Example #1
 def _unfold(self, op: Operator, n: int) -> Optional[Operator]:
     """ Unroll all possible operators from the grammar `g` starting from    non-terminal `op` after `n` derivations.
     op : Operator
         starting rule (e.g., `g.start`)
     n : int
         number of derivations
     if isinstance(op, BasePipeline):
         steps = op.steps()
         new_steps = [self._unfold(sop, n) for sop in op.steps()]
         step_map = {steps[i]: new_steps[i] for i in range(len(steps))}
         new_edges = [(step_map[s], step_map[d]) for s, d in op.edges()]
         if not None in new_steps:
             return get_pipeline_of_applicable_type(new_steps, new_edges,
         return None
     if isinstance(op, OperatorChoice):
         steps = [
             s for s in (self._unfold(sop, n) for sop in op.steps()) if s
         return make_choice(*steps) if steps else None
     if isinstance(op, NonTerminal):
         return self._unfold(self._variables[op.name()], n -
                             1) if n > 0 else None
     if isinstance(op, IndividualOp):
         return op
     assert False, f"Unknown operator {op}"
Example #2
 def _sample(self, op: Operator, n: int) -> Optional[Operator]:
     Sample the grammar `g` starting from `g.start`, that is, choose one element at random for each possible choices.
     op : Operator
         starting rule (e.g., `g.start`)
     n : int
         number of derivations
     if isinstance(op, BasePipeline):
         steps = op.steps()
         new_steps = [self._sample(sop, n) for sop in op.steps()]
         step_map = {steps[i]: new_steps[i] for i in range(len(steps))}
         new_edges = [(step_map[s], step_map[d]) for s, d in op.edges()]
         if not None in new_steps:
             return get_pipeline_of_applicable_type(new_steps, new_edges,
         return None
     if isinstance(op, OperatorChoice):
         return self._sample(random.choice(op.steps()), n)
     if isinstance(op, NonTerminal):
         return self._sample(getattr(self, op.name()), n -
                             1) if n > 0 else None
     if isinstance(op, IndividualOp):
         return op
     assert False, f"Unknown operator {op}"
Example #3
def clone_lale(op: Ops.Operator) -> Ops.Operator:
    return op._lale_clone(sklearn_compat_clone)
Example #4
def set_operator_params(op: Ops.Operator,
                        **impl_params) -> Ops.TrainableOperator:
    """May return a new operator, in which case the old one should be overwritten
    if isinstance(op, Ops.PlannedIndividualOp):
        main_params, partitioned_sub_params = partition_sklearn_params(
        hyper = op._hyperparams
        if hyper is None:
            hyper = {}
        # we set the sub params first
        for sub_key, sub_params in partitioned_sub_params.items():
            set_structured_params(sub_key, sub_params, hyper)

        # we have now updated any nested operators
        # (if this is a higher order operator)
        # and can work on the main operator
        all_params = {**main_params, **hyper}
        return op.set_params(**all_params)
    elif isinstance(op, Ops.BasePipeline):
        steps = op.steps()
        main_params, partitioned_sub_params = partition_sklearn_params(
        assert not main_params, f"Unexpected non-nested arguments {main_params}"
        found_names: Dict[str, int] = {}
        step_map: Dict[Ops.Operator, Ops.TrainableOperator] = {}
        for s in steps:
            name = s.name()
            name_index = 0
            params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
            if name in found_names:
                name_index = found_names[name] + 1
                found_names[name] = name_index
                uname = make_indexed_name(name, name_index)
                if uname in partitioned_sub_params:
                    params = partitioned_sub_params[uname]
                found_names[name] = 0
                uname = make_degen_indexed_name(name, 0)
                if uname in partitioned_sub_params:
                    params = partitioned_sub_params[uname]
                    assert name not in partitioned_sub_params
                elif name in partitioned_sub_params:
                    params = partitioned_sub_params[name]
            new_s = set_operator_params(s, **params)
            if s != new_s:
                step_map[s] = new_s
        # make sure that no parameters were passed in for operations
        # that are not actually part of this pipeline
        for k in partitioned_sub_params.keys():
            n, i = get_name_and_index(k)
            assert n in found_names and i <= found_names[n]
        if step_map:
            if not isinstance(op, Ops.TrainablePipeline):
                # As a result of choices made, we may now be a TrainableIndividualOp
                ret = Ops.make_pipeline_graph(op.steps(),
                if not isinstance(ret, Ops.TrainableOperator):
                    assert False
                return ret
                return op
            assert isinstance(op, Ops.TrainableOperator)
            return op
    elif isinstance(op, Ops.OperatorChoice):
        choices = op.steps()
        choice_index: int
        choice_params: Dict[str, Any]
        if len(choices) == 1:
            choice_index = 0
            chosen_params = impl_params
             chosen_params) = partition_sklearn_choice_params(impl_params)

        assert 0 <= choice_index and choice_index < len(choices)
        choice: Ops.Operator = choices[choice_index]

        new_step = set_operator_params(choice, **chosen_params)
        # we remove the OperatorChoice, replacing it with the branch that was taken
        return new_step
        assert False, f"Not yet supported operation of type: {op.__class__.__name__}"