def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer start----------") # log action and parameters rospy.loginfo("action is: " + str(goal.action)) rospy.loginfo("params are: " + str(goal.params)) # reset result self._result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # call the action getattr(self, goal.action)(*goal.params) self._bridge_server.set_succeeded(self._result) # end callback rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer end----------")
class SciRocServer(object): _feedback = lpb_msg.BridgeFeedback() _result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # Imports from .movement_actions import gotoTable, gotoLocation, gotoPose, lookAt, playMotion from .speech_actions import planWakeWord, talk, keywordDetected, keywordCallback, logText from .vision_actions import detectObject, getDepthMask, getDepthNanMask, applyDepthMask, getPcl2AndImage, getTransformedPoint, setCupSize, locateCustomer, getRecentPcl, pclToImage def __init__(self, server_name): rospy.loginfo('%s Action Server has been initialised!', server_name) # bridge server self._bridge_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(server_name, lpb_msg.BridgeAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._bridge_server.start() # Initialising clients: move_base, playmotion, objectRecognition and table_status self.move_base_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.play_motion_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) self.speech_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) self.point_head_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/head_controller/point_head_action', PointHeadAction) # Bool variable and wake_word subscriber for voice plan activation self.running = False self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/wake_word/wake_word_detected', String, self.planWakeWord) self.transformer = tf.TransformListener() def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer start----------") # log action and parameters rospy.loginfo("action is: " + str(goal.action)) rospy.loginfo("params are: " + str(goal.params)) # reset result self._result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # call the action getattr(self, goal.action)(*goal.params) self._bridge_server.set_succeeded(self._result) # end callback rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer end----------")
class P1Server(object): _feedback = lpb_msg.BridgeFeedback() _result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() def __init__(self, server_name): # bridge server self._bridge_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( server_name, lpb_msg.BridgeAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._bridge_server.start() # Initialising clients: move_base, playmotion, objectRecognition and table_status self.move_base_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.play_motion_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) self.depth_mask_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/depth_mask', DepthMaskAction) self.object_recognition_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/yolo_detection', yolo_detectionAction) self.speech_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) # Bool variable and wake_word subscriber for voice plan activation self.running = False rospy.Subscriber('/wake_word/wake_word_detected', String, self.handle_wake_word_detected) self.plan_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/p1/planToExec', String, queue_size=1) # Get the Tables Dictionary from the parameter server self.tables = rospy.get_param("/tables") def handle_wake_word_detected(self, data): wake_word = if not self.running and wake_word == 'start the demo': self.running = True self.plan_publisher.publish('p1PlanNew') def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer start----------") # log action and parameters rospy.loginfo("action is: " + str(goal.action)) rospy.loginfo("params are: " + str(goal.params)) # reset result self._result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # call the action getattr(self, goal.action)(*goal.params) self._bridge_server.set_succeeded(self._result) # end callback rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer end----------") def initialise(self): # initialise PNP variables pass def gotoHome(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to home') home = rospy.get_param('/Home') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = Pose( position=Point(**home['loc']['position']), orientation=Quaternion(**home['loc']['orientation'])) rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") def goto(self): table_index = rospy.get_param('/HAL9000/current_table') pose_index = rospy.get_param('/HAL9000/current_pose') print table_index # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Going to: %d with pose %d', table_index, pose_index) self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) # For now if pose_index == 0: pose = 'far_pose' else: pose = 'close_pose' goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = Pose( position=Point(**self.tables['table' + str(table_index)]['loc'] [pose_index][pose]['position']), orientation=Quaternion(**self.tables['table' + str(table_index)] ['loc'][pose_index][pose]['orientation'])) rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") # If we moved close to the table means we have already taken the picture if pose_index == 1: self._result.condition_event = ['pictureDone'] rospy.set_param('/HAL9000/current_pose', 0) def talk(self, speech_in): print('\033[1;36mTIAGO: ' + speech_in + '\033[0m') tts_goal = TtsGoal() tts_goal.rawtext.lang_id = 'en_GB' tts_goal.rawtext.text = speech_in self.speech_client.send_goal(tts_goal) # subscribes to topic until a recent depth cloud image (less than 2 seconds ago) is taken def maskCallback(self, data): print('Time now: ' + str( + '. Time of pcl: ' + str(data.header.stamp.secs)) if (( - data.header.stamp.secs) < 2): self.depth_points = data self.depth_sub.unregister() def