def _discriminator(self, img, scope, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): x = img h1 = conv2d(x, 128, strides=2, name='down1', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h2 = conv2d(h1, 256, strides=2, name='down2', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h3 = conv2d(h2, 512, strides=2, name='down3', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h4_flat = tf.layers.flatten(h3) logits = fc(h4_flat, 1, name='out', activation_fn=lambda x: x) return logits, tf.nn.sigmoid(logits)
def build_unet(self, x, training=False): dir_bins = self.cfg.dir_bins drop_rate = self.cfg.drop_rate batch_norm = self.cfg.batch_norm layers_per_block = self.cfg.layers_per_block # first conv layer: x = conv2d(x, 48) stack_skip = [] # downsample (encoder): for i in range(self.n_block_layers): n = layers_per_block[str(i)] name = 'down_block_' + str(i) x_new = dense_block(x, name, n_layers=n, training=training) x = concat(x, x_new) stack_skip.append(x) x = transition_down(x, training) # bottleneck: n = layers_per_block[str(self.n_block_layers)] x_new = dense_block(x, name='bottleneck_block', n_layers=n, training=training) rpn_inputs = {self.n_block_layers: concat(x, x_new)} # upsample (decoder): for i in reversed(range(self.n_block_layers)): n = layers_per_block[str(i)] name = 'up_block_' + str(i) x_skip = stack_skip[i] x = transition_up(x_new) x = concat(x, x_skip) x_new = dense_block(x, name, n_layers=n, training=training, batch_norm=batch_norm, drop_rate=drop_rate) rpn_inputs[i] = concat(x, x_new) # last conv layer: mask_logits = conv2d(x_new, 1 + dir_bins, k_size=1) return mask_logits, rpn_inputs
def generator(inputs, name='generator', skip=False, padding='REFLECT'): with tf.variable_scope(name): end_kernel = 7 kernel = 3 pad_input = tf.pad( inputs, [[0, 0], [kernel, kernel], [kernel, kernel], [0, 0]], padding) o_c1 = conv2d(pad_input, NUM_GEN_FLITER, end_kernel, 1, name='conv1') o_c2 = conv2d(o_c1, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 2, kernel, 2, padding='SAME', name='conv2') o_c3 = conv2d(o_c2, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, kernel, 2, padding='SAME', name='conv3') o_r1 = build_resnet_block(o_c3, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res1', padding) o_r2 = build_resnet_block(o_r1, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res2', padding) o_r3 = build_resnet_block(o_r2, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res3', padding) o_r4 = build_resnet_block(o_r3, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res4', padding) o_r5 = build_resnet_block(o_r4, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res5', padding) o_r6 = build_resnet_block(o_r5, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res6', padding) o_r7 = build_resnet_block(o_r6, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res7', padding) o_r8 = build_resnet_block(o_r7, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res8', padding) o_r9 = build_resnet_block(o_r8, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 4, 'res9', padding) o_c4 = conv2d_trans(o_r9, [utils.BATCH_SIZE, 128, 128, NUM_GEN_FLITER * 2], NUM_GEN_FLITER * 2, kernel, 2, padding='SAME', name='conv4') o_c5 = conv2d_trans(o_c4, [utils.BATCH_SIZE, 256, 256, NUM_GEN_FLITER], NUM_GEN_FLITER, kernel, 2, padding='SAME', name='conv5') o_c6 = conv2d(o_c5, utils.IMG_CHANNEL, end_kernel, 1, padding='SAME', name='conv6', normalize=False, activation=False) if skip is True: outputs = tf.nn.tanh(inputs + o_c6, 'tanh') else: outputs = tf.nn.tanh(o_c6, 'tanh') return outputs
def get_LeNet(batch_size=batch_size, img_shape=(1, 28, 28), dtype="float32"): data_shape = (batch_size, ) + img_shape data = relay.var("data", shape=data_shape, dtype=dtype) conv1_bias = relay.var("conv1_bias") conv1 = layers.conv2d(data, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), channels=6, name="conv1") conv1 = relay.nn.bias_add(conv1, conv1_bias) maxpool1 = relay.nn.max_pool2d(conv1, (2, 2), (2, 2)) conv2_bias = relay.var("conv2_bias") conv2 = layers.conv2d(maxpool1, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=(1, 1), padding=(0, 0), channels=16, name="conv2") conv2 = relay.nn.bias_add(conv2, conv2_bias) maxpool2 = relay.nn.max_pool2d(conv2, (2, 2), (2, 2)) bf1 = relay.nn.batch_flatten(maxpool2) dense1 = layers.dense_without_bias(bf1, units=120, name="dense1") dense2 = layers.dense_without_bias(dense1, units=84, name="dense2") dense3 = layers.dense_without_bias(dense2, units=10, name="dense3") softmax = relay.nn.softmax(dense3) #label is from input label = relay.var("data2", shape=(batch_size, 10), dtype=dtype) loss = relay.nn.cross_entropy(softmax, label) args = relay.analysis.free_vars(loss) return relay.Function(args, loss)
