Example #1
    def saveAsBinarySeries(self, outputDirPath, overwrite=False):
        """Writes out Series-formatted data.

        Subclasses are *not* expected to override this method.

        outputdirname : string path or URI to directory to be created
            Output files will be written underneath outputdirname. This directory must not yet exist
            (unless overwrite is True), and must be no more than one level beneath an existing directory.
            It will be created as a result of this call.

        overwrite : bool
            If true, outputdirname and all its contents will be deleted and recreated as part
            of this call.
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.writers import getParallelWriterForPath
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.seriesloader import writeSeriesConfig
        from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials

        if not overwrite:
            overwrite = True  # prevent additional downstream checks for this path

        awsCredentialsOverride = AWSCredentials.fromContext(self.rdd.ctx)
        writer = getParallelWriterForPath(outputDirPath)(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite,

        binseriesRdd = self.toBinarySeries()

        writeSeriesConfig(outputDirPath, len(self.dims), self.nimages, keyType='int16', valueType=self.dtype,
                          overwrite=overwrite, awsCredentialsOverride=awsCredentialsOverride)
Example #2
    def saveAsPngs(self, outputDirPath, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, filePrefix="export", overwrite=False,
        Write out basic png files for two-dimensional image data.

        Files will be written into a newly-created directory given by outputdirname.

        outputDirPath : string
            Path to output directory to be created. Exception will be thrown if this directory already
            exists, unless overwrite is True. Directory must be one level below an existing directory.

        filePrefix : string
            String to prepend to all filenames. Files will be named <fileprefix>-00000.png, <fileprefix>-00001.png, etc

        overwrite : bool
            If true, the directory given by outputdirname will first be deleted if it already exists.

        collectToDriver : bool, default True
            If true, images will be collect()'ed at the driver first before being written out, allowing
            for use of a local filesystem at the expense of network overhead. If false, images will be written
            in parallel by each executor, presumably to a distributed or networked filesystem.
        dims = self.dims
        if not len(dims) == 2:
            raise ValueError("Only two-dimensional images can be exported as .png files; image is %d-dimensional." %

        from matplotlib.pyplot import imsave
        from io import BytesIO
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.writers import getParallelWriterForPath, getCollectedFileWriterForPath
        from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials

        def toFilenameAndPngBuf(kv):
            key, img = kv
            fname = filePrefix+"-"+"%05d.png" % int(key)
            bytebuf = BytesIO()
            imsave(bytebuf, img, vmin, vmax, cmap=cmap, format="png")
            return fname, bytebuf.getvalue()

        bufRdd = self.rdd.map(toFilenameAndPngBuf)

        awsCredentials = AWSCredentials.fromContext(self.rdd.ctx)
        if collectToDriver:
            writer = getCollectedFileWriterForPath(outputDirPath)(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite,
            writer = getParallelWriterForPath(outputDirPath)(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite,
Example #3
    def __init__(self, sparkContext, minPartitions=None):
        """Initialize a new SeriesLoader object.

        sparkcontext: SparkContext
            The pyspark SparkContext object used by the current lambdaimage environment.

        minPartitions: int
            minimum number of partitions to use when loading data. (Used by fromText, fromMatLocal, and fromNpyLocal)
        from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials
        self.sc = sparkContext
        self.minPartitions = minPartitions
        self.awsCredentialsOverride = AWSCredentials.fromContext(sparkContext)
Example #4
    def saveAsBinaryImages(self, outputDirPath, prefix="image", overwrite=False):
        Write out images or volumes as flat binary files.

        Files will be written into a newly-created directory given by outputdirname.

        outputDirPath : string
            Path to output directory to be created. Exception will be thrown if this directory already
            exists, unless overwrite is True. Directory must be one level below an existing directory.

        prefix : string
            String to prepend to all filenames. Files will be named <fileprefix>-00000.bin, <fileprefix>-00001.bin, etc

        overwrite : bool
            If true, the directory given by outputdirname will first be deleted if it already exists.
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.writers import getParallelWriterForPath
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.imagesloader import writeBinaryImagesConfig
        from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials

        dimsTotal = list(asarray(self.dims.max)-asarray(self.dims.min)+1)

        def toFilenameAndBinaryBuf(kv):
            key, img = kv
            fname = prefix+"-"+"%05d.bin" % int(key)
            return fname, img.transpose().copy()

        bufRdd = self.rdd.map(toFilenameAndBinaryBuf)

        awsCredentials = AWSCredentials.fromContext(self.rdd.ctx)
        writer = getParallelWriterForPath(outputDirPath)(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite,
        writeBinaryImagesConfig(outputDirPath, dims=dimsTotal, dtype=self.dtype,
                                overwrite=overwrite, awsCredentialsOverride=awsCredentials)
Example #5
    def saveAsBinarySeries(self, outputDirPath, overwrite=False):
        Writes out Series-formatted data.

        This method (Series.saveAsBinarySeries) writes out binary series files using the current partitioning
        of this Series object. (That is, if mySeries.rdd.getNumPartitions() == 5, then 5 files will be written
        out, one per partition.) The records will not be resorted; the file names for each partition will be
        taken from the key of the first Series record in that partition. If the Series object is already
        sorted and no records have been removed by filtering, then the resulting output should be equivalent
        to what one would get from calling myImages.saveAsBinarySeries().

        If all one wishes to do is to save out Images data in a binary series format, then
        tsc.convertImagesToSeries() will likely be more efficient than

        outputDirPath : string path or URI to directory to be created
            Output files will be written underneath outputdirname. This directory must not yet exist
            (unless overwrite is True), and must be no more than one level beneath an existing directory.
            It will be created as a result of this call.

        overwrite : bool
            If true, outputdirname and all its contents will be deleted and recreated as part
            of this call.
        import cStringIO as StringIO
        import struct
        from lambdaimage.rdds.imgblocks.blocks import SimpleBlocks
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.writers import getParallelWriterForPath
        from lambdaimage.rdds.fileio.seriesloader import writeSeriesConfig
        from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials

        if not overwrite:
            overwrite = True  # prevent additional downstream checks for this path

        def partitionToBinarySeries(kvIter):
            """ Collects all Series records in a partition into a single binary series record. """
            keypacker = None
            firstKey = None
            buf = StringIO.StringIO()
            for seriesKey, series in kvIter:
                if keypacker is None:
                    keypacker = struct.Struct('h'*len(seriesKey))
                    firstKey = seriesKey
                # print >> sys.stderr, seriesKey, series, series.tostring().encode('hex')
            val = buf.getvalue()
            # we might have an empty partition, in which case firstKey will still be None
            if firstKey is None:
                return iter([])
                label = SimpleBlocks.getBinarySeriesNameForKey(firstKey) + ".bin"
                return iter([(label, val)])

        awsCredentials = AWSCredentials.fromContext(self.rdd.ctx)
        writer = getParallelWriterForPath(outputDirPath)(outputDirPath, overwrite=overwrite,

        binseriesrdd = self.rdd.mapPartitions(partitionToBinarySeries)


        # TODO: all we really need here are the number of keys and number of values, which could in principle
        # be cached in _nkeys and _nvals attributes, removing the need for this .first() call in most cases.
        firstKey, firstVal = self.first()
        writeSeriesConfig(outputDirPath, len(firstKey), len(firstVal), keyType='int16', valueType=self.dtype,
                          overwrite=overwrite, awsCredentialsOverride=awsCredentials)
Example #6
 def _checkOverwrite(self, outputDirPath):
     """ Checks for existence of outputDirPath, raising ValueError if it already exists """
     from lambdaimage.utils.aws import AWSCredentials
     from lambdaimage.utils.common import raiseErrorIfPathExists
     awsCredentialOverride = AWSCredentials.fromContext(self.rdd.ctx)
     raiseErrorIfPathExists(outputDirPath, awsCredentialsOverride=awsCredentialOverride)