Example #1
    def loadImagesAsSeries(self, dataPath, dims=None, inputFormat='stack', ext=None, dtype='int16',
                           blockSize="150M", blockSizeUnits="pixels", startIdx=None, stopIdx=None,
                           recursive=False, nplanes=None, npartitions=None,
                           renumber=False, confFilename='conf.json'):
        Load Images data as Series data.

        dataPath: string
            Path to data files or directory, as either a local filesystem path or a URI.
            May include a single '*' wildcard in the filename. Examples of valid dataPaths include
            'local/directory/*.stack", "s3n:///my-s3-bucket/data/", or "file:///mnt/another/directory/".

        dims: tuple of positive int, optional (required if inputFormat is 'stack')
            Image dimensions. Binary stack data will be interpreted as a multidimensional array
            with the given dimensions, and should be stored in row-major order (Fortran or Matlab convention),
            where the first dimension changes most rapidly. For 'png' or 'tif' data dimensions
            will be read from the image file headers.

        inputFormat: str, optional, default = 'stack'
            Expected format of the input data: 'stack', 'png', or 'tif'. 'stack' indicates flat binary stacks.
            'png' or 'tif' indicate image formats. Page of a multipage tif file will be extend along
            the third dimension. Separate files interpreted as distinct records, with ordering
            given by lexicographic sorting of file names.

        ext: string, optional, default = None
            File extension, default will be "bin" if inputFormat=="stack", "tif" for inputFormat=='tif',
            and 'png' for inputFormat=="png".

        dtype: string or numpy dtype. optional, default 'int16'
            Data type of the image files to be loaded, specified as a numpy "dtype" string.
            Ignored for 'tif' or 'png' (data will be inferred from image formats).

        blockSize: string or positive int, optional, default "150M"
            Requested size of blocks (e.g "64M", "512k", "2G"). If shuffle=True, can also be a
            tuple of int specifying the number of pixels or splits per dimension. Indirectly
            controls the number of Spark partitions, with one partition per block.

        blockSizeUnits: string, either "pixels" or "splits", default "pixels"
            Units for interpreting a tuple passed as blockSize when shuffle=True.

        startIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            Convenience parameters to read only a subset of input files. Uses python slice conventions
            (zero-based indexing with exclusive final position). These parameters give the starting
            and final index after lexicographic sorting.

        stopIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            See startIdx.

        recursive: boolean, optional, default = False
            If true, will recursively descend directories rooted at dataPath, loading all files
            in the tree with an appropriate extension.

        nplanes: positive integer, optional, default = None
            Subdivide individual image files. Every `nplanes` from each file will be considered a new record.
            With nplanes=None (the default), a single file will be considered as representing a single record.
            If the number of records per file is not the same across all files, then `renumber` should be set
            to True to ensure consistent keys.

        npartitions: positive int, optional, default = None
            Specify number of partitions for the RDD, if unspecified will use 1 partition per image.

        renumber: boolean, optional, default = False
            Recalculate keys for records after images are loading. Only necessary if different files contain
            different number of records (e.g. due to specifying nplanes). See Images.renumber().

        confFilename : string, optional, default = 'conf.json'
            Name of conf file if using to specify parameters for binary stack data

        data: lambdaimage.rdds.Series
            A Series object, wrapping an RDD, with (n-tuples of ints) : (numpy array) pairs.
            Keys will be n-tuples of int, with n given by dimensionality of the images, and correspond
            to indexes into the image arrays. Value will have length equal to the number of image files.
            With each image contributing one point to this value array, with ordering given by
            the lexicographic ordering of image file names.
        checkParams(inputFormat, ['stack', 'tif', 'tif-stack'])

        if not ext:
            ext = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS.get(inputFormat.lower(), None)

        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.imagesloader import ImagesLoader
        loader = ImagesLoader(self._sc)
        if inputFormat.lower() == 'stack':
            images = loader.fromStack(dataPath, dims, dtype=dtype, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx,
                                      recursive=recursive, nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions,
            # tif / tif stack
            images = loader.fromTif(dataPath, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx,
                                    recursive=recursive, nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions)
        if renumber:
            images = images.renumber()
        return images.toBlocks(blockSize, units=blockSizeUnits).toSeries()
Example #2
    def convertImagesToSeries(self, dataPath, outputDirPath, dims=None, inputFormat='stack', ext=None,
                              dtype='int16', blockSize="150M", blockSizeUnits="pixels", startIdx=None, stopIdx=None,
                              overwrite=False, recursive=False, nplanes=None, npartitions=None,
                              renumber=False, confFilename='conf.json'):
        Write out Images data as Series data, saved in a flat binary format.

