Example #1
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

            '[%s] Now processing books with Google Books API' %
        # google doesnt like accents in author names
        aname = unidecode(u'%s' % authorname)

        set_url = self.url + urllib.quote('inauthor:' + '"' + aname + '"')
        URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        books_dict = []
        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            startindex = 0
            resultcount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            number_results = 1

            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

            while startindex < number_results:

                self.params['startIndex'] = startindex
                URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

                    jsonresults, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
                    if jsonresults is None:
                        number_results = 0
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                        number_results = jsonresults['totalItems']
                except HTTPError as err:
                        'Google Books API Error [%s]: Check your API key or wait a while' %

                if number_results == 0:
                    logger.warn('Found no results for %s' % (authorname))
                        'Found %s results for %s' %
                        (number_results, authorname))

                startindex = startindex + 40

                for item in jsonresults['items']:

                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    # skip if no author, no author is no book.
                        Author = item['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        logger.debug('Skipped a result without authorfield.')

                        if item['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                            bookisbn = item['volumeInfo'][
                            bookisbn = ""
                    except KeyError:
                        bookisbn = ""

                    isbnhead = ""
                    if len(bookisbn) == 10:
                        isbnhead = bookisbn[0:3]

                        booklang = item['volumeInfo']['language']
                    except KeyError:
                        booklang = "Unknown"

                    # do we care about language?
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:
                        if bookisbn != "":
                            # seems google lies to us, sometimes tells us books
                            # are in english when they are not
                            if booklang == "Unknown" or booklang == "en":
                                googlelang = booklang
                                match = myDB.action('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if (match):
                                    booklang = match['lang']
                                    cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                        "Found cached language [%s] for [%s]" %
                                        (booklang, isbnhead))

                                    # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                    # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                    # librarything returns plain text, not xml
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + \
                                        time.sleep(1)  # sleep 1 second to respect librarything api terms
                                        resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                        lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                            "LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                        if (resp != 'invalid' and resp != 'unknown'):
                                            booklang = resp  # found a language code
                                            myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                            logger.debug(u"LT language: " + booklang)
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        booklang = ""
                                        logger.error("Error finding language: %s" % e)

                                if googlelang == "en" and booklang not in "en-US, en-GB, eng":
                                    # these are all english, may need to expand
                                    # this list
                                    booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                    logger.debug("%s Google thinks [%s], we think [%s]" %
                                                 (booknamealt, googlelang, booklang))
                                    gb_lang_change = gb_lang_change + 1
                                match = myDB.action('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if (not match):
                                        'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                    logger.debug(u"GB language: " + booklang)

                        # skip if language is in ignore list
                        if booklang not in valid_langs:
                            booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                'Skipped [%s] with language %s' %
                                (booknamealt, booklang))
                            ignored = ignored + 1

                        bookpub = item['volumeInfo']['publisher']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpub = None
                        booksub = item['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                            series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
                        except IndexError:
                            series = None
                            seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                            if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                                seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
                        except IndexError:
                            seriesNum = None
                    except KeyError:
                        booksub = None

                        bookdate = item['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdate = '0000-00-00'

                        bookimg = item['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

                        bookrate = item['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookrate = 0

                        bookpages = item['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpages = 0

                        bookgenre = item['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        bookgenre = None

                        bookdesc = item['volumeInfo']['description']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdesc = None
                    bookname = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                    bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
                    bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

                    booklink = item['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
                    bookrate = float(bookrate)

                    find_book_status = myDB.select(
                        'SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' %
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS

                    if not (re.match('[^\w-]', bookname)):  # remove books with bad characters in title
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {
                                "AuthorName": authorname,
                                "AuthorID": authorid,
                                "AuthorLink": "",
                                "BookName": bookname,
                                "BookSub": booksub,
                                "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                "BookPub": bookpub,
                                "BookGenre": bookgenre,
                                "BookImg": bookimg,
                                "BookLink": booklink,
                                "BookRate": bookrate,
                                "BookPages": bookpages,
                                "BookDate": bookdate,
                                "BookLang": booklang,
                                "Status": book_status,
                                "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
                                "Series": series,
                                "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                            resultcount = resultcount + 1

                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            logger.debug(u"Book found: " + bookname + " " + bookdate)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = bookwork.getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))    
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link is not None:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if seriesNum == None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))    
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            worklink = bookwork.getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug("[%s] Added book: %s [%s]" % (authorname, bookname, booklang))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                                logger.debug("[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1
                            "[%s] removed book for bad characters" %
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1

        except KeyError:

        logger.debug('[%s] The Google Books API was hit %s times to populate book list' %
                     (authorname, str(api_hits)))

        lastbook = myDB.action('SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                               AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC' % authorid).fetchone()

        if lastbook:  # maybe there are no books [remaining] for this author
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate

        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        logger.debug("Found %s total books for author" % total_count)
        logger.debug("Removed %s bad language results for author" % ignored)
            "Removed %s bad character results for author" %
            "Ignored %s books by author marked as Ignored" %
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s books for author" % resultcount)

        myDB.action('insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)' %
                    (authorname, api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change, cache_hits,
                     ignored, removedResults, not_cached))
        if refresh:
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s books / Updated %s books" %
                        (authorname, str(added_count), str(updated_count)))
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s books to the database" %
                        (authorname, str(added_count)))

        return books_dict
Example #2
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        threading.currentThread().name = "GB-ADD-BOOK"
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        if not lazylibrarian.GB_API:
            logger.warn('No GoogleBooks API key, check config')
        URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/' + \
            str(bookid) + "?key=" + lazylibrarian.GB_API
        jsonresults, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)

        if jsonresults is None:
            logger.debug('No results found for %s' % bookname)

        bookname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['title']
        bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
        bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

            authorname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        except KeyError:
                'Book %s does not contain author field, skipping' %
            # warn if language is in ignore list, but user said they wanted
            # this book
            booklang = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['language']
            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])
            if booklang not in valid_langs:
                    'Book %s language does not match preference' %
        except KeyError:
            logger.debug('Book does not have language field')
            booklang = "Unknown"

            bookpub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publisher']
        except KeyError:
            bookpub = None

            booksub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
            except IndexError:
                series = None
                seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                    seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
            except IndexError:
                seriesNum = None
        except KeyError:
            booksub = None

            bookdate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
        except KeyError:
            bookdate = '0000-00-00'

            bookimg = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
        except KeyError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

            bookrate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
        except KeyError:
            bookrate = 0

            bookpages = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
        except KeyError:
            bookpages = 0

            bookgenre = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
        except KeyError:
            bookgenre = None

            bookdesc = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['description']
        except KeyError:
            bookdesc = None

            if jsonresults['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                bookisbn = jsonresults['volumeInfo'][
                bookisbn = None
        except KeyError:
            bookisbn = None

        booklink = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
        bookrate = float(bookrate)

        name = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": "",
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": booksub,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": bookgenre,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": booklang,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = bookwork.getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))    
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
                link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                if link is not None:
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum == None:
            # try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))    
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "Series": series,
                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = bookwork.getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Example #3
def LibraryScan(dir=None):
    if not dir:
        if not lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR:
            dir = lazylibrarian.DOWNLOAD_DIR

    if not os.path.isdir(dir):
            'Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' %
            dir.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    myDB.action('drop table if exists stats')
        'create table stats (authorname text, GR_book_hits int, GR_lang_hits int, LT_lang_hits int, \
                            GB_lang_change, cache_hits int, bad_lang int, bad_char int, uncached int )')

        'Scanning ebook directory: %s' %
        dir.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))

    new_book_count = 0
    file_count = 0

    if lazylibrarian.FULL_SCAN:
        books = myDB.select(
            'select AuthorName, BookName, BookFile, BookID from books where Status="Open"')
        status = lazylibrarian.NOTFOUND_STATUS
        logger.info('Missing books will be marked as %s' % status)
        for book in books:
            bookName = book['BookName']
            bookAuthor = book['AuthorName']
            bookID = book['BookID']
            bookfile = book['BookFile']

            if not(bookfile and os.path.isfile(bookfile)):
                myDB.action('update books set Status="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (status, bookID))
                myDB.action('update books set BookFile="" where BookID="%s"' % bookID)
                logger.warn('Book %s - %s updated as not found on disk' % (bookAuthor, bookName))
    # to save repeat-scans of the same directory if it contains multiple formats of the same book, 
    # keep track of which directories we've already looked at 
    processed_subdirectories = []

    matchString = ''
    for char in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE:
        matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
    # massage the EBOOK_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
    # with regular expression matching
    booktypes = ''
    count = -1
    booktype_list = formatter.getList(lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE)
    for book_type in booktype_list:
        count += 1
        if count == 0:
            booktypes = book_type
            booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
    matchString = matchString.replace("\\$\\A\\u\\t\\h\\o\\r", "(?P<author>.*?)").replace(
        "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "(?P<book>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
    pattern = re.compile(matchString, re.VERBOSE)

    for r, d, f in os.walk(dir):
        for directory in d[:]:
            if directory.startswith("."):
            # prevent magazine being scanned
            if directory.startswith("_"):

        for files in f:
            file_count += 1

            if isinstance(r, str):
                r = r.decode('utf-8')

