Example #1
    def __init__(self, grid, input_file=None, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):
        self.h_init = kwds.pop('h_init', 0.001)
        self.alpha = kwds.pop('alpha', 0.2)
        self.rho = kwds.pop('rho', 1000)
        self.m_n = kwds.pop('Mannings_n', 0.04)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity', None)
        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', None)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', None)

        super(OverlandFlow, self).__init__(grid, **kwds)

        for name in self._input_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        for name in self._output_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        self._nodal_values = self.grid['node']
        self._link_values = self.grid['active_link']

        self._water_discharge = grid.add_zeros(
        self.g = 9.8
        self.ten_thirds = 10. / 3.
        self.current_time = 0.0
        self.m_n_sq = self.m_n * self.m_n
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.q_at_node = []
        self.time = []

        self.detach_ltd = detach_ltd

        # Create a ModelParameterDictionary instance for the inputs if they
        # are not provided as optional keyword arguments.

        MPD = ModelParameterDictionary()
        if input_file is None:
            input_file = _DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE


        if self.rainfall_duration == None:
            self.rainfall_duration = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_DURATION')
        if self.rainfall_intensity == None:
            self.rainfall_intensity = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_INTENSITY')
        if self.model_duration == None:
            self.total_time = self.rainfall_duration

        if self.detach_ltd == True:
            self.dl = DetachmentLtdErosion(self.grid)

        # Set up grid arrays for state variables

        # Water Depth
        self.hstart = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init
        self.h = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init
        self.dhdt = grid.zeros(centering='cell')
        self.dqds = grid.zeros(centering='node')

        # Discharge
        self.q = grid.zeros(centering='active_link')  # unit discharge (m2/s)

        # Tau
        self.tau = grid.zeros(centering='node')  # shear stress (Pascals)
        self.total_dzdt = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.h = self.hstart
    def __init__(self, grid, input_file=None, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):
        self.h_init = kwds.pop('h_init', 0.001)
        self.alpha = kwds.pop('alpha', 0.2)
        self.rho = kwds.pop('rho', 1000)
        self.m_n = kwds.pop('Mannings_n', 0.04)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity', None)
        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', None)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', None)       

        super(OverlandFlow, self).__init__(grid, **kwds)

        for name in self._input_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        for name in self._output_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        self._nodal_values = self.grid['node']   
        self._link_values = self.grid['active_link']

        self._water_discharge = grid.add_zeros('active_link', 'water_discharge', units=self._var_units['water_discharge'])                     
        self.g = 9.8               
        self.ten_thirds = 10./3.   
        self.current_time = 0.0
        self.m_n_sq = self.m_n*self.m_n 
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.q_at_node = []
        self.time = []
        self.detach_ltd = detach_ltd 

        # Create a ModelParameterDictionary instance for the inputs if they
        # are not provided as optional keyword arguments.
        MPD = ModelParameterDictionary()
        if input_file is None:
            input_file = _DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE

        if self.rainfall_duration == None:
            self.rainfall_duration = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_DURATION')
        if self.rainfall_intensity == None:
            self.rainfall_intensity = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_INTENSITY')
        if self.model_duration == None:
            self.total_time = self.rainfall_duration
        if self.detach_ltd == True:
            self.dl = DetachmentLtdErosion(self.grid)
        # Set up grid arrays for state variables
        # Water Depth
        self.hstart = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init 
        self.h = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init     
        self.dhdt = grid.zeros(centering='cell') 
        self.dqds= grid.zeros(centering='node')

        # Discharge
        self.q = grid.zeros(centering='active_link') # unit discharge (m2/s)
        # Tau
        self.tau = grid.zeros(centering='node') # shear stress (Pascals)
        self.total_dzdt = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.h = self.hstart
Example #3
class OverlandFlow(Component):
    '''  Landlab component that simulates overland flow using the Bates et al., (2010) approximations
of the 1D shallow water equations to be used for 2D flood inundation modeling. 
This component calculates discharge, depth and shear stress after some precipitation event across
any raster grid. Default input file is named "overland_flow_input.txt' and is contained in the
landlab.components.overland_flow folder.
    grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
    input_file : Contains necessary and optional inputs. If not given, default input file is used.
        - Manning's n is REQUIRED.
        - Storm duration is needed IF rainfall_duration is not passed in the initialization
        - Rainfall intensity is needed IF rainfall_intensity is not passed in the initialization
        - Model run time can be provided in initialization. If not it is set to the storm duration
    h_init : float
        Some initial depth in the channels. Default = 0.001 m
    g : float
        Gravitational acceleration, \frac{m}{s^2}
    alpha : float
        Non-dimensional time step factor from Bates et al., (2010)
    rho : integer
        Density of water, \frac{kg}{m^3}
    ten_thirds : float
        Precalculated value of \frac{10}{3} which is used in the implicit shallow water equation.
    >>> DEM_name = 'DEM_name.asc'
    >>> (rg, z) = read_esri_ascii(DEM_name) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> of = OverlandFlow(rg) # doctest: +SKIP
    _name = 'OverlandFlow'

