with transaction.atomic(): for i in iss: ParaclinicResult.objects.filter(issledovaniye=i).delete() for g in ParaclinicInputGroups.objects.filter(research=i.research): for f in ParaclinicInputField.objects.filter(group=g): f_result = ParaclinicResult(issledovaniye=i, field=f, value="") f_result.value = value f_result.field_type = f.field_type i.doc_save = request.user.doctorprofile i.time_save = if with_confirm: i.doc_confirmation = request.user.doctorprofile i.time_confirmation = if i.napravleniye: i.napravleniye.qr_check_token = None['qr_check_token']) i.napravleniye.sync_confirmed_fields() confirmed_at = strdate(i.time_confirmation) ok = True message = None return JsonResponse({ 'ok': ok, 'message': message, 'value': value, 'slaveConfirm': confirmed_at, })
def get_finaldata_talon(doc_result_obj): """ Вход результаты врача за определенную дату Выход: стр-ра данных {'№п.п':'номер', 'ФИО пациента':'Иванов Иван Иванович', '№ карты (тип)':'1212 (L2)', 'Данные полиса':'номер;Компаня', 'цель посещения': '(код)', 'первичны прием':'Нет', 'Диагноз по МКБ': '(код)', 'Впервые':'Да', 'Результат обращения':'код', 'Исход':'Код', 'Д-стоит':'коды', 'Д-взят':'коды', 'Д-снят':'коды' 'причина снятия':'', 'Онкоподозрение':'Да' """ fin_oms = 'омс' fin_dms = 'дмс' fin_pay = 'платно' fin_medexam = MEDEXAM_FIN_SOURCE_TITLE fin_disp = 'диспансеризация' fin_budget = 'бюджет' fin_source = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_oms] = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_pay] = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_dms] = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_medexam] = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_disp] = OrderedDict() fin_source[fin_budget] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_oms] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_pay] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_dms] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_medexam] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_disp] = OrderedDict() fin_source_iss[fin_budget] = OrderedDict() oms_count = 0 dms_count = 0 pay_count = 0 disp_count = 0 medexam_count = 0 budget_count = 0 empty = '-' today = for i in doc_result_obj: napr_attr = Napravleniya.get_attr(i.napravleniye) temp_dict = OrderedDict() temp_dict_iss = OrderedDict() dict_fsourcce = '' order = '' if napr_attr['istochnik_f'] in ['омс', '']: oms_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_oms order = oms_count elif napr_attr['istochnik_f'] == 'платно': pay_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_pay order = pay_count elif napr_attr['istochnik_f'] == 'дмс': dms_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_dms order = dms_count elif napr_attr['istochnik_f'] == MEDEXAM_FIN_SOURCE_TITLE: medexam_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_medexam order = medexam_count elif napr_attr['istochnik_f'] == 'диспансеризация': disp_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_disp order = disp_count elif napr_attr['istochnik_f'] == 'бюджет': budget_count += 1 dict_fsourcce = fin_budget order = budget_count else: continue polis_who_giv = empty if not napr_attr['polis_who_give'] else napr_attr['polis_who_give'] polis_num = empty if not napr_attr['polis_n'] else napr_attr['polis_n'] temp_dict['client_fio'] = napr_attr['client_fio'] + ', ' + napr_attr['client_bd'] temp_dict['med_exam'] = strdate(i.medical_examination) + ', ' + str(i.napravleniye_id) num_poliklinika = f'\n({napr_attr["number_poliklinika"]})' if napr_attr['number_poliklinika'] else '' temp_dict['card_num'] = napr_attr['card_num'] + num_poliklinika temp_dict['polis_data'] = '<u>' + polis_num + '</u>' + '<br/>' + polis_who_giv temp_dict_iss = temp_dict.copy() temp_dict_iss['research_code'] = i.research.code temp_dict_iss['research_title'] = i.research.title temp_dict['purpose'] = empty if not i.purpose else i.purpose temp_dict['is_first_reception'] = 'Да' if i.research.is_first_reception else 'Нет' temp_dict['diagnos'] = empty if not i.diagnos else i.diagnos temp_dict['first_time'] = 'Да' if i.first_time else 'Нет' temp_dict['result_reception'] = empty if not i.result_reception else i.result_reception temp_dict['outcome_illness'] = empty if not i.outcome_illness else i.outcome_illness # Данные Д-учета disp = DispensaryReg.objects.filter(Q(card=i.napravleniye.client), (Q(date_end=None) | Q(date_end=today))) d_stand = [] d_take = [] d_stop = [] d_whystop = [] if disp: for d in disp: if d.date_end is None and d.date_start != date_start = strdate(d.date_start, short_year=True) date_start = normalize_date(date_start) d_stand.append(f'{d.diagnos}<br/>{date_start}<br/>') elif d.date_end is None and d.date_start == d_take.append(d.diagnos) elif d.date_end == d_stop.append(d.diagnos) d_whystop.append(d.why_stop) temp_dict['d_stand'] = '' if not d_stand else ''.join(d_stand) temp_dict['d_take'] = '' if not d_take else ', '.join(d_take) temp_dict['d_stop'] = '' if not d_stand else ', '.join(d_stop) temp_dict['d_whystop'] = '' if not d_whystop else ', '.join(d_whystop) temp_dict['maybe_onco'] = 'Да' if i.maybe_onco else '' fin_source[dict_fsourcce].update({order: temp_dict}) fin_source_iss[dict_fsourcce].update({order: temp_dict_iss}) if Issledovaniya.objects.filter(parent=i).exists(): temp_dict_iss_copy = deepcopy(temp_dict_iss) add_iss_dict = OrderedDict() for iss in Issledovaniya.objects.filter(parent=i): temp_dict_iss_copy['research_code'] = iss.research.code temp_dict_iss_copy['research_title'] = iss.research.title order = Decimal(str(order)) + Decimal('0.1') add_iss_dict[order] = deepcopy(temp_dict_iss_copy) fin_source_iss[dict_fsourcce].update(add_iss_dict) return [fin_source, fin_source_iss]
def add_template(iss: Issledovaniya, direction, offset=0): pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('PTAstraSerifBold', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Bold.ttf'))) pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('PTAstraSerifReg', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Regular.ttf'))) styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() style = styleSheet["Normal"] style.fontName = "PTAstraSerifReg" style.fontSize = 12 style.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY style_ml = deepcopy(style) style_ml.leftIndent = 5 * mm style_ml.spaceAfter = 0.5 * mm styleBold = deepcopy(style) styleBold.fontName = "PTAstraSerifBold" hospital_full_name = SettingManager.get("rmis_orgname") hospital_short_name = SettingManager.get("org_title") hospital_doc_confirm = styleT = deepcopy(style) styleT.alignment = TA_LEFT styleT.fontSize = 10 styleT.leading = 4.5 * mm text = ( f'<font size=10>{hospital_full_name}<br/>{hospital_short_name}<br/>Адрес: {hospital_doc_confirm.address}' f'{hospital_doc_confirm.phones}<br/>Лицензия на осуществление медицинской деятельности <br/> {hospital_doc_confirm.license_data}<br/>' f'</font>') styleCenterBold = deepcopy(style) styleCenterBold.alignment = TA_CENTER styleCenterBold.fontSize = 12 styleCenterBold.leading = 15 styleCenterBold.fontName = 'PTAstraSerifBold' styleCenter = deepcopy(styleCenterBold) styleCenter.fontName = 'PTAstraSerifReg' obj = [] obj.append( FrameData(0, (-15 - offset) * mm, 120, 28, text=text, style=style)) obj.append( FrameData(0, (-20 - offset) * mm, 180, 5, text='Медицинская справка', style=styleCenterBold)) obj.append( FrameData(0, (-23 - offset) * mm, 180, 5, text=f'№ {}', style=styleCenter)) obj.append( FrameData( 0, (-32 - offset) * mm, 180, 15, text= 'по результатам обследования водителя<br/>транспартнго средства (кандидата в водители траспортного средства)<br/><u>врачом-психиатром</u>', style=styleCenter, )) result = protocol_fields_result(iss) main_address, identified_final = '', '' for i in result: if i["title"] == "Медицинское заключение": identified_final = i["value"].replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') elif i["title"] == "Место регистрации": main_address = i["value"] text = ( f'1. Фамилия, имя, отчество (при наличии): {direction.client.individual.fio()}<br/>' f'2. Дата рождения: {}<br/>' f'3. Место регистрации: {main_address}<br/>' f'4. Медицинское заключение: {identified_final}') obj.append( FrameData(0, (-60 - offset) * mm, 180, 40, text=text, style=style)) date_confirm = strdate(iss.time_confirmation) opinion = [ [ Paragraph(f'<u>{date_confirm}</u>', styleCenter), Paragraph( f'<u>врач-психиатр, {iss.doc_confirmation.get_full_fio()}</u>', styleCenter), ], [ Paragraph('(Дата)', styleCenter), Paragraph('Должность (ФИО)', styleCenter), ], ] tbl = Table(opinion, colWidths=(90 * mm, 90 * mm)) tbl.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1.0, colors.white), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5 * mm), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ])) obj.append( FrameData(0, (-75 - offset) * mm, 180, 20, text=text, style=style, tbl=tbl)) return obj