def discriminator(inputdisc, name="discriminator"): ''' build the discriminator :param inputdisc: tensor :param name: operation name :return: tensor ''' with tf.variable_scope(name): f = 3 patch_input = tf.random_crop(inputdisc, [1, 70, 70, 3]) o_c1 = conv2d(patch_input, ndf, f, f, 2, 2, "SAME", "c1", do_norm=False, relufactor=0.2) o_c2 = conv2d(o_c1, ndf * 2, f, f, 2, 2, "SAME", "c2", relufactor=0.2) o_c3 = conv2d(o_c2, ndf * 4, f, f, 2, 2, "SAME", "c3", relufactor=0.2) o_c4 = conv2d(o_c3, ndf * 8, f, f, 1, 1, "SAME", "c4", relufactor=0.2) o_c5 = conv2d(o_c4, 1, f, f, 1, 1, "SAME", "c5", do_norm=False, do_relu=False) return o_c5
def __init__(self, sess, input_shape, num_actions, reuse=False, is_training=True, name='train'): super().__init__(sess, reuse) self.initial_state = [] with tf.name_scope(name + "policy_input"): self.X_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, input_shape) with tf.variable_scope("policy", reuse=reuse): conv1 = conv2d('conv1', tf.cast(self.X_input, tf.float32) / 255., num_filters=32, kernel_size=(8, 8), padding='VALID', stride=(4, 4), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv2 = conv2d('conv2', conv1, num_filters=64, kernel_size=(4, 4), padding='VALID', stride=(2, 2), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv3 = conv2d('conv3', conv2, num_filters=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='VALID', stride=(1, 1), initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) conv3_flattened = flatten(conv3) fc4 = dense('fc4', conv3_flattened, output_dim=512, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(2)), activation=tf.nn.relu, is_training=is_training) self.policy_logits = dense('policy_logits', fc4, output_dim=num_actions, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(1.0)), is_training=is_training) self.value_function = dense('value_function', fc4, output_dim=1, initializer=orthogonal_initializer(np.sqrt(1.0)), is_training=is_training) with tf.name_scope('value'): self.value_s = self.value_function[:, 0] with tf.name_scope('action'): self.action_s = noise_and_argmax(self.policy_logits)
def encoder(self, x, training=True, reuse=None, name=None): # [None, 28, 28, 1] --> [None, 14, 14, 64] h = conv2d(x, 64, kernel_size=4, strides=2, activation=tf.nn.leaky_relu, reuse=reuse, name='e_conv_1') # [None, 14, 14, 64] --> [None, 7, 7, 128] h = conv2d(h, 128, kernel_size=4, strides=2, reuse=reuse, name='e_conv_2') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='e_bn_1') h = tf.nn.leaky_relu(h) # [None, 7, 7, 128] --> [None, 7*7*128] h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, 7*7*128]) # [None, 7*7*128] --> [None, 1024] h = dense(h, 1024, reuse=reuse, name='e_dense_1') h = batch_norm(h, training=training, reuse=reuse, name='e_bn_2') h = tf.nn.leaky_relu(h) # [None, 1024] --> [None, 2*self.z_dim] h = dense(h, 2*self.z_dim, reuse=reuse, name='e_dense_2') # Assign names to final outputs mean = tf.identity(h[:,:self.z_dim], name=name+"_mean") log_sigma = tf.identity(h[:,self.z_dim:], name=name+"_log_sigma") return mean, log_sigma
def __build(self): self.__init_global_epoch() self.__init_global_step() self.__init_input() with tf.name_scope('Preprocessing'): red, green, blue = tf.split(self.X, num_or_size_splits=3, axis=3) preprocessed_input = tf.concat([ tf.subtract(blue, ShuffleNet.MEAN[0]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, tf.subtract(green, ShuffleNet.MEAN[1]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, tf.subtract(red, ShuffleNet.MEAN[2]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, ], 3) x_padded = tf.pad(preprocessed_input, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "CONSTANT") conv1 = conv2d('conv1', x=x_padded, w=None, num_filters=self.output_channels['conv1'], kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), l2_strength=self.args.l2_strength, bias=self.args.bias, batchnorm_enabled=self.args.batchnorm_enabled, is_training=self.is_training, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='VALID') padded = tf.pad(conv1, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]], "CONSTANT") max_pool = max_pool_2d(padded, size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), name='max_pool') stage2 = self.