        The resulting files may subsequently be read in using lambdaimageContext.loadSeries().
        Loading Series data directly will likely be faster than converting image data
        to a Series object through loadImagesAsSeries().

        dataPath: string
            Path to data files or directory, as either a local filesystem path or a URI.
            May include a single '*' wildcard in the filename. Examples of valid dataPaths include
            'local/directory/*.stack", "s3n:///my-s3-bucket/data/", or "file:///mnt/another/directory/".

        outputDirPath: string
            Path to directory to write Series file output. May be either a path on the local file system
            or a URI-like format, such as "local/directory", "s3n:///my-s3-bucket/data/",
            or "file:///mnt/another/directory/". If the directory exists and 'overwrite' is True,
            the existing directory and all its contents will be deleted and overwritten.

        dims: tuple of positive int, optional (required if inputFormat is 'stack')
            Image dimensions. Binary stack data will be interpreted as a multidimensional array
            with the given dimensions, and should be stored in row-major order (Fortran or Matlab convention),
            where the first dimension changes most rapidly. For 'png' or 'tif' data dimensions
            will be read from the image file headers.

        inputFormat: str, optional, default = 'stack'
            Expected format of the input data: 'stack', 'png', or 'tif'. 'stack' indicates flat binary stacks.
            'png' or 'tif' indicate image formats. Page of a multipage tif file will be extend along
            the third dimension. Separate files interpreted as distinct records, with ordering
            given by lexicographic sorting of file names.

        ext: string, optional, default = None
            File extension, default will be "bin" if inputFormat=="stack", "tif" for inputFormat=='tif',
            and 'png' for inputFormat=="png".

        dtype: string or numpy dtype. optional, default 'int16'
            Data type of the image files to be loaded, specified as a numpy "dtype" string.
            Ignored for 'tif' or 'png' (data will be inferred from image formats).

        blockSize: string or positive int, optional, default "150M"
            Requested size of blocks (e.g "64M", "512k", "2G"). If shuffle=True, can also be a
            tuple of int specifying the number of pixels or splits per dimension. Indirectly
            controls the number of Spark partitions, with one partition per block.

        blockSizeUnits: string, either "pixels" or "splits", default "pixels"
            Units for interpreting a tuple passed as blockSize when shuffle=True.

        startIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            Convenience parameters to read only a subset of input files. Uses python slice conventions
            (zero-based indexing with exclusive final position). These parameters give the starting
            and final index after lexicographic sorting.

        stopIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            See startIdx.

        overwrite: boolean, optional, default False
            If true, the directory specified by outputDirPath will be deleted (recursively) if it
            already exists. (Use with caution.)

        recursive: boolean, optional, default = False
            If true, will recursively descend directories rooted at dataPath, loading all files
            in the tree with an appropriate extension.

        nplanes: positive integer, optional, default = None
            Subdivide individual image files. Every `nplanes` from each file will be considered a new record.
            With nplanes=None (the default), a single file will be considered as representing a single record.
            If the number of records per file is not the same across all files, then `renumber` should be set
            to True to ensure consistent keys.

        npartitions: positive int, optional, default = None
            Specify number of partitions for the RDD, if unspecified will use 1 partition per image.

        renumber: boolean, optional, default = False
            Recalculate keys for records after images are loading. Only necessary if different files contain
            different number of records (e.g. due to specifying nplanes). See Images.renumber().

        confFilename : string, optional, default = 'conf.json'
            Name of conf file if using to specify parameters for binary stack data

        checkParams(inputFormat, ['stack', 'tif', 'tif-stack'])

        if not overwrite:
            raiseErrorIfPathExists(outputDirPath, awsCredentialsOverride=self._credentials)
            overwrite = True  # prevent additional downstream checks for this path

        if not ext:
            ext = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS.get(inputFormat.lower(), None)

        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.imagesloader import ImagesLoader
        loader = ImagesLoader(self._sc)
        if inputFormat.lower() == 'stack':
            images = loader.fromStack(dataPath, dims, ext=ext, dtype=dtype, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx,
                                      recursive=recursive, nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions,
            # 'tif' or 'tif-stack'
            images = loader.fromTif(dataPath, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx,
                                    recursive=recursive, nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions)
        if renumber:
            images = images.renumber()
        images.toBlocks(blockSize, units=blockSizeUnits).saveAsBinarySeries(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite)
Example #3
    def loadImages(self, dataPath, dims=None, dtype=None, inputFormat='stack', ext=None,
                   startIdx=None, stopIdx=None, recursive=False, nplanes=None, npartitions=None,
                   renumber=False, confFilename='conf.json'):
        Loads an Images object from data stored as a binary image stack, tif, or png files.