def form_04(request_data): """ Форма 030/у - контрольная карта диспансерного учета """ reg_dipensary = DispensaryReg.objects.get(pk=request_data["reg_pk"]) ind_card = reg_dipensary.card patient_data = ind_card.get_data_individual() hospital: Hospitals = request_data["hospital"] hospital_name = hospital.safe_short_title hospital_address = hospital.safe_address hospital_kod_ogrn = hospital.safe_ogrn if sys.platform == 'win32': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'rus_rus') else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'ru_RU.UTF-8') pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('PTAstraSerifBold', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Bold.ttf'))) pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('PTAstraSerifReg', os.path.join(FONTS_FOLDER, 'PTAstraSerif-Regular.ttf'))) buffer = BytesIO() # doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=A4, leftMargin=25 * mm, rightMargin=5 * mm, topMargin=6 * mm, bottomMargin=6 * mm, allowSplitting=1, title="Форма {}".format("025/у")) doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=landscape(A5), leftMargin=25 * mm, rightMargin=5 * mm, topMargin=6 * mm, bottomMargin=6 * mm, allowSplitting=1, title="Форма {}".format("030/у")) width, height = portrait(A4) styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() style = styleSheet["Normal"] style.fontName = "PTAstraSerifReg" style.fontSize = 10 style.leading = 12 style.spaceAfter = 0.5 * mm styleBold = deepcopy(style) styleBold.fontName = "PTAstraSerifBold" styleCenter = deepcopy(style) styleCenter.alignment = TA_CENTER styleCenter.fontSize = 12 styleCenter.leading = 7 styleCenter.spaceAfter = 1 * mm styleCenterBold = deepcopy(styleBold) styleCenterBold.alignment = TA_CENTER styleCenterBold.fontSize = 12 styleCenterBold.leading = 15 styleCenterBold.face = 'PTAstraSerifBold' styleCenterBold.borderColor = black styleJustified = deepcopy(style) styleJustified.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY styleJustified.spaceAfter = 4.5 * mm styleJustified.fontSize = 12 styleJustified.leading = 4.5 * mm objs = [] styleT = deepcopy(style) styleT.alignment = TA_LEFT styleT.fontSize = 10 styleT.leading = 4.5 * mm styleT.face = 'PTAstraSerifReg' styleTCenter = deepcopy(styleT) styleTCenter.alignment = TA_CENTER print_district = '' if SettingManager.get("district", default='True', default_type='b'): if ind_card.district is not None: print_district = 'Уч: {}'.format(ind_card.district.title) opinion = [ [ Paragraph( '<font size=11>{}<br/>Адрес: {}<br/>ОГРН: {} <br/><u>{}</u> </font>' .format(hospital_name, hospital_address, hospital_kod_ogrn, print_district), styleT), Paragraph( '<font size=9 >Код формы по ОКУД:<br/>Код организации по ОКПО:<br/>' 'Медицинская документация<br/>Учетная форма N 030/у</font>', styleT), ], ] tbl = Table(opinion, 2 * [90 * mm]) tbl.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.75, colors.white), ('LEFTPADDING', (1, 0), (-1, -1), 80), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ])) objs.append(tbl) space_symbol = ' ' if patient_data['age'] < SettingManager.get( "child_age_before", default='15', default_type='i'): patient_data['serial'] = patient_data['bc_serial'] patient_data['num'] = patient_data['bc_num'] else: patient_data['serial'] = patient_data['passport_serial'] patient_data['num'] = patient_data['passport_num'] card_num_obj = patient_data['card_num'].split(' ') p_card_num = card_num_obj[0] if len(card_num_obj) == 2: p_card_type = '(' + str(card_num_obj[1]) + ')' else: p_card_type = '' diagnos = reg_dipensary.diagnos illnes = reg_dipensary.illnes doctor = reg_dipensary.doc_start_reg doc_speciality = "____________________" if doctor.specialities: doc_speciality = f"<u>{doctor.specialities.title}</u>" doc_fio = doctor.get_full_fio() date_start = reg_dipensary.date_start date_start = strdate(date_start, short_year=True) date_start = normalize_date(date_start) date_end = reg_dipensary.date_end if date_end: date_end = strdate(date_end, short_year=True) date_end = normalize_date(date_end) else: date_end = "" why_stop = reg_dipensary.why_stop if reg_dipensary.what_times == 1: what_times = "впервые - 1" elif reg_dipensary.what_times == 2: what_times = "повторно - 2" else: what_times = "впервые - 1, повторно - 2" if reg_dipensary.how_identified == 1: how_identified = "обращении за лечением - 1" elif reg_dipensary.how_identified == 2: how_identified = "профилактическом осмотре - 2" else: how_identified = "обращении за лечением - 1, профилактическом осмотре - 2" content_title = [ Indenter(left=0 * mm), Spacer(1, 1 * mm), Paragraph('КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ КАРТА, ', styleCenter), Paragraph( 'ДИСПАНСЕРНОГО НАБЛЮДЕНИЯ {}<font size=14>№</font><font fontname="PTAstraSerifBold" size=17> <u>{}</u></font><font size=14> {}</font>' .format(3 * space_symbol, p_card_num, p_card_type), styleCenter, ), Spacer(1, 7 * mm), Paragraph( f'1. Диагноз заболевания, по поводу которого пациент подлежит диспансерному наблюдению: <u>{illnes}</u> Код по МКБ-10: <u>{diagnos}</u>', style), Paragraph('2.