            subdirectory = r.replace(dir, '')
            # Added new code to skip if we've done this directory before.
            # Made this conditional with a switch in config.ini
            # in case user keeps multiple different books in the same subdirectory
            if (lazylibrarian.IMP_SINGLEBOOK) and (subdirectory in processed_subdirectories):
                logger.debug("[%s] already scanned" % subdirectory)
                # If this is a book, try to get author/title/isbn/language
                # if epub or mobi, read metadata from the book
                # If metadata.opf exists, use that allowing it to override
                # embedded metadata. User may have edited metadata.opf
                # to merge author aliases together
                # If all else fails, try pattern match for author/title
                # and look up isbn/lang from LT or GR later
                match = 0
                if formatter.is_valid_booktype(files):

                    logger.debug("[%s] Now scanning subdirectory %s" %
                                 (dir, subdirectory))

                    language = "Unknown"
                    isbn = ""
                    book = ""
                    author = ""
                    words = files.split('.')
                    extn = words[len(words) - 1]

                    # if it's an epub or a mobi we can try to read metadata from it
                    if (extn == "epub") or (extn == "mobi"):
                        book_filename = os.path.join(
                            r.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING), files.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING))

                            res = get_book_info(book_filename)
                            res = {}
                        if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                            match = 1
                            book = res['title']
                            author = res['creator']
                            if 'language' in res:
                                language = res['language']
                            if 'identifier' in res:
                                isbn = res['identifier']
                            if 'type' in res:
                                extn = res['type']

                            logger.debug("book meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                         (isbn, language, author, book, extn))

                            logger.debug("Book meta incomplete in %s" % book_filename)

                    # calibre uses "metadata.opf", LL uses "bookname - authorname.opf"
                    # just look for any .opf file in the current directory since we don't know
                    # LL preferred authorname/bookname at this point.
                    # Allow metadata in file to override book contents as may be users pref

                    metafile = opf_file(r)
                        res = get_book_info(metafile)
                        res = {}
                    if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                        match = 1
                        book = res['title']
                        author = res['creator']
                        if 'language' in res:
                            language = res['language']
                        if 'identifier' in res:
                            isbn = res['identifier']
                            "file meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                            (isbn, language, author, book))
                        logger.debug("File meta incomplete in %s" % metafile)

                    if not match:  # no author/book from metadata file, and not embedded either
                        match = pattern.match(files)
                        if match:
                            author = match.group("author")
                            book = match.group("book")
                            logger.debug("Pattern match failed [%s]" % files)

                    if match:
                        # flag that we found a book in this subdirectory

                        # If we have a valid looking isbn, and language != "Unknown", add it to cache
                        if language != "Unknown" and formatter.is_valid_isbn(isbn):
                                "Found Language [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                (language, isbn))
                            # we need to add it to language cache if not already
                            # there, is_valid_isbn has checked length is 10 or 13
                            if len(isbn) == 10:
                                isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                            match = myDB.action(
                                'SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                            if not match:
                                    'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                    (isbnhead, language))
                                    "Cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                    (language, isbnhead))
                                    "Already cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                    (language, isbnhead))

                        # get authors name in a consistent format
                        if "," in author:  # "surname, forename"
                            words = author.split(',')
                            author = words[1].strip() + ' ' + words[0].strip()  # "forename surname"
                        if author[1] == ' ':
                            author = author.replace(' ', '.')
                            author = author.replace('..', '.')

                        # Check if the author exists, and import the author if not,
                        # before starting any complicated book-name matching to save repeating the search
                        check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                            'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %
                        if not check_exist_author and lazylibrarian.ADD_AUTHOR:
                            # no match for supplied author, but we're allowed to
                            # add new ones

                            GR = GoodReads(author)
                                author_gr = GR.find_author_id()
                                    "Error finding author id for [%s]" %

                            # only try to add if GR data matches found author data
                            if author_gr:
                                authorname = author_gr['authorname']

                                # "J.R.R. Tolkien" is the same person as "J. R. R. Tolkien" and "J R R Tolkien"
                                match_auth = author.replace('.', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = authorname.replace('.', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = common.remove_accents(match_name)
                                match_auth = common.remove_accents(match_auth)
                                # allow a degree of fuzziness to cater for different accented character handling.
                                # some author names have accents,
                                # filename may have the accented or un-accented version of the character
                                # The currently non-configurable value of fuzziness might need to go in config
                                # We stored GoodReads unmodified author name in
                                # author_gr, so store in LL db under that
                                # fuzz.ratio doesn't lowercase for us
                                match_fuzz = fuzz.ratio(match_auth.lower(), match_name.lower())
                                if match_fuzz < 90:
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] fuzz [%d]" %
                                        (author, match_fuzz))
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] to authorname [%s]" %
                                        (match_auth, match_name))

