def _get_model(self): x = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None, None, 3)) a = InputNormalize()(x) #a = ReflectionPadding2D(padding=(40,40),input_shape=(img_width,img_height,3))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(8, 9, 9, stride=(1, 1))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(16, 3, 3, stride=(2, 2))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(32, 3, 3, stride=(2, 2))(a) for i in range(2): a = res_conv(32, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(16, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(8, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(3, 9, 9, stride=(1, 1), activation="tanh")(a) # Scale output to range [0, 255] via custom Denormalize layer y = Denormalize(name='transform_output')(a) return tf.keras.Model(x, y, name="transformnet")
def create_sr_model(self, ip): x = Convolution2D(self.filters, 5, 5, activation='linear', border_mode='same', name='sr_res_conv1')(ip) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, mode=self.mode, name='sr_res_bn_1')(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.25, name='sr_res_lr1')(x) x = Convolution2D(self.filters, 5, 5, activation='linear', border_mode='same', name='sr_res_conv2')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, mode=self.mode, name='sr_res_bn_2')(x) x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.25, name='sr_res_lr2')(x) nb_residual = 5 if self.small_model else 15 for i in range(nb_residual): x = self._residual_block(x, i + 1) for scale in range(self.nb_scales): x = self._upscale_block(x, scale + 1) scale = 2**self.nb_scales tv_regularizer = TVRegularizer(img_width=self.img_width * scale, img_height=self.img_height * scale, weight=self.tv_weight) x = Convolution2D(3, 5, 5, activation='tanh', border_mode='same', activity_regularizer=tv_regularizer, name='sr_res_conv_final')(x) x = Denormalize()(x) return x
def image_transform_net(img_width,img_height,tv_weight=1): x = Input(shape=(img_width,img_height,3)) a = InputNormalize()(x) a = ReflectionPadding2D(padding=(40,40),input_shape=(img_width,img_height,3))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(32, 9, 9, stride=(1,1))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(64, 9, 9, stride=(2,2))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(128, 3, 3, stride=(2,2))(a) for i in range(5): a = res_conv(128,3,3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(64,3,3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(32,3,3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(3,9,9,stride=(1,1),activation="tanh")(a) # Scale output to range [0, 255] via custom Denormalize layer y = Denormalize(name='transform_output')(a) model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) if tv_weight > 0: add_total_variation_loss(model.layers[-1],tv_weight) return model
def image_transform_net(img_width, img_height, tv_weight=1): """ Image tranform network model. """ # Input layer as an RGB image x = Input(shape=(img_width, img_height, 3)) # Normalize input image a = InputNormalize()(x) # Pad image a = ReflectionPadding2D(padding=(40, 40), input_shape=(img_width, img_height, 3))(a) # Extract feature maps a = conv_bn_relu(32, 9, 9, stride=(1, 1))(a) a = conv_bn_relu(64, 3, 3, stride=(2, 2))(a) # The previous kernel size was 9x9 a = conv_bn_relu(128, 3, 3, stride=(2, 2))(a) for _ in range(5): a = res_conv(128, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(64, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(32, 3, 3)(a) a = dconv_bn_nolinear(3, 9, 9, stride=(1, 1), activation="tanh")(a) # Scale output to range [0, 255] via custom Denormalize layer y = Denormalize(name='transform_output')(a) # Create model model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) # Total variation regularizer if tv_weight > 0: add_total_variation_loss(model.layers[-1], tv_weight) return model
def create_model(self, style_name=None, train_mode=False, style_image_path=None, validation_path=None): ''' Creates the FastNet model which can be used in train mode, predict mode and validation mode. If train_mode = True, this model appends the VGG model to the end of the FastNet model. In train mode, it requires style image path to be supplied. If train_mode = False and validation_path = None, this model is in predict mode. In predict mode, it requires a style_name to be supplied, whose weights it will try to load. If validation_path is not None, this model is in validation mode. In validation mode, it simply loads the weights provided by the validation_path and does not append VGG Args: style_name: Used in predict mode, used to load correct weights of the style train_mode: Used to activate train mode. Default is predict mode. style_image_path: Path to the style image. Necessary if in train mode. validation_path: Path to the validation weights that need to be loaded. Returns: FastNet Model (Prediction mode / Validation mode) or FastNet + VGG Model (Train mode) ''' if train_mode and style_image_path is None: raise Exception( 'Style reference path must be supplied if training mode is enabled' ) self.mode = 2 if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th": ip = Input(shape=(3, self.img_width, self.img_height), name="X_input") else: ip = Input(shape=(self.img_width, self.img_height, 3), name="X_input") c1 = ReflectionPadding2D((4, 4))(ip) c1 = Convolution2D(32, 9, 9, activation='linear', border_mode='valid', name='conv1')(c1) c1_b = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm1")(c1) c1_b = Activation('relu')(c1_b) c2 = Convolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation='linear', border_mode='same', subsample=(2, 2), name='conv2')(c1_b) c2_b = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm2")(c2) c2_b = Activation('relu')(c2_b) c3 = Convolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation='linear', border_mode='same', subsample=(2, 2), name='conv3')(c2_b) x = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm3")(c3) x = Activation('relu')(x) if self.deep_model: c4 = Convolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation='linear', border_mode='same', subsample=(2, 2), name='conv4')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm_4")(c4) x = Activation('relu')(x) r1 = self._residual_block(x, 1) r2 = self._residual_block(r1, 2) r3 = self._residual_block(r2, 3) r4 = self._residual_block(r3, 4) x = self._residual_block(r4, 5) if self.deep_model: d4 = Deconvolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation="linear", border_mode="same", subsample=(2, 2), output_shape=(1, self.features, self.img_width // 4, self.img_height // 4), name="deconv4")(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm_extra4")(d4) x = Activation('relu')(x) d3 = Deconvolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation="linear", border_mode="same", subsample=(2, 2), output_shape=(1, self.features, self.img_width // 2, self.img_height // 2), name="deconv3")(x) d3 = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm4")(d3) d3 = Activation('relu')(d3) d2 = Deconvolution2D(self.features, self.k, self.k, activation="linear", border_mode="same", subsample=(2, 2), output_shape=(1, self.features, self.img_width, self.img_height), name="deconv2")(d3) d2 = BatchNormalization(axis=1, mode=self.mode, name="batchnorm5")(d2) d2 = Activation('relu')(d2) d1 = ReflectionPadding2D((4, 4))(d2) d1 = Convolution2D(3, 9, 9, activation='tanh', border_mode='valid', name='fastnet_conv')(d1) # Scale output to range [0, 255] via custom Denormalize layer d1 = Denormalize(name='fastnet_output')(d1) model = Model(ip, d1) if self.model_save_path is not None and self.model is None:, overwrite=True) self.fastnet_outputs_dict = dict([(, layer.output) for layer in model.layers]) fastnet_output_layer = model.layers[-1] if style_name is not None or validation_path is not None: try: if validation_path is not None: path = validation_path else: path = "weights/fastnet_%s.h5" % style_name model.load_weights(path) print('Fast Style Net weights loaded.') except: print( 'Weights for this style do not exist. Model weights not loaded.' ) # Add VGG layers to Fast Style Model if train_mode: model = VGG(self.img_height, self.img_width).append_vgg_model( model.input, x_in=model.output, pool_type=self.pool_type) if self.model is None: self.model = model self.vgg_output_dict = dict([(, layer.output) for layer in model.layers[-18:]]) vgg_layers = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers[-18:]]) style = img_utils.preprocess_image(style_image_path, self.img_width, self.img_height) print('Getting style features from VGG network.') self.style_layers = ['conv1_2', 'conv2_2', 'conv3_3', 'conv4_3'] self.style_layer_outputs = [] for layer in self.style_layers: self.style_layer_outputs.append(self.vgg_output_dict[layer]) style_features = self.get_vgg_style_features(style) self.style_features = style_features # Style Reconstruction Loss if self.style_weight != 0.0: for i, layer_name in enumerate(self.style_layers): layer = vgg_layers[layer_name] style_loss = StyleReconstructionRegularizer( style_feature_target=style_features[i][0], weight=self.style_weight)(layer) layer.add_loss(style_loss) # Feature Reconstruction Loss self.content_layer = 'conv4_2' self.content_layer_output = self.vgg_output_dict[ self.content_layer] if self.content_weight != 0.0: layer = vgg_layers[self.content_layer] content_regularizer = FeatureReconstructionRegularizer( weight=self.content_weight)(layer) layer.add_loss(content_regularizer) # Total Variation Regularization if self.tv_weight != 0.0: layer = fastnet_output_layer # Fastnet Output layer tv_regularizer = TVRegularizer(img_width=self.img_width, img_height=self.img_height, weight=self.tv_weight)(layer) layer.add_loss(tv_regularizer) if self.model is None: self.model = model return model