Дата заполнения медицинской карты: _____________________', style), Paragraph( f'3. Специальность врача: {doc_speciality} {4 * space_symbol} 4.ФИО врача: <u>{doc_fio}</u>', style), Paragraph( f'5. Дата установления диагноза: <u>{date_start}</u> {4 * space_symbol} 6. Диагноз установлен: {what_times}', style), Paragraph(f'7. Заболевание выявлено при: {how_identified}', style), Paragraph( f'8. Дата начала диспансерного наблюдения <u>{date_start}</u> {4 * space_symbol} 9. Дата прекращения диспансерного наблюдения {date_end}', style), Paragraph( f'10. Причины прекращения диспансерного наблюдения: <u>{why_stop}</u>', style), Paragraph( "11. Фамилия, имя, отчество: <font size=11.7 fontname ='PTAstraSerifBold'> {} </font> " .format(patient_data['fio']), style), Paragraph( '12. Пол: {} {} 13. Дата рождения: {}'.format( patient_data['sex'], 3 * space_symbol, patient_data['born']), style), Paragraph( '14. Место регистрации: {}'.format(patient_data['main_address']), style), Paragraph('15. Код категории льготы:__________', style), ] objs.extend(content_title) objs.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm)) research_need = DispensaryPlan.objects.filter(diagnos=diagnos).order_by( 'research__title', 'speciality__title') researches_list = [] specialities_list = [] visits_result = "" visits_plan = "" visits_research = VisitPurpose.objects.filter( title__icontains="диспансерн") current_year = year = request_data.get('year', current_year) for i in research_need: if i.speciality: results = research_last_result_every_month( Researches.objects.filter(speciality=i.speciality), ind_card, year, visits_research) dates_result = "" dates_plan = "" plans = DispensaryRegPlans.objects.filter( card=ind_card, research=None, speciality=i.speciality, date__year=year).order_by('date') for p in plans: dates_plan = f"{dates_plan} {strfdatetime(, '%d.%m')};" for r in range(12): if results[r]: if r < 9: dates_result = f"{dates_result} {results[r]['date']}.0{r + 1};" else: dates_result = f"{dates_result} {results[r]['date']}.{r + 1};" if i.is_visit: visits_result = dates_result visits_plan = dates_plan else: specialities_list.append( f'{i.speciality.title}-{dates_plan}-{dates_result}') if i.research: dates_plan = " " plans = DispensaryRegPlans.objects.filter( card=ind_card, research=None, speciality=i.speciality, date__year=year).order_by('date') for p in plans: dates_plan = f"{dates_plan} {strfdatetime(, '%d.%m')};" results = research_last_result_every_month([i.research], ind_card, year) dates_result = "" for r in range(12): if results[r]: if r < 9: dates_result = f"{dates_result} {results[r]['date']}.0{r + 1};" else: dates_result = f"{dates_result} {results[r]['date']}.{r + 1};" researches_list.append( f'{i.research.title}-{dates_plan}-{dates_result}') researches_list.extend(specialities_list) visits_result = visits_result.split(';')[:-1] visits_plan = visits_plan.split(';')[:-1] visits_plan = [Paragraph(i, styleT) for i in visits_plan] if len(visits_plan) < 7: for i in range(7 - len(visits_plan)): visits_plan.append(Paragraph('', styleT)) visits_plan.insert(0, Paragraph('Назначено явиться', styleT)) visits_result = [Paragraph(i, styleT) for i in visits_result] if len(visits_result) < 7: for i in range(7 - len(visits_result)): visits_result.append(Paragraph('', styleT)) visits_result.insert(0, Paragraph('Явился(лась)', styleT)) opinion = [ [ Paragraph('Даты посещений', styleTCenter), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), Paragraph('', styleT), ], visits_plan, visits_result, ] tbl = Table(opinion, colWidths=(40 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm)) tbl.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.75,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (-1, 0)), ])) objs.append(tbl) objs.append(PageBreak()) objs.append(Paragraph('оборотная сторона ф. N 030/у', style)) objs.