                                # To save loading hundreds of books by unknown
                                # authors at GR or GB, ignore if author "Unknown"
                                if (author != "Unknown") and (match_fuzz >= 90):
                                    # use "intact" name for author that we stored in
                                    # GR author_dict, not one of the various mangled versions
                                    # otherwise the books appear to be by a different author!
                                    author = author_gr['authorname']
                                    # this new authorname may already be in the
                                    # database, so check again
                                    check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                                        'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %
                                    if not check_exist_author:
                                            "Adding new author [%s]" %
                                            check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                                                'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %

                        # check author exists in db, either newly loaded or already there
                        if not check_exist_author:
                                "Failed to match author [%s] in database" %
                            # author exists, check if this book by this author is in our database
                            # metadata might have quotes in book name
                            book = book.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
                            bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, author, book)

                            if bookid:
                                # check if book is already marked as "Open" (if so,
                                # we already had it)

                                check_status = myDB.action(
                                    'SELECT Status from books where BookID="%s"' %
                                if check_status['Status'] != 'Open':
                                    # update status as we've got this book

                                        'UPDATE books set Status="Open" where BookID="%s"' %

                                    book_filename = os.path.join(r, files)

                                    # update book location so we can check if it
                                    # gets removed, or allow click-to-open

                                        'UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                        (book_filename, bookid))

                                    new_book_count += 1

    cachesize = myDB.action("select count('ISBN') as counter from languages").fetchone()
        "%s new/modified books found and added to the database" %
    logger.info("%s files processed" % file_count)
    stats = myDB.action(
        "SELECT sum(GR_book_hits), sum(GR_lang_hits), sum(LT_lang_hits), sum(GB_lang_change), \
            sum(cache_hits), sum(bad_lang), sum(bad_char), sum(uncached) FROM stats").fetchone()
    if stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'] is not None:
        # only show stats if new books added
        if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
                "GoogleBooks was hit %s times for books" %
                "GoogleBooks language was changed %s times" %
        if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
                "GoodReads was hit %s times for books" %
                "GoodReads was hit %s times for languages" %
            "LibraryThing was hit %s times for languages" %
            "Language cache was hit %s times" %
            "Unwanted language removed %s books" %
            "Unwanted characters removed %s books" %
            "Unable to cache %s books with missing ISBN" %
    logger.debug("Cache %s hits, %s miss" % (lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT, lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS))
    logger.debug("ISBN Language cache holds %s entries" % cachesize['counter'])
    stats = len(myDB.select('select BookID from Books where status="Open" and BookLang="Unknown"'))
    if stats:
        logger.warn("There are %s books in your library with unknown language" % stats)

    authors = myDB.select('select AuthorName from authors')
    # Update bookcounts for all authors, not just new ones - refresh may have located
    # new books for existing authors especially if switched provider gb/gr
    logger.debug('Updating bookcounts for %i authors' % len(authors))
    for author in authors:
        name = author['AuthorName']
        havebooks = myDB.action(
            'SELECT count("BookID") as counter from books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND (Status="Have" OR Status="Open")' %
        myDB.action('UPDATE authors set HaveBooks="%s" where AuthorName="%s"' % (havebooks['counter'], name))
        totalbooks = myDB.action(
            'SELECT count("BookID") as counter FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % name).fetchone()        
        myDB.action('UPDATE authors set TotalBooks="%s" where AuthorName="%s"' % (totalbooks['counter'], name))
        unignoredbooks = myDB.action(
            'SELECT count("BookID") as counter FROM books WHERE AuthorName="%s" AND Status!="Ignored"' %
        myDB.action('UPDATE authors set UnignoredBooks="%s" where AuthorName="%s"' % (unignoredbooks['counter'], name))

    covers = myDB.action("select  count('bookimg') as counter from books where bookimg like 'http%'").fetchone()
    logger.info("Caching covers for %s books" % covers['counter'])

    images = myDB.action('select bookid, bookimg, bookname from books where bookimg like "http%"')
    for item in images:
        bookid = item['bookid']
        bookimg = item['bookimg']
        bookname = item['bookname']
        newimg = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
        if newimg != bookimg:
            myDB.action('update books set BookImg="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (newimg, bookid))
    logger.info('Library scan complete')
Example #4
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        threading.currentThread().name = "GR-ADD-BOOK"
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        URL = 'https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/' + bookid + '?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

            rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
            if rootxml is None:
                logger.debug("Error requesting book")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error finding book: %s" % e)

        bookLanguage = rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
        bookname = rootxml.find('./book/title').text

        if not bookLanguage:
            bookLanguage = "Unknown"
# PAB user has said they want this book, don't block for bad language, just warn
        valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip() for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])
        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
            logger.debug('Book %s language does not match preference' % bookname)

