def test_polyline2d_init():
    """Test the initialization of Polyline2D objects and basic properties."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    pline = Polyline2D(pts)

    str(pline)  # test the string representation of the polyline

    assert isinstance(pline.vertices, tuple)
    assert len(pline.vertices) == 4
    assert len(pline) == 4
    for point in pline:
        assert isinstance(point, Point2D)

    assert isinstance(pline.segments, tuple)
    assert len(pline.segments) == 3
    for seg in pline.segments:
        assert isinstance(seg, LineSegment2D)
        assert seg.length == 2

    assert pline.p1 == pts[0]
    assert pline.p2 == pts[-1]

    assert pline.length == 6
    assert pline.is_self_intersecting is False

    assert pline.vertices[0] == pline[0]

    p_array = pline.to_array()
    assert isinstance(p_array, tuple)
    assert len(p_array) == 4
    for arr in p_array:
        assert isinstance(p_array, tuple)
        assert len(arr) == 2
    pline_2 = Polyline2D.from_array(p_array)
    assert pline == pline_2
Example #2
def test_arc2_intersect_line_ray():
    """Test the Arc2D intersect_line_ray method."""
    pt = Point2D(2, 0)
    arc = Arc2D(pt, 1, 0, math.pi)
    circle = Arc2D(pt, 1)
    seg1 = LineSegment2D(pt, Vector2D(2, 2))
    seg2 = LineSegment2D(Point2D(0, -2), Vector2D(6, 6))
    seg3 = LineSegment2D(pt, Vector2D(0.5, 0.5))

    int1 = arc.intersect_line_ray(seg1)
    assert len(int1) == 1
    assert int1[0].x == pytest.approx(2.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert int1[0].y == pytest.approx(0.71, rel=1e-2)
    int2 = circle.intersect_line_ray(seg1)
    assert len(int2) == 1
    assert int2[0].x == pytest.approx(2.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert int2[0].y == pytest.approx(0.71, rel=1e-2)
    int3 = arc.intersect_line_ray(seg2)
    assert len(int3) == 1
    assert int3[0].x == pytest.approx(2.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert int3[0].y == pytest.approx(0.71, rel=1e-2)
    int4 = circle.intersect_line_ray(seg2)
    assert len(int4) == 2
    assert int4[0].x == pytest.approx(2.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert int4[0].y == pytest.approx(0.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert int4[1].x == pytest.approx(1.29, rel=1e-2)
    assert int4[1].y == pytest.approx(-0.71, rel=1e-2)
    assert arc.intersect_line_ray(seg3) is None
def test_edge_direction():
    """ Tests the bidirection method """

    # Make the polygon
    poly = Polygon2D.from_array([[0, 0], [6, 0], [6, 6], [3, 4], [0, 6]])
    pt_array = poly.vertices

    # Make unidirect graph
    dg = PolygonDirectedGraph(1e-10)

    for i in range(len(pt_array) - 1):
        k = dg.add_node(pt_array[i], [pt_array[i + 1]])
        if i == 0:
            dg.outer_root_key = k
    dg.add_node(pt_array[-1], [pt_array[0]])

    root = dg.node(dg.outer_root_key)

    # Check
    nodes = dg.ordered_nodes
    for i in range(dg.num_nodes - 1):
        assert not dg.is_edge_bidirect(nodes[i], nodes[i + 1])

    # Check unidirectionality
    next_node = dg.next_unidirect_node(root)
    assert not dg.is_edge_bidirect(root, next_node)

    # Add bidirectional edge
    dg.add_node(Point2D(0, 0), [Point2D(1, 1)])
    bidir_key = dg.add_node(Point2D(1, 1), [Point2D(0, 0)])

    # Check bidirectionality
    assert dg.is_edge_bidirect(dg.node(bidir_key), root)
def bounding_rectangle(geometries, axis_angle=0):
    """Get the min and max of an oriented bounding rectangle around 2D or 3D geometry.

        geometries: An array of 2D or 3D geometry objects. Note that all objects
            must have a min and max property.
        axis_angle: The counter-clockwise rotation angle in radians in the XY plane
            to represent the orientation of the bounding rectangle extents. (Default: 0).