__stage(max_pool, stage=2, repeat=3) stage3 = self.__stage(stage2, stage=3, repeat=7) stage4 = self.__stage(stage3, stage=4, repeat=3) global_pool = avg_pool_2d(stage4, size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1), name='global_pool', padding='VALID') logits_unflattened = conv2d('fc', global_pool, w=None, num_filters=self.args.num_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1), l2_strength=self.args.l2_strength, bias=self.args.bias, is_training=self.is_training) self.logits = flatten(logits_unflattened) self.__init_output()
def __init__(self, learning_rate, input_shape, BS): #input_shape example: [BS,1,28,28] = learning_rate self.conv2d_1 = ly.conv2d(input_shape, [5, 5, 1, 32], [1, 1]) self.relu_1 = ly.relu() self.max_pool_1 = ly.max_pooling(self.conv2d_1.output_shape, filter_shape=[2, 2], strides=[2, 2]) self.conv2d_2 = ly.conv2d(self.max_pool_1.output_shape, [5, 5, 32, 64], [1, 1]) self.relu_2 = ly.relu() self.max_pool_2 = ly.max_pooling(self.conv2d_2.output_shape, filter_shape=[2, 2], strides=[2, 2]) self.flatter = ly.flatter() self.full_connect_1 = ly.full_connect(input_len=7 * 7 * 64, output_len=1024) self.relu_3 = ly.relu() self.dropout_1 = ly.dropout(1024) self.full_connect_2 = ly.full_connect(input_len=1024, output_len=10) self.loss_func = ly.softmax_cross_entropy_error()
def build(self, input_shape=(28, 28, 1), classes=10): inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape) outputs = conv2d(filters=6, kernel_size=(6, 6))(inputs) outputs = max_pooling2d(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = conv2d(filters=16, kernel_size=(6, 6))(inputs) outputs = max_pooling2d(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = flatten()(outputs) outputs = dense(120)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(64)(outputs) outputs = sigmoid()(outputs) outputs = dense(classes)(outputs) outputs = softmax()(outputs) model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs) model.summary() return model
def bottleneck_layer(self, x, scope): with tf.variable_scope(scope): # x = layers.batch_normalization(x,, name=scope + '_batch1') x = layers.selu(x) x = layers.conv2d(x, filters=4 * self.filters, kernel_size=[1, 1], strides=[1, 1], kernel_regularizer=layers.l2_regularizer(0.0005), padding='same', activation=None, name=scope + '_conv1') x = layers.drop_out(x, rate=self.dropout, # x = layers.batch_normalization(x,, name=scope + '_batch2') x = layers.selu(x) x = layers.conv2d(x, filters=self.filters, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=[1, 1], kernel_regularizer=layers.l2_regularizer(0.0005), padding='same', activation=None, name=scope + '_conv2') x = layers.drop_out(x, rate=self.dropout, return x
def discriminator(x, reuse=False): ''' :param: x: RGB face images, shape [batch, 128, 128, 3], value [-1,1]. :return: pred_img: shape [batch, 2, 2, 1]. pred_au: AU prediction, shape [batch, 17], value [0,1]. ''' with tf.variable_scope('discriminator') as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() for i in range(6): x = conv2d(x, out_channels=64 * (2**i), kernel_size=4, strides=2, use_bias=True, name='Conv' + str(i + 1)) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.01, name='LReLU' + str(i + 1)) pred_img = conv2d(x, out_channels=1, kernel_size=3, strides=1, name='PredImg') pred_au = conv2d(x, out_channels=17, kernel_size=2, strides=1, padding='valid', name='ConvAU') pred_au = tf.squeeze(pred_au, [1, 2], name='PredAU') return pred_img, pred_au
def __init__(self, learning_rate, input_shape): #input_shape example: [BS,1,28,28] = learning_rate # conv1:(BS,1,28,28)->(BS,6,28,28)->(BS,6,14,14) self.conv2d_1 = ly.conv2d(input_shape, [5, 5, 1, 6], [1, 1], 'SAME') self.relu_1 = ly.relu() self.pool_1 = ly.max_pooling(self.conv2d_1.output_shape, [2, 2], [2, 2], 'SAME') # conv2:(BS,6,14,14)->(BS,10,14,14)->(BS,10,7,7) self.conv2d_2 = ly.conv2d(self.pool_1.output_shape, [5, 5, 6, 10], [1, 1], 'SAME') self.relu_2 = ly.relu() self.pool_2 = ly.max_pooling(self.conv2d_2.output_shape, [2, 2], [2, 2], 'SAME') # flat:(BS,10,7,7)->(BS,490) self.flatter = ly.flatter() # fc1:(BS,490)->(BS,84) self.full_connect_1 = ly.full_connect(490, 84) self.relu_3 = ly.relu() self.dropout = ly.dropout(lenth=84) # fc2:(BS,84)->(BS,10) self.full_connect_2 = ly.full_connect(84, 10) self.loss_func = ly.softmax_cross_entropy_error()