        if (rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text is None):
            bookdate = "0000"
            bookdate = rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text

            bookimg = rootxml.find('./book/img_url').text
            if (bookimg == 'http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nocover/111x148.png'):
                bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except KeyError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except AttributeError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

        authorname = rootxml.find('./book/authors/author/name').text
        bookdesc = rootxml.find('./book/description').text
        bookisbn = rootxml.find('./book/isbn').text
        bookpub = rootxml.find('./book/publisher').text
        booklink = rootxml.find('./book/link').text
        bookrate = float(rootxml.find('./book/average_rating').text)
        bookpages = rootxml.find('.book/num_pages').text

        name = authorname
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        result = re.search(r"\(([\S\s]+),? #(\d+\.?-?\d{0,})", bookname)
        if result:
            series = result.group(1)
            if series[-1] == ',':
                series = series[:-1]
            seriesNum = result.group(2)
            series = None
            seriesNum = None

        bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
        bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": None,
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": None,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": None,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": bookLanguage,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = bookwork.getWorkCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))    
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
            link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if link != bookimg:
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum == None: 
            #  try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))    
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "Series": series,
                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Example #5
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0
        URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        books_dict = []
            rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error fetching author books: %s" % e)
            return books_dict
        if rootxml is None:
            logger.debug("Error requesting author books")
            return books_dict
        if not in_cache:
            api_hits = api_hits + 1
        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')

        valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip() for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

        if not len(resultxml):
            logger.warn('[%s] No books found for author with ID: %s' % (authorname, authorid))
            logger.debug("[%s] Now processing books with GoodReads API" % authorname)

            resultsCount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            logger.debug(u"url " + URL)

            authorNameResult = rootxml.find('./author/name').text
            logger.debug(u"author name " + authorNameResult)
            loopCount = 1

            while resultxml is not None:
                for book in resultxml:
                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    if (book.find('publication_year').text is None):
                        pubyear = "0000"
                        pubyear = book.find('publication_year').text

                        bookimg = book.find('image_url').text
                        if ('nocover' in bookimg):
                            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
                    except KeyError,AttributeError:
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

    # PAB this next section tries to get the book language using the isbn13 to look it up. If no isbn13 we skip the
    # book entirely, rather than including it with an "Unknown" language. Changed this so we can still include the book
    # with language set to "Unknown". There is a setting in config.ini to allow or skip books with "Unknown" language
    # if you really don't want to include them.
    # Not all GR books have isbn13 filled in, but all have a GR bookid, which we've already got, so use that.
    # Also, with GR API rules we can only call the API once per second, which slows us down a lot when all we want
    # is to get the language. We sleep for one second per book that GR knows about for each author you have in your
    # library. The libraryThing API has the same 1 second restriction, and is limited to 1000 hits per day, but has
    # fewer books with unknown language. To get around this and speed up the process, see if we already have a book
    # in the database with a similar start to the ISBN. The way ISBNs work, digits 3-5 of a 13 char ISBN or digits 0-2
    # of a 10 digit ISBN indicate the region/language so if two books have the same 3 digit isbn code, they _should_
    # be the same language.
    # I ran a simple python script on my library of 1500 books, and these codes were 100% correct on matching book
    # languages, no mis-matches. It did result in a small number of books with "unknown" language being wrongly matched
    # but most "unknown" were matched to the correct language.
    # We could look up ISBNs we already know about in the database, but this only holds books in the languages we want
    # to keep, which reduces the number of cache hits, so we create a new database table, holding ALL results including
    # the ISBNs for languages we don't want and books we reject.
    # The new table is created (if not exists) in init.py so by the time we get here there is an existing table.
    # If we haven't an already matching partial ISBN, look up language code from libraryThing
    # "http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=1234567890"
    # If you find a matching language, add it to the database.  If "unknown" or "invalid", try GR as maybe GR can
    # provide a match.
    # If both LT and GR return unknown, add isbn to db as "unknown". No point in repeatedly asking LT for a code
    # it's told you it doesn't know.
    # As an extra option, if language includes "All" in config.ini, we can skip this whole section and process
    # everything much faster by not querying for language at all.
    # It does mean we include a lot of unwanted foreign translations in the database, but it's _much_ faster.

                    bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                    find_field = "id"
                    isbn = ""
                    isbnhead = ""
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:  # do we care about language
                        if (book.find('isbn').text is not None):
                            find_field = "isbn"
                            isbn = book.find('isbn').text
                            isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                            if (book.find('isbn13').text is not None):
                                find_field = "isbn13"
                                isbn = book.find('isbn13').text
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                        if (find_field != 'id'):  # isbn or isbn13 found