        A tuple with two Point2D objects representing the min point and max point
        of the bounding rectangle respectively.
    if axis_angle != 0:  # rotate geometry to the bounding box
        cpt = geometries[0].vertices[0]
        geometries = _orient_geometry(geometries, axis_angle, cpt)
    xx = bounding_domain_x(geometries)
    yy = bounding_domain_y(geometries)
    min_pt = Point2D(xx[0], yy[0])
    max_pt = Point2D(xx[1], yy[1])
    if axis_angle != 0:  # rotate the points back
        cpt = Point2D(cpt.x, cpt.y)  # cast Point3D to Point2D
        min_pt = min_pt.rotate(axis_angle, cpt)
        max_pt = max_pt.rotate(axis_angle, cpt)
    return min_pt, max_pt
Example #5
    def flip(self, seg_length):
        """Flip the direction of the windows along a segment.

        This is needed since windows can exist asymmetrically across the wall
        segment and operations like reflecting the Room2D across a plane will
        require the window parameters to be flipped to remain in the same place.

            seg_length: The length of the segment along which the parameters are
                being flipped.
        new_origins = []
        new_widths = []
        new_heights = []
        for o, width, height in zip(, self.widths, self.heights):
            new_x = seg_length - o.x - width
            if new_x > 0:  # fully within the wall boundary
                new_origins.append(Point2D(new_x, o.y))
            elif new_x + width > seg_length * 0.001:  # partially within the boundary
                new_widths.append(width + new_x - (seg_length * 0.001))
                new_x = seg_length * 0.001
                new_origins.append(Point2D(new_x, o.y))
        return RectangularWindows(new_origins, new_widths, new_heights)
Example #6
def test_reflect():
    """Test the Arc2D reflect method."""
    pt = Point2D(2, 2)
    arc = Arc2D(pt, 2, 0, math.pi)

    origin_1 = Point2D(0, 1)
    origin_2 = Point2D(1, 1)
    normal_1 = Vector2D(0, 1)
    normal_2 = Vector2D(-1, 1).normalize()

    assert arc.reflect(normal_1, origin_1).c.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1, origin_1).c.y == pytest.approx(0, rel=1e-3)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1,
                       origin_1).midpoint.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1,
                       origin_1).midpoint.y == pytest.approx(-2, rel=1e-3)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1, origin_2).c == Point2D(2, 0)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1,
                       origin_2).midpoint.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert arc.reflect(normal_1,
                       origin_2).midpoint.y == pytest.approx(-2, rel=1e-3)

    test_1 = arc.reflect(normal_2, origin_2)
    assert test_1.c.x == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.c.y == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.midpoint.x == pytest.approx(4, rel=1e-3)
    assert test_1.midpoint.y == pytest.approx(2, rel=1e-3)
Example #7
 def _segment_mesh_2d(self, base_pt=Point2D(0, 0)):
     """Mesh2D for the segments in the 2D space of the legend."""
     # get general properties
     _l_par = self.legend_parameters
     n_seg = self.segment_length
     # create the 2D mesh of the legend
     if _l_par.vertical:
         mesh2d = Mesh2D.from_grid(base_pt, 1, n_seg, _l_par.segment_width,
         _base_pt = Point2D(base_pt.x - _l_par.segment_width * n_seg,
         mesh2d = Mesh2D.from_grid(_base_pt, n_seg, 1, _l_par.segment_width,
     # add colors to the mesh
     _seg_colors = self.segment_colors
     if not _l_par.continuous_legend:
         mesh2d.colors = _seg_colors
         if _l_par.vertical:
             mesh2d.colors = _seg_colors + _seg_colors
             mesh2d.colors = tuple(col for col in _seg_colors
                                   for i in (0, 1))
     return mesh2d
def test_intersect_polygon_segments_with_3_angled_rectangles():
    """Tests that a vertex shared by 2 polygons is added only once to a 3rd polygon

