Example #1
def signup(activationkey, productcode, customer_name, customer_email, customer_keyinfo, stdout,
           stderr, seed, secretsfile, logfilename,
           serverinfopath=None, ec2secretpath=None, clock=None):
    config = Config(configpath)
    myclock = clock or reactor

    bucketname = "lae-%s-%s" % (productcode.lower(), seed)
    location = None  # default location for now
    product = lookup_product(config, productcode)
    fullname = product['full_name']
    producttoken = product['product_token']
    amiimageid = product['ami_image_id']
    instancesize = product['instance_size']

    print >>stdout, "Signing up customer for %s..." % (fullname,)

    d = activate_user_account_desktop(activationkey, producttoken, stdout, stderr)
    def _activated(adpr):
        useraccesskeyid = adpr.access_key_id
        usersecretkey = adpr.secret_key
        usertoken = adpr.usertoken

        def _wait_until_verified(how_long_secs):
            d3 = verify_user_account(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken, producttoken, stdout,
            def _maybe_again(res):
                if res:
                    print >>stdout, "Subscription verified."
                if how_long_secs <= 0.0:
                    print >>stdout, "Timed out waiting for verification of subscription."
                    raise TimeoutError()
                print >>stdout, "Waiting another %d seconds..." % (POLL_TIME,)
                return task.deferLater(myclock, POLL_TIME, _wait_until_verified,
                                       how_long_secs - POLL_TIME)
            return d3

        d2 = _wait_until_verified(CC_VERIFICATION_TIME)

        d2.addCallback(lambda ign: create_user_bucket(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken,
                                                      bucketname, stdout, stderr,
                                                      producttoken=producttoken, location=location))

        # We could deploy and configure the instance in parallel with the above wait and delete it
        # if necessary, but let's keep it simple and sequential.
        d2.addCallback(lambda ign: deploy_server(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken,
                                                 producttoken, bucketname, None, amiimageid,
                                                 instancesize, customer_name, customer_email,
                                                 customer_keyinfo, stdout, stderr, secretsfile,
                                                 config, serverinfopath, ec2secretpath,
        return d2
    d.addErrback(lambda f: send_notify_failure(f, customer_name, customer_email, logfilename, stdout,
    return d
Example #2
def signup(activationkey, productcode, customer_name, customer_email, customer_keyinfo, stdout,
           stderr, seed, secretsfile, logfilename,
           serverinfopath=None, ec2secretpath=None, clock=None):
    config = Config(configpath)
    myclock = clock or reactor

    bucketname = "lae-%s-%s" % (productcode.lower(), seed)
    location = None  # default location for now
    product = lookup_product(config, productcode)
    fullname = product['full_name']
    producttoken = product['product_token']
    amiimageid = product['ami_image_id']
    instancesize = product['instance_size']

    print >>stdout, "Signing up customer for %s..." % (fullname,)

    d = activate_user_account_desktop(activationkey, producttoken, stdout, stderr)
    def _activated(adpr):
        useraccesskeyid = adpr.access_key_id
        usersecretkey = adpr.secret_key
        usertoken = adpr.usertoken

        def _wait_until_verified(how_long_secs):
            d3 = verify_user_account(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken, producttoken, stdout,
            def _maybe_again(res):
                if res:
                    print >>stdout, "Subscription verified."
                if how_long_secs <= 0.0:
                    print >>stdout, "Timed out waiting for verification of subscription."
                    raise TimeoutError()
                print >>stdout, "Waiting another %d seconds..." % (POLL_TIME,)
                return task.deferLater(myclock, POLL_TIME, _wait_until_verified,
                                       how_long_secs - POLL_TIME)
            return d3

        d2 = _wait_until_verified(CC_VERIFICATION_TIME)

        d2.addCallback(lambda ign: create_user_bucket(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken,
                                                      bucketname, stdout, stderr,
                                                      producttoken=producttoken, location=location))