def _stochastic(self, x, dim, scope, ema): b_init_var = tf.constant_initializer(0. if self.is_log_var else 1.) x = self.activation(x) if isinstance(dim, int): flatten = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x) mean = dense(flatten, dim, scope=scope + "_mean", training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = dense(flatten, dim, scope=scope + "_var", bias_initializer=b_init_var, training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) else: mean = conv2d(x, dim, scope=scope + "_mean", training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = conv2d(x, dim, scope=scope + "_var", bias_initializer=b_init_var, training=self.ph_is_training, ema=ema, init=self.init) var = tf.nn.softplus(var) + self.eps z = stochastic_gaussian(mean, var, is_log_var=self.is_log_var) return z, mean, var
def build_graph(x, dropout_rate): with tf.name_scope('transpose'): x_trans = tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training') with tf.name_scope('convolution_layers'): conv1 = conv2d(x_trans, filters=16, training=is_training, name='convolution1') conv2 = conv2d(conv1, filters=32, training=is_training, name='convolution2') max_pooling1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv2, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2, name='max_pooling1') conv3 = conv2d(max_pooling1, filters=64, training=is_training, name='convolution3') conv4 = conv2d(conv3, filters=128, training=is_training, name='convolution4') max_pooling2 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv4, pool_size=[2, 2], strides=2, name='max_pooling2') with tf.name_scope('fully_connected'): flatten = tf.layers.flatten(max_pooling2) fc = tf.layers.dense(flatten, units=100, activation=tf.nn.relu, name='fc', kernel_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2)) fc_drop = tf.layers.dropout(fc, rate=dropout_rate, training=is_training, name='dropout') logits = tf.layers.dense(fc_drop, units=10, name='logits', kernel_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2)) return logits, is_training
def deepmind_CNN(state, output_size=128): initializer = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0, 0.1) activation_fn = tf.nn.relu state = tf.transpose(state, [0, 2, 3, 1]) l1 = conv2d(state, 32, [8, 8], [4, 4], initializer, activation_fn, 'NHWC', name='l1') l2 = conv2d(l1, 64, [4, 4], [2, 2], initializer, activation_fn, 'NHWC', name='l2') l3 = conv2d(l2, 64, [3, 3], [1, 1], initializer, activation_fn, 'NHWC', name='l3') shape = l3.get_shape().as_list() l3_flat = tf.reshape(l3, [-1, reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape[1:])]) embedding = linear(l3_flat, output_size, activation_fn=activation_fn, name='l4') # Returns the network output, parameters return embedding
def residual(inputres, dim, name="resnet"): with tf.variable_scope(name): out_res = tf.pad(inputres, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "REFLECT") _, out_res = conv2d(out_res, dim, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0.02, "VALID", "c1", relufactor=0.2) out_res = tf.pad(out_res, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "REFLECT") _, out_res = conv2d(out_res, dim, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0.02, "VALID", "c2", do_relu=False) return lrelu(out_res + inputres)
def ResnetAdaILNBlock(input, dim, gamma, beta, name): pad_input = fluid.layers.pad2d(input, [1, 1, 1, 1], mode="reflect") conv1 = conv2d(pad_input, dim, 3, 1, 0.02, "VALID", name=name + "rab_c1", norm=False, relu=False) norm1 = adaILN(conv1, dim, gamma, beta) norm1 = fluid.layers.relu(norm1) norm1 = fluid.layers.pad2d(norm1, [1, 1, 1, 1], mode="reflect") conv2 = conv2d(norm1, dim, 3, 1, 0.02, "VALID", name=name + "rab_c2", norm=False, relu=False) norm2 = adaILN(conv2, dim, gamma, beta) return norm2
def build_resnet_block(inputs, out_dim, name='resnet', padding='REFLECT'): """build a single block of resnet. :param inputres: inputs :param out_dim: output dim :param name: name :param padding: for tensorflow version use REFLECT; for pytorch version use CONSTANT :return: a single block of resnet. """ kernel = 3 stride = 1 with tf.variable_scope(name): outputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], padding) outputs = conv2d(outputs, out_dim, kernel, stride, padding='VALID', name='conv1') outputs = tf.pad(outputs, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], padding) outputs = conv2d(outputs, out_dim, kernel, stride, padding='VALID', name='conv2', activation=False) return tf.nn.relu(outputs + inputs)