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm)) visit_date = [Paragraph('', styleT) for i in range(7)] visit_date.insert(0, Paragraph('Даты посещений', styleTCenter)) visits_plan = [Paragraph('', styleT) for i in range(7)] visits_plan.insert(0, Paragraph('Назначено явиться', styleT)) visits_result = [Paragraph('', styleT) for i in range(7)] visits_result.insert(0, Paragraph('Явился(лась)я', styleT)) opinion = [visit_date, visits_plan, visits_result] tbl = Table(opinion, colWidths=(40 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm, 20 * mm)) tbl.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.75,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (-1, 0)), ])) objs.append(tbl) objs.append(Spacer(1, 5 * mm)) objs.append(Paragraph('17. Сведения об изменении диагноза', style)) objs.append(Spacer(1, 2 * mm)) empty_para = [Paragraph('', styleT) for i in range(4)] opinion = [ [ Paragraph('Дата', styleTCenter), Paragraph('Формулировка диагноза', styleT), Paragraph('Код по МКБ-10', styleT), Paragraph('ФИО врача', styleT), ], empty_para, empty_para, ] tbl = Table(opinion, colWidths=(30 * mm, 85 * mm, 30 * mm, 35 * mm), rowHeights=6 * mm) tbl.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.75,, ])) objs.append(tbl) objs.append(Spacer(1, 3 * mm)) objs.append( Paragraph( '18. Сопутствующие заболевания ______________________________________________________________________', style)) objs.append(Spacer(1, 2 * mm)) objs.append( Paragraph( '___________________________________________________________________________________________________', style)) objs.append(Spacer(1, 1 * mm)) objs.append(Paragraph('19. Лечебно-профилактические мероприятия', style)) opinion_title = [ Paragraph('N п/п', styleT), Paragraph('Мероприятия', styleT), Paragraph('Дата<br/> начала', styleT), Paragraph('Дата<br/>окончания', styleT), Paragraph('Отметка о<br/>выполнении', styleT), Paragraph('ФИО врача', styleT), ] opinion = [[ '', Paragraph(f'{i.split("-")[0]}', styleT), '', Paragraph(f'{i.split("-")[2]}', styleT), '' ] for i in researches_list] opinion.insert(0, opinion_title) tbl = Table(opinion, colWidths=(10 * mm, 60 * mm, 25 * mm, 25 * mm, 23 * mm, 35 * mm)) tbl.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.75,, ])) objs.append(tbl) def first_pages(canvas, document): canvas.saveState() canvas.restoreState() def later_pages(canvas, document): canvas.saveState() canvas.restoreState(), onFirstPage=first_pages, onLaterPages=later_pages) pdf = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() return pdf
def receive_one_by_one(request): request_data = json.loads(request.body) lab_pk = request_data["currentLaboratory"] if lab_pk >= 0: lab = Podrazdeleniya.objects.get(pk=lab_pk) else: lab = {"title": "Все лаборатории", "pk": lab_pk} pk = request_data['q'] direction = request_data["workMode"] == "direction" if not direction: pks = [pk] else: tubes(request, direction_implict_id=pk) pks = [ for x in (TubesRegistration.objects.filter( issledovaniya__napravleniye__pk=pk).filter( Q(issledovaniya__napravleniye__hospital=request.user. | Q(issledovaniya__napravleniye__hospital__isnull=True)). distinct()) ] ok_objects = [] ok_researches = [] invalid_objects = [] last_n = None for p in pks: if TubesRegistration.objects.filter( pk=p).exists() and Issledovaniya.objects.filter( tubes__id=p).exists(): tube = TubesRegistration.objects.get(pk=p) podrs = sorted( list( set([ x.research.podrazdeleniye.get_title() for x in tube.issledovaniya_set.all() ]))) if lab_pk < 0 or tube.issledovaniya_set.first( ).research.get_podrazdeleniye() == lab: tube.clear_notice(request.user.doctorprofile) status = tube.day_num(request.user.doctorprofile, request_data["nextN"]) if status["new"]: last_n = status["n"] ok_objects.append({ "pk": p, "new": status["new"], "labs": podrs, "receivedate": strdate(tube.time_recive), }) ok_researches.extend([ x.research.title for x in Issledovaniya.objects.filter(tubes__id=p) ]) else: invalid_objects.append( f"Пробирка {p} для другой лаборатории: {', '.join(podrs)}") else: invalid_objects.append(f"Пробирка {p} не найдена") if direction and Napravleniya.objects.filter(pk=pk).exists(): d = Napravleniya.objects.get(pk=pk) if Issledovaniya.objects.filter(napravleniye_id=pk, research__is_gistology=True).exists(): is_new = False if not d.time_gistology_receive: d.time_gistology_receive = d.doc_gistology_receive = request.user.doctorprofile Log.log(, 122000, request.user.doctorprofile, { 'gistology_receive_time': strdate(d.time_gistology_receive), }, ) is_new = True ok_objects.append({ "pk": pk, "new": is_new, "labs": ['Гистология'], "receivedate": strdate(d.time_gistology_receive), }) ok_researches.extend([ x.research.get_title() for x in Issledovaniya.objects.filter( napravleniye_id=pk, research__is_gistology=True) ]) if not ok_objects and not invalid_objects: invalid_objects.append(f"Ёмкости по запросу {pk} не найдены") return JsonResponse({ "ok": ok_objects, "researches": sorted(list(set(ok_researches))), "invalid": invalid_objects, "lastN": last_n, })
