Example #1
def copy_packages_to_userobjects(directory):
    """Copy Ladybug Tools user object packages to the current user's userobject folder.

        directory: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
            Tools Grasshopper python packages to be copied.
    uo_folders = find_grasshopper_userobjects()
    for uo_folder in uo_folders:
        for pkg in PACKAGES:
            lib_folder = os.path.join(directory, pkg)
            dest_folder = os.path.join(uo_folder, pkg)
            if os.path.isdir(lib_folder):
                copy_file_tree(lib_folder, dest_folder, True)
                print('UserObjects copied to: {}'.format(dest_folder))
Example #2
def copy_packages_to_libraries(directory):
    """Copy Ladybug tools Libraries packages to the current user's libraries folder.

        directory: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
            Tools Grasshopper python packages.
    lib_folders = find_grasshopper_libraries()
    for lib_folder in lib_folders:
        for pkg in DOTNET_PACKAGES:
            src_folder = os.path.join(directory, pkg)
            dest_folder = os.path.join(lib_folder, pkg)
            if os.path.isdir(src_folder):
                copy_file_tree(src_folder, dest_folder, True)
                print('Components copied to: {}'.format(dest_folder))
Example #3
    def write_inputs_json(self, project_folder=None, indent=4, cpu_count=None):
        """Write the inputs.json file that gets passed to queenbee luigi.

        Note that running this method will automatically handle all of the inputs.

            project_folder: The full path to where the inputs json file will be
                written. If None, the default_project_folder on this recipe
                will be used.
            indent: The indent at which the JSON will be written (Default: 4).
            cpu_count: An optional integer to override any inputs that are
                named "cpu-count". This can be used to coordinate such recipe
                inputs with the number of workers specified in recipe settings.
                If None, no overriding will happen. (Default: None).
        # create setup the project folder in which the inputs json will be written
        p_fold = project_folder if project_folder else self.default_project_folder
        if not os.path.isdir(p_fold):
        file_path = os.path.join(p_fold,
        # create the inputs dictionary, ensuring all inputs are handled in the process
        inp_dict = {}
        for inp in self.inputs:
            if inp.is_path and inp.value is not None and inp.value != '':
                # copy artifact to project folder
                path_basename = os.path.basename(inp.value)
                dest = os.path.join(p_fold, path_basename)
                if os.path.isfile(inp.value):
                        shutil.copyfile(inp.value, dest)
                    except shutil.SameFileError:
                        pass  # the file is already in the right place; no need to copy
                elif os.path.isdir(inp.value):
                    copy_file_tree(inp.value, dest, overwrite=True)
                inp_dict[inp.name] = path_basename
            elif inp.is_path and (inp.value is None or inp.value == ''):
                # conditional artifact; ignore it
            elif inp.name == 'cpu-count' and cpu_count is not None:
                inp_dict[inp.name] = cpu_count
                inp_dict[inp.name] = inp.value
        # write the inputs dictionary to a file
        with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(inp_dict, fp, indent=indent)
        return file_path
def copy_packages_to_rhino_scripts(python_package_dir, directory=None):
    """Copy Ladybug tools packages into a directory.

        python_package_dir: The path to a directory that contains the Ladybug
            Tools core libraries.
        directory: The directory into which the packages will be copied. If None,
            the function will search for all installed copies of the current user's
            Rhino scripts folder.
    folders = find_installed_rhino_scripts() if directory is None else [
    for fold in folders:
        for pkg in PACKAGES:
            lib_folder = os.path.join(python_package_dir, pkg)
            dest_folder = os.path.join(fold, pkg)
            if os.path.isdir(lib_folder):
                copy_file_tree(lib_folder, dest_folder, True)
                print('Python packages copied to: {}'.format(dest_folder))
Example #5
        remove_dist_info_files(recipe_dir)  # remove the dist-info files
        give_warning(ghenv.Component, stderr)