    Make sure the addedvertex is which is colinear within tolerance.
    The polygons are rotated 45 degrees counter-clockwise to introduce floating-point
    closeness considerations.
    r2 = math.sqrt(2.0)
    tolerance = 0.02
    expected_point = Point2D(r2, 0)
    pts0 = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(0.5 * r2 * 0.99, -0.5 * r2 * 0.99), Point2D(1.5 * r2 * 0.99, 0.5 * r2 * 0.99), Point2D(r2, r2))
    polygon0 = Polygon2D(pts0)
    pts1 = (Point2D(0.5 * r2, -0.5 * r2), Point2D(r2, -r2), Point2D(1.5 * r2, -0.5 * r2), expected_point)
    polygon1 = Polygon2D(pts1)
    pts2 = (expected_point, Point2D(1.5 * r2, -0.5 * r2), Point2D(2 * r2, 0), Point2D(1.5 * r2, 0.5 * r2))
    polygon2 = Polygon2D(pts2)

    polygons = Polygon2D.intersect_polygon_segments([polygon0, polygon1, polygon2], tolerance)

    # Extra vertex added to largest polygon, as expected
    assert len(polygons[0].segments) == 5
    assert polygons[0].segments[1].p2 == polygons[0].vertices[2]
    assert polygons[0].segments[2].p1 == polygons[0].vertices[2]

    assert len(polygon1.segments) == 4  # No extra vertex added
    assert len(polygon2.segments) == 4  # No extra vertex added
Example #9
def test_dict_to_object_win_par():
    """Test the dict_to_object method with window parameters."""
    simple_window = SingleWindow(5, 2, 0.8)
    ashrae_base1 = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    ashrae_base2 = RepeatingWindowRatio(0.4, 2, 0.8, 3)
    bod_windows = RepeatingWindowWidthHeight(2, 1.5, 0.8, 3)

    origins = (Point2D(2, 1), Point2D(5, 0.5))
    widths = (1, 3)
    heights = (1, 2)
    detailed_window1 = RectangularWindows(origins, widths, heights)

    pts_1 = (Point2D(2, 1), Point2D(3, 1), Point2D(3, 2), Point2D(2, 2))
    pts_2 = (Point2D(5, 0.5), Point2D(8, 0.5), Point2D(8,
                                                       2.5), Point2D(5, 2.5))
    detailed_window2 = DetailedWindows((Polygon2D(pts_1), Polygon2D(pts_2)))

    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(simple_window.to_dict()), SingleWindow)
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(ashrae_base1.to_dict()),
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(ashrae_base2.to_dict()),
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(bod_windows.to_dict()),
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(detailed_window1.to_dict()),
    assert isinstance(dict_to_object(detailed_window2.to_dict()),
Example #10
    def _hour_mesh_components(self, low_vals, up_vals, x_hr_dist):
        """Get the vertices and faces of a mesh from upper/lower lists of values.

            low_vals: A list of lists with each sublist having lower y values.
            up_vals: A list of lists with each sublist having upper y values.
            x_hr_dist: The x distance moved by each cell of the mesh.

            verts: A list of vertices for the mesh.
            faces: A list of faces for the mesh.
        verts = []
        faces = []
        vert_count = 0
        for month in range(len(low_vals)):
            # create the two starting vertices for the month
            start_x = self._base_point.x + month * self._x_dim
            v1 = Point2D(start_x, low_vals[month][0])
            v2 = Point2D(start_x, up_vals[month][0])
            verts.extend((v1, v2))
            # loop through the hourly data and add vertices
            for hour in range(1, len(low_vals[0])):
                x_val = start_x + x_hr_dist * hour
                v3 = Point2D(x_val, low_vals[month][hour])
                v4 = Point2D(x_val, up_vals[month][hour])
                verts.extend((v3, v4))
                faces.append(tuple(x + vert_count for x in (0, 2, 3, 1)))
                vert_count += 2
            vert_count += 2
        return verts, faces
Example #11
def test_room2d_init_from_vertices():
    """Test the initialization of Room2D objects from 2D vertices."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(10, 0), Point2D(10, 10), Point2D(0, 10))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room2d = Room2D.from_vertices('SquareShoebox', pts, 3, 3,
                                  boundarycs, window, shading)

