class classify_model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, size_question, path_init):
        super(classify_model, self).__init__()
        self.w_emb = WordEmbedding(size_question, 300, 0.0, False)
        self.q_emb = QuestionEmbedding(300, 1024, 1, False, 0.0, 'GRU')
        self.q_final = QuestionAttention(1024)
        self.f_fc1 = linear(1024, 256)
        self.f_fc2 = linear(256, 64)
        self.f_fc3 = linear(64, 2)

    def forward(self, question):

        w_emb = self.w_emb(question)
        q_emb = self.q_emb.forward_all(w_emb)  # [batch, q_len, q_dim]
        q_final = self.q_final(w_emb, q_emb)  #b, 1024

        x_f = self.f_fc1(q_final)
        x_f = F.relu(x_f)
        x_f = self.f_fc2(x_f)
        x_f = F.dropout(x_f)
        x_f = F.relu(x_f)
        x_f = self.f_fc3(x_f)

        return x_f
Example #2
class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        num_hid = opt.num_hid
        activation = opt.activation
        dropG = opt.dropG
        dropW = opt.dropW
        dropout = opt.dropout
        dropL = opt.dropL
        norm = opt.norm
        dropC = opt.dropC
        self.opt = opt

        self.w_emb = WordEmbedding(opt.ntokens, emb_dim=300, dropout=dropW)
        self.q_emb = QuestionEmbedding(in_dim=300, num_hid=num_hid, nlayers=1,
                                       bidirect=False, dropout=dropG, rnn_type='GRU')

        self.q_net = FCNet([self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid], dropout=dropL, norm=norm, act=activation)
        self.gv_net = FCNet([2048, num_hid], dropout=dropL, norm=norm, act=activation)

        self.gv_att_1 = Att_3(v_dim=2048, q_dim=self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid=num_hid, dropout=dropout, norm=norm,
        self.gv_att_2 = Att_3(v_dim=2048, q_dim=self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid=num_hid, dropout=dropout, norm=norm,
        self.classifier = SimpleClassifier(in_dim=num_hid, hid_dim=2 * num_hid, out_dim=3129,
                                           dropout=dropC, norm=norm, act=activation)

    def forward(self, q, gv):

        q: [batch_size, seq_length]
        c: [batch, 5, 20]
        return: logits, not probs

        w_emb = self.w_emb(q)
        q_emb = self.q_emb(w_emb)  # run GRU on word embeddings [batch, q_dim]

        att_1 = self.gv_att_1(gv, q_emb)  # [batch, 1, v_dim]
        att_2 = self.gv_att_2(gv, q_emb)  # [batch, 1, v_dim]
        att_gv = att_1 + att_2
        gv_embs = (att_gv * gv)  # [batch, v_dim]
        gv_emb = gv_embs.sum(1)
        q_repr = self.q_net(q_emb)
        gv_repr = self.gv_net(gv_emb)
        joint_repr = q_repr * gv_repr

        logits = self.classifier(joint_repr)
        ansidx = torch.argsort(logits, dim=1, descending=True)

        return logits, att_gv,  ansidx
Example #3
        utils.assert_eq(len(tokens), max_length)
    return ans_tokens

def create_answer_embedding(ans_list, dictionary, w_emb, ans_emb):
    ans_tokens = tokenize(ans_list, dictionary)
    ans_tokens = torch.from_numpy(np.array(ans_tokens))
    answer_embedding = torch.zeros(3129, 1024)
    for idx, ans in enumerate(ans_tokens):
        ans = ans.unsqueeze(0)
        w = w_emb(ans)
        ans = ans_emb(w)
        answer_embedding[idx] = ans.squeeze()

    with open('data/answer_embedding.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(answer_embedding, f)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dictionary = Dictionary.load_from_file('data/dictionary.pkl')
    w_emb = WordEmbedding(dictionary.ntoken, 300, .0, 'c')
    w_emb.init_embedding('data/glove6b_init_300d.npy', None, None)
    ans_emb = QuestionEmbedding(600, 1024, 1, False, .0)

    ans2label_path = ans2label_path = os.path.join('data', 'cache',
    ans2label = cPickle.load(open(ans2label_path, 'rb'))
    ans_list = [ans for ans in ans2label]
    create_answer_embedding(ans_list, dictionary, w_emb, ans_emb)
Example #4
class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        num_hid = opt.num_hid
        activation = opt.activation
        dropG = opt.dropG
        dropW = opt.dropW
        dropout = opt.dropout
        dropL = opt.dropL
        norm = opt.norm
        dropC = opt.dropC
        self.opt = opt

        self.w_emb = WordEmbedding(opt.ntokens, emb_dim=300, dropout=dropW)
        self.w_emb.init_embedding(opt.dataroot + 'glove6b_init_300d.npy')
        self.q_emb = QuestionEmbedding(in_dim=300, num_hid=num_hid, nlayers=1,
                                       bidirect=False, dropout=dropG, rnn_type='GRU')

        self.q_net = FCNet([self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid], dropout=dropL, norm=norm, act=activation)
        self.gv_net = FCNet([opt.v_dim, num_hid], dropout=dropL, norm=norm, act=activation)

