def compute_cylinder_neighborhood(environment_pc, target_pc, radius):
    """Find the indices of points within a cylindrical neighbourhood (using KD Tree) for a given point of a target
    point cloud among the points from an environment point cloud.

    :param environment_pc: environment point cloud
    :param target_pc: point cloud that contains the points at which neighborhoods are to be calculated
    :param radius: search radius for neighbors
    :return: indices of neighboring points from the environment point cloud for each target point
             the returned indices also contains the index of the target point.
    avg_points_cyl = (radius * radius * math.pi) * POINT_CLOUD_DIST
    x = target_pc[point]['x']['data']

    if len(environment_pc[point]['x']['data']) == 0:
        for _ in x:
            yield [[] for _ in x]

    cyl_size = avg_points_cyl * np.size(x) * sys.getsizeof(int)
    mem_size = virtual_memory().total

    print("Cylinder size in Bytes: %s" % cyl_size)
    print("Memory size in Bytes: %s" % mem_size)

    if cyl_size > mem_size * MEMORY_THRESHOLD:
        y = target_pc[point]['y']['data']

        num_points = int(
            math.floor(mem_size * MEMORY_THRESHOLD /
                       (avg_points_cyl * sys.getsizeof(int))))
        print("Number of points: %d" % num_points)

        env_tree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(environment_pc)

        for i in range(0, np.size(x), num_points):
            box_points = np.column_stack(
                (x[i:min(i + num_points, np.size(x))],
                 y[i:min(i + num_points, np.size(x))]))
            target_box_tree = cKDTree(box_points,
            yield target_box_tree.query_ball_tree(env_tree, radius)

        print("Start tree creation")
        env_tree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(environment_pc)
        print("Done with env tree creation")
        target_tree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(target_pc)
        print("Done with target tree creation")
        yield target_tree.query_ball_tree(env_tree, radius)
Example #2
def _contains(pc, polygon):
    Return indices of points in point cloud that are contained by a polygon, i.e., all points within the boundaries of
    Polygon excluding the ones overlaping Polygon's boundaries.
    :param pc: point cloud in
    :param polygon: containing polygon
    :return: point indices
    x = pc[point]['x']['data']
    y = pc[point]['y']['data']
    points_in = []

    mbr = polygon.envelope
    point_box = box(np.min(x), np.min(y), np.max(x), np.max(y))

    if point_box.intersects(mbr):
        (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) = mbr.bounds

        rad = math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.pow(x_max - x_min, 2) +
                                  math.pow(y_max - y_min, 2)) / 2)
        p = [x_min + ((x_max - x_min) / 2), y_min + ((y_max - y_min) / 2)]
        tree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(pc)
        indices = np.sort(tree.query_ball_point(x=p, r=rad))

        point_id = 0
        for i in indices:            
            if polygon.contains(Point(x[i], y[i])):
                point_id += 1

    return points_in
Example #3
 def test_sphere_neighb_kd_tree(self):
     """ Tests whether sphere neighborhood gives good result """
     tree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(self.pointcloud)
     rad = 10.
     point_index = 1000
     p = [
     indices = tree.query_ball_point(p, rad)
     for i in indices:
         q = [
         self.assertTrue((p[0] - q[0])**2 + (p[1] - q[1])**2 < rad**2)
Example #4
 def test_kd_tree_cache(self):
     """ Tests the caching mechanism """
     firsttree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(self.pointcloud)
     secondtree = kd_tree.get_kdtree_for_pc(self.pointcloud)
     self.assertEqual(firsttree, secondtree)