Example #1
cm = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8VectorSequence(4, 6)
check_dynamic_vector_matrix(iv, iv.length, rv, rv.length,
                            cm, cm.length, cm.vectorLength)
del iv, rv, cm
rv0 = lal.CreateREAL8Vector(0)
assert(rv0.length == 0)
assert(len(rv0.data) == 0)
del rv0
rv1 = lal.CreateREAL8Vector(1)
rv1.data[0] = 1
del rv1
print("PASSED dynamic vector/matrix conversions (LAL)")
# check GSL vectors and matrices
iv = lal.gsl_vector_int(5)
rv = lal.gsl_vector(5)
cm = lal.gsl_matrix_complex_float(4, 6)
check_dynamic_vector_matrix(iv, iv.size, rv, rv.size,
                            cm, cm.size1, cm.size2)
del iv, rv, cm
rv1 = lal.gsl_vector(1)
rv1.data[0] = 1
del rv1
print("PASSED dynamic vector/matrix conversions (GSL)")

# check fixed and dynamic arrays typemaps
print("checking fixed and dynamic arrays typemaps ...")
a1in = numpy.array([1.2, 3.5, 7.9], dtype=numpy.double)
a1out = a1in * 2.5
assert((lal.swig_lal_test_copyin_array1(a1in, 2.5) == a1out).all())
a2in = numpy.array([[3,2], [7,6], [12,10]], dtype=numpy.int32)
Example #2
    assert (not expected_exception)
    print("*** above should be an error message from CheckMemoryLeaks() ***")
    del mem1
    del mem2
    del mem3
    del mem4
    print("PASSED memory allocation")
    print("skipped memory allocation")

# check object parent tracking
print("checking object parent tracking ...")
a = lal.gsl_vector(3)
a.data = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
b = a.data
assert (not b.flags['OWNDATA'])
assert ((b == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]).all())
del a
assert ((b == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]).all())
ts = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("test", lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0), 0, 0.1,
                               lal.DimensionlessUnit, 10)
ts.data.data = list(range(0, 10))
for i in range(0, 7):
    v = ts.data
assert ((v.data == list(range(0, 10))).all())
del ts
assert ((v.data == list(range(0, 10))).all())
del v
Example #3
def generate_anstar_3d_lattice(maxv1, minv1, maxv2, minv2, maxv3, minv3, \
    This function calls into LAL routines to generate a 3-dimensional array
    of points using the An^* lattice.

    maxv1 : float
        Largest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    minv1 : float
        Smallest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    maxv2 : float
        Largest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    minv2 : float
        Smallest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    maxv3 : float
        Largest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    minv3 : float
        Smallest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    mindist : float
        Maximum allowed mismatch between a point in the parameter space and the
        generated bank of points.

    v1s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the first dimension
    v2s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    v3s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    # Lalpulsar not a requirement for the rest of pycbc, so check if we have it
    # here in this function.
        import lalpulsar
        raise ImportError("A SWIG-wrapped install of lalpulsar is needed to use the anstar tiling functionality.")

    tiling = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTiling(3)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 0, minv1, maxv1)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 1, minv2, maxv2)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 2, minv3, maxv3)
    # Make a 3x3 Euclidean lattice
    a = lal.gsl_matrix(3,3)
    a.data[0,0] = 1
    a.data[1,1] = 1
    a.data[2,2] = 1
        # old versions of lalpulsar used an enumeration
        lattice = lalpulsar.TILING_LATTICE_ANSTAR
    except AttributeError:
        # newer versions of lalpulsar use a string
        lattice = 'An-star'
    lalpulsar.SetTilingLatticeAndMetric(tiling, lattice, a, mindist)
        iterator = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTilingIterator(tiling, 3)
    except TypeError:
        # old versions of lalpulsar required the flags argument
        # (set to 0 for defaults)
        iterator = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTilingIterator(tiling, 3, 0)

    vs1 = []
    vs2 = []
    vs3 = []
    curr_point = lal.gsl_vector(3)
    while (lalpulsar.NextLatticeTilingPoint(iterator, curr_point) > 0):
    return vs1, vs2, vs3
Example #4
    assert(not expected_exception)
    print("*** above should be an error message from CheckMemoryLeaks() ***")
    del mem1
    del mem2
    del mem3
    del mem4
    print("PASSED memory allocation")
    print("skipped memory allocation")