def res_layer(inp, num_features1, stride): num_features2 = num_features1 * 4 shape = inp.get_shape() [seq_len, inp_width, num_channels] = [int(shape[i]) for i in [1, 2, 4]] #[_, seq_len, inp_width, _, num_channels] = [int(i) for i in list(inp.get_shape())] inputs = tf.reshape(inp, [-1, inp_width, inp_width, num_channels]) if num_channels == num_features2: o_l = inputs else: b_l = bias(num_features2, 0.2) w_l = weights([1, 1, num_channels, num_features2], 0.04) o_l = conv2d(inputs, b_l, w_l, stride) b1_r = bias(num_features1, 0.2) w1_r = weights([1, 1, num_channels, num_features1], 0.04) conv1_r = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm(conv2d(inputs, b1_r, w1_r, stride))) b2_r = bias(num_features1, 0.2) w2_r = weights([3, 3, num_features1, num_features1], 0.04) conv2_r = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm(conv2d(conv1_r, b2_r, w2_r, 1))) b3_r = bias(num_features2, 0.2) w3_r = weights([1, 1, num_features1, num_features2], 0.04) conv3_r = conv2d(conv2_r, b3_r, w3_r, 1) out = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm(tf.add(o_l, conv3_r))) shape = out.get_shape() [out_width, out_features] = [int(shape[i]) for i in [1, 3]] #[_, out_width, _, out_features] = [int(i) for i in list(out.get_shape())] return tf.reshape(out, [-1, seq_len, out_width, out_width, out_features])
def discriminator(self, img, const_init=False, trainable=True, reuse=False): # (n, 1, 28, 28) h0 = layers.conv2d( img, 64, 5, name="d_conv1", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse, ) h0 = flow.nn.leaky_relu(h0, 0.3) h0 = flow.nn.dropout(h0, rate=0.3) # (n, 64, 14, 14) h1 = layers.conv2d( h0, 128, 5, name="d_conv2", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse, ) h1 = flow.nn.leaky_relu(h1, 0.3) h1 = flow.nn.dropout(h1, rate=0.3) # (n, 128 * 7 * 7) out = flow.reshape(h1, (self.batch_size, -1)) # (n, 1) out = layers.dense( out, 1, name="d_fc", const_init=const_init, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse ) return out
def encoder(self, x): out = conv2d(x, 20, 5, activation=tf.nn.relu) out = max_pool(out, 2, 2) out = conv2d(out, 50, 5, activation=tf.nn.relu) out = max_pool(out, 2, 2) out = tf.layers.flatten(out) out = dense(out, 500, activation=tf.nn.relu) return out
def discriminator(inputdisc, name="discriminator"): with tf.variable_scope(name): f = 4 _, o_c1 = conv2d(inputdisc, ndf, f, f, 2, 2, 0.02, "SAME", "c1", do_norm=False, relufactor=0.2) _, o_c2 = conv2d(o_c1, ndf * 2, f, f, 2, 2, 0.02, "SAME", "c2", relufactor=0.2) _, o_c3 = conv2d(o_c2, ndf * 4, f, f, 2, 2, 0.02, "SAME", "c3", relufactor=0.2) _, o_c4 = conv2d(o_c3, ndf * 8, f, f, 1, 1, 0.02, "SAME", "c4", relufactor=0.2) _, o_c5 = conv2d(o_c4, 1, f, f, 1, 1, 0.02, "SAME", "c5", do_norm=False, do_relu=False) return o_c5
def discriminator2(self, x, reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator2", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): #2º discriminator x_2 = lay.conv2d(x, f=64, name='d-conv2d-1') x_2 = lay.batch_norm(x_2) x_2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x_2, alpha=0.1) x_2 = lay.conv2d(x_2, f=128, name='d-conv2d-0') x_2 = lay.batch_norm(x_2) out = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x_2, alpha=0.1) return out
def build_rpn(self, x, anchors_per_cell): _, h, w, _ = x.get_shape().as_list() n = anchors_per_cell x = conv2d(x, 512) rpn_outputs = x x = tf.nn.relu(x) x = conv2d(x, n_filters=6 * n, k_size=1) x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2)) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 6, n * h * w]) x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1)) clf_logits, regs = tf.split(x, [2, 4], axis=2) return rpn_outputs, clf_logits, regs
def net(self, X, reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope('EyeNet', reuse=reuse): conv1 = conv2d(X,output_dims=20,k_h=5,k_w=5,s_h=1,s_w=1,padding='VALID',name='conv1') pool1 = max_pool(conv1,k_h=2,k_w=2,s_h=2,s_w=2,padding='SAME',name='pool1') conv2 = conv2d(pool1,output_dims=50,k_h=5,k_w=5,s_h=1,s_w=1,padding='VALID',name='conv2') pool2 = max_pool(conv2,k_h=2,k_w=2,s_h=2,s_w=2,padding='SAME',name='pool2') flatten = tf.reshape(pool2,[-1, pool2.get_shape().as_list()[1] *pool2.get_shape().as_list()[2] *pool2.get_shape().as_list()[3]], name='conv_reshape') fc1 = fc(flatten, output_dims=500, name='fc1') relu1 = relu(fc1, name='relu1') out = fc(relu1, output_dims=2, name='output') return out
def build_resnet_block(inputres, dim, name="resnet"): out_res = fluid.layers.pad2d(inputres, [1, 1, 1, 1], mode="reflect") out_res = conv2d(out_res, dim, 3, 1, 0.02, "VALID", name + "_c1") out_res = fluid.layers.pad2d(out_res, [1, 1, 1, 1], mode="reflect") out_res = conv2d(out_res, dim, 3, 1, 0.02, "VALID", name + "_c2", relu=False) return fluid.layers.relu(out_res + inputres)
def _encoder(self, img, scope, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): h1 = conv2d(img, 16, strides=2, name='down1', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h2 = conv2d(h1, 64, name='down2', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h3 = conv2d(h2, 128, strides=2, name='down3', training=self.is_training, use_bn=True) h3_flat = tf.layers.flatten(h3) z = fc(h3_flat, self._zdim, 'out', activation_fn=tf.tanh) return z
def discriminator(self, image, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() h0 = leaky_relu(conv2d(image, self.df_dim, name='d_h0_conv')) h1 = leaky_relu( self.d_bn1(conv2d(h0, self.df_dim * 2, name='d_h1_conv'))) h2 = leaky_relu( self.d_bn2(conv2d(h1, self.df_dim * 4, name='d_h2_conv'))) h3 = leaky_relu( self.d_bn3(conv2d(h2, self.df_dim * 8, name='d_h3_conv'))) h4 = linear(tf.reshape(h3, [self.batch_size, -1]), 1, 'd_h3_lin') return h4
def generator(real_img, desired_au, reuse=False): ''' :param: real_img: RGB face images, shape [batch, 128, 128, 3], value [-1,1]. desired_au: AU value, shape [batch, 17], value [0,1]. :return: fake_img: RGB generate face, shape [batch, 128, 128, 3], value [-1,1]. fake_mask: face mask, shape [batch, 128, 128, 1], value [0,1]. ''' with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() desired_au = tf.expand_dims(desired_au, axis=1, name='ExpandDims1') desired_au = tf.expand_dims(desired_au, axis=2, name='ExpandDims2') desired_au = tf.tile(desired_au, multiples=[1,128,128,1], name='Tile') x = tf.concat([real_img, desired_au], axis=3, name='Concat') x = conv2d(x, out_channels=64, kernel_size=7, strides=1, name='Conv1') x = instance_norm(x, name='InstNorm1') x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='ReLU1') x = conv2d(x, out_channels=128, kernel_size=4, strides=2, name='Conv2') x = instance_norm(x, name='InstNorm2') x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='ReLU2') x = conv2d(x, out_channels=256, kernel_size=4, strides=2, name='Conv3') x = instance_norm(x, name='InstNorm3') x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='ReLU3') for i in range(1, 7): x = res_block(x, out_channels=256, name='ResBlock'+str(i)) x = deconv2d(x, out_channels=128, kernel_size=4, stride=2, name='Deconv1') x = instance_norm(x, name='InstNorm4') x = tf.nn.relu(x, name='ReLU4') x = deconv2d(x, out_channels=64, kernel_size=4, stride=2, name='Deconv2') x = instance_norm(x, name='InstNorm5') features = tf.nn.relu(x, name='ReLU5') x = conv2d(features, out_channels=3, kernel_size=7, strides=1, name='ConvImg') fake_img = tf.tanh(x, name='Tanh') x = conv2d(features, out_channels=1, kernel_size=7, strides=1, name='ConvMask') fake_mask = tf.sigmoid(x, name='Sigmoid') return fake_img, fake_mask
def simple_img_conv_pool(input, num_filters, filter_size, pool_size, pool_stride, act, pool_type='max', main_program=None, startup_program=None): conv_out = layers.conv2d( input=input, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=filter_size, act=act, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) pool_out = layers.pool2d( input=conv_out, pool_size=pool_size, pool_type=pool_type, pool_stride=pool_stride, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) return pool_out