        Supports single files or multiple files, stored on a local file system, a networked file sytem
        (mounted and available on all nodes), Amazon S3, or Google Storage.
        HDFS is not currently supported for image file data.

        dataPath: string
            Path to data files or directory, as either a local filesystem path or a URI.
            May include a single '*' wildcard in the filename. Examples of valid dataPaths include
            'local/directory/*.stack", "s3n:///my-s3-bucket/data/", or "file:///mnt/another/directory/".

        dims: tuple of positive int, optional (required if inputFormat is 'stack')
            Image dimensions. Binary stack data will be interpreted as a multidimensional array
            with the given dimensions, and should be stored in row-major order (Fortran or Matlab convention),
            where the first dimension changes most rapidly. For 'png' or 'tif' data dimensions
            will be read from the image file headers.

        inputFormat: str, optional, default = 'stack'
            Expected format of the input data: 'stack', 'png', or 'tif'. 'stack' indicates flat binary stacks.
            'png' or 'tif' indicate image format. Page of a multipage tif file will be extend along
            the third dimension. Separate files interpreted as distinct records, with ordering
            given by lexicographic sorting of file names.

        ext: string, optional, default = None
            File extension, default will be "bin" if inputFormat=="stack", "tif" for inputFormat=='tif',
            and 'png' for inputFormat=="png".

        dtype: string or numpy dtype, optional, default = 'int16'
            Data type of the image files to be loaded, specified as a numpy "dtype" string.
            Ignored for 'tif' or 'png' (data will be inferred from image formats).

        startIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            Convenience parameters to read only a subset of input files. Uses python slice conventions
            (zero-based indexing with exclusive final position). These parameters give the starting
            and final index after lexicographic sorting.

        stopIdx: nonnegative int, optional, default = None
            See startIdx.

        recursive: boolean, optional, default = False
            If true, will recursively descend directories rooted at dataPath, loading all files
            in the tree with an appropriate extension.

        nplanes: positive integer, optional, default = None
            Subdivide individual image files. Every `nplanes` from each file will be considered a new record.
            With nplanes=None (the default), a single file will be considered as representing a single record.
            If the number of records per file is not the same across all files, then `renumber` should be set
            to True to ensure consistent keys.

        npartitions: positive int, optional, default = None
            Specify number of partitions for the RDD, if unspecified will use as many partitions
            as available cores

        renumber: boolean, optional, default = False
            Recalculate keys for records after images are loading. Only necessary if different files contain
            different number of records (e.g. due to specifying nplanes). See Images.renumber().

        confFilename : string, optional, default = 'conf.json'
            Name of conf file if using to specify parameters for binary stack data

        data: lambdaimage.rdds.Images
            An Images object, wrapping an RDD of with (int) : (numpy array) pairs

        checkParams(inputFormat, ['stack', 'png', 'tif', 'tif-stack'])

        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.imagesloader import ImagesLoader
        loader = ImagesLoader(self._sc)

        if npartitions is None:
            npartitions = self._sc.defaultParallelism

        # Checking StartIdx is smaller or equal to StopIdx
        if startIdx is not None and stopIdx is not None and startIdx > stopIdx:
            raise Exception("Error. startIdx {} is larger than stopIdx {}".inputFormat(startIdx, stopIdx))

        if not ext:
            ext = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS.get(inputFormat.lower(), None)

        if inputFormat.lower() == 'stack':
            data = loader.fromStack(dataPath, dims=dims, dtype=dtype, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx,
                                    recursive=recursive, nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions,
        elif inputFormat.lower().startswith('tif'):
            data = loader.fromTif(dataPath, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx, recursive=recursive,
                                  nplanes=nplanes, npartitions=npartitions)
            if nplanes:
                raise NotImplementedError("nplanes argument is not supported for png files")
            data = loader.fromPng(dataPath, ext=ext, startIdx=startIdx, stopIdx=stopIdx, recursive=recursive,

        if not renumber:
            return data
            return data.renumber()