                            match = myDB.action('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                            if (match):
                                bookLanguage = match['lang']
                                cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                logger.debug("Found cached language [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                             (bookLanguage, find_field, isbnhead))
                                # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                # returns plain text, not xml
                                BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + isbn
                                    time_now = int(time.time())
                                    if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_LIBRARYTHING:  # called within the last second?
                                        time.sleep(1)  # sleep 1 second to respect librarything api terms

                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                    lazylibrarian.LAST_LIBRARYTHING = time_now
                                    lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                    logger.debug("LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                    if (resp == 'invalid' or resp == 'unknown'):
                                        find_field = "id"  # reset the field to force search on goodreads
                                        bookLanguage = resp  # found a language code
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug(u"LT language: " + bookLanguage)
                                except Exception as e:
                                    find_field = "id"  # reset the field to search on goodreads
                                    logger.error("Error finding LT language result: %s" % e)

                        if (find_field == 'id'):
                            # [or bookLanguage == "Unknown"] no earlier match, we'll have to search the goodreads api
                                if (book.find(find_field).text is not None):
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/book/show?id=' + \
                                        book.find(find_field).text + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
                                    logger.debug(u"Book URL: " + BOOK_URL)

                                        time_now = int(time.time())
                                        if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:

                                        BOOK_rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(BOOK_URL)
                                        if BOOK_rootxml is None:
                                            logger.debug('Error requesting book language code')
                                            bookLanguage = ""
                                            if not in_cache:
                                                # only update last_goodreads if the result wasn't found in the cache
                                                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                                            bookLanguage = BOOK_rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        logger.error("Error finding book results: %s" % e)
                                    if not in_cache:
                                        gr_lang_hits = gr_lang_hits + 1
                                    if not bookLanguage:
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"

                                    if (isbnhead != ""):
                                        # GR didn't give an isbn so we can't cache it, just use language for this book
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug("GoodReads reports language [%s] for %s" %
                                                     (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                        not_cached = not_cached + 1

                                    logger.debug(u"GR language: " + bookLanguage)
                                    logger.debug("No %s provided for [%s]" % (find_field, book.find('title').text))
                                    # continue

                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug(u"An error has occured: %s" % e)

                        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
                            logger.debug('Skipped a book with language %s' % bookLanguage)
                            ignored = ignored + 1

                    bookname = book.find('title').text
                    bookid = book.find('id').text
                    bookdesc = book.find('description').text
                    bookisbn = book.find('isbn').text
                    bookpub = book.find('publisher').text
                    booklink = book.find('link').text
                    bookrate = float(book.find('average_rating').text)
                    bookpages = book.find('num_pages').text

                    # \(            Must have (
                    # ([\S\s]+)     followed by a group of one or more non whitespace
                    # ,? #         followed by optional comma, then space hash
                    # (             start next group
                    # \d+           must have one or more digits
                    # \.?           then optional decimal point, (. must be escaped)
                    # -?            optional dash for a range
                    # \d{0,}        zero or more digits
                    # )             end group

                    result = re.search(r"\(([\S\s]+),? #(\d+\.?-?\d{0,})", bookname)
                    if result:
                        series = result.group(1)
                        if series[-1] == ',':
                            series = series[:-1]
                        seriesNum = result.group(2)
                        series = None
                        seriesNum = None
                    find_book_status = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS

                    bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
                    bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    if not (re.match('[^\w-]', bookname)):  # remove books with bad characters in title
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {
                                "AuthorName": authorNameResult,
                                "AuthorID": authorid,
                                "AuthorLink": None,
                                "BookName": bookname,
                                "BookSub": None,
                                "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                "BookPub": bookpub,
                                "BookGenre": None,
                                "BookImg": bookimg,
                                "BookLink": booklink,
                                "BookRate": bookrate,
                                "BookPages": bookpages,
                                "BookDate": pubyear,
                                "BookLang": bookLanguage,
                                "Status": book_status,
                                "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
                                "Series": series,
                                "SeriesNum": seriesNum