    _input_var_names = set([
    _output_var_names = set([

    _var_units = {
        'water_depth': 'm',
        'rainfall_intensity': 'm/s',
        'rainfall_duration': 's',
        'water_discharge': 'm3/s',
        'shear_stress': 'Pa',
        'water_discharge_at_nodes': 'm3/s',
        'slope_at_nodes': 'm/m',
        'elevation': 'm',

    def __init__(self, grid, input_file=None, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):
        self.h_init = kwds.pop('h_init', 0.001)
        self.alpha = kwds.pop('alpha', 0.2)
        self.rho = kwds.pop('rho', 1000)
        self.m_n = kwds.pop('Mannings_n', 0.04)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity', None)
        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', None)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', None)

        super(OverlandFlow, self).__init__(grid, **kwds)

        for name in self._input_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        for name in self._output_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        self._nodal_values = self.grid['node']
        self._link_values = self.grid['active_link']

        self._water_discharge = grid.add_zeros(
        self.g = 9.8
        self.ten_thirds = 10. / 3.
        self.current_time = 0.0
        self.m_n_sq = self.m_n * self.m_n
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.q_at_node = []
        self.time = []

        self.detach_ltd = detach_ltd

        # Create a ModelParameterDictionary instance for the inputs if they
        # are not provided as optional keyword arguments.

        MPD = ModelParameterDictionary()
        if input_file is None:
            input_file = _DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE


        if self.rainfall_duration == None:
            self.rainfall_duration = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_DURATION')
        if self.rainfall_intensity == None:
            self.rainfall_intensity = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_INTENSITY')
        if self.model_duration == None:
            self.total_time = self.rainfall_duration

        if self.detach_ltd == True:
            self.dl = DetachmentLtdErosion(self.grid)

        # Set up grid arrays for state variables

        # Water Depth
        self.hstart = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init
        self.h = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init
        self.dhdt = grid.zeros(centering='cell')
        self.dqds = grid.zeros(centering='node')

        # Discharge
        self.q = grid.zeros(centering='active_link')  # unit discharge (m2/s)

        # Tau
        self.tau = grid.zeros(centering='node')  # shear stress (Pascals)
        self.total_dzdt = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.h = self.hstart

    def flow_at_one_node(self, grid, z, study_node, **kwds):
        Outputs water depth, discharge and shear stress values through time at
        a user-selected point, defined as the "study_node" in function arguments.

        grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
        z : elevations drawn from the grid
        study_node : node ID for the the node at which discharge, depth and shear stress are calculated
        total_t : total model run time. If not provided as an argument or in the input_file, it is set to the storm_duration
        rainfall_intensity : rainfall intensity in m/s. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        self.rainfall_duration : storm duration in seconds. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        >>> study_row = 10
        >>> study_column = 10
        >>> rg.node_coords_to_id(study_row, study_column) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node, model_duration, storm_intensity, storm_duration) # doctest: +SKIP
        The study_node should NOT be a boundary node.

        self.q_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')

        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links

        self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self._slope_at_nodes = self._nodal_values['slope_at_nodes']

        self._shear_stress = self._nodal_values['shear_stress']
        self._water_discharge = self._link_values['water_discharge']

        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration',
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity',
        self.interstorm_duration = kwds.pop('interstorm_duration', 0)

        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration',
        self.z = z
        self.elapsed_time = kwds.pop('elapsed_time', 0)
        self.model_duration += self.interstorm_duration
        self.h_thresh = 1 * (10**-6)

        self.study_node = study_node

        # Get a list of the interior cells and active links for our fields...
        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links

        # To track discharge at the study node through time, we create initially empty
        # lists for the node discharge, tau and depth. Time is also saved to help with
        # plotting later...

        ## Time array for x-axis
        self.time = [0]

        # Discharge at study node
        self.q_study = [0]

        # Shear stress at study node
        self.tau_study = [0]

        # Water depth at study node
        self.depth_study = [0]

        # Initial value in each array is zero.

        # Some of the calculations (like discharge) take place at links.
        # This next bit of code identifies the neighbor node of study_node
        # That is located in the direction of max slope.
        # Then, using that node ID and the ID of the new node, the study link
        # is identified.

        # New "NODE" arrays are created so that link values can be put onto
        # interior nodes in the grid.

        self.q_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.tau_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.dqds = grid.zeros(centering='node')

        # Main loop
        while self.elapsed_time < self.model_duration:

            # Calculate time-step size for this iteration (Bates et al., eq 14)
            dtmax = self.alpha * grid.dx / np.sqrt(self.g * np.amax(self.h))

            dt = min(dtmax, self.model_duration)

            # Calculate the effective flow depth at active links. Bates et al. 2010
            # recommend using the difference between the highest water-surface
            # and the highest bed elevation between each pair of cells.

            zmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(z)
            w = self.h + self.z
            wmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(w)
            hflow = wmax - zmax

            # Calculate water-surface slopes across links
            water_surface_slope = grid.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(w)

            # Calculate the unit discharges (Bates et al., eq 11)
            above_thresh = np.where(hflow > self.h_thresh)
            below_thresh = np.where(hflow < self.h_thresh)

            self.q[above_thresh] = (self.q[above_thresh]-self.g*hflow[above_thresh]*dtmax*water_surface_slope[above_thresh])/ \

            self.q[below_thresh] = 0.0

            # Calculate water-flux divergence at nodes
            self.dqds = grid.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(self.q)

            # Update rainfall rate
            if self.elapsed_time > self.rainfall_duration:
                self.rainfall_intensity = 0.

            # Calculate rate of change of water depth
            self.dhdt = self.rainfall_intensity - self.dqds

            #Second time-step limiter (experimental): make sure you don't allow
            #water-depth to go negative
            if np.amin(self.dhdt) < 0.:
                shallowing_locations = np.where(self.dhdt < 0.)
                time_to_drain = -self.h[shallowing_locations] / self.dhdt[
                dtmax2 = self.alpha * np.amin(time_to_drain)
                dt = np.min([dtmax, dtmax2, self.model_duration])
                dt = dtmax

            # Update the water-depth field
            self.h[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[
                self.interior_nodes] + self.dhdt[self.interior_nodes] * dt

            # Get the water surface slope at across all nodes.
            self.slopes_at_node, garbage = grid.calculate_steepest_descent_on_nodes(
                w, water_surface_slope)
            self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes(

            # Calculate shear stress using the study node values
            tau_temp = self.rho * self.g * self.slopes_at_node[
                study_node] * self.h[study_node]

            # Add the shear stress value at study node to the shear stress array

            # Add the water depth value at study node to the water depth array

            # Add the discharge value at study node to the discharge array

            # Append new model time to the time array.

            # Update model run time and print elapsed time.
            self.elapsed_time += dt
            print "elapsed time", self.elapsed_time

        # Update our fields...
        self._water_depth[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[self.interior_nodes]
        self._water_discharge = self.q
        self._slope_at_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = self.slopes_at_node[

    def update_at_one_point(self, grid, rainfall_duration, model_duration,
                            rainfall_intensity, **kwds):
        The update_at_one_point() method, for now, requires our grid (which has fields associated with it),
        a new rainfall_duration, model_durationa and rainfall_intensity until I figure out some clever way to update using
        the MPD. 
        This function updates the overall elapsed time and passes it as an optional argument to flow_at_one_node().
        hstart is updated to be the depths from the field (_water_depth), model duration is updated to include past calls to
        flow_at_one_node() and/or update_at_one_node() depending on the past model run.
        Rainfall_duration is also updated so that model time will continue sequentially.

        # First, lets get the elapsed time from the last model run.
        elapsed = self.elapsed_time

        # Set our initial depth condition to the final depth condition using fields.
        self.hstart = self._water_depth

        # Update the model duration and rain duration so that it begins where the last run left off.
        model_dur = model_duration + self.elapsed_time
        rain_dur = rainfall_duration + self.elapsed_time

        # Getting a new rainfall_intensity from our required arguments.
        intens = rainfall_intensity

        # Finally, call flow_at_one_node with our updated conditions.

        print '\n', '\n'

    def flow_across_grid(self, grid, z, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):
        Outputs water depth, discharge and shear stress values through time at
        every point in the input grid.

        grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
        z : elevations drawn from the grid
        total_t : total model run time. If not provided as an argument or in the input_file, it is set to the storm_duration
        rainfall_intensity : rainfall intensity in m/s. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        rainduration : storm duration in seconds. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links

        #self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self._shear_stress = self._nodal_values['shear_stress']
        self._water_discharge = self._link_values['water_discharge']
        self._slope_at_nodes = self._nodal_values['slope_at_nodes']
        self.elevation = self._nodal_values['elevation']

        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration',
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity',
        self.interstorm_duration = kwds.pop('interstorm_duration', 0)

        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration',
        self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self.z = z
        self.elapsed_time = kwds.pop('elapsed_time', 0)
        self.model_duration += self.interstorm_duration
        self.h_thresh = 1 * (10**-6)