def receive_obo(request): lpk = int( request.GET.get("lab_pk", -2) if request.method == "GET" else request.POST.get("lab_pk", -2)) if lpk >= 0: lab = Podrazdeleniya.objects.get(pk=lpk) else: lab = {"title": "Все лаборатории", "pk": lpk} if request.method == "GET": labs = Podrazdeleniya.objects.filter( p_type=Podrazdeleniya.LABORATORY).exclude( title="Внешние организации").order_by("title") if lpk >= 0 and lab.p_type != Podrazdeleniya.LABORATORY: lab = labs[0] return render(request, 'dashboard/receive_one-by-one.html', { "labs": labs, "lab": lab }) ret = [] if request.POST["pk"].isdigit(): pk = int(request.POST["pk"]) direction = request.POST.get("direction", "0") == "1" if not direction: pks = [pk] ret = [] else: tubes(request, direction_implict_id=pk) pks = [ for x in TubesRegistration.objects.filter( issledovaniya__napravleniye__pk=pk).distinct() ] for p in pks: if TubesRegistration.objects.filter( pk=p).exists() and Issledovaniya.objects.filter( tubes__id=p).exists(): tube = TubesRegistration.objects.get(pk=p) if tube.getstatus(one_by_one=True): podrs = sorted( list( set([ x.research.podrazdeleniye.get_title() for x in tube.issledovaniya_set.all() ]))) if lpk < 0 or tube.issledovaniya_set.first( ).research.get_podrazdeleniye() == lab: tube.clear_notice(request.user.doctorprofile) status = tube.day_num(request.user.doctorprofile, int(request.POST["num"])) result = { "pk": p, "r": 1, "n": status["n"], "new": status["new"], "labs": podrs, "receivedate": strdate(tube.time_recive), "researches": [ x.research.title for x in Issledovaniya.objects.filter( tubes__id=p) ] } else: result = {"pk": p, "r": 2, "labs": podrs} else: n = tube.issledovaniya_set.first().napravleniye dw = n.doc or n.doc_who_create if dw: otd = dw.podrazdeleniye if n.doc_who_create: otd = n.doc_who_create.podrazdeleniye else: otd = '' result = { "pk": p, "r": 4, "otd": str(otd), "direction": tube.issledovaniya_set.first() } else: result = {"pk": p, "r": 3} ret.append(result) if not direction: ret = {"r": 3} if len(ret) == 0 else ret[0] return JsonResponse(ret, safe=False)
def print_direction(c: Canvas, n, dir: Napravleniya, format_a6: bool = False): xn, yn = 0, 0 if not format_a6: if n % 2 != 0: xn = 1 if n > 2: yn = 1 barcode = eanbc.Ean13BarcodeWidget( + 460000000000, humanReadable=0, barHeight=17) bounds = barcode.getBounds() width = bounds[2] - bounds[0] height = bounds[3] - bounds[1] d = Drawing(width, height) d.add(barcode) paddingx = 15 ac = dir.is_all_confirm() canc = dir.cancel visit = dir.visit_date is not None if ac or canc or visit: c.saveState() c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.2) c.rotate(45) if xn == 0 and yn == 1: ox = w / 2 + 40 * mm oy = h / 2 - 30 * mm elif xn == 0 and yn == 0: ox = w / 2 - 65 * mm oy = 13.5 * mm elif xn == 1 and yn == 0: ox = w - 95.75 * mm oy = 13.5 * mm - h / 4 else: ox = w + 9.25 * mm oy = h / 2 - 30 * mm - h / 4 c.setFont('OpenSansBold', 50) s = 'ОТМЕНЕНО' if ac: s = 'ИСПОЛНЕНО' elif visit: s = 'ПОСЕЩЕНО' c.drawString(ox, oy, s) c.restoreState() c.setFont('OpenSans', 10) c.drawCentredString(w / 2 - w / 4 + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 5) + (h / 2) * yn, dir.hospital_short_title) c.setFont('OpenSans', 8) c.drawCentredString( w / 2 - w / 4 + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 15) + (h / 2) * yn, "(%s. %s)" % (dir.hospital_address, dir.hospital_phones)) c.setFont('OpenSans', 14) c.drawCentredString( w / 2 - w / 4 + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 30) + (h / 2) * yn, "Направление" + ("" if not dir.imported_from_rmis else " из РМИС")) renderPDF.draw(d, c, w / 2 - width + (w / 2 * xn) - paddingx / 3 - 5 * mm, (h / 2 - height - 57) + (h / 2) * yn) c.setFont('OpenSans', 20) c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height) + (h / 2) * yn - 57, "№ " + str( # Номер направления c.setFont('OpenSans', 9) c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 70) + (h / 2) * yn, "Создано: " + strdate(dir.data_sozdaniya) + " " + strtime(dir.data_sozdaniya)[:5]) history_num = dir.history_num additional_num = dir.additional_num if history_num and len(history_num) > 0: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 70) + (h / 2) * yn, "№ истории: " + history_num) elif additional_num and