Example #1
#Infiltration, Ventilation and Distribution losses Calculation:
input_data_inf_vent = pd.read_csv("input_inf_vent.csv", sep=";", index_col=0)
Output_Inf_Vent = iv.inf_vent_load_calc(input_data_inf_vent)

input_data_distribution = pd.read_csv("Input_distribution.csv",
Losses = iv.Q_distri_Losses(input_data_distribution, Qfen_heating_load,
                            Qfen_cooling_load, QtotOpaque_winter,
                            QtotOpaque_summer, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],

#Latent results
QtotLatent = lat.Qtot_latent(input_data_inf_vent, inputs_list)

#Final Results
results_DF = pd.read_csv("results_empty.csv", sep=";", index_col=0)
results_DF["Heating"] = [
    QtotOpaque_winter, Qfen_heating_load, 0, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],
    Losses.iloc[0][0], 0, 0
results_DF["Cooling"] = [
    QtotOpaque_summer, Qfen_cooling_load, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0],
    Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[6][0], Losses.iloc[1][0], 0, QtotLatent
for column in results_DF.columns.tolist():
    sensible_loads = pd.Series(results_DF[column][0:6])
    results_DF[column]["Q_sensible_tot"] = sensible_loads.sum()
#results_DF.to_csv("results_wholeRFL.csv",sep =";")
)  #taking values that are needed for calculation heating and cooling loads for inf+vent and internal gains
Output_Inf_Vent = iv.inf_vent_load_calc(
)  #calculation of total inf+vent air flow in summer and winter,and calculation of heating and cooling loads for inf +vent and internal gains (just cooling)

input_data_distribution = pd.read_csv(
    "input_distribution.csv", sep=";", index_col=0
)  #list of type of cooling and heating system that is used, rated leakage,number of stories (needed for calculation coefficient for distributive losses)
Losses = iv.Q_distri_Losses(
    input_data_distribution, Qfen_heating_load, Qfen_cooling_load,
    QtotOpaque_winter, QtotOpaque_summer, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],
    Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0])  #calculation of distributive losses

#Latent results
QtotLatent = lat.Qtot_latent(input_data_inf_vent,
                             inputs_list)  #summing latent loads (for cooling)

#Final Results
results_DF = pd.read_csv("results_empty.csv", sep=";",
                         index_col=0)  #put all the results in a data frame
results_DF["Heating"] = [
    QtotOpaque_winter, Qfen_heating_load, 0, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],
    Losses.iloc[0][0], 0, 0
results_DF["Cooling"] = [
    QtotOpaque_summer, Qfen_cooling_load, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0],
    Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[6][0], Losses.iloc[1][0], 0, QtotLatent
for column in results_DF.columns.tolist():
    sensible_loads = pd.Series(results_DF[column][0:6])  #6 not included
    results_DF[column]["Q_sensible_tot"] = sensible_loads.sum(
Example #3
def solverr(wallwinter, wallsummer, Windows):
    Folder_whereThoseTablesAre = r"C:\Users\Famiglia\Documents\Manuel\Polimi\MAGISTRALE\PRIMO ANNO\Primo semestre\Bezhad\EETBS-Assignments-Polimi-2018-2019-\Assignment7_A\ExampleAssignments_fromPreviousYear\example1_assignment8"
    # Opaque surfaces Calculation:
    numericalDataDF = pd.read_csv("input_numerical_data.csv",
                                  index_col=0)  #numerical
    dataDF = pd.read_csv("input_data.csv", sep=";", index_col=0)  #string
    materials_DataFrame = pd.read_csv("resistences_materials.csv",
                                      index_col=1)  #materials and resistances
    inputWalls_DataFrame_winter = pd.read_csv(
        wallwinter, sep=";", index_col=0)  # reading the wallwinter data
    inputWalls_DataFrame_summer = pd.read_csv(
        wallsummer, sep=";", index_col=0)  # reading the wallsummer data
    inputDoor_DataFrame_winter = pd.read_csv(
        "input_data_door_winter.csv", sep=";",
        index_col=0)  # reading the doorwinter data
    inputDoor_DataFrame_summer = pd.read_csv(
        "input_data_door_summer.csv", sep=";",
        index_col=0)  # reading the doorsummer data
    #calling functions to calculate wall and door loads
    U_wall_winter = funcOp.Utot_wall_Calculator(inputWalls_DataFrame_winter,
    U_wall_summer = funcOp.Utot_wall_Calculator(inputWalls_DataFrame_summer,
    U_door_winter = funcOp.Utot_door_Calculator(inputDoor_DataFrame_winter,
    U_door_summer = funcOp.Utot_door_Calculator(inputDoor_DataFrame_summer,

