Example #1
class ActuatorEmulator(Thread):
    This class is used to send signal to actuator every 60 seconds and
    subscribe to actuator signal from cloud
    def __init__(self):
        self.temp_topic = "/v1.6/devices/smart_home/temp-act/lv"
        self.led = False
        self.message = None
        self.brightness = 0
        self.actuator = ActuatorData()
        self.set = Settings()
        self.sensor = SensorData()
        self.temp_mqtt = MqttClientConnector(self.temp_topic)

    This thread is used to collect values from cloud using mqtt
    Based on given conditions, will send signal to actuator through sensehat
    Thread runs once every 60 seconds

    def run(self):
        while True:
            print("Temperature Actuator Value: " +
            if self.temp_mqtt.message(
            ) == 30 or self.sensor.temp_avg < self.sensor.temp_set:
                self.led = self.actuator.setHeater()
            elif self.sensor.temp_avg > self.sensor.temp_set or self.temp_mqtt.message(
            ) == 16:
                self.led = self.actuator.setCooler()

            if self.sensor.humid_avg < self.sensor.humid_set:
                self.led = self.actuator.setHumid()
                self.led = self.actuator.resetHumid()

            self.brightness = self.actuator.setlightBrightness(0)

            if self.set.status == 1:

Example #2
    Construct objects
connector = MqttClientConnector(topic)
connector.daemon = True
print("Starting system performance application daemon thread...")

### Create an object for sensor data
##  call the function 
## PAss JSon data into the function

print("Ready for receiving data")

msg =connector.message()  

logging.debug('JSon Data Received:')
print("Json Data Received:\n "+str(msg)+"\n")

    Run thread
# brokers_out={"broker2":"test.mosquitto.org"}
# print(brokers_out)
# print("brokers_out is a ",type(brokers_out))
# print("broker 1 address = ",brokers_out["broker2"])
# data_out=json.dumps(brokers_out)# encode object to JSON
# print("\nConverting to JSON\n")
# print ("data -type ",type(data_out))
Created on Mar 5, 2019
Simple Python script for MQTT Subscriber Client
@author: Shyama Sastha Krishnamoorthy Srinivasan

import logging
from labs.common import ConfigConst
from labs.common.ConfigUtil import ConfigUtil
from labs.common.DataUtil import DataUtil
from labs.module06.MqttClientConnector import MqttClientConnector

#Setting values for Topic and address for MQTT broker
topic = "Temperature Sensor"
config = ConfigUtil('../../../config/ConnectedDevicesConfig.props')
host = config.getProperty(ConfigConst.MQTT_GATEWAY_SECTION,

subscribe = MqttClientConnector(topic)
subscribe.subscribe(host)  # Connecting to MQTT Broker
msg = subscribe.message()  # Subscribing to required topic
logging.debug('\nJSon Received: ')
print("\nReceived Json data: \n" + str(msg))

data = DataUtil()
sensorData = data.jsonTosensor(msg)  # Converting Jsondata to Sensordata
logging.debug('\nJson in "SensorData format": ')
print("\nMessage received in 'SensorData format': \n" + str(sensorData) + "\n")

jsondata = data.sensorTojson(sensorData)  # Converting Jsondata to Sensordata
logging.debug('\nBack to Json: ')
print("\nMessage converted back to Json: \n" + str(jsondata) + "\n")
Example #4
from labs.common.DataUtil import DataUtil
from labs.common.ConfigUtil import ConfigUtil
from labs.module06.MqttClientConnector import MqttClientConnector
Setting the values for Topic and address for the MQTT broker
topic = "Temperature Sensor"
config = ConfigUtil('../../../config/ConnectedDevicesConfig.props')
host = config.getProperty(ConfigConst.ConfigConst.MQTT_CLOUD_SECTION,
Connecting to the MQTT Broker and Subscribing to a specified topic
subscribe = MqttClientConnector(topic)
msg = subscribe.message()
logging.debug('JSON Data Received: ')
print("Json Data Received: " + "\n" + str(msg) + "\n")
Converting the JSON data into Sensor Data
data = DataUtil()
sensor = data.jsonToSensorData(msg)
logging.debug('Json data converted into SensorData')
print("Received SensorData format message " + str(sensor))
Converting the Sensor data to JSON data again
json = data.SensorDataToJson(sensor)
logging.debug('SensorData converted into Json Data: ')
print('Again the Sensor Data is converted into Json Data : \n' + str(json))

from labs.common import ConfigConst
from labs.common.ConfigUtil import ConfigUtil
from labs.module06.MqttClientConnector import MqttClientConnector
from labs.common.DataUtil import DataUtil
import logging
Setting values for Topic and address for MQTT broker
topic = "Temperature Sensor"
config = ConfigUtil('../../../config/ConnectedDevicesConfig.props')
host = config.getProperty(ConfigConst.ConfigConst.MQTT_CLOUD_SECTION,

subscribe = MqttClientConnector(topic)
subscribe.subscribe(host)  # Connecting to MQTT Broker
msg = subscribe.message()  # Subscribing to specefied Topic
logging.debug('JSon Data Received:')
print("Json Data Received:\n " + str(msg) + "\n")

data = DataUtil()
sensor = data.toSensorfromJson(msg)  # Converting Json data to Sensor Data
logging.debug('Json data converted into SensorData')
print("Received message in SensorData format" + str(sensor))

json = data.toJsonfromSensor(sensor)
logging.debug('SensorData converted into Json Data: ')
print('SensorData converted to Json Data again: \n' + str(json))