Example #1
def extract_ovl_vconfigs(rank_frames,
    returns a dictionary mapping active vconfigs to segments
    does NOT include "none" channel
    vconfigs = []
    for rnkfr in rank_frames:
        trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges(rnkfr)
        classifier = idq.extract_fap_name(rnkfr)

        vetolist = glob.glob("%s/%d_%d/ovl/ovl/*vetolist.eval" %
                             (traindir, trained[0], trained[1]))
        if len(vetolist) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "trouble finding a single vetolist file for : %s" % rnkfr)
        vetolist = vetolist[0]
        v = event.loadstringtable(vetolist)

        rankmap = {0: [(None, None, None, None, 0, 0)]}

        for line in v:
            metric_exp = float(line[ovl.vD['metric_exp']])
            if metric == 'eff/dt':
                rnk = ovl.effbydt_to_rank(metric_exp)
            elif metric == 'vsig':
                rnk = ovl.vsig_to_rank(metric_exp)
            elif metric == 'useP':
                rnk = ovl.useP_to_rank(metric_exp)
                raise ValueError("metric=%s not understood" % metric)
            if rankmap.has_key(rnk):
                    (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]),
                     float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk))
                rankmap[rnk] = [
                    (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]),
                     float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk)

        for key, value in rankmap.items():
            rankmap[key] = tuple(value)

        t, ts = idq.combine_gwf([rnkfr], [channame])
        t = t[0]
        truth = (start <= t) * (t <= end)
        t = t[truth]
        ts = ts[0][truth]
        if not len(ts):

        configs = rankmap[ts[0]]
        segStart = t[0]
        for T, TS in zip(t, ts):
            if rankmap[TS] != configs:
                vconfigs.append((configs, [segStart, T]))
                segStart = T
                configs = rankmap[TS]
        vconfigs.append((configs, [segStart, T + t[1] - t[0]]))

    configs = {}
    for vconfig, seg in vconfigs:
        if configs.has_key(vconfig):
            configs[vconfig] = [seg]
    for key, value in configs.items():
        value = event.andsegments([event.fixsegments(value), [[start, end]]])
        if event.livetime(value):
            configs[key] = event.fixsegments(value)
            raise ValueError(
                "somehow picked up a config with zero livetime...")

    return vconfigs, configs, {
        "vchan": 0,
        "vthr": 1,
        "vwin": 2,
        "metric": 3,
        "metric_exp": 4,
        "rank": 5
flavor = config.get(opts.classifier, 'flavor')
if config.has_option(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label'):
    plotting_label = config.get(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label')
    plotting_label = opts.classifier


### Find all FAP files
if opts.verbose:
    print "finding all fap*gwf files"
faps = [
    fap for fap in idq.get_all_files_in_range(
        realtimedir, opts.start, opts.end, pad=0, suffix='.gwf')
    if ('fap' in fap) and (
        opts.classifier == idq.extract_fap_name(fap)) and event.livetime(
            event.andsegments([[idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix=".gwf")],

### compute total time covered
#T = event.livetime( [idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix='.gwf') for fap in faps] )*1.0
T = event.livetime(idqsegs) * 1.0

### combine timeseries and generate segments
if opts.verbose:
    print "generating segments from %d fap files" % (len(faps))
segs = dict((fapThr, [[], 1.0]) for fapThr in opts.FAPthr)
t, ts = idq.combine_gwf(faps, [fap_channame])
for t, ts in zip(t, ts):
Example #3

# get all *.gwf files in range

if opts.verbose:
    print "Finding relevant *.gwf files"
rank_filenames = []
fap_filenames = []
all_files = idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir,
for filename in all_files:
    if opts.classifier == idq.extract_fap_name(
            filename):  # and ifo in filename: ### this last bit not needed?
        if 'rank' in filename:
        if 'fap' in filename:


if (not rank_filenames) or (
        not fap_filenames):  # we couldn't find either rank or fap files
    # exit gracefully
    if opts.verbose:
        print "no iDQ timeseries for %s at %s" % (opts.classifier, ifo)
    if not opts.skip_gracedb_upload:
rank_channame  = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_rank"%tag)
fap_channame   = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fap"%tag)
fapUL_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fapUL"%tag)

flavor = config.get(opts.classifier, 'flavor')
if config.has_option(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label'):
    plotting_label = config.get(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label')
    plotting_label = opts.classifier


### Find all FAP files
if opts.verbose:
    print "finding all fap*gwf files"
faps = [fap for fap in idq.get_all_files_in_range( realtimedir, opts.start, opts.end, pad=0, suffix='.gwf') if ('fap' in fap) and (opts.classifier==idq.extract_fap_name( fap )) and event.livetime(event.andsegments([[idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix=".gwf")], idqsegs])) ]