                            resultsCount = resultsCount + 1

                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            logger.debug(u"Book found: " + book.find('title').text + " " + pubyear)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = bookwork.getWorkCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))    
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link != bookimg:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            if seriesNum == None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))    
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Added book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1
                        logger.debug(u"removed result [" + bookname + "] for bad characters")
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1

                loopCount = loopCount + 1
                URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + \
                      urllib.urlencode(self.params) + '&page=' + str(loopCount)
                resultxml = None
                    rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
                    if rootxml is None:
                        logger.debug('Error requesting next page of results')
                        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                except Exception as e:
                    resultxml = None
                    logger.error("Error finding next page of results: %s" % e)

                if resultxml is not None:
                    if all(False for book in resultxml):  # returns True if iterator is empty
                        resultxml = None
Example #6
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        threading.currentThread().name = "GR-ADD-BOOK"
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        URL = 'https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/' + bookid + '?' + urllib.urlencode(

            rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
            if rootxml is None:
                logger.debug("Error requesting book")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error finding book: %s" % e)

        bookLanguage = rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
        bookname = rootxml.find('./book/title').text

        if not bookLanguage:
            bookLanguage = "Unknown"
# PAB user has said they want this book, don't block for bad language, just warn
        valid_langs = ([
            for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')
        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
            logger.debug('Book %s language does not match preference' %

        if (rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text is None):
            bookdate = "0000"
            bookdate = rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text

            bookimg = rootxml.find('./book/img_url').text
            if (bookimg ==
                bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except KeyError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except AttributeError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

        authorname = rootxml.find('./book/authors/author/name').text
        bookdesc = rootxml.find('./book/description').text
        bookisbn = rootxml.find('./book/isbn').text
        bookpub = rootxml.find('./book/publisher').text
        booklink = rootxml.find('./book/link').text
        bookrate = float(rootxml.find('./book/average_rating').text)
        bookpages = rootxml.find('.book/num_pages').text

        name = authorname
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        result = re.search(r"\(([\S\s]+),? #(\d+\.?-?\d{0,})", bookname)
        if result:
            series = result.group(1)
            if series[-1] == ',':
                series = series[:-1]
            seriesNum = result.group(2)
            series = None
            seriesNum = None

        bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
        bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": None,
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": None,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": None,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": bookLanguage,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = bookwork.getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' %
                             (bookname, workcover))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
            link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if link is not None:
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum == None:
            #  try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"Series": series, "SeriesNum": seriesNum}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = bookwork.getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Example #7
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0
        URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + urllib.urlencode(

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        books_dict = []
            rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error fetching author books: %s" % e)
            return books_dict
        if rootxml is None:
            logger.debug("Error requesting author books")
            return books_dict
        if not in_cache:
            api_hits = api_hits + 1
        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')

        valid_langs = ([
            for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')

        if not len(resultxml):
            logger.warn('[%s] No books found for author with ID: %s' %
                        (authorname, authorid))
            logger.debug("[%s] Now processing books with GoodReads API" %

            resultsCount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            logger.debug(u"url " + URL)

            authorNameResult = rootxml.find('./author/name').text
            logger.debug(u"author name " + authorNameResult)
            loopCount = 1

            while resultxml is not None:
                for book in resultxml:
                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    if (book.find('publication_year').text is None):
                        pubyear = "0000"
                        pubyear = book.find('publication_year').text

                        bookimg = book.find('image_url').text
                        if ('nocover' in bookimg):
                            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
                    except KeyError, AttributeError:
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

    # PAB this next section tries to get the book language using the isbn13 to look it up. If no isbn13 we skip the
    # book entirely, rather than including it with an "Unknown" language. Changed this so we can still include the book
    # with language set to "Unknown". There is a setting in config.ini to allow or skip books with "Unknown" language
    # if you really don't want to include them.
    # Not all GR books have isbn13 filled in, but all have a GR bookid, which we've already got, so use that.
    # Also, with GR API rules we can only call the API once per second, which slows us down a lot when all we want
    # is to get the language. We sleep for one second per book that GR knows about for each author you have in your
    # library. The libraryThing API has the same 1 second restriction, and is limited to 1000 hits per day, but has
    # fewer books with unknown language. To get around this and speed up the process, see if we already have a book
    # in the database with a similar start to the ISBN. The way ISBNs work, digits 3-5 of a 13 char ISBN or digits 0-2
    # of a 10 digit ISBN indicate the region/language so if two books have the same 3 digit isbn code, they _should_
    # be the same language.
    # I ran a simple python script on my library of 1500 books, and these codes were 100% correct on matching book
    # languages, no mis-matches. It did result in a small number of books with "unknown" language being wrongly matched
    # but most "unknown" were matched to the correct language.
    # We could look up ISBNs we already know about in the database, but this only holds books in the languages we want
    # to keep, which reduces the number of cache hits, so we create a new database table, holding ALL results including
    # the ISBNs for languages we don't want and books we reject.
    # The new table is created (if not exists) in init.py so by the time we get here there is an existing table.
    # If we haven't an already matching partial ISBN, look up language code from libraryThing
    # "http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=1234567890"
    # If you find a matching language, add it to the database.  If "unknown" or "invalid", try GR as maybe GR can
    # provide a match.
    # If both LT and GR return unknown, add isbn to db as "unknown". No point in repeatedly asking LT for a code
    # it's told you it doesn't know.
    # As an extra option, if language includes "All" in config.ini, we can skip this whole section and process
    # everything much faster by not querying for language at all.
    # It does mean we include a lot of unwanted foreign translations in the database, but it's _much_ faster.