        # And we create an array that keeps track of discharge changes through time.

        # Main loop...

        while self.elapsed_time < self.model_duration:

            # Calculate time-step size for this iteration (Bates et al., eq 14)
            dtmax = self.alpha * grid.dx / np.sqrt(self.g * np.amax(self.h))

            # Take the smaller of delt or calculated time-step
            dt = min(dtmax, self.model_duration)

            # Calculate the effective flow depth at active links. Bates et al. 2010
            # recommend using the difference between the highest water-surface
            # and the highest bed elevation between each pair of cells.

            zmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(z)
            w = self.h + self.z
            wmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(w)
            hflow = wmax - zmax

            # Calculate water-surface slopes across links
            water_surface_slope = grid.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(w)

            # Calculate the unit discharges (Bates et al., eq 11)
            above_thresh = np.where(hflow > self.h_thresh)
            below_thresh = np.where(hflow < self.h_thresh)

            self.q[above_thresh] = (self.q[above_thresh]-self.g*hflow[above_thresh]*dtmax*water_surface_slope[above_thresh])/ \

            self.q[below_thresh] = 0.0

            # Calculate water-flux divergence at nodes
            self.dqds = grid.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(
                self.q, self.dqds)

            # Update rainfall rate
            if self.elapsed_time > self.rainfall_duration:
                self.rainfall_intensity = 0

            # Calculate rate of change of water depth
            self.dhdt = self.rainfall_intensity - self.dqds

            # Second time-step limiter (experimental): make sure you don't allow
            # water-depth to go negative
            if np.amin(self.dhdt) < 0.:
                shallowing_locations = np.where(self.dhdt < 0.)
                time_to_drain = -self.h[shallowing_locations] / self.dhdt[
                dtmax2 = self.alpha * np.amin(time_to_drain)
                dt = np.min([dtmax, dtmax2, self.model_duration])
                dt = dtmax

            # Update the water-depth field
            self.h[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[
                self.interior_nodes] + self.dhdt[self.interior_nodes] * dt

            # Now we can calculate shear stress across the grid...

            # Get water surface elevation at each interior node.
            w = self.h + self.z

            # Using water surface elevation, calculate water surface slope at each interior node.
            self.slopes_at_node, dwnstr_nodes = grid.calculate_steepest_descent_on_nodes(
                w, water_surface_slope)
            self.tau = self.rho * self.g * self.slopes_at_node * self.h

            # Let's call detachment ltd erosion..
            self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes(
            self.slopes_at_node[np.where(self.slopes_at_node < 0)] = 0.0
            if self.detach_ltd == True:
                new_z, dzdt = self.dl.change_elev(
                    self.z, self.slopes_at_node,
            self.z_f = new_z

            # Update model run time.
            self.total_dzdt += dzdt
            self.elapsed_time += dt
            print "elapsed time", self.elapsed_time

        # Update our fields after the loop...
        self._water_depth[self.interior_nodes] = self.h.take(
        self._shear_stress[self.interior_nodes] = self.tau.take(
        self._water_discharge = self.q
        self._slope_at_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = self.slopes_at_node.take(

    def update_across_grid(self, grid, rainfall_duration, model_duration,
                           rainfall_intensity, **kwds):
        The update_across_grid() method, for now, requires our grid (which has fields associated with it),
        a new rainfall_duration, model_durationa and rainfall_intensity until I figure out some clever way to update using
        the MPD. 
        This function updates the overall elapsed time and passes it as an optional argument to flow_across_grid().
        hstart is updated to be the depths from the field (_water_depth), model duration is updated to include past calls to
        flow_across_grid() and/or update_across_grid() depending on the past model run.
        Rainfall_duration is also updated so that model time will continue sequentially.
        # First, lets get the elapsed time from the last model run.
        elapsed = self.elapsed_time

        # Set our initial depth condition to the final depth condition using fields.
        self.hstart = self._water_depth

        # Update the model duration and rain duration so that it begins where the last run left off.
        model_dur = model_duration + self.elapsed_time
        rain_dur = rainfall_duration + self.elapsed_time

