def __init__(self, parent, cxn=None, path=[], dataset=None, toolbar=True, timer=None, settings={}): """ A Qt widget that plots a labrad dataset, using Matplotlib. """ # run qwidget init Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create the qt basics self.figure = Figure() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) if toolbar: self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, None) else: self.toolbar = None self.layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addWidget(self.canvas) if self.toolbar: self.layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.groupBoxLayout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.groupBoxLayout) self.makeOptionsBox() self.groupBoxes = [] self.settings = settings # matplotlib variables self.rebuildPlot = False self.subplots = [] self.lines = [] # labrad variables self.path = path self.dataset = dataset # start the labrad connection if cxn is None: import labrad cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget') cxnDef.addCallback(self.setCxn) self.cxn = None else: self.setCxn(cxn) # give us a timer if timer is None: self.updateTimer = Qt.QTimer() self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.timerFunc) self.waitingOnLabrad = True self.updateTimer.start(UPDATE_PERIOD * 1000) else: self.updateTimer = timer self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.timerFunc) self.waitinOnLabrad = True
def __init__(self, path=None): Qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.init_qt() self.path = path try: import labrad cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' SuperMonitor') except AttributeError: import labrad.async cxnDef = labrad.async.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' SuperMonitor')
def __init__(self, parent, cxn=None, path=[], dataset=None, toolbar=True, timer=None, settings={}): """ A Qt widget that plots a labrad dataset, using Matplotlib. """ # run qwidget init Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create the qt basics self.figure = Figure() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) if toolbar: self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, None) else: self.toolbar = None self.layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addWidget(self.canvas) if self.toolbar: self.layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.groupBoxLayout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.groupBoxLayout) self.makeOptionsBox() self.groupBoxes = [] self.settings = settings # matplotlib variables self.rebuildPlot = False self.subplots = [] self.lines = [] # labrad variables self.path = path self.dataset = dataset # start the labrad connection if cxn is None: import labrad cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget') cxnDef.addCallback(self.setCxn) self.cxn = None else: self.setCxn(cxn) # give us a timer if timer is None: self.updateTimer = Qt.QTimer() self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.timerFunc) self.waitingOnLabrad=True self.updateTimer.start(UPDATE_PERIOD * 1000) else: self.updateTimer = timer self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.timerFunc) self.waitinOnLabrad=True
def err_cxn(self, failure): print "Connection failure!" message = "Could not connect to LabRAD:\n" + ':\n'.join(failure.getErrorMessage().split(':')) label = Qt.QLabel(message) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter) label.setStyleSheet("* {font-weight: bold; font-size: 15pt;}") self.setCentralWidget(label) # wait and do it again d = Deferred() reactor.callLater(1, d.callback, 1) yield d try: import labrad cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' SuperMonitor') except AttributeError: import labrad.async
def __init__(self, parent, cxn=None, path=None, dataset=None, timer=None, drLoggerName=None): """A Qt widget that plots a labrad dataset, using Matplotlib. Intended for use with the DR Logger. :param parent: Parent widget :param cxn: LabRAD connection :param list[str] path: data vault path :param str or int dataset: dataset name or number :param timer: Qt timer to use for updating--timeout signal is used. If None, create our own timer. :param str drLoggerName: name of the DR logger server to monitor """ # run qwidget init Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create the qt basics self.drLoggerName = drLoggerName self.drLoggerCounter = 0 self.layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout(self) self.optionsLayout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.optionsLayout) self.makeOptionsBox() # the plots will be in a tabbed window thing = Qt.QTabWidget(self) self.layout.addWidget( # labrad variables self.path = path if path is not None else [] self.dataset = dataset self.waitingOnLabrad = False # start the labrad connection if cxn is None: self.ownCxn = True import labrad import labrad.util try: cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget') except AttributeError: import labrad. async cxnDef = labrad. async .connectAsync( name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget')
def __init__(self, parent, cxn=None, path=None, dataset=None, timer=None, drLoggerName=None): """A Qt widget that plots a labrad dataset, using Matplotlib. Intended for use with the DR Logger. :param parent: Parent widget :param cxn: LabRAD connection :param list[str] path: data vault path :param str or int dataset: dataset name or number :param timer: Qt timer to use for updating--timeout signal is used. If None, create our own timer. :param str drLoggerName: name of the DR logger server to monitor """ # run qwidget init Qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create the qt basics self.drLoggerName = drLoggerName self.drLoggerCounter = 0 self.layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout(self) self.optionsLayout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.optionsLayout) self.makeOptionsBox() # the plots will be in a tabbed window thing = Qt.QTabWidget(self) self.layout.addWidget( # labrad variables self.path = path if path is not None else [] self.dataset = dataset self.waitingOnLabrad = False # start the labrad connection if cxn is None: self.ownCxn = True import labrad import labrad.util try: cxnDef = labrad.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget') except AttributeError: import labrad.async cxnDef = labrad.async.connectAsync(name=labrad.util.getNodeName() + ' Plot Widget')