### compute total time covered
#T = event.livetime( [idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix='.gwf') for fap in faps] )*1.0
T = event.livetime( idqsegs )*1.0

### combine timeseries and generate segments
if opts.verbose:
    print "generating segments from %d fap files"%(len(faps))
segs = dict( (fapThr, [[], 1.0]) for fapThr in opts.FAPthr )
t, ts = idq.combine_gwf(faps, [fap_channame])
for t, ts in zip(t, ts):

    t, ts = idq.timeseries_in_segments( t, ts, idqsegs )

    for fapThr in opts.FAPthr:
Example #5

    if opts.mode == "npy":  ### need rank files
        ### find all *rank*npy.gz files, bin them according to classifier
        logger.info('  finding all *rank*.npy.gz files')
        ranksD = defaultdict(list)
        for rank in [
                for rank in idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir,
                                                       gpsstart - lookback,
                                                       gpsstart + stride,
                if "rank" in rank
                rank)  ### should just work...

        ### throw away files we will never need
        for key in ranksD.keys():
            if key not in classifiers:  ### throw away unwanted files
            else:  ### keep only files that overlap with scisegs
                ranksD[key] = [
                    rank for rank in ranksD[key] if event.livetime(
                            [idq.extract_start_stop(rank, suffix='.npy.gz')]
Example #6
def extract_ovl_vconfigs( rank_frames, channame, traindir, start, end, metric='eff/dt' ):
    returns a dictionary mapping active vconfigs to segments
    does NOT include "none" channel
    vconfigs = []
    for rnkfr in rank_frames:
        trained, calib = idq.extract_timeseries_ranges( rnkfr )
        classifier = idq.extract_fap_name( rnkfr ) 

        vetolist = glob.glob( "%s/%d_%d/ovl/ovl/*vetolist.eval"%(traindir, trained[0], trained[1]) )        
        if len(vetolist) != 1:
            raise ValueError( "trouble finding a single vetolist file for : %s"%rnkfr )
        v = event.loadstringtable( vetolist )

        rankmap = { 0:[(None, None, None, None, 0, 0)] }

        for line in v:
            metric_exp = float(line[ovl.vD['metric_exp']])
            if metric == 'eff/dt':
                rnk = ovl.effbydt_to_rank( metric_exp )
            elif metric == 'vsig':
                rnk = ovl.vsig_to_rank( metric_exp )
            elif metric == 'useP': 
                rnk = ovl.useP_to_rank( metric_exp )
                raise ValueError("metric=%s not understood"%metric)
            if rankmap.has_key(rnk):
                rankmap[rnk].append( (line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]), float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk ))
                rankmap[rnk] = [(line[ovl.vD['vchan']], float(line[ovl.vD['vthr']]), float(line[ovl.vD['vwin']]), metric, metric_exp, rnk )]

        for key, value in rankmap.items():
            rankmap[key] = tuple(value)

        t, ts = idq.combine_gwf( [rnkfr], [channame])
        t = t[0]
        truth = (start <= t)*(t <= end)
        t = t[truth]
        ts = ts[0][truth]
        if not len(ts):

        configs = rankmap[ts[0]]
        segStart = t[0]
        for T, TS in zip(t, ts):
            if rankmap[TS] != configs:
                vconfigs.append( (configs, [segStart, T] ) )
                segStart = T
                configs = rankmap[TS]
        vconfigs.append( (configs, [segStart, T+t[1]-t[0]] ) )

    configs = {}
    for vconfig, seg in vconfigs:
        if configs.has_key( vconfig ):
            configs[vconfig].append( seg )
            configs[vconfig] = [ seg ]
    for key, value in configs.items():
        value = event.andsegments( [event.fixsegments( value ), [[start,end]] ] )
        if event.livetime( value ):
            configs[key] = event.fixsegments( value )
            raise ValueError("somehow picked up a config with zero livetime...")

    return vconfigs, configs, {"vchan":0, "vthr":1, "vwin":2, "metric":3, "metric_exp":4, "rank":5}
    for dat in idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir, gpsstart-lookback, gpsstart+stride, pad=0, suffix='.dat' ):
        datsD[idq.extract_dat_name( dat )].append( dat )

    ### throw away any un-needed files
    for key in datsD.keys():
        if key not in classifiers:
        else: ### throw out files that don't contain any science time
            datsD[key] = [ dat for dat in datsD[key] if event.livetime(event.andsegments([idqsegs, [idq.extract_start_stop(dat, suffix='.dat')]])) ]

    if opts.mode=="npy": ### need rank files
        ### find all *rank*npy.gz files, bin them according to classifier
        logger.info('  finding all *rank*.npy.gz files')
        ranksD = defaultdict( list )
        for rank in [rank for rank in  idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir, gpsstart-lookback, gpsstart+stride, pad=0, suffix='.npy.gz') if "rank" in rank]:
            ranksD[idq.extract_fap_name( rank )].append( rank ) ### should just work...

        ### throw away files we will never need
        for key in ranksD.keys():
            if key not in classifiers: ### throw away unwanted files
            else: ### keep only files that overlap with scisegs
                ranksD[key] = [ rank for rank in ranksD[key] if event.livetime(event.andsegments([idqsegs, [idq.extract_start_stop(rank, suffix='.npy.gz')]])) ]

    # update uroc for each classifier
    urocs = {} ### stores uroc files for kde estimation
    for classifier in classifiers:
        ### write list of dats to cache file
        cache = idq.cache(output_dir, classifier, "_datcache%s"%usertag)
rank_channame  = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_rank"%tag)
fap_channame   = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fap"%tag)
fapUL_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fapUL"%tag)


# get all *.gwf files in range

if opts.verbose:
    print "Finding relevant *.gwf files"
rank_filenames = []
fap_filenames = []
all_files = idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir, opts.plotting_gps_start, opts.plotting_gps_end, pad=0, suffix='.gwf')
for filename in all_files:
    if opts.classifier == idq.extract_fap_name(filename): # and ifo in filename: ### this last bit not needed?
        if 'rank' in filename:
        if 'fap' in filename:


if (not rank_filenames) or (not fap_filenames): # we couldn't find either rank or fap files
    # exit gracefully
    if opts.verbose:
        print "no iDQ timeseries for %s at %s"%(opts.classifier, ifo)
    if not opts.skip_gracedb_upload:
        gracedb.writeLog(opts.gracedb_id, message="No iDQ timeseries for %s at %s"%(opts.classifier, ifo))
rank_channame  = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_rank"%tag)
fap_channame   = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fap"%tag)
fapUL_channame = idq.channame(ifo, opts.classifier, "%s_fapUL"%tag)

flavor = config.get(opts.classifier, 'flavor')
if config.has_option(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label'):
    plotting_label = config.get(opts.classifier, 'plotting_label')
    plotting_label = opts.classifier


### Find all FAP files
if opts.verbose:
    print "finding all fap*gwf files"
faps = [fap for fap in idq.get_all_files_in_range( realtimedir, opts.start, opts.end, pad=0, suffix='.gwf') if ('fap' in fap) and (opts.classifier==idq.extract_fap_name( fap )) and event.livetime(event.andsegments([[idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix=".gwf")], idqsegs])) ]

### compute total time covered
#T = event.livetime( [idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix='.gwf') for fap in faps] )*1.0
T = event.livetime( idqsegs )*1.0

### combine timeseries and generate segments
if opts.verbose:
    print "generating segments from %d fap files"%(len(faps))
segs = dict( (fapThr, [[], 1.0]) for fapThr in opts.FAPthr )
t, ts = idq.combine_gwf(faps, [fap_channame])
for t, ts in zip(t, ts):

    t, ts = idq.timeseries_in_segments( t, ts, idqsegs )

    for fapThr in opts.FAPthr:
if opts.ignore_science_segments:
    idqseg_path = idq.idqsegascii(opts.output_dir, '', startgps, stride)
    idqseg_path = idq.idqsegascii(opts.output_dir, '_%s'%dq_name, startgps , stride)
f = open(idqseg_path, 'w')
for seg in idqsegs:
    print >> f, seg[0], seg[1]

# go findeth the frame data
logger.info('  finding all *fap*.gwf files')
fapsD = defaultdict( list )
for fap in [fap for fap in  idq.get_all_files_in_range(realtimedir, lookup_startgps, lookup_endgps, pad=0, suffix='.gwf') if "fap" in fap]:
    fapsD[idq.extract_fap_name( fap )].append( fap )

### throw away files we will never need
for key in fapsD.keys():
    if key not in opts.classifier: ### throw away unwanted files
    else: ### keep only files that overlap with scisegs
        fapsD[key] = [ fap for fap in fapsD[key] if event.livetime(event.andsegments([idqsegs, [idq.extract_start_stop(fap, suffix='.gwf')]])) ]

# iterate through classifiers -> generate segments

### set up xml document
from glue.ligolw import ligolw
from glue.ligolw import utils as ligolw_utils