    #printing the Heating and Cooling loads of the opaque elements of the building
    print "\nThis is the value of Uwall_winter: " + str(
        U_wall_winter) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    print "This is the value of Udoor_winter: " + str(
        U_door_winter) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    print "This is the value of Uceiling: " + str(
        numericalDataDF["value"]["U_ceiling"]) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    QtotOpaque_winter = funcOp.QtotOpaque_winter_calculator(
        numericalDataDF["value"]["width_windowsW"], U_wall_winter,
        numericalDataDF["value"]["U_ceiling"], U_door_winter,
    print "\tThis is the opaque heating load: " + str(
        QtotOpaque_winter) + " W\n"

    print "\nThis is the value of Uwall_summer: " + str(
        U_wall_summer) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    print "This is the value of Udoor_summer: " + str(
        U_door_summer) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    print "This is the value of Uceiling: " + str(
        numericalDataDF["value"]["U_ceiling"]) + "  W/(m^2 * K)"
    QtotOpaque_summer = funcOp.QtotOpaque_summer_calculator(
        numericalDataDF["value"]["width_windowsW"], U_wall_summer,
        numericalDataDF["value"]["U_ceiling"], U_door_summer,
        inputs_list["deltaTcooling"], inputs_list["DRcooling"],
    print "\tThis is the opaque cooling load: " + str(
        QtotOpaque_summer) + " W\n"

    #Fenestration surfaces Calculation:
    windows_DF = pd.read_csv(Windows, sep=";",
                             index_col=0)  #reading fenestration data file
    windows_DF["Area"] = windows_DF["Height"] * windows_DF[
        "Width"]  #calculating areas of all the windows

    Qfen_heating_load = func.Qfen_heating_calculator(
        inputs_list)  #calling function to calculate fenestration heating load
    print 'The total amount of the heating load for the windows is ' + str(
        Qfen_heating_load) + ' W.'
    Qfen_cooling_load = func.Qfen_cooling_calculator(
        inputs_list)  #calling function to calculate fenestration cooling load
    print 'The total amount of the cooling load for the windows is ' + str(
        Qfen_cooling_load) + ' W.'

    #Infiltration, Ventilation and Distribution losses Calculation:
    input_data_inf_vent = pd.read_csv(
        "input_inf_vent.csv", sep=";",
        index_col=0)  #importing infiltration and ventilation data
    Output_Inf_Vent = iv.inf_vent_load_calc(input_data_inf_vent)

    input_data_distribution = pd.read_csv(
        "input_distribution.csv", sep=";",
        index_col=0)  #input data for read the distribution table
    Losses = iv.Q_distri_Losses(input_data_distribution, Qfen_heating_load,
                                Qfen_cooling_load, QtotOpaque_winter,
                                QtotOpaque_summer, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],

    #Latent results
    QtotLatent = lat.Qtot_latent(input_data_inf_vent, inputs_list)