def DACcorrectorAsync(fpganame, channel, connection=None, lowpass=gaussfilter, bandwidth=0.13, errorClass='quiet'): """ Returns a DACcorrection object for the given DAC board. The argument has the same form as the dms.python_fpga_server.connect argument """ if connection: cxn = connection else: cxn = yield labrad.connectAsync() ds = cxn.data_vault ctx = ds.context() yield['', keys.SESSIONNAME, fpganame], True, context=ctx) corrector = DACcorrection(fpganame, channel, lowpass, bandwidth) if not isinstance(channel, str): channel = keys.CHANNELNAMES[channel] dataset = yield getDataSets(cxn, fpganame, channel, errorClass) if dataset != []: dataset = dataset[0] print 'Loading pulse calibration from %s.' % dataset yield, context=ctx) datapoints = (yield ds.get(context=ctx)).asarray corrector.loadCal(datapoints) if not connection: yield cxn.disconnect() returnValue(corrector)
def IQcorrectorAsync(fpganame, connection, zerocor=True, pulsecor=True, iqcor=True, lowpass=cosinefilter, bandwidth=0.4, errorClass='quiet'): """ Returns a DACcorrection object for the given DAC board. The argument has the same form as the dms.python_fpga_server.connect argument """ if connection: cxn = connection else: cxn = yield labrad.connectAsync() ds = cxn.data_vault ctx = ds.context() yield['', keys.SESSIONNAME, fpganame], True, context=ctx) corrector = IQcorrection(fpganame, lowpass, bandwidth) # Load Zero Calibration if zerocor: datasets = yield getDataSets(cxn, fpganame, keys.ZERONAME, errorClass) for dataset in datasets: filename = yield, context=ctx) print 'Loading zero calibration from %s:' % filename[1] datapoints = (yield ds.get(context=ctx)).asarray corrector.loadZeroCal(datapoints, dataset) #Load pulse response if pulsecor: dataset = yield getDataSets(cxn, fpganame, keys.PULSENAME, errorClass) if dataset != []: dataset = dataset[0] filename = yield, context=ctx) print 'Loading pulse calibration from %s:' % filename[1] setupType = yield ds.get_parameter(keys.IQWIRING, context=ctx) print ' %s' % setupType IisB = (setupType == keys.SETUPTYPES[2]) datapoints = (yield ds.get(context=ctx)).asarray carrierfreq = (yield ds.get_parameter(keys.PULSECARRIERFREQ, context=ctx))['GHz'] corrector.loadPulseCal(datapoints, carrierfreq, dataset, IisB) # Load Sideband Calibration if iqcor: datasets = yield getDataSets(cxn, fpganame, keys.IQNAME, errorClass) for dataset in datasets: filename = yield, context=ctx) print 'Loading sideband calibration from %s:' % filename[1] sidebandStep = \ (yield ds.get_parameter('Sideband frequency step', context=ctx))['GHz'] sidebandCount = \ yield ds.get_parameter('Number of sideband frequencies', context=ctx) datapoints = (yield ds.get(context=ctx)).asarray corrector.loadSidebandCal(datapoints, sidebandStep, dataset) if not connection: yield cxn.disconnect() returnValue(corrector)
def recalibrateAsync(boardname, carrierMin, carrierMax, zeroCarrierStep=0.025, sidebandCarrierStep=0.05, sidebandMax=0.35, sidebandStep=0.05, corrector=None): cxn = yield labrad.connectAsync() ds = cxn.data_vault reg = cxn.registry['', keys.SESSIONNAME, boardname]) anritsuID = yield reg.get(keys.ANRITSUID) anritsuPower = (yield reg.get(keys.ANRITSUPOWER))['dBm'] if corrector is None: corrector = yield IQcorrectorAsync(boardname, cxn) if corrector.board != boardname: print 'Provided corrector is not for %s.' % boardname print 'Loading new corrector. Provided corrector will not be updated.' corrector = yield IQcorrectorAsync(boardname, cxn) if zeroCarrierStep is not None: #check if a corrector has been provided and if it is up to date #or if we have to load a new one. if not aequal( corrector.zeroCalFiles, (yield getDataSets(cxn, boardname, keys.ZERONAME, 'quiet'))): print 'Provided correcetor is outdated.' print 'Loading new corrector. Provided corrector will not be updated.' corrector = yield IQcorrectorAsync(boardname, cxn) # do the zero calibration dataset = yield calibrate.zeroScanCarrier( cxn, { 'carrierMin': carrierMin, 'carrierMax': carrierMax, 'carrierStep': zeroCarrierStep }, boardname) # load it into the corrector yield datapoints = (yield ds.get()).asarray corrector.loadZeroCal(datapoints, dataset) # eliminate obsolete zero calibrations datasets = corrector.eliminateZeroCals() # and save which ones are being used now yield['', keys.SESSIONNAME, boardname], True) yield reg.set(keys.ZERONAME, datasets) if sidebandCarrierStep is not None: #check if a corrector has been provided and if it is up to date #or if we have to load a new one. if not (aequal(corrector.sidebandCalFiles, (yield getDataSets(cxn, boardname, keys.IQNAME, 'quiet'))) and \ aequal(array([corrector.pulseCalFile]), (yield getDataSets(cxn, boardname, keys.PULSENAME, 'quiet')))): print 'Provided correcetor is outdated.' print 'Loading new corrector. Provided corrector will not be updated.' corrector = yield IQcorrectorAsync(boardname, cxn) # do the pulse calibration dataset = yield calibrate.sidebandScanCarrier( cxn, { 'carrierMin': carrierMin, 'carrierMax': carrierMax, 'sidebandCarrierStep': sidebandCarrierStep, 'sidebandFreqStep': sidebandStep, 'sidebandFreqCount': int(sidebandMax / sidebandStep + 0.5) * 2 }, boardname, corrector) # load it into the corrector yield sidebandStep = \ (yield ds.get_parameter('Sideband frequency step'))['GHz'] sidebandCount = \ yield ds.get_parameter('Number of sideband frequencies') datapoints = (yield ds.get()).asarray corrector.loadSidebandCal(datapoints, sidebandStep, dataset) # eliminate obsolete zero calibrations datasets = corrector.eliminateSidebandCals() # and save which ones are being used now yield['', keys.SESSIONNAME, boardname], True) yield reg.set(keys.IQNAME, datasets) cxn.disconnect() returnValue(corrector)