countPeople(self): table_index = rospy.get_param('/HAL9000/current_table') # TODO: move to individual action file # Take a picture of the table from afar # Wait for recognition action server to come up and send goal # Step 1: Raise torso up to have a better view of people # Wait for the play motion server to come up and send goal # self.play_motion_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) # pose_goal = PlayMotionGoal() # pose_goal.motion_name = "count_people" # pose_goal.skip_planning = True # self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) # rospy.loginfo('Count people goal sent') # rospy.sleep(3) # DEPTH MASK # create depth cloud subscriber, wait for depth_points to be updated self.depth_points = None self.depth_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/xtion/depth_registered/points', PointCloud2, self.maskCallback) while True: if self.depth_points != None: break # create goal mask_goal = DepthMaskGoal() mask_goal.depth_points = self.depth_points mask_goal.filter_left = 1 mask_goal.filter_right = 1 mask_goal.filter_front = 3.5 # send goal and wait for result self.depth_mask_client.send_goal(mask_goal) rospy.loginfo('Depth mask goal sent') rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the depth mask result...') self.depth_mask_client.wait_for_result() mask_result = self.depth_mask_client.get_result() # COCO DETECTION #TODO VIEW RESULTS BECAUSE INVISIBLE PERSON APPEARED self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) # create goal recognition_goal = yolo_detectionGoal() recognition_goal.image_raw = mask_result.img_mask recognition_goal.dataset = "coco" recognition_goal.confidence = 0.3 recognition_goal.nms = 0.3 # send goal and wait for result self.object_recognition_client.send_goal(recognition_goal) rospy.loginfo('Recognition goal sent') rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the detection result...') self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_result() count_objects_result = self.object_recognition_client.get_result() # dictionary of results object_count = defaultdict(int) for detection in count_objects_result.detected_objects: object_count[] += 1 person_count = object_count['person'] speech_out = 'I see ' + str(person_count) + ' person' if not person_count == 1: speech_out += 's' # view the image - debug # bridge = CvBridge() # frame = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(count_objects_result.image_bb, "bgr8") # cv2.imshow('image_masked', frame) # cv2.waitKey(0) # Step 1: Back to default # Wait for the play motion server to come up and send goal # self.play_motion_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) # pose_goal = PlayMotionGoal() # pose_goal.motion_name = "back_to_default" # pose_goal.skip_planning = True # self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) # rospy.loginfo('Back to default goal sent') # rospy.sleep(3) # output result # Update the number of people in the parameter server rospy.loginfo('Updating the number of people found at table %d' % table_index) rospy.set_param('/tables/table' + str(table_index) + '/person_count', person_count) rospy.loginfo('Updated the person counter successfully') # Switch to the pose closer to the table rospy.loginfo('Switching to the second pose') rospy.set_param('/HAL9000/current_pose', 1) # Sleeps are required to avoid Tiago's busy status from body motions controllers def identifyStatus(self): # TODO: move to individual action file table_index = rospy.get_param('/HAL9000/current_table') rospy.loginfo('Identifying the status of: %d' % table_index) # Step 1: Look down to see the table # Wait for the play motion server to come up and send goal self.play_motion_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) pose_goal = PlayMotionGoal() pose_goal.motion_name = "check_table" pose_goal.skip_planning = True self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) rospy.loginfo('Looking down goal sent') rospy.sleep(3) # Step 2: Take a picture of the table surface # Wait for recognition action server to come up and send goal # COSTA DETECTION self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) # create goal recognition_goal = yolo_detectionGoal() recognition_goal.image_raw = rospy.wait_for_message( '/xtion/rgb/image_raw', Image) recognition_goal.dataset = "costa" recognition_goal.confidence = 0.3 recognition_goal.nms = 0.3 # send goal and wait for result self.object_recognition_client.send_goal(recognition_goal) rospy.loginfo('Recognition goal sent') rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the detection result...') self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_result() count_objects_result = self.object_recognition_client.get_result() # dictionary of results object_count = defaultdict(int) for detection in count_objects_result.detected_objects: object_count[] += 1 if len(object_count): speech_out = 'I see ' for costa_object in object_count: speech_out += ', ' + str( object_count[costa_object]) + ' ' + str(costa_object) if not object_count[costa_object] == 1: speech_out += 's' else:'no objects found') # Step 4: Get head and torso back to default pose_goal.motion_name = "back_to_default" self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) rospy.loginfo('Default head position goal sent') rospy.sleep(3) # Step 4: Decide on table status and send tts goal to the sound server foundPerson = rospy.get_param('/tables/table' + str(table_index) + '/person_count') foundConsumable = len(object_count) if foundPerson: if foundConsumable: result = 'Already served' else: result = 'Needs serving' else: if foundConsumable: result = 'Dirty' else: result = 'Clean' # Update the status of the table in the parameter server rospy.loginfo('Updating the table status of table %d', table_index) rospy.set_param('/tables/table' + str(table_index) + '/status', result) rospy.loginfo('Updated the table status successfully') # output result'Status of table {0} is {1}'.format(table_index, result)) rospy.sleep(1) def count(self): # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Counting all the tables') # if any table status is unknown, set it to the robot's current table self.tables = rospy.get_param("/tables") print(self.tables) unknown_exist = False for table in self.tables: print(table) if (self.tables[table])['status'] == 'unknown': if not unknown_exist: unknown_exist = True next_table = self.tables[table]['id'] elif self.tables[table]['id'] < next_table: next_table = self.tables[table]['id'] if unknown_exist: rospy.set_param('/HAL9000/current_table', next_table) print "\033[1;33m" + "The next table is " + str( next_table) + "\033[0m" else: # if all tables have been identified, counting is done self._result.condition_event = ['doneCounting']