        self.gv_att_1 = Att_3(v_dim=opt.v_dim, q_dim=self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid=num_hid, dropout=dropout, norm=norm,
        self.gv_att_2 = Att_3(v_dim=opt.v_dim, q_dim=self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid=num_hid, dropout=dropout, norm=norm,
        self.classifier = SimpleClassifier(in_dim=num_hid, hid_dim=2 * num_hid, out_dim=opt.ans_dim,
                                           dropout=dropC, norm=norm, act=activation)

        self.normal = nn.BatchNorm1d(num_hid,affine=False)

    def forward(self, q, gv_pos, self_sup=True):

        q: [batch_size, seq_length]
        gv_pos: [batch, K, v_dim]
        self_sup: use negative images or not
        return: logits, not probs

        w_emb = self.w_emb(q)
        q_emb = self.q_emb(w_emb)  # run GRU on word embeddings [batch, q_dim]
        q_repr = self.q_net(q_emb)
        batch_size = q.size(0)

        logits_pos, att_gv_pos = self.compute_predict(q_repr, q_emb, gv_pos)

        if self_sup:
            # construct an irrelevant Q-I pair for each instance
            index = random.sample(range(0, batch_size), batch_size)
            gv_neg = gv_pos[index]
            logits_neg, att_gv_neg = \
                self.compute_predict(q_repr, q_emb, gv_neg)
            return logits_pos, logits_neg, att_gv_pos, att_gv_neg
            return logits_pos, att_gv_pos

    def compute_predict(self, q_repr, q_emb, v):

        att_1 = self.gv_att_1(v, q_emb)  # [batch, 1, v_dim]
        att_2 = self.gv_att_2(v, q_emb)  # [batch, 1, v_dim]
        att_gv = att_1 + att_2

        gv_embs = (att_gv * v)  # [batch, v_dim]
        gv_emb = gv_embs.sum(1)
        gv_repr = self.gv_net(gv_emb)

        joint_repr = q_repr * gv_repr

        joint_repr_normal = self.normal(joint_repr)
        logits = self.classifier(joint_repr_normal)

        return logits, att_gv
Example #5
class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.dictionary = Dictionary.load_from_file(opt.dataroot +
        num_hid = 128
        activation = opt.activation
        dropG = opt.dropG
        dropW = opt.dropW
        dropout = opt.dropout
        dropL = opt.dropL
        norm = opt.norm
        dropC = opt.dropC
        self.opt = opt

        self.w_emb = WordEmbedding(opt.ntokens, emb_dim=300, dropout=dropW)
        self.w_emb.init_embedding(opt.dataroot + 'glove6b_init_300d.npy')
        self.q_emb = QuestionEmbedding(in_dim=300,
        self.q_net = FCNet([self.q_emb.num_hid, num_hid],
        self.classifier = SimpleClassifier(
            hid_dim=num_hid // 2,
            out_dim=2,  #opt.test_candi_ans_num,
        self.normal = nn.BatchNorm1d(num_hid, affine=False)

    def forward(self, q):
        q = self.tokenize(q)
        q = torch.from_numpy(np.array(q))
        w_emb = self.w_emb(q.cuda())
        q_emb = self.q_emb(w_emb)
        q_repr = self.q_net(q_emb)
        batch_size = q.size(0)
        logits_pos = self.classifier(q_repr)
        return logits_pos

    def tokenize(self, q_text, max_length=14):
        """Tokenizes the questions.
        This will add q_token in each entry of the dataset.
        -1 represent nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding
        token_list = []
        for q_iter in q_text:
            tokens = self.dictionary.tokenize(q_iter, False)
            tokens = tokens[:max_length]
            if len(tokens) < max_length:
                padding = [self.dictionary.padding_idx
                           ] * (max_length - len(tokens))
                tokens = tokens + padding
            assert len(tokens) == max_length
        return token_list
Example #6
            vals[idx] /= z[row]
        return vals

    vals = normalize(inds, vals)

    tfidf = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(torch.LongTensor(inds), torch.FloatTensor(vals))
    tfidf = tfidf.coalesce()

    # Latent word embeddings
    emb_dim = 300
    glove_file = os.path.join(dataroot, 'glove', 'glove.6B.%dd.txt' % emb_dim)
    weights, word2emb = utils.create_glove_embedding_init(dictionary.idx2word[N:], glove_file)
    print('tf-idf stochastic matrix (%d x %d) is generated.' % (tfidf.size(0), tfidf.size(1)))

    return tfidf, weights

if __name__=='__main__':
    dictionary = Dictionary.load_from_file('data_RAD/dictionary.pkl')
    tfidf, weights = tfidf_from_questions(['train'], None, dictionary)
    w_emb = WordEmbedding(dictionary.ntoken, 300, .0, 'c')
    w_emb.init_embedding(os.path.join('data_RAD', 'glove6b_init_300d.npy'), tfidf, weights)
    with open('data_RAD/embed_tfidf_weights.pkl', 'wb') as f:, f)
    print("Saving embedding with tfidf and weights successfully")
#    dictionary = Dictionary.load_from_file('data_RAD/dictionary.pkl')
#    w_emb = WordEmbedding(dictionary.ntoken, 300, .0, 'c')
#    with open('data_RAD/embed_tfidf_weights.pkl', 'rb') as f:
#        w_emb = torch.load(f)
#    print("Load embedding with tfidf and weights successfully")