    assert len(room2d.floor_geometry.vertices) == 4
    assert len(room2d) == 4
    assert room2d.floor_to_ceiling_height == 3
    assert isinstance(room2d.boundary_conditions[0], Outdoors)
    assert isinstance(room2d.boundary_conditions[1], Ground)
    assert room2d.window_parameters[0] == ashrae_base
    assert room2d.window_parameters[1] is None
    assert room2d.shading_parameters[0] == overhang
    assert room2d.shading_parameters[1] is None

    assert room2d.floor_height == 3
    assert room2d.ceiling_height == 6
    assert room2d.volume == 300
    assert room2d.floor_area == 100
    assert room2d.exterior_wall_area == 60
    assert room2d.exterior_aperture_area == 60 * 0.4
Example #12
def test_init_compass():
    """Test the initialization of Compass and basic properties."""
    compass = Compass()

    str(compass)  # test the string representation
    hash(compass)  # test to be sure the compass is hash-able
    assert compass.radius == 100
    assert == Point2D()
    assert compass.north_angle == 0
    assert compass.north_vector == Vector2D(0, 1)
    assert compass.spacing_factor == 0.15
    assert compass.min_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(-115.0, -115.0), 0.01)
    assert compass.max_point.is_equivalent(Point2D(115.0, 115.0), 0.01)
    assert isinstance(compass.inner_boundary_circle, Arc2D)
    assert len(compass.all_boundary_circles) == 3
    for circ in compass.all_boundary_circles:
        assert isinstance(circ, Arc2D)
    assert len(compass.major_azimuth_points) == len(compass.MAJOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for pt in compass.major_azimuth_points:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)
    assert len(compass.major_azimuth_ticks) == len(compass.MAJOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for lin in compass.major_azimuth_ticks:
        assert isinstance(lin, LineSegment2D)
    assert len(compass.minor_azimuth_points) == len(compass.MINOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for pt in compass.minor_azimuth_points:
        assert isinstance(pt, Point2D)
    assert len(compass.minor_azimuth_ticks) == len(compass.MINOR_AZIMUTHS)
    for lin in compass.minor_azimuth_ticks:
        assert isinstance(lin, LineSegment2D)
    assert isinstance(compass.min_point3d(), Point3D)
    assert isinstance(compass.max_point3d(), Point3D)
def test_polygon2d_init():
    """Test the initialization of Polygon2D objects and basic properties."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    polygon = Polygon2D(pts)

    str(polygon)  # test the string representation of the polygon

    assert isinstance(polygon.vertices, tuple)
    assert len(polygon.vertices) == 4
    assert len(polygon) == 4
    for point in polygon:
        assert isinstance(point, Point2D)

    assert isinstance(polygon.segments, tuple)
    assert len(polygon.segments) == 4
    for seg in polygon.segments:
        assert isinstance(seg, LineSegment2D)
        assert seg.length == 2

    assert polygon.area == 4
    assert polygon.perimeter == 8
    assert not polygon.is_clockwise
    assert polygon.is_convex
    assert not polygon.is_self_intersecting

    assert polygon.vertices[0] == polygon[0]

    p_array = polygon.to_array()
    assert isinstance(p_array, tuple)
    assert len(p_array) == 4
    for arr in p_array:
        assert isinstance(p_array, tuple)
        assert len(arr) == 2
def test_scale():
    """Test the Point2D scale method."""
    pt_1 = Point2D(2, 2)
    origin_1 = Point2D(0, 2)
    origin_2 = Point2D(1, 1)
    assert pt_1.scale(2, origin_1) == Point2D(4, 2)
    assert pt_1.scale(2, origin_2) == Point2D(3, 3)
def test_join_segments():
    """Test the join_segments method."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    l_segs = (LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[0], pts[1]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[1], pts[2]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[2], pts[3]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[3], pts[0]))
    p_lines = Polyline2D.join_segments(l_segs, 0.01)
    assert len(p_lines) == 1
    assert isinstance(p_lines[0], Polyline2D)
    assert len(p_lines[0]) == 5
    assert p_lines[0].is_closed(0.01)

