def require_supported(binaries, _output): for command, mtype, package in binaries: kind, path = resolve_command(command, _output) if not path: if _output: _output(kind + ' ' + command + ' seems to be missing!' ' Overlay type "' + mtype + '" not support' 'ed. Did you emerge ' + package + '?') return False return True
def check_upgrade(self, target): '''Code to run "svn upgrade" it only takes longer than checking if it does need an upgrade if it is actually needed. ''' file_to_run = resolve_command(self.command(), self.output.error)[1] args = " ".join([file_to_run, " upgrade", target]) pipe = Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout = self.output.debug("SVN: check_upgrade()... running svn upgrade", 4) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: stdout = stdout.decode('UTF-8') upgrade_output = stdout.strip('\n') if upgrade_output: self.output.debug(" output: %r" % upgrade_output, 4) self.output.debug("SVN: check_upgrade()... svn upgrade done", 4) pipe.terminate() pipe.stdout.close() pipe.stderr.close() return