len(additional_num) > 0: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 70) + (h / 2) * yn, f"({str(additional_num).strip()})") elif dir.client.number_poliklinika and len( dir.client.number_poliklinika) > 0: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 70) + (h / 2) * yn, f"({str(dir.client.number_poliklinika).strip()})") if dir.history_num and len(dir.history_num) > 0: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 70) + (h / 2) * yn, "№ истории: " + dir.history_num) c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 80) + (h / 2) * yn, "ФИО: " + dir.client.individual.fio()) c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 80) + (h / 2) * yn, "Пол: " + c.drawRightString( w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 90) + (h / 2) * yn, "Д/р: {} ({})".format(, dir.client.individual.age_s(direction=dir))) c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 90) + (h / 2) * yn, "{}: {}".format("ID" if dir.client.base.is_rmis else "Номер карты", dir.client.number_with_type())) diagnosis = dir.diagnos.strip()[:35] if not dir.imported_from_rmis: if diagnosis != "": c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 100) + (h / 2) * yn, ("" if dir.vich_code == "" else ("Код: " + dir.vich_code + " ")) + "Диагноз (МКБ 10): " + ("не указан" if diagnosis == "-" else diagnosis), ) elif dir.vich_code != "": c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 100) + (h / 2) * yn, "Код: " + dir.vich_code) if dir.istochnik_f: c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 110) + (h / 2) * yn, "Источник финансирования: " + dir.client.base.title + " - " + dir.istochnik_f.title) else: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 110) + (h / 2) * yn, "Источник финансирования: ") else: nds = 0 if diagnosis != "": c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 100) + (h / 2) * yn, "Диагноз (МКБ 10): " + diagnosis) nds = 5 if dir.imported_org: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 105 - nds) + (h / 2) * yn, "Организация: " + dir.imported_org.title) issledovaniya = dir.issledovaniya_set.all() vid = [] has_descriptive = False has_doc_refferal = False need_qr_code = False for i in issledovaniya: rtp = i.research.reversed_type if rtp < -1: has_doc_refferal = True rt = { -2: 'Консультации', -3: 'Лечение', -4: 'Стоматология', -5: 'Стационар', -6: 'Микробиология', -9998: 'Морфология', -9: 'Формы', -11: 'Заявления', -12: 'Мониторинги', }[rtp] # if rtp == -6: # has_micro = True else: rt = i.research.podrazdeleniye.get_title() if rt not in vid: vid.append(rt) if i.research.podrazdeleniye and i.research.podrazdeleniye.p_type == Podrazdeleniya.PARACLINIC: has_descriptive = True if i.research.podrazdeleniye.can_has_pacs: need_qr_code = True c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 120) + (h / 2) * yn, "Вид: " + ", ".join(vid)) if dir.purpose: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 120) + (h / 2) * yn, "Цель: " + dir.get_purpose_display()) if dir.external_organization: c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 134) + (h / 2) * yn, dir.external_organization.title) if dir.parent and dir.parent.research.is_hospital: c.setFont('OpenSansBold', 8) c.drawRightString(w / 2 * (xn + 1) - paddingx, (h / 2 - height - 129) + (h / 2) * yn, ("Стационар-" + str(dir.parent.napravleniye_id))) c.setFont('OpenSans', 9) styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() all_iss = issledovaniya.count() max_f = 9 min_f = 7 max_res = 36 max_off = max_f - min_f font_size = max_f - (max_off * (all_iss / max_res)) styleSheet["BodyText"].leading = font_size + 0.5 data = [] values = [] service_locations = {} n = 0 for v in issledovaniya: n += 1 service_location_title = "" if not v.service_location else v.service_location.title if service_location_title: if service_location_title not in service_locations: service_locations[service_location_title] = [] service_locations[service_location_title].append(n) values.append({ "title": v.research.get_title(), "full_title": v.research.title, "sw": v.research.sort_weight, "count": v.how_many, "comment": v.localization.title if v.localization else v.comment, "n": n, "g": -1 if not v.research.fractions_set.exists() else v.research.fractions_set.first().relation_id, "info": v.research.paraclinic_info, "hospital_department_replaced_title": v.hospital_department_replaced_title, }) one_sl = len(service_locations) <= 1 tw = w / 2 - paddingx * 2 m = 0 ns = {} if has_descriptive or has_doc_refferal: tmp = [ Paragraph( '<font face="OpenSansBold" size="8">%s</font>' % ("Исследование" if not has_doc_refferal else "Назначение"), styleSheet["BodyText"]), Paragraph('<font face="OpenSansBold" size="8">Информация</font>', styleSheet["BodyText"]), ] data.append(tmp) colWidths = [int(tw * 0.5), int(tw * 0.5)] values.sort(key=lambda l: l["full_title"]) for v in values: ns[v["n"]] = v["n"] tmp = [ Paragraph( '<font face="OpenSans" size="8">' + ("" if one_sl else "№{}: ".format(v["n"])) + xh.fix(v["full_title"]) + ("" if not v["comment"] else " <font face=\"OpenSans\" size=\"" + str(font_size * 0.8) + "\">[{}]</font>".format(v["comment"])) + ("" if not v["hospital_department_replaced_title"] else f"<br/>Направлен в: {v['hospital_department_replaced_title']}" ) + "</font>", styleSheet["BodyText"], ), Paragraph( '<font face="OpenSans" size="8">' + xh.fix(v["info"]) + "</font>", styleSheet["BodyText"]), ] data.append(tmp) m = 8 else: colWidths = [int(tw / 2), int(tw / 2)] c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 134) + (h / 2) * yn, "Назначения: ") c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0) c.setLineWidth(1) values.sort(key=lambda l: (l["g"], l["sw"])) n_rows = int(len(values) / 2) normvars = [] c_cnt = nc_cnt = 0 for i in range(0, len(values) + 1): if (i + 1) % 2 == 0: nc_cnt += 1 if nc_cnt + n_rows < len(values): normvars.append(values[nc_cnt + n_rows]) else: normvars.append(values[c_cnt]) c_cnt += 1 p = Paginator(normvars, 2) n = 1 for pg_num in p.page_range: pg = tmp = [] for obj in pg.object_list: ns[obj["n"]] = n tmp.append( Paragraph( '<font face="OpenSans" size="' + str(font_size) + '">' + ("" if one_sl else "№{}: ".format(n)) + obj["title"] + ("" if not obj["count"] or obj["count"] == 1 else " ({}шт.)".format(str(obj["count"]))) + ("" if not obj["comment"] else " <font face=\"OpenSans\" size=\"" + str(font_size * 0.8) + "\">[{}]</font>".format(obj["comment"])) + "</font>", styleSheet["BodyText"], )) n += 1 if len(pg.object_list) < 2: tmp.append( Paragraph( '<font face="OpenSans" size="' + str(font_size) + '"></font>', styleSheet["BodyText"])) data.append(tmp) t = Table(data, colWidths=colWidths) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, -1), (-1, -1),, ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 4), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ])) t.canv = c wt, ht = t.wrap(0, 0) t.drawOn(c, paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), ((h / 2 - height - 138 + m) + (h / 2) * yn - ht)) c.setFont('OpenSans', 8) if not has_descriptive and not has_doc_refferal: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 138 + m) + (h / 2) * yn - ht - 10, "Всего назначено: " + str(len(issledovaniya))) if service_locations: n = 0 if has_descriptive or has_doc_refferal else 1 if one_sl: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 138 + m) + (h / 2) * yn - ht - 14 - n * 10, "Место: " + list(service_locations)[0]) else: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 138 + m) + (h / 2) * yn - ht - 14 - n * 10, "Места оказания услуг:") for title in service_locations: n += 1 c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), (h / 2 - height - 138 + m) + (h / 2) * yn - ht - 14 - n * 10, title + " – услуги " + ', '.join( map(lambda x: "№{}".format(ns[x]), service_locations[title])), ) if need_qr_code: qr_value = translit(dir.client.individual.fio(), 'ru', reversed=True) qr_code = qr.QrCodeWidget(qr_value) qr_code.barWidth = 70 qr_code.barHeight = 70 qr_code.qrVersion = 1 d = Drawing() d.add(qr_code) renderPDF.draw(d, c, paddingx + (w / 2 * xn) + 200, 32 + (h / 2) * yn) nn = 0 if not dir.imported_from_rmis: if dir.doc_who_create and dir.doc_who_create != dir.doc: nn = 9 c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 13 + (h / 2) * yn, Truncator("Выписал: %s, %s" % (dir.doc_who_create.get_fio(), dir.doc_who_create.podrazdeleniye.title)).chars(63)) if dir.doc: c.drawString( paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 22 + (h / 2) * yn + nn, "Отделение: " + Truncator(dir.get_doc_podrazdeleniye_title()).chars(50)) c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 13 + (h / 2) * yn + nn, "Л/врач: " + dir.doc.get_fio()) else: c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 31 + (h / 2) * yn + nn, "РМИС#" + dir.rmis_number) c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 22 + (h / 2) * yn + nn, "Создал направление: " + dir.doc_who_create.get_fio()) c.drawString(paddingx + (w / 2 * xn), 13 + (h / 2) * yn + nn, dir.doc_who_create.podrazdeleniye.title) c.setFont('OpenSans', 7) c.setLineWidth(0.25)