class DemoServer(object): _feedback = lpb_msg.BridgeFeedback() _result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() def __init__(self, server_name): # bridge server self._bridge_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( server_name, lpb_msg.BridgeAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._bridge_server.start() # Initialising clients: move_base, playmotion, objectRecognition and table_status self.move_base_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.play_motion_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) self.object_recognition_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/count_objects', count_objectsAction) self.table_status_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/tableStatus', TableStatusAction) self.speech_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) self.running = False rospy.Subscriber('/wake_word/wake_word_detected', String, self.handle_wake_word_detected) self.plan_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/p1/planToExec', String, queue_size=1) # load locations config_path = rospy.get_param( '~config_path', path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), '../../config')) demo_locations_path = path.join(config_path, 'demo.yaml') demo_locations = yaml.load(file(demo_locations_path, 'r'))['locations'] # demo load self.locations_order = [ loc['id'] for loc in demo_locations if loc['count'] ] self.locations = { loc['id']: Pose(position=Point(**loc['pose']['position']), orientation=Quaternion(**loc['pose']['orientation'])) for loc in demo_locations } def handle_wake_word_detected(self, data): wake_word = if not self.running and wake_word == 'start the demo': self.running = True self.plan_publisher.publish('demo_plan') def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer start----------") # log action and parameters rospy.loginfo("action is: " + str(goal.action)) rospy.loginfo("params are: " + str(goal.params)) # reset result self._result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # call the action getattr(self, goal.action)(*goal.params) self._bridge_server.set_succeeded(self._result) # end callback rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer end----------") def initialise(self): self._result.condition_event = ['set_0'] # goto function for the demo def goto(self, table_index): # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Going to: %s' % self.locations_order[int(table_index)]) self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations[self.locations_order[int( table_index)]] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") def gotoHome(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to home') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['home'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") def countPeople(self, table_index): # TODO: move to individual action file # Take a picture of the table from afar # Wait for recognition action server to come up and send goal self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) recognition_goal = count_objectsGoal() recognition_goal.image_topic = "/xtion/rgb/image_raw" recognition_goal.confidence = 0.3 recognition_goal.nms = 0.3 self.object_recognition_client.send_goal(recognition_goal) rospy.loginfo('Recognition goal sent') # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the detection result...') self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_result() # Prints out the result of executing the action self.countPeople_result = self.object_recognition_client.get_result() print('{0} persons'.format(self.countPeople_result.person)) # Switch to the pose closer to the table rospy.loginfo('Switching to the second pose') self._result.set_variables = [ lpb_msg.VariableValue('poseIndex', str(1)) ] # demo identifystatus def identifyStatus(self, table_index): # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Identifying the status of: %s' % self.locations_order[int(table_index)]) # Step 1: Look down to see the table # Wait for the play motion server to come up and send goal self.play_motion_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) pose_goal = PlayMotionGoal() pose_goal.motion_name = "look_down" pose_goal.skip_planning = True self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) rospy.loginfo('Looking down goal sent') rospy.sleep(4) # Step 2: Take a picture of the table surface # Wait for recognition action server to come up and send goal self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) recognition_goal = count_objectsGoal() recognition_goal.image_topic = "/xtion/rgb/image_raw" recognition_goal.confidence = 0.3 recognition_goal.nms = 0.3 self.object_recognition_client.send_goal(recognition_goal) rospy.loginfo('Recognition goal sent') # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the detection result...') self.object_recognition_client.wait_for_result() # Prints out the result of executing the action surfaceObjects_result = self.object_recognition_client.get_result() print('{0} cups {1} bowls'.format(surfaceObjects_result.cup, surfaceObjects_result.bowl)) # Step 3: Check the table surface for items # Wait for the table status action server to come up and send goal