    l_segs = (LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[0], pts[1]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[2], pts[3]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[1], pts[2]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[3], pts[0]))
    p_lines = Polyline2D.join_segments(l_segs, 0.01)
    assert len(p_lines) == 1
    assert isinstance(p_lines[0], Polyline2D)
    assert len(p_lines[0]) == 5
    assert p_lines[0].is_closed(0.01)

    l_segs = (LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[0], pts[1]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[1], pts[2]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[0], pts[3]),
              LineSegment2D.from_end_points(pts[3], pts[2]))
    p_lines = Polyline2D.join_segments(l_segs, 0.01)
    assert len(p_lines) == 1
    assert isinstance(p_lines[0], Polyline2D)
    assert len(p_lines[0]) == 5
    assert p_lines[0].is_closed(0.01)
def offset(polygon, distance, tol=1e-10):
    """Offset the polygon boundary by defined distance.

        polygon: A Polygon2D object to offset.
        distance: Distance to offset. Only positive distance works in
            current implementation.
        tol: Tolerance for point equivalence.

        A list of offset contours as Polygon2D objects.
    _buffer_angle_tol = math.pi / 4  # 45 degrees

    # If positive do inward offset
    if distance > 0:
        _, offsets = polyskel.sub_polygons(polygon, distance, [], tol)
        return offsets

    # Init distance
    distance = abs(distance)
    sqrdist = distance * distance

    # Calculate buffer offset
    segments = list(polygon.segments)
    segments = segments + [segments[0]]

    buffer = 0.0
    for i in range(len(segments) - 1):
        seg1, seg2 = segments[i], segments[i + 1]
        bisector = _offset_bisector(seg1, seg2, distance)
        if bisector.length > buffer:
            buffer = bisector.length
    buffer += (distance / 2.)

    # Make buffer
    buffer_frame = Polygon2D([
        Point2D(polygon.max.x + buffer, polygon.max.y + buffer),
        Point2D(polygon.min.x - buffer, polygon.max.y + buffer),
        Point2D(polygon.min.x - buffer, polygon.min.y - buffer),
        Point2D(polygon.max.x + buffer, polygon.min.y - buffer)

    holes = [list(reversed(polygon.vertices))]
    perimeter_sub_polygon = polyskel.sub_polygons(buffer_frame, distance,
    mispqll = ""

    # Make a graph from the perimeter (offset) polygons so we infer the core polygons
    g = PolygonDirectedGraph(tol)
    for poly in perimeter_sub_polygon:
        pts = poly.vertices
        for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
            g.add_node(pts[i], [pts[i + 1]])
        g.add_node(pts[-1], [pts[0]])

    offset = Polygon2D([ for node in g.exterior_cycles[-1]])

    return offset, perimeter_sub_polygon
def test_polyline2d_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Polyline2D objects."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    pline = Polyline2D(pts)
    pline_dict = pline.to_dict()
    new_pline = Polyline2D.from_dict(pline_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_pline, Polyline2D)
    assert new_pline.to_dict() == pline_dict
def to_point2d(point):
    """Ladybug Point2D from Rhino Point3d."""
    if isinstance(point, Point3D):
        return Point2D(point.x, point.y)
    elif isinstance(point, Point2D):
        return point
    elif isinstance(point, (list, tuple)):
        return Point2D(point[0], point[1])
def test_polygon2d_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Polygon2D objects."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    polygon = Polygon2D(pts)
    polygon_dict = polygon.to_dict()
    new_polygon = Polygon2D.from_dict(polygon_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_polygon, Polygon2D)
    assert new_polygon.to_dict() == polygon_dict
def test_distance_to_point():
    """Test the test_distance_to_point method."""
    pt_1 = Point2D(0, 2)
    assert pt_1.x == 0
    assert pt_1.y == 2

    pt_2 = Point2D(2, 2)
    assert pt_1.distance_to_point(pt_2) == 2
def test_from_polygon():
    """Test the from_polygon method."""
    pts_1 = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    pgon = Polygon2D(pts_1)

    pline = Polyline2D.from_polygon(pgon)
    assert isinstance(pline, Polyline2D)
    assert len(pline) == 5
Example #22
 def _bar_pts(start_x, base_y, bar_width, end_y):
     """Get a list of bar vertices from input bar properties."""
     # create each of the 4 vertices
     v1 = Point2D(start_x, base_y)
     v2 = Point2D(start_x + bar_width, base_y)
     v3 = Point2D(start_x + bar_width, end_y)
     v4 = Point2D(start_x, end_y)
     return (v1, v2, v3, v4)
Example #23
def test_mesh2d_to_from_dict():
    """Test the to/from dict of Mesh2D objects."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(0, 2), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(2, 0))
    mesh = Mesh2D(pts, [(0, 1, 2, 3)])
    mesh_dict = mesh.to_dict()
    new_mesh = Mesh2D.from_dict(mesh_dict)
    assert isinstance(new_mesh, Mesh2D)
    assert new_mesh.to_dict() == mesh_dict
Example #24
def test_context_shade_min_max():
    """Test the min and max properties of ContextShade objects."""
    awning_geo1 = Face3D.from_rectangle(6, 6, Plane(o=Point3D(5, -10, 6)))
    awning_geo2 = Face3D.from_rectangle(2, 2, Plane(o=Point3D(-5, -10, 3)))
    awning_canopy = ContextShade('Awning_Canopy', [awning_geo1, awning_geo2])

    assert awning_canopy.area == 40
    assert awning_canopy.min == Point2D(-5, -10)
    assert awning_canopy.max == Point2D(11, -4)
Example #25
def test_connector_dict_methods():
    """Test the ElectricalConnector to/from dict methods."""
    geo = LineSegment2D.from_end_points(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(100, 0))
    wire = Wire('OH AL 2/0 A')
    connector = ElectricalConnector('Connector_1', geo, [wire])

    connector_dict = connector.to_dict()
    new_connector = ElectricalConnector.from_dict(connector_dict)
    assert connector_dict == new_connector.to_dict()
def test_is_equivalent():
    """Test the is_equivalent method."""
    pt_1 = Point2D(0, 2)
    pt_2 = Point2D(0.00001, 2)
    pt_3 = Point2D(0, 1)

    assert pt_1.is_equivalent(pt_2, 0.0001) is True
    assert pt_1.is_equivalent(pt_2, 0.0000001) is False
    assert pt_1.is_equivalent(pt_3, 0.0001) is False
Example #27
def test_substation_init():
    """Test the initialization of Substation and basic properties."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    polygon = Polygon2D(pts)
    substation = Substation('Substation_1', polygon)
    str(substation)  # test the string representation

    assert substation.identifier == 'Substation_1'
    assert substation.geometry == polygon
Example #28
def test_substation_dict_methods():
    """Test the Substation to/from dict methods."""
    pts = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    polygon = Polygon2D(pts)
    substation = Substation('Substation_1', polygon)

    substation_dict = substation.to_dict()
    new_substation = Substation.from_dict(substation_dict)
    assert substation_dict == new_substation.to_dict()
def test_reverse():
    """Test the reverse method."""
    pts_1 = (Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 0), Point2D(2, 2), Point2D(0, 2))
    pline = Polyline2D(pts_1)
    new_pline = pline.reverse()

    assert pline.length == new_pline.length
    assert pline.vertices == tuple(reversed(new_pline.vertices))
    assert pline.is_self_intersecting == new_pline.is_self_intersecting
Example #30
 def _title_point_2d(self):
     """Point2D for the title in the 2D space of the legend."""
     _l_par = self.legend_parameters
     if _l_par.vertical:
         offset = 0.5 if self.legend_parameters.continuous_legend is True else 0.25
         return Point2D(
             0, _l_par.segment_height * (self.segment_length + offset))
         return Point2D(-_l_par.segment_width * self.segment_length,
                        _l_par.segment_height * 1.25)