        # Getting a new rainfall_intensity from our required arguments.
        intens = rainfall_intensity

        # Finally, call flow_across_grid() using our updated conditions

    def get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes(self):
        For each interior node, this method finds the links where discharge is flowing out and maps
        the sum of these "q_out" links to the respective interior node
        discharge_array = self.q[self.grid.node_activelinks(

        south = discharge_array[0]
        west = discharge_array[1]
        north = discharge_array[2]
        east = discharge_array[3]

        south[np.where(south > 0)] = 0.0
        west[np.where(west > 0)] = 0.0

        south[np.where(south < 0)] = south[np.where(south < 0)] * -1
        west[np.where(west < 0)] = west[np.where(west < 0)] * -1

        north[np.where(north < 0)] = 0.0
        east[np.where(east < 0)] = 0.0

        q_node = south + west + north + east
        self.q_interior_nodes = self.grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.q_interior_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = q_node
        self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.q_interior_nodes
        return self._water_discharge_at_nodes

    def plot_at_one_node(self):
        '''This method must follow a call to the flow_at_one_node() method.
        It plots depth, discharge and shear stress through time at the study
        node that was called in the flow_at_one_node() method.
           Three windows will appear after this method is called:
               1. Discharge through time is plotted as a solid blue line.
               2. Shear stress through time is plotted as a solid red line.
               3. Water depth through time is plotted as a solid cyan line.
        plt.figure('Discharge at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.q_study, 'b-')
        plt.ylabel('Discharge, m^3/s')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')

        plt.figure('Shear Stress at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.tau_study, 'r-')
        plt.ylabel('Shear Stress, Pa')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')

        plt.figure('Water Depth at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.depth_study, 'c-')
        plt.ylabel('Water Depth, m')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')
class OverlandFlow(Component):
    '''  Landlab component that simulates overland flow using the Bates et al., (2010) approximations
of the 1D shallow water equations to be used for 2D flood inundation modeling. 
This component calculates discharge, depth and shear stress after some precipitation event across
any raster grid. Default input file is named "overland_flow_input.txt' and is contained in the
landlab.components.overland_flow folder.
    grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
    input_file : Contains necessary and optional inputs. If not given, default input file is used.
        - Manning's n is REQUIRED.
        - Storm duration is needed IF rainfall_duration is not passed in the initialization
        - Rainfall intensity is needed IF rainfall_intensity is not passed in the initialization
        - Model run time can be provided in initialization. If not it is set to the storm duration
    h_init : float
        Some initial depth in the channels. Default = 0.001 m
    g : float
        Gravitational acceleration, \frac{m}{s^2}
    alpha : float
        Non-dimensional time step factor from Bates et al., (2010)
    rho : integer
        Density of water, \frac{kg}{m^3}
    ten_thirds : float
        Precalculated value of \frac{10}{3} which is used in the implicit shallow water equation.
    >>> DEM_name = 'DEM_name.asc'
    >>> (rg, z) = read_esri_ascii(DEM_name) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> of = OverlandFlow(rg) # doctest: +SKIP
    _name = 'OverlandFlow'

    _input_var_names = set([
    _output_var_names = set([

    _var_units = {
        'water_depth': 'm',
        'rainfall_intensity': 'm/s',
        'rainfall_duration': 's',
        'water_discharge': 'm3/s',
        'shear_stress': 'Pa',
        'water_discharge_at_nodes': 'm3/s',
        'slope_at_nodes': 'm/m',
        'elevation': 'm',

    def __init__(self, grid, input_file=None, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):
        self.h_init = kwds.pop('h_init', 0.001)
        self.alpha = kwds.pop('alpha', 0.2)
        self.rho = kwds.pop('rho', 1000)
        self.m_n = kwds.pop('Mannings_n', 0.04)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity', None)
        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', None)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', None)       

        super(OverlandFlow, self).__init__(grid, **kwds)

        for name in self._input_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        for name in self._output_var_names:
            if not name in self.grid.at_node:
                self.grid.add_zeros('node', name, units=self._var_units[name])

        self._nodal_values = self.grid['node']   
        self._link_values = self.grid['active_link']

        self._water_discharge = grid.add_zeros('active_link', 'water_discharge', units=self._var_units['water_discharge'])                     
        self.g = 9.8               
        self.ten_thirds = 10./3.   
        self.current_time = 0.0
        self.m_n_sq = self.m_n*self.m_n 
        self.elapsed_time = 0
        self.q_at_node = []
        self.time = []
        self.detach_ltd = detach_ltd 

        # Create a ModelParameterDictionary instance for the inputs if they
        # are not provided as optional keyword arguments.
        MPD = ModelParameterDictionary()
        if input_file is None:
            input_file = _DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE

        if self.rainfall_duration == None:
            self.rainfall_duration = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_DURATION')
        if self.rainfall_intensity == None:
            self.rainfall_intensity = MPD.read_float('RAINFALL_INTENSITY')
        if self.model_duration == None:
            self.total_time = self.rainfall_duration
        if self.detach_ltd == True:
            self.dl = DetachmentLtdErosion(self.grid)
        # Set up grid arrays for state variables
        # Water Depth
        self.hstart = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init 
        self.h = grid.zeros(centering='node') + self.h_init     
        self.dhdt = grid.zeros(centering='cell') 
        self.dqds= grid.zeros(centering='node')