# check object parent tracking
print("checking object parent tracking ...")
a = lal.gsl_vector(3)
a.data = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
b = a.data
assert(not b.flags['OWNDATA'])
assert((b == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]).all())
del a
assert((b == [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]).all())
ts = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("test", lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0), 0, 0.1, lal.DimensionlessUnit, 10)
ts.data.data = range(0, 10)
for i in range(0, 7):
    v = ts.data
assert((v.data == range(0, 10)).all())
del ts
assert((v.data == range(0, 10)).all())
del v
Example #5
def generate_anstar_3d_lattice(maxv1, minv1, maxv2, minv2, maxv3, minv3, \
    This function calls into LAL routines to generate a 3-dimensional array
    of points using the An^* lattice.

    maxv1 : float
        Largest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    minv1 : float
        Smallest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    maxv2 : float
        Largest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    minv2 : float
        Smallest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    maxv3 : float
        Largest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    minv3 : float
        Smallest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    mindist : float
        Maximum allowed mismatch between a point in the parameter space and the
        generated bank of points.

    v1s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the first dimension
    v2s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    v3s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    # Lalpulsar not a requirement for the rest of pycbc, so check if we have it
    # here in this function.
        import lalpulsar
        raise ImportError("A SWIG-wrapped install of lalpulsar is needed to use the anstar tiling functionality.")

    tiling = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTiling(3)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeConstantBound(tiling, 0, minv1, maxv1)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeConstantBound(tiling, 1, minv2, maxv2)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeConstantBound(tiling, 2, minv3, maxv3)
    # Make a 3x3 Euclidean lattice
    a = lal.gsl_matrix(3,3)
    a.data[0,0] = 1
    a.data[1,1] = 1
    a.data[2,2] = 1
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTypeAndMetric(tiling, lalpulsar.LATTICE_TYPE_ANSTAR,
                                      a, mindist)

    vs1 = []
    vs2 = []
    vs3 = []
    count = 0
    curr_point = lal.gsl_vector(3)
    while (lalpulsar.NextLatticePoint(tiling, curr_point) >= 0):
    return vs1, vs2, vs3
Example #6
def generate_anstar_3d_lattice(maxv1, minv1, maxv2, minv2, maxv3, minv3, mindist):
    This function calls into LAL routines to generate a 3-dimensional array
    of points using the An^* lattice.

    maxv1 : float
        Largest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    minv1 : float
        Smallest value in the 1st dimension to cover
    maxv2 : float
        Largest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    minv2 : float
        Smallest value in the 2nd dimension to cover
    maxv3 : float
        Largest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    minv3 : float
        Smallest value in the 3rd dimension to cover
    mindist : float
        Maximum allowed mismatch between a point in the parameter space and the
        generated bank of points.

    v1s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the first dimension
    v2s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    v3s : numpy.array
        Array of positions in the second dimension
    # Lalpulsar not a requirement for the rest of pycbc, so check if we have it
    # here in this function.
        import lalpulsar
        raise ImportError("A SWIG-wrapped install of lalpulsar is needed to use the anstar tiling functionality.")

    tiling = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTiling(3)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 0, minv1, maxv1)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 1, minv2, maxv2)
    lalpulsar.SetLatticeTilingConstantBound(tiling, 2, minv3, maxv3)
    # Make a 3x3 Euclidean lattice
    a = lal.gsl_matrix(3, 3)
    a.data[0, 0] = 1
    a.data[1, 1] = 1
    a.data[2, 2] = 1
        # old versions of lalpulsar used an enumeration
        lattice = lalpulsar.TILING_LATTICE_ANSTAR
    except AttributeError:
        # newer versions of lalpulsar use a string
        lattice = "An-star"
    lalpulsar.SetTilingLatticeAndMetric(tiling, lattice, a, mindist)
        iterator = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTilingIterator(tiling, 3)
    except TypeError:
        # old versions of lalpulsar required the flags argument
        # (set to 0 for defaults)
        iterator = lalpulsar.CreateLatticeTilingIterator(tiling, 3, 0)

    vs1 = []
    vs2 = []
    vs3 = []
    count = 0
    curr_point = lal.gsl_vector(3)
    while lalpulsar.NextLatticeTilingPoint(iterator, curr_point) > 0:
    return vs1, vs2, vs3