                    bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                    find_field = "id"
                    isbn = ""
                    isbnhead = ""
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:  # do we care about language
                        if (book.find('isbn').text is not None):
                            find_field = "isbn"
                            isbn = book.find('isbn').text
                            isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                            if (book.find('isbn13').text is not None):
                                find_field = "isbn13"
                                isbn = book.find('isbn13').text
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                        if (find_field != 'id'):  # isbn or isbn13 found

                            match = myDB.action(
                                'SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"'
                                % (isbnhead)).fetchone()
                            if (match):
                                bookLanguage = match['lang']
                                cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                    "Found cached language [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                    (bookLanguage, find_field, isbnhead))
                                # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                # returns plain text, not xml
                                BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + isbn
                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL,
                                    lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                        "LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s"
                                        % (resp, isbnhead))

                                    if (resp == 'invalid'
                                            or resp == 'unknown'):
                                        find_field = "id"  # reset the field to force search on goodreads
                                        bookLanguage = resp  # found a language code
                                            'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")'
                                            % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug(u"LT language: " +
                                except Exception as e:
                                    find_field = "id"  # reset the field to search on goodreads
                                        "Error finding LT language result: %s"
                                        % e)

                        if (find_field == 'id'):
                            # [or bookLanguage == "Unknown"] no earlier match, we'll have to search the goodreads api
                                if (book.find(find_field).text is not None):
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/book/show?id=' + \
                                        book.find(find_field).text + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
                                    logger.debug(u"Book URL: " + BOOK_URL)

                                        time_now = int(time.time())
                                        if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:

                                        BOOK_rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(
                                        if BOOK_rootxml is None:
                                                'Error requesting book language code'
                                            bookLanguage = ""
                                            if not in_cache:
                                                # only update last_goodreads if the result wasn't found in the cache
                                                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                                            bookLanguage = BOOK_rootxml.find(
                                    except Exception as e:
                                            "Error finding book results: %s" %
                                    if not in_cache:
                                        gr_lang_hits = gr_lang_hits + 1
                                    if not bookLanguage:
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"

                                    if (isbnhead != ""):
                                        # GR didn't give an isbn so we can't cache it, just use language for this book
                                            'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")'
                                            % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                            "GoodReads reports language [%s] for %s"
                                            % (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                        not_cached = not_cached + 1

                                    logger.debug(u"GR language: " +
                                        "No %s provided for [%s]" %
                                        (find_field, book.find('title').text))
                                    # continue

                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug(u"An error has occured: %s" % e)

                        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
                            logger.debug('Skipped a book with language %s' %
                            ignored = ignored + 1

                    bookname = book.find('title').text
                    bookid = book.find('id').text
                    bookdesc = book.find('description').text
                    bookisbn = book.find('isbn').text
                    bookpub = book.find('publisher').text
                    booklink = book.find('link').text
                    bookrate = float(book.find('average_rating').text)
                    bookpages = book.find('num_pages').text

                    series, seriesNum = formatter.bookSeries(bookname)

                    find_book_status = myDB.select(
                        'SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS

                    bookname = bookname.replace(':', '').replace('"',
                                                                     "'", "")
                    bookname = unidecode(u'%s' % bookname)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

                    if not (re.match('[^\w-]', bookname)
                            ):  # remove books with bad characters in title
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {
                                "AuthorName": authorNameResult,
                                "AuthorID": authorid,
                                "AuthorLink": None,
                                "BookName": bookname,
                                "BookSub": None,
                                "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                "BookPub": bookpub,
                                "BookGenre": None,
                                "BookImg": bookimg,
                                "BookLink": booklink,
                                "BookRate": bookrate,
                                "BookPages": bookpages,
                                "BookDate": pubyear,
                                "BookLang": bookLanguage,
                                "Status": book_status,
                                "BookAdded": formatter.today(),
                                "Series": series,
                                "SeriesNum": seriesNum

                            resultsCount = resultsCount + 1

                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,
                            logger.debug(u"Book found: " +
                                         book.find('title').text + " " +

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = bookwork.getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                        u'Updated cover for %s to %s' %
                                        (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            elif bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = bookwork.cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link is not None:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            if seriesNum == None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = bookwork.getWorkSeries(
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' %
                                                 (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            worklink = bookwork.getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Added book: %s" %
                                             (authorname, bookname))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Updated book: %s" %
                                             (authorname, bookname))
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1
                        logger.debug(u"removed result [" + bookname +
                                     "] for bad characters")
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1

                loