def main():
    This driver takes in a DEM of a subwatershed from
    the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona and routes a storm across it using
    the default input file (overland_flow_input.txt).

    This has two ways to look at the data: at one point (generating
    a hydrograph and looking for temporal changes in water depth, etc...)
    and across the grid for spatial patterns. 
    # This provides us with an initial time. At the end, it gives us total
    # model run time in seconds.
    start_time = time.time()
    # This is the DEM of the subwatershed from the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona
    dem_name = 'chiri.asc'
    # Now we can create and initialize a raster model grid by reading a DEM
    # First, this looks for the DEM in the overland_flow folder in Landlab
    DATA_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dem_name)

    # This print statement verifies that we are opening the data file.
    print('Reading data from "'+str(DATA_FILE)+'"')
    # Now the ASCII is read, assuming that it it standard ESRI format.
    (rg, z) = read_esri_ascii(DATA_FILE)
    # Whatever the NODATA value is in the DEM is needed here to set bounary condition.
    # Modify the grid DEM to set all NODATA nodes to inactive boundaries
    rg.set_nodata_nodes_to_inactive(z, nodata_val) 
    # This prints standard grid characteristics (rows, columns and cell size)

    print('DEM has ' +
          str(rg.number_of_node_rows) + ' rows, ' +
          str(rg.number_of_node_columns) + ' columns, and cell size ' +

    # Right now, the outlet must be explicitly set for boundary conditions
    # using the row and column from the DEM.
    the_outlet_row = 152
    the_outlet_column = 230
    # This converts the grid row and column into coordinates that the raster grid will recognize
    the_outlet_node = rg.grid_coords_to_node_id(the_outlet_row, the_outlet_column)

    # The outlet node is set as a fixed value boundary
    # To plot the grid, we can call the plot_topography() function
    plot_topography(rg, z)
    # Now we will initialize the Overland Flow component.

    # First, the flow_at_one_node() method will be covered here.
    # When using the flow_at_one_node() method, a study node is needed to sample at.
    # This should not be a boundary node!        

    study_row = 122
    study_column = 140
    # This takes the study row and study column grid coordinates and converts it 
    # to a node ID that the raster grid will recognize. 
    study_node = rg.grid_coords_to_node_id(study_row, study_column)

    # Because this function reads in data using the Model Parameter Dictionary
    # from the default input file, the only arguments needed to run the flow_at_one_node()
    # method is the RasterModelGrid instance, the initial elevations and the study node
    # coordinates.
    # This is the standard way to call the flow_at_one_node method using the input file.
    of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node)

   # Once run, we can plot the output
    # If you did not want to use the input file and instead define the total model run time of 
    # rainfall intensity and storm duration, the commented function call below demonstrates this with
    # the following parameters:
        # Total model run time: 6000 seconds
        # Storm intensity: (9.2177*(10**-6)) meters per second.
        # Storm duration: 5868 seconds
    #of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node, 6000, (9.2177*(10**-6)),5868)

    # Now the flow_across_grid() method will be discussed. The commands needed to
    # run this method are triple-commented ('###') for convenience. All flow_at_one_node()
    # methods calls *should* be commented out to run this driver quicker.
    # Again, this function reads in data using the ModelParameterDictionary and the default
    # input file. The only required arguments for this method are the  RasterModelGrid instance
    # and the the initial elevations.
    # This is the standard call to the flow_across_grid() method
    # And these are the calls to plot the rasters
    # To forgo the call to the input file and define model run time, rainfall
    # intensity and storm duration in the function call itself, the following command 
    # can be used with the following parameters:
        # Total model run time: 6000 seconds
        # Storm intensity: (9.2177*(10**-6)) meters per second.
        # Storm duration: 5868 seconds
    ###of.flow_across_grid(rg, z, 6000, (9.2177*(10**-6)), 5868)

    endtime = time.time()
    print endtime - start_time, "seconds"
    #If you call the plot_topography method...
def main():
    This driver takes in a DEM of a subwatershed from
    the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona and routes a storm across it using
    the default input file (overland_flow_input.txt).

    This has two ways to look at the data: at one point (generating
    a hydrograph and looking for temporal changes in water depth, etc...)
    and across the grid for spatial patterns. 

    # This provides us with an initial time. At the end, it gives us total
    # model run time in seconds.
    start_time = time.time()

    # This is the DEM of the subwatershed from the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona
    dem_name = 'chiri.asc'

    # Now we can create and initialize a raster model grid by reading a DEM

    # First, this looks for the DEM in the overland_flow folder in Landlab
    DATA_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dem_name)

    # This print statement verifies that we are opening the data file.
    print('Reading data from "' + str(DATA_FILE) + '"')

    # Now the ASCII is read, assuming that it it standard ESRI format.
    (rg, z) = read_esri_ascii(DATA_FILE)

    # Whatever the NODATA value is in the DEM is needed here to set bounary condition.
    nodata_val = -9999

    # Modify the grid DEM to set all NODATA nodes to inactive boundaries
    rg.set_nodata_nodes_to_inactive(z, nodata_val)

    # This prints standard grid characteristics (rows, columns and cell size)

    print('DEM has ' + str(rg.number_of_node_rows) + ' rows, ' +
          str(rg.number_of_node_columns) + ' columns, and cell size ' +

    # Right now, the outlet must be explicitly set for boundary conditions
    # using the row and column from the DEM.
    the_outlet_row = 152
    the_outlet_column = 230

    # This converts the grid row and column into coordinates that the raster grid will recognize
    the_outlet_node = rg.grid_coords_to_node_id(the_outlet_row,

    # The outlet node is set as a fixed value boundary

    # To plot the grid, we can call the plot_topography() function
    plot_topography(rg, z)

    # Now we will initialize the Overland Flow component.
    of = OverlandFlow(rg)

    # First, the flow_at_one_node() method will be covered here.

    # When using the flow_at_one_node() method, a study node is needed to sample at.
    # This should not be a boundary node!

    study_row = 122
    study_column = 140

    # This takes the study row and study column grid coordinates and converts it
    # to a node ID that the raster grid will recognize.
    study_node = rg.grid_coords_to_node_id(study_row, study_column)

    # Because this function reads in data using the Model Parameter Dictionary
    # from the default input file, the only arguments needed to run the flow_at_one_node()
    # method is the RasterModelGrid instance, the initial elevations and the study node
    # coordinates.

    # This is the standard way to call the flow_at_one_node method using the input file.
    of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node)

    # Once run, we can plot the output

    # If you did not want to use the input file and instead define the total model run time of
    # rainfall intensity and storm duration, the commented function call below demonstrates this with
    # the following parameters:
    # Total model run time: 6000 seconds
    # Storm intensity: (9.2177*(10**-6)) meters per second.
    # Storm duration: 5868 seconds
    #of.flow_at_one_node(rg, z, study_node, 6000, (9.2177*(10**-6)),5868)

    # Now the flow_across_grid() method will be discussed. The commands needed to
    # run this method are triple-commented ('###') for convenience. All flow_at_one_node()
    # methods calls *should* be commented out to run this driver quicker.

    # Again, this function reads in data using the ModelParameterDictionary and the default
    # input file. The only required arguments for this method are the  RasterModelGrid instance
    # and the the initial elevations.

    # This is the standard call to the flow_across_grid() method

    # And these are the calls to plot the rasters

    # To forgo the call to the input file and define model run time, rainfall
    # intensity and storm duration in the function call itself, the following command
    # can be used with the following parameters:
    # Total model run time: 6000 seconds
    # Storm intensity: (9.2177*(10**-6)) meters per second.
    # Storm duration: 5868 seconds
    ###of.flow_across_grid(rg, z, 6000, (9.2177*(10**-6)), 5868)

    endtime = time.time()
    print endtime - start_time, "seconds"

    #If you call the plot_topography method...