        # Discharge
        self.q = grid.zeros(centering='active_link') # unit discharge (m2/s)
        # Tau
        self.tau = grid.zeros(centering='node') # shear stress (Pascals)
        self.total_dzdt = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.h = self.hstart
    def flow_at_one_node(self, grid, z, study_node, **kwds):
        Outputs water depth, discharge and shear stress values through time at
        a user-selected point, defined as the "study_node" in function arguments.

        grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
        z : elevations drawn from the grid
        study_node : node ID for the the node at which discharge, depth and shear stress are calculated
        total_t : total model run time. If not provided as an argument or in the input_file, it is set to the storm_duration
        rainfall_intensity : rainfall intensity in m/s. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        self.rainfall_duration : storm duration in seconds. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        >>> study_row = 10
        >>> study_column = 10
        >>> rg.node_coords_to_id(study_row, study_column) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node, model_duration, storm_intensity, storm_duration) # doctest: +SKIP
        The study_node should NOT be a boundary node.

        self.q_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')

        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links

        self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self._slope_at_nodes = self._nodal_values['slope_at_nodes']

        self._shear_stress = self._nodal_values['shear_stress']
        self._water_discharge = self._link_values['water_discharge']
        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', self.rainfall_duration)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity',self.rainfall_intensity) 
        self.interstorm_duration = kwds.pop('interstorm_duration', 0)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', self.rainfall_duration)      
        self.z = z
        self.elapsed_time = kwds.pop('elapsed_time', 0)
        self.model_duration += self.interstorm_duration
        self.h_thresh = 1*(10**-6)
        self.study_node = study_node

         # Get a list of the interior cells and active links for our fields...
        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links
        # To track discharge at the study node through time, we create initially empty
        # lists for the node discharge, tau and depth. Time is also saved to help with
        # plotting later...

        ## Time array for x-axis        
        self.time = [0]
        # Discharge at study node
        self.q_study = [0]

        # Shear stress at study node
        self.tau_study = [0]
        # Water depth at study node
        self.depth_study = [0]
        # Initial value in each array is zero.

        # Some of the calculations (like discharge) take place at links. 
        # This next bit of code identifies the neighbor node of study_node
        # That is located in the direction of max slope.
        # Then, using that node ID and the ID of the new node, the study link
        # is identified.
        # New "NODE" arrays are created so that link values can be put onto
        # interior nodes in the grid.
        self.q_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.tau_node = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.dqds = grid.zeros(centering='node')
        # Main loop
        while self.elapsed_time < self.model_duration:
            # Calculate time-step size for this iteration (Bates et al., eq 14)
            dtmax = self.alpha*grid.dx/np.sqrt(self.g*np.amax(self.h)) 
            dt = min(dtmax, self.model_duration) 
            # Calculate the effective flow depth at active links. Bates et al. 2010
            # recommend using the difference between the highest water-surface
            # and the highest bed elevation between each pair of cells.
            zmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(z) 
            w = self.h+self.z   
            wmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(w) 
            hflow = wmax - zmax 
            # Calculate water-surface slopes across links
            water_surface_slope = grid.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(w)
            # Calculate the unit discharges (Bates et al., eq 11)
            above_thresh = np.where(hflow >self.h_thresh)
            below_thresh = np.where(hflow < self.h_thresh)
            self.q[above_thresh] = (self.q[above_thresh]-self.g*hflow[above_thresh]*dtmax*water_surface_slope[above_thresh])/ \
            self.q[below_thresh] = 0.0
            # Calculate water-flux divergence at nodes
            self.dqds = grid.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(self.q)
            # Update rainfall rate
            if self.elapsed_time > self.rainfall_duration:
                self.rainfall_intensity = 0.
            # Calculate rate of change of water depth
            self.dhdt = self.rainfall_intensity-self.dqds
             #Second time-step limiter (experimental): make sure you don't allow
             #water-depth to go negative
            if np.amin(self.dhdt) < 0.:
                shallowing_locations = np.where(self.dhdt<0.)
                time_to_drain = -self.h[shallowing_locations]/self.dhdt[shallowing_locations]
                dtmax2 = self.alpha*np.amin(time_to_drain)
                dt = np.min([dtmax, dtmax2, self.model_duration])
                dt = dtmax
            # Update the water-depth field
            self.h[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[self.interior_nodes] + self.dhdt[self.interior_nodes]*dt

            # Get the water surface slope at across all nodes. 
            self.slopes_at_node, garbage = grid.calculate_steepest_descent_on_nodes(w, water_surface_slope)
            self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes()

            # Calculate shear stress using the study node values
            # Add the shear stress value at study node to the shear stress array
            # Add the water depth value at study node to the water depth array
            # Add the discharge value at study node to the discharge array