        # We could deploy and configure the instance in parallel with the above wait and delete it
        # if necessary, but let's keep it simple and sequential.
        d2.addCallback(lambda ign: deploy_server(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken,
                                                 producttoken, bucketname, None, amiimageid,
                                                 instancesize, customer_name, customer_email,
                                                 customer_keyinfo, stdout, stderr, secretsfile,
                                                 config, serverinfopath, ec2secretpath,
        return d2
    d.addErrback(lambda f: send_notify_failure(f, customer_name, customer_email, logfilename, stdout,
    return d
Example #3
def replace_server(oldsecrets, amiimageid, instancesize, customer_email, stdout, stderr,
                   secretsfile, logfilename,
                   serverinfopath=None, ec2secretpath=None, clock=None):
    config = Config(configpath)
    useraccesskeyid = oldsecrets['access_key_id']
    usersecretkey   = oldsecrets['secret_key']
    usertoken       = oldsecrets['user_token']
    producttoken    = oldsecrets['product_token']
    bucketname      = oldsecrets["bucket_name"]

    d = deploy_server(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken, producttoken,
                      bucketname, oldsecrets, amiimageid, instancesize,
                      "someone", customer_email, None, stdout, stderr,
                      secretsfile, config, serverinfopath, ec2secretpath, clock)
    d.addErrback(lambda f: send_notify_failure(f, "someone", customer_email, logfilename, stdout,
    return d
Example #4
def replace_server(oldsecrets, amiimageid, instancesize, customer_email, stdout, stderr,
                   secretsfile, logfilename,
                   serverinfopath=None, ec2secretpath=None, clock=None):
    config = Config(configpath)
    useraccesskeyid = oldsecrets['access_key_id']
    usersecretkey   = oldsecrets['secret_key']
    usertoken       = oldsecrets['user_token']
    producttoken    = oldsecrets['product_token']
    bucketname      = oldsecrets["bucket_name"]

    d = deploy_server(useraccesskeyid, usersecretkey, usertoken, producttoken,
                      bucketname, oldsecrets, amiimageid, instancesize,
                      "someone", customer_email, None, stdout, stderr,
                      secretsfile, config, serverinfopath, ec2secretpath, clock)
    d.addErrback(lambda f: send_notify_failure(f, "someone", customer_email, logfilename, stdout,
    return d
Example #5
def activate_subscribed_service(customer_email, customer_pgpinfo, customer_id, subscription_id,
                                plan_id, stdout, stderr, secretsfile, logfile,
                                serverinfopath=None, clock=None):
    print >>stderr, "entering activate_subscribed_service call."
    print >>stderr, "configpath is %s" % configpath
    config = Config(configpath)
    myclock = clock or reactor

    s3_access_key_id = config.other["s3_access_key_id"]
    s3_secret_path = config.other["s3_secret_path"]
    s3_secretkey = FilePath(s3_secret_path).getContent().strip()

    bucketname = get_bucket_name(subscription_id, customer_id)
    location = None  # default S3 location for now

    print >>stderr, "plan_id is %s" % plan_id
    product = lookup_product(config, plan_id)
    fullname = product['plan_name']
    amiimageid = product['ami_image_id']
    instancesize = product['instance_size']

    print >>stdout, "Signing up customer for %s..." % (fullname,)

    d = create_stripe_user_bucket(s3_access_key_id, s3_secretkey, bucketname, stdout, stderr, location)

    print >>stdout, "After create_stripe_account_user_bucket %s..." % str(
        (s3_access_key_id, s3_secretkey, bucketname,
         None, amiimageid, instancesize,
         customer_email, customer_pgpinfo, stdout, stderr,
         secretsfile, config, serverinfopath, myclock))

    d.addCallback(lambda ign: deploy_server(s3_access_key_id, s3_secretkey, None, None, bucketname,
                                            None, amiimageid, instancesize,
                                            customer_email, customer_pgpinfo, stdout, stderr,
                                            secretsfile, config, serverinfopath, clock=myclock))

    d.addErrback(lambda f: send_notify_failure(f, customer_email, logfile, stdout, stderr))
    return d