def __build(self): self.__init_global_epoch() self.__init_global_step() self.__init_input() # 0. 图像预处理 减去均值 乘以归一化系数################################## with tf.name_scope('Preprocessing'): # 分割成三通道 red, green, blue = tf.split(self.X, num_or_size_splits=3, axis=3) # 每个通道 减去均值 乘以归一化系数 后再concat/merge 通道扩展合并 preprocessed_input = tf.concat([ tf.subtract(blue, ShuffleNet.MEAN[0]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, tf.subtract(green, ShuffleNet.MEAN[1]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, tf.subtract(red, ShuffleNet.MEAN[2]) * ShuffleNet.NORMALIZER, ], 3) # 1. conv1 3*3*3*24 卷积 步长 2 BN RELU ######################################################### ######## 周围填充 x_padded = tf.pad(preprocessed_input, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "CONSTANT") ######## conv conv1 = conv2d('conv1', x=x_padded, w=None, num_filters=self.output_channels['conv1'], kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), l2_strength=self.args.l2_strength, bias=self.args.bias, batchnorm_enabled=self.args.batchnorm_enabled, is_training=self.is_training, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='VALID') # 2. 最大值池化 3*3 步长2 ################################################## padded = tf.pad(conv1, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]], "CONSTANT") max_pool = max_pool_2d(padded, size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), name='max_pool') # 3. 一次 步长为2 非分组点卷积 concate通道扩展合并模块, 再进行3次步长为1的 add通道叠加模块 stage2 = self.__stage(max_pool, stage=2, repeat=3) # 4. 一次 步长为2 分组点卷积 concate通道扩展合并模块, 再进行7次步长为1的 add通道叠加模块 stage3 = self.__stage(stage2, stage=3, repeat=7) # 5. 一次 步长为2 分组点卷积 concate通道扩展合并模块, 再进行3次步长为1的 add通道叠加模块 stage4 = self.__stage(stage3, stage=4, repeat=3) # 6. 全局均值池化层 7*7 池化核 步长1 global_pool = avg_pool_2d(stage4, size=(7, 7), stride=(1, 1), name='global_pool', padding='VALID') # 7. 1*1点卷积 输出 类别数量个 卷积特征图 logits_unflattened = conv2d('fc', global_pool, w=None, num_filters=self.args.num_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1),# 1*1点卷积 l2_strength=self.args.l2_strength, bias=self.args.bias, is_training=self.is_training) # 8. 摊平 到 一维 self.logits = flatten(logits_unflattened) # 9. 计算误差 self.__init_output()
def __call__(self, inputs): with tf.name_scope( with tf.name_scope('preprocessing'): pad_1 = tf.pad(inputs, np.array([[0,0],[2,2],[2,2],[0,0]])) conv_1 = conv2d(pad_1, 64, kernel_size=6, strides = 2, name = '256to128') res_1 = residual(conv_1, 128) pool_1 = tf.contrib.layers.max_pool2d(res_1, [2,2], [2,2], padding= 'VALID') res_2 = residual(pool_1, 128) res_3 = residual(res_2, self.nFeat) # Supervision Table hg = [None] * self.nbStack ll = [None] * self.nbStack ll_ = [None] * self.nbStack drop = [None] * self.nbStack out = [None] * self.nbStack out_ = [None] * self.nbStack sum_ = [None] * self.nbStack with tf.name_scope('stacks'): with tf.name_scope('hourglass.1'): hg[0] = self.hourglass(res_3, self.nLow, self.nFeat, 'hourglass') ll[0] = convBnrelu(hg[0], self.nFeat, name= 'conv_1') ll_[0] = conv2d(ll[0],self.nFeat,1,1,'VALID','ll') drop[0] = tf.layers.dropout(ll_[0], rate = 0.1, training = self.train) out[0] = conv2d(ll[0],self.outDim,1,1,'VALID','out') out_[0] = conv2d(out[0],self.nFeat,1,1,'VALID','out_') sum_[0] = tf.add_n([drop[0], out_[0], res_3]) for i in range(1, self.nbStack-1): with tf.name_scope('hourglass.' + str(i+1)): hg[i] = self.hourglass(sum_[i-1], self.nLow, self.nFeat, 'hourglass') ll[i] = convBnrelu(hg[i], self.nFeat, name='conv_1') ll_[i] = conv2d(ll[i],self.nFeat,1,1,'VALID','ll') drop[i] = tf.layers.dropout(ll_[i],rate=0.1, training = self.train) out[i] = conv2d(ll[i],self.outDim,1,1,'VALID','out') out_[i] = conv2d(out[i],self.nFeat,1,1,'VALID','out_') sum_[i] = tf.add_n([drop[i], out_[i], sum_[i-1]]) with tf.name_scope('hourglass.' + str(self.nbStack)): hg[self.nbStack-1] = self.hourglass(sum_[self.nbStack - 2], self.nLow, self.nFeat, 'hourglass') ll[self.nbStack-1] = convBnrelu(hg[self.nbStack - 1], self.nFeat, name='conv_1') drop[self.nbStack-1] = tf.layers.dropout(ll[self.nbStack-1], rate=0.1, training = self.train) out[self.nbStack-1] = conv2d(drop[self.nbStack-1],self.outDim,1,1,'VALID', 'out') return tf.stack(out, name = 'output')
def __call__(self, x, reuse=False, output_name=None): with tf.variable_scope( as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() # Initial dense multiplication x = layers.linear(x, "G_FC1", self.nb_filters * 8 * 8) batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] if FLAGS.data_format == "NHWC": target_shape = (batch_size, 8, 8, self.nb_filters) elif FLAGS.data_format == "NCHW": target_shape = (batch_size, self.nb_filters, 8, 8) x = layers.reshape(x, target_shape) # x = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x, fused=True, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = tf.nn.elu(x) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "G_conv2D1", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "G_up1", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "G_conv2D2", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "G_up2", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "G_conv2D3", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "G_up3", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "G_conv2D4", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) # Last conv x = layers.conv2d(x, "G_conv2D5", self.nb_filters, FLAGS.channels, 3, 1, "SAME", data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = tf.nn.tanh(x, name=output_name) return x