    #Final Results
    results_DF = pd.read_csv("results_empty.csv", sep=";",
                             index_col=0)  #put all the results in a data frame
    results_DF["Heating"] = [
        QtotOpaque_winter, Qfen_heating_load, 0, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],
        Losses.iloc[0][0], 0, 0
    #calculated values of the loads are arranged in dataframes
    results_DF["Cooling"] = [
        QtotOpaque_summer, Qfen_cooling_load, 0, Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0],
        Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[6][0], Losses.iloc[1][0], 0, QtotLatent
    for column in results_DF.columns.tolist():
        sensible_loads = pd.Series(results_DF[column][0:6])  #6 not included
        results_DF[column]["Q_sensible_tot"] = sensible_loads.sum(
        )  #sum of all sensible and put it in the table

    #results_DF.to_csv("results_wholeRFL.csv",sep =";")

    print "\nThis is the value of sensible internal gain: " + str(
        Output_Inf_Vent["Results"]["Internal Gain, sensible [W]"]) + " W."
    print "This is the value of sensible infiltration-ventilation Cooling load: " + str(
        ["Sensible Infiltration/Ventilation Cooling Load [W]"]) + " W."
    print "This is the value of sensible infiltration-ventilation Heating load: " + str(
        ["Sensible Infiltration/Ventilation Heating Load [W]"]) + " W.\n"
    print "This is the value of Heating distribution losses: " + str(
        Losses["Results"]["Heating distribution losses"]) + " W."
    print "This is the value of Cooling distribution losses: " + str(
        Losses["Results"]["Cooling distribution losses"]) + " W.\n"
    print "\t\t\t So the total Sensible Heating Load is :" + str(
        results_DF["Heating"]["Q_sensible_tot"]) + " W."
    print "\t\t\t So the total Sensible Cooling Load is :" + str(
        results_DF["Cooling"]["Q_sensible_tot"]) + " W.\n"
    print "Here is given a table with all the results:\n"
    print results_DF
    return results_DF
Qfen_heating_load = func.Qfen_heating_calculator(windows_DF,inputs_list)  #Q window heating
print 'The total amount of the heating load for the windows is '+str(Qfen_heating_load)+' W.'
Qfen_cooling_load = func.Qfen_cooling_calculator(windows_DF,inputs_list)  #Q window cooling
print 'The total amount of the cooling load for the windows is '+str(Qfen_cooling_load)+' W.'

#Infiltration, Ventilation and Distribution losses Calculation:
input_data_inf_vent = pd.read_csv("input_inf_vent.csv",sep = ";",index_col=0)
Output_Inf_Vent = iv.inf_vent_load_calc(input_data_inf_vent)

input_data_distribution = pd.read_csv("input_distribution.csv",sep = ";",index_col=0)  #input data to read from the distribution table
Losses = iv.Q_distri_Losses(input_data_distribution,Qfen_heating_load,Qfen_cooling_load,QtotOpaque_winter,QtotOpaque_summer,Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[6][0],Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0])

#Latent results
QtotLatent = lat.Qtot_latent (input_data_inf_vent, inputs_list)

#Final Results
results_DF = pd.read_csv("results_empty.csv",sep=";",index_col=0)     #put all the results in a data frame
results_DF["Heating"] = [QtotOpaque_winter,Qfen_heating_load,0,0,Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[7][0],Losses.iloc[0][0],0,0]
results_DF["Cooling"] = [QtotOpaque_summer,Qfen_cooling_load,0,Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[8][0],Output_Inf_Vent.iloc[6][0],Losses.iloc[1][0],0,QtotLatent]
for column in results_DF.columns.tolist():
    sensible_loads = pd.Series(results_DF[column][0:6])
    results_DF[column]["Q_sensible_tot"] = sensible_loads.sum() #total sensible heat
print "Here is given a table with all the results:\n"
print results_DF   
#WALL: wood_bevel, wood_fiber, com_brick, concrete_heavyweight (70%), wood_stud_2.4 (30%), gypsum
#WINDOWS: 1a, Aluminium frame, RollerDarkOpaque, Fcl 0,3