    # install the honeybee-openstudio ruby gem
    gem_ver = ver_dict['honeybee-openstudio-gem']
    print('Installing Honeybee-OpenStudio gem version {}.'.format(gem_ver))
    gem_dir = get_gem_directory()
    base_folder = download_repo_github('honeybee-openstudio-gem', gem_dir,
    source_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'lib')
    lib_folder = os.path.join(gem_dir, 'honeybee_openstudio_gem', 'lib')
    print('Copying "honeybee_openstudio_gem" source code to {}\n '.format(
    copy_file_tree(source_folder, lib_folder)
    nukedir(base_folder, True)

    # always update the honeybee-energy-standards package
    print('Installing Honeybee energy standards.')
    stand_dir = get_standards_directory()
    hes_ver = ver_dict['honeybee-energy-standards']
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(stand_dir, 'honeybee_energy_standards')):
        nukedir(os.path.join(stand_dir, 'honeybee_energy_standards'), True)
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'honeybee-energy-standards', hes_ver,
    if os.path.isdir(
        print('Honeybee energy standards successfully installed!\n ')
Example #6
def change_installed_version(version_to_install=None):
    """Change the currently installed version of Ladybug Tools.

    This requires an internet connection and will update all core libraries and
    Grasshopper components to the specified version_to_install.

        version_to_install: An optional text string for the version of the LBT
            plugin to be installed. The input should contain only integers separated
            by two periods (eg. 1.0.0). If None, the Ladybug Tools plugin shall
            be updated to the latest available version. The version specified here
            does not need to be newer than the current installation and can be older
            but grasshopper plugin versions less than 0.3.0 are not supported.
            A list of all versions of the Grasshopper plugin can be found
            here - https://github.com/ladybug-tools/lbt-grasshopper/releases
    # ensure that Python has been installed in the ladybug_tools folder
    py_exe, py_lib = folders.python_exe_path, folders.python_package_path
    assert py_exe is not None and py_lib is not None, \
        'No valid Python installation was found at: {}.\nThis is a requirement in ' \
        'order to continue with installation'.format(
            os.path.join(folders.ladybug_tools_folder, 'python'))

    # get the compatible versions of all the dependencies
    temp_folder = os.path.join(folders.ladybug_tools_folder, 'temp')
    lbt_gh_folder = download_repo_github('lbt-grasshopper', temp_folder,
    ver_dict = parse_lbt_gh_versions(lbt_gh_folder)
    if version_to_install is None:
        version_to_install = latest_github_version('lbt-grasshopper',
    ver_dict['lbt-grasshopper'] = version_to_install

    # install the core libraries
    print('Installing Ladybug Tools core Python libraries.')
    config_dict = get_config_dict(
    )  # load configs so they can be put back after update
    df_ver = ver_dict['lbt-dragonfly']
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'lbt-dragonfly', df_ver)
    if os.path.isdir(
            os.path.join(py_lib, 'lbt_dragonfly-{}.dist-info'.format(df_ver))):
        print('Ladybug Tools core Python libraries successfully installed!\n ')
    set_config_dict(config_dict)  # restore the previous configurations

    # install the lbt_recipes package
    print('Installing Ladybug Tools Recipes.')
    rec_ver = ver_dict['lbt-recipes']
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'lbt-recipes', rec_ver)
    if os.path.isdir(
            os.path.join(py_lib, 'lbt_recipes-{}.dist-info'.format(rec_ver))):
        print('Ladybug Tools Recipes successfully installed!\n ')

    # install the library needed for interaction with Rhino
    print('Installing ladybug-rhino Python library.')
    rh_ver = ver_dict['ladybug-rhino']
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'ladybug-rhino', rh_ver)
    if os.path.isdir(
            os.path.join(py_lib, 'ladybug_rhino-{}.dist-info'.format(rh_ver))):
        print('Ladybug-rhino Python library successfully installed!\n ')