self.table_status_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) status_goal = TableStatusGoal() status_goal.num_of_reads = 5 self.table_status_client.send_goal(status_goal) rospy.loginfo('Check table status goal sent') # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the status result...') self.table_status_client.wait_for_result() # Print the table status status_result = self.table_status_client.get_result() rospy.loginfo( 'PclCheck result of %s is %s' % (self.locations_order[int(table_index)], status_result.status)) # Step 4: Get head and torso back to default pose_goal.motion_name = "back_to_default" self.play_motion_client.send_goal(pose_goal) rospy.loginfo('Default head position goal sent') rospy.sleep(4) # Step 4: Decide on table status and publish it to the sound server # Create a tts goal tts_goal = TtsGoal() tts_goal.rawtext.lang_id = 'en_GB' foundConsumable = False clean = False if surfaceObjects_result.cup or surfaceObjects_result.bowl > 0: foundConsumable = True if status_result.status == "clean": clean = True if not foundConsumable and clean: result = 'The status of the {0} is Clean'.format( self.locations_order[int(table_index)]) else: result = 'The status of the {0} is Dirty'.format( self.locations_order[int(table_index)]) rospy.loginfo(result) tts_goal.rawtext.text = result self.speech_client.send_goal(tts_goal) rospy.sleep(1) self.running = False def count(self, table_index): # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Counting: %s' % self.locations_order[int(table_index)]) if int(table_index) == len(self.locations_order) - 1: self._result.condition_event = ['doneCounting'] else: self._result.set_variables = [ lpb_msg.VariableValue('tableIndex', str(int(table_index) + 1)) ]
class DetectionServer(object): _feedback = lpb_msg.BridgeFeedback() _result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() def __init__(self, server_name): # bridge server self._bridge_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( server_name, lpb_msg.BridgeAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._bridge_server.start() # Initialising clients: move_base, playmotion and detection self.move_base_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.play_motion_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) self.speech_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) self.detection_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/DetectCustomer', DetectCustomerAction) self.running = False rospy.Subscriber('/wake_word/wake_word_detected', String, self.handle_wake_word_detected) self.plan_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/p1/planToExec', String, queue_size=1) # load locations config_path = rospy.get_param( '~config_path', path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), '../../config')) detection_locations_path = path.join(config_path, 'detect.yaml') detection_locations = yaml.load(file(detection_locations_path, 'r'))['locations'] # detection load self.locations = { loc['id']: Pose(position=Point(**loc['pose']['position']), orientation=Quaternion(**loc['pose']['orientation'])) for loc in detection_locations } def handle_wake_word_detected(self, data): wake_word = if not self.running and wake_word == 'start the demo': self.running = True self.plan_publisher.publish('demo_plan') def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer start----------") # log action and parameters rospy.loginfo("action is: " + str(goal.action)) rospy.loginfo("params are: " + str(goal.params)) # reset result self._result = lpb_msg.BridgeResult() # call the action getattr(self, goal.action)(*goal.params) self._bridge_server.set_succeeded(self._result) # end callback rospy.loginfo("----------ExternalServer end----------") def initialise(self): self._result.condition_event = ['set_start'] # goto function for the demo def gotoTable(self): # TODO: move to individual action file rospy.loginfo('Going to a random place') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['table'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") def gotoWaitingArea(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to waiting area') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['waitingArea'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") rospy.sleep(2) def gotoWaitingAreaBad(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to waiting area') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['waitingAreaBad'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") rospy.sleep(2) def gotoWaitingAreaReallyBad(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to waiting area') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['waitingAreaReallyBad'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") rospy.sleep(2) def gotoHome(self): rospy.loginfo('Going to home') self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header = Header(frame_id="map", goal.target_pose.pose = self.locations['home'] rospy.loginfo('Sending goal location ...') self.move_base_client.send_goal(goal) #waits forever if self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(): rospy.loginfo('Goal location achieved!') else: rospy.logwarn("Couldn't reach the goal!") def detect(self, detection_action): rospy.loginfo('Starting detection, action is %s', detection_action) self.detection_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(15.0)) goal = DetectCustomerGoal() goal.detection_action = detection_action rospy.loginfo('Sending detection goal ...') self.detection_client.send_goal(goal) # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. rospy.loginfo('Waiting for the detection result...') self.detection_client.wait_for_result() # Prints out the result of executing the action result = self.detection_client.get_result() print "Found customer is: %r" % (result.foundCustomer) # Switch to the pose closer to the table if detection_action == "start": rospy.loginfo('Switching to checking mode for next action') self._result.set_variables = [ lpb_msg.VariableValue('detectAction', "check") ]