            # Append new model time to the time array.
            # Update model run time and print elapsed time.
            self.elapsed_time += dt
            print("elapsed time", self.elapsed_time)
        # Update our fields...
        self._water_depth[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[self.interior_nodes]
        self._water_discharge = self.q
        self._slope_at_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = self.slopes_at_node[self.interior_nodes]

    def update_at_one_point(self, grid, rainfall_duration, model_duration, rainfall_intensity, **kwds):
        The update_at_one_point() method, for now, requires our grid (which has fields associated with it),
        a new rainfall_duration, model_durationa and rainfall_intensity until I figure out some clever way to update using
        the MPD. 
        This function updates the overall elapsed time and passes it as an optional argument to flow_at_one_node().
        hstart is updated to be the depths from the field (_water_depth), model duration is updated to include past calls to
        flow_at_one_node() and/or update_at_one_node() depending on the past model run.
        Rainfall_duration is also updated so that model time will continue sequentially.
        # First, lets get the elapsed time from the last model run. 
        elapsed = self.elapsed_time
        # Set our initial depth condition to the final depth condition using fields.
        self.hstart = self._water_depth
        # Update the model duration and rain duration so that it begins where the last run left off.
        model_dur = model_duration + self.elapsed_time
        rain_dur = rainfall_duration+self.elapsed_time
        # Getting a new rainfall_intensity from our required arguments.
        intens= rainfall_intensity
        # Finally, call flow_at_one_node with our updated conditions.
        self.flow_at_one_node(grid, self.z, self.study_node, rainfall_duration=rain_dur, rainfall_intensity=intens, model_duration=model_dur, elapsed_time=elapsed)

    def flow_across_grid(self, grid, z, detach_ltd=True, **kwds):  
        Outputs water depth, discharge and shear stress values through time at
        every point in the input grid.

        grid : Requires a RasterGridModel instance
        z : elevations drawn from the grid
        total_t : total model run time. If not provided as an argument or in the input_file, it is set to the storm_duration
        rainfall_intensity : rainfall intensity in m/s. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        rainduration : storm duration in seconds. If not provided as an argument, it must come from the input file.
        self.interior_nodes = grid.get_active_cell_node_ids()
        self.active_links = grid.active_links

        #self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self._shear_stress = self._nodal_values['shear_stress']
        self._water_discharge = self._link_values['water_discharge']
        self._slope_at_nodes = self._nodal_values['slope_at_nodes']
        self.elevation = self._nodal_values['elevation']

        self.rainfall_duration = kwds.pop('rainfall_duration', self.rainfall_duration)
        self.rainfall_intensity = kwds.pop('rainfall_intensity', self.rainfall_intensity)
        self.interstorm_duration = kwds.pop('interstorm_duration', 0)
        self.model_duration = kwds.pop('model_duration', self.rainfall_duration)      
        self._water_depth = self._nodal_values['water_depth']
        self.z = z
        self.elapsed_time = kwds.pop('elapsed_time', 0)
        self.model_duration += self.interstorm_duration
        self.h_thresh = 1*(10**-6)

        # And we create an array that keeps track of discharge changes through time.
        # Main loop...        
        while self.elapsed_time < self.model_duration:
            # Calculate time-step size for this iteration (Bates et al., eq 14)
            dtmax = self.alpha*grid.dx/np.sqrt(self.g*np.amax(self.h))     
            # Take the smaller of delt or calculated time-step
            dt = min(dtmax, self.model_duration)
            # Calculate the effective flow depth at active links. Bates et al. 2010
            # recommend using the difference between the highest water-surface
            # and the highest bed elevation between each pair of cells.
            zmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(z) 
            w = self.h+self.z   
            wmax = grid.max_of_link_end_node_values(w) 
            hflow = wmax - zmax 

            # Calculate water-surface slopes across links
            water_surface_slope = grid.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(w)
            # Calculate the unit discharges (Bates et al., eq 11)
            above_thresh = np.where(hflow >self.h_thresh)
            below_thresh = np.where(hflow < self.h_thresh)
            self.q[above_thresh] = (self.q[above_thresh]-self.g*hflow[above_thresh]*dtmax*water_surface_slope[above_thresh])/ \
            self.q[below_thresh] = 0.0

            # Calculate water-flux divergence at nodes
            self.dqds = grid.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(self.q,self.dqds)
            # Update rainfall rate
            if self.elapsed_time > self.rainfall_duration:
                self.rainfall_intensity = 0
            # Calculate rate of change of water depth
            self.dhdt = self.rainfall_intensity-self.dqds
            # Second time-step limiter (experimental): make sure you don't allow
            # water-depth to go negative
            if np.amin(self.dhdt) < 0.:
                shallowing_locations = np.where(self.dhdt<0.)
                time_to_drain = -self.h[shallowing_locations]/self.dhdt[shallowing_locations]
                dtmax2 = self.alpha*np.amin(time_to_drain)
                dt = np.min([dtmax, dtmax2, self.model_duration])
                dt = dtmax
            # Update the water-depth field
            self.h[self.interior_nodes] = self.h[self.interior_nodes] + self.dhdt[self.interior_nodes]*dt

            # Now we can calculate shear stress across the grid...

            # Get water surface elevation at each interior node.
            w = self.h+self.z   
            # Using water surface elevation, calculate water surface slope at each interior node.
            self.slopes_at_node, dwnstr_nodes = grid.calculate_steepest_descent_on_nodes(w, water_surface_slope)
            self.tau = self.rho*self.g*self.slopes_at_node*self.h

            # Let's call detachment ltd erosion..
            self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes()
            if self.detach_ltd==True:
                new_z, dzdt = self.dl.change_elev(self.z, self.slopes_at_node,self._water_discharge_at_nodes)
            self.z_f = new_z
            # Update model run time.
            self.total_dzdt += dzdt
            self.elapsed_time += dt
            print("elapsed time", self.elapsed_time)
        # Update our fields after the loop...
        self._water_depth[self.interior_nodes]= self.h.take(self.interior_nodes)
        self._shear_stress[self.interior_nodes] = self.tau.take(self.interior_nodes)
        self._water_discharge = self.q
        self._slope_at_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = self.slopes_at_node.take(self.interior_nodes)

    def update_across_grid(self, grid, rainfall_duration, model_duration, rainfall_intensity, **kwds):
        The update_across_grid() method, for now, requires our grid (which has fields associated with it),
        a new rainfall_duration, model_durationa and rainfall_intensity until I figure out some clever way to update using
        the MPD. 
        This function updates the overall elapsed time and passes it as an optional argument to flow_across_grid().
        hstart is updated to be the depths from the field (_water_depth), model duration is updated to include past calls to
        flow_across_grid() and/or update_across_grid() depending on the past model run.
        Rainfall_duration is also updated so that model time will continue sequentially.
        # First, lets get the elapsed time from the last model run. 
        elapsed = self.elapsed_time
        # Set our initial depth condition to the final depth condition using fields.
        self.hstart = self._water_depth
        # Update the model duration and rain duration so that it begins where the last run left off.
        model_dur = model_duration + self.elapsed_time
        rain_dur = rainfall_duration+self.elapsed_time
        # Getting a new rainfall_intensity from our required arguments.
        intens= rainfall_intensity

        # Finally, call flow_across_grid() using our updated conditions
        self.flow_across_grid(grid, self.z, rainfall_duration=rain_dur, rainfall_intensity=intens, model_duration=model_dur, elapsed_time=elapsed)

    def get_summed_out_discharge_at_nodes(self):
        For each interior node, this method finds the links where discharge is flowing out and maps
        the sum of these "q_out" links to the respective interior node
        discharge_array = self.q[self.grid.node_activelinks(self.interior_nodes)]

        south = discharge_array[0]
        west = discharge_array[1]
        north = discharge_array[2]
        east = discharge_array[3]  
        south[np.where(south>0)] = 0.0
        west[np.where(west>0)] = 0.0
        south[np.where(south<0)] = south[np.where(south<0)]*-1
        west[np.where(west<0)] = west[np.where(west<0)]*-1

        north[np.where(north<0)] =0.0
        east[np.where(east<0)] =0.0

        q_node = south+west+north+east 
        self.q_interior_nodes = self.grid.zeros(centering='node')
        self.q_interior_nodes[self.interior_nodes] = q_node
        self._water_discharge_at_nodes = self.q_interior_nodes
        return self._water_discharge_at_nodes

    def plot_at_one_node(self):
        '''This method must follow a call to the flow_at_one_node() method.
        It plots depth, discharge and shear stress through time at the study
        node that was called in the flow_at_one_node() method.
           Three windows will appear after this method is called:
               1. Discharge through time is plotted as a solid blue line.
               2. Shear stress through time is plotted as a solid red line.
               3. Water depth through time is plotted as a solid cyan line.
        plt.figure('Discharge at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.q_study, 'b-')
        plt.ylabel('Discharge, m^3/s')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')
        plt.figure('Shear Stress at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.tau_study, 'r-')
        plt.ylabel('Shear Stress, Pa')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')
        plt.figure('Water Depth at Study Node')
        plt.plot(self.time, self.depth_study, 'c-')
        plt.ylabel('Water Depth, m')
        plt.xlabel('Time, s')