    # make sure libraries are copied to the rhino scripts folder on Mac
    if os.name != 'nt':

    # install the grasshopper components
    print('Installing Ladybug Tools Grasshopper components.')
    gh_ver = ver_dict['lbt-grasshopper']
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'lbt-grasshopper', gh_ver,
    lb_gh_ver = ver_dict['ladybug-grasshopper']
    lb_gh_info = 'ladybug_grasshopper-{}.dist-info'.format(lb_gh_ver)
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(UO_DIRECTORY, lb_gh_info)):
            'Ladybug Tools Grasshopper components successfully installed!\n ')
        remove_dist_info_files(UO_DIRECTORY)  # remove the .dist-info files
    if version_to_install is not None:
        update_requirements_version(UO_DIRECTORY, version_to_install)

    # install the .gha Grasshopper components
    gha_location = os.path.join(GHA_DIRECTORY, 'ladybug_grasshopper_dotnet')
    if os.path.isdir(gha_location):
        msg = '.gha files already exist in your Components folder and cannot be ' \
            'deleted while Grasshopper is open.\nThese .gha files rarely change ' \
            'and so it is not critical that they be updated. However, if you ' \
            'want to be sure that you have the latest version installed, then close ' \
            'Grasshopper, delete the ladybug_grasshopper_dotnet folder at\n{}\nand ' \
            'rerun this versioner component to get the new .gha files.\n'.format(
        gha_ver = ver_dict['ladybug-grasshopper-dotnet']
        stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'ladybug-grasshopper-dotnet',
                                      gha_ver, GHA_DIRECTORY)
        package_dir = os.path.join(
        if os.path.isdir(package_dir):
                'Ladybug Tools .gha Grasshopper components successfully installed!\n '
            remove_dist_info_files(GHA_DIRECTORY)  # remove the dist-info files

    # install the honeybee-openstudio ruby gem
    gem_ver = ver_dict['honeybee-openstudio-gem']
    print('Installing Honeybee-OpenStudio gem version {}.'.format(gem_ver))
    gem_dir = get_gem_directory()
    base_folder = download_repo_github('honeybee-openstudio-gem', gem_dir,
    source_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'lib')
    lib_folder = os.path.join(gem_dir, 'honeybee_openstudio_gem', 'lib')
    print('Copying "honeybee_openstudio_gem" source code to {}\n '.format(
    copy_file_tree(source_folder, lib_folder)
    nukedir(base_folder, True)

    # install the lbt-measures ruby gem
    mea_ver = ver_dict['lbt-measures']
    print('Installing Ladybug Tools Measures version {}.'.format(mea_ver))
    base_folder = download_repo_github('lbt-measures', gem_dir, mea_ver)
    source_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'lib')
    print('Copying "lbt_measures" source code to {}\n '.format(gem_dir))
    copy_file_tree(source_folder, gem_dir)
    nukedir(base_folder, True)

    # always update the honeybee-energy-standards package
    print('Installing Honeybee energy standards.')
    stand_dir = get_standards_directory()
    hes_ver = ver_dict['honeybee-energy-standards']
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(stand_dir, 'honeybee_energy_standards')):
        nukedir(os.path.join(stand_dir, 'honeybee_energy_standards'), True)
    stderr = update_libraries_pip(py_exe, 'honeybee-energy-standards', hes_ver,
    hes_info = 'honeybee_energy_standards-{}.dist-info'.format(hes_ver)
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(stand_dir, hes_info)):
        print('Honeybee energy standards successfully installed!\n ')
        remove_dist_info_files(stand_dir)  # remove the dist-info files

    # delete the temp folder and give a completion message
    nukedir(temp_folder, True)
    version = 'LATEST' if version_to_install is None else version_to_install
    success_msg = 'Change to Version {} Successful!'.format(version)
    restart_msg = 'RESTART RHINO to load the new components + library.'
    sync_msg = 'The "LB Sync Grasshopper File" component can be used\n' \
        'to sync Grasshopper definitions with your new installation.'
    for msg in (success_msg, restart_msg, sync_msg):