def img_conv_group(input, conv_num_filter, pool_size, conv_padding=1, conv_filter_size=3, conv_act=None, conv_with_batchnorm=False, conv_batchnorm_drop_rate=None, pool_stride=1, pool_type=None, main_program=None, startup_program=None): """ Image Convolution Group, Used for vgg net. """ tmp = input assert isinstance(conv_num_filter, list) or \ isinstance(conv_num_filter, tuple) def __extend_list__(obj): if not hasattr(obj, '__len__'): return [obj] * len(conv_num_filter) else: return obj conv_padding = __extend_list__(conv_padding) conv_filter_size = __extend_list__(conv_filter_size) conv_with_batchnorm = __extend_list__(conv_with_batchnorm) conv_batchnorm_drop_rate = __extend_list__(conv_batchnorm_drop_rate) for i in xrange(len(conv_num_filter)): local_conv_act = conv_act if conv_with_batchnorm[i]: local_conv_act = None tmp = layers.conv2d( input=tmp, num_filters=conv_num_filter[i], filter_size=conv_filter_size[i], padding=conv_padding[i], act=local_conv_act, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) if conv_with_batchnorm[i]: tmp = layers.batch_norm( input=tmp, act=conv_act, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) drop_rate = conv_batchnorm_drop_rate[i] if abs(drop_rate) > 1e-5: tmp = layers.dropout( x=tmp, dropout_prob=drop_rate, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) pool_out = layers.pool2d( input=tmp, pool_size=pool_size, pool_type=pool_type, pool_stride=pool_stride, main_program=main_program, startup_program=startup_program) return pool_out
def __call__(self, x, reuse=False, output_name=None): with tf.variable_scope( as scope: if reuse: scope.reuse_variables() ################## # Encoding part ################## # First conv x = layers.conv2d(x, "D_conv2D1", FLAGS.channels, self.nb_filters, 3, 1, "SAME", data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = tf.nn.elu(x) # Conv blocks x = layers.enc_conv2d_block(x, "D_enc_conv2D2", self.nb_filters, 3, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.enc_conv2d_block(x, "D_enc_conv2D3", 2 * self.nb_filters, 3, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.enc_conv2d_block(x, "D_enc_conv2D4", 3 * self.nb_filters, 3, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.enc_conv2d_block(x, "D_enc_conv2D5", 4 * self.nb_filters, 3, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu, data_format=FLAGS.data_format, downsampling=False) # Flatten batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] other_dims = x.get_shape().as_list()[1:] prod_dim = 1 for d in other_dims: prod_dim *= d x = layers.reshape(x, (batch_size, prod_dim)) # Linear x = layers.linear(x, "D_FC1", self.h_dim, activation_fn=None) ################## # Decoding part ################## x = layers.linear(x, "D_FC2", self.nb_filters * 8 * 8) batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] if FLAGS.data_format == "NHWC": target_shape = (batch_size, 8, 8, self.nb_filters) elif FLAGS.data_format == "NCHW": target_shape = (batch_size, self.nb_filters, 8, 8) x = layers.reshape(x, target_shape) # x = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x, fused=True, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = tf.nn.elu(x) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "D_dec_conv2D1", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "D_up1", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "D_dec_conv2D2", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "D_up2", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "D_dec_conv2D3", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.upsampleNN(x, "D_up3", 2, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = layers.dec_conv2d_block(x, "D_dec_conv2D4", self.nb_filters, 3, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) # Last conv x = layers.conv2d(x, "D_dec_conv2D5", self.nb_filters, FLAGS.channels, 3, 1, "SAME", data_format=FLAGS.data_format) x = tf.nn.tanh(x, name=output_name) return x