Example #1
gdbdir = config.get('gdb general', 'main_gdb_dir')

if not opts.skip_gracedb_upload:
    if config.has_option('gdb general', 'gdb_url'):
        gracedb = GraceDb(config.get('gdb general', 'gdb_url'))
        gracedb = GraceDb()

if config.has_option(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label'):
    plotting_label = config.get(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label')
    plotting_label = opts.classifier


rank_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_rank" % tag)
fap_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fap" % tag)
fapUL_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fapUL" % tag)


# get all *.gwf files in range

if opts.verbose:
    print "Finding relevant *.gwf files"
rank_filenames = []
fap_filenames = []
all_files = idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir,
gdbdir = config.get('gdb general','main_gdb_dir')

if not opts.skip_gracedb_upload:
    if config.has_option('gdb general', 'gdb_url'):
        gracedb = GraceDb(config.get('gdb general', 'gdb_url'))
        gracedb = GraceDb()

if config.has_option(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label'):
    plotting_label = config.get(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label')
    plotting_label = opts.classifier


rank_channame  = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_rank"%tag)
fap_channame   = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fap"%tag)
fapUL_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fapUL"%tag)


# get all *.gwf files in range

if opts.verbose:
    print "Finding relevant *.gwf files"
rank_filenames = []
fap_filenames = []
all_files = idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir, opts.plotting_gps_start, opts.plotting_gps_end, pad=0, suffix='.gwf')
for filename in all_files:
    if opts.classifier == idq.extract_fap_name(filename): # and ifo in filename: ### this last bit not needed?
        if 'rank' in filename:
Example #3
# which classifiers
### ensure we have a section for each classifier and fill out dictionary of options
classifiersD, mla, ovl = idq.config_to_classifiersD(config)

### get combiners information and add these to classifiersD
combinersD, referenced_classifiers = idq.config_to_combinersD(config)
for combiner, value in combinersD.items():
    classifiersD[combiner] = value

classifiers = sorted(classifiersD.keys())

### compute channel names stored in frames
channameD = dict((name, {
    'rank': idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_rank" % usertag),
    'fap': idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_fap" % usertag),
    'fapUL': idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_fapUL" % usertag)
}) for name in classifiers)

#if mla:
#    ### reading parameters from config file needed for mla
#    auxmvc_coinc_window = config.getfloat('build_auxmvc_vectors','time-window')
#    auxmc_gw_signif_thr = config.getfloat('build_auxmvc_vectors','signif-threshold')
#    auxmvc_selected_channels = config.get('general','selected-channels')
#    auxmvc_unsafe_channels = config.get('general','unsafe-channels')

# realtime
realtimedir = config.get('general', 'realtimedir')
segsum = lsctables.New( lsctables.SegmentSumTable, columns=["process_id", "segment_sum_id", "start_time", "start_time_ns", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "comment", "segment_def_id"] )
segtab = lsctables.New( lsctables.SegmentTable, columns=["process_id", "segment_def_id", "segment_id", "start_time", "start_time_ns", "end_time", "end_time_ns"] )

xml_element.appendChild( segdef )
xml_element.appendChild( segsum )
xml_element.appendChild( segtab )

### iterate through classifiers
for classifier in opts.classifier:
    logger.info('Begin: generating segments for %s'%classifier)

    faps = fapsD[classifier]
    logger.info('  found %d files'%(len(faps)))

    ### need to load in time-series from frames here!
    chan = idq.channame(ifo, classifier, "%s_fap"%usertag)
    t, ts = idq.combine_gwf(faps, [chan]) ### loads in the data from frames
    logger.info('  found %d continous segments'%(len(t)))
    ### set up segdef row
    fap2segdef_id = {}
    for FAPthr in opts.FAPthr:
        segdef_id = segdef.get_next_id()
        segdef_row = lsctables.SegmentDef()
        segdef_row.process_id = proc_id
        segdef_row.segment_def_id = segdef_id
        segdef_row.ifos = ifo
        segdef_row.name = classifier
        segdef_row.version = 1
# which classifiers
### ensure we have a section for each classifier and fill out dictionary of options
classifiersD, mla, ovl = idq.config_to_classifiersD( config )

### get combiners information and add these to classifiersD
combinersD, referenced_classifiers = idq.config_to_combinersD( config )
for combiner, value in combinersD.items():
    classifiersD[combiner] = value

classifiers = sorted(classifiersD.keys())

### compute channel names stored in frames
channameD = dict( (name, {'rank':idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_rank"%usertag),
                          'fap':idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_fap"%usertag),
                          'fapUL':idq.channame(ifo, name, "%s_fapUL"%usertag)}) for name in classifiers )

#if mla:
#    ### reading parameters from config file needed for mla
#    auxmvc_coinc_window = config.getfloat('build_auxmvc_vectors','time-window')
#    auxmc_gw_signif_thr = config.getfloat('build_auxmvc_vectors','signif-threshold')
#    auxmvc_selected_channels = config.get('general','selected-channels')
#    auxmvc_unsafe_channels = config.get('general','unsafe-channels')

# realtime
realtimedir = config.get('general', 'realtimedir')


### iterate through classifiers
for classifier in opts.classifier:
    logger.info('Begin: generating segments for %s' % classifier)

    faps = fapsD[classifier]
    logger.info('  found %d files' % (len(faps)))

    ### need to load in time-series from frames here!
    chan = idq.channame(ifo, classifier, "%s_fap" % usertag)
    t, ts = idq.combine_gwf(faps, [chan])  ### loads in the data from frames

    logger.info('  found %d continous segments' % (len(t)))

    ### set up segdef row
    fap2segdef_id = {}
    for FAPthr in opts.FAPthr:
        segdef_id = segdef.get_next_id()

        segdef_row = lsctables.SegmentDef()
        segdef_row.process_id = proc_id
        segdef_row.segment_def_id = segdef_id
        segdef_row.ifos = ifo
        segdef_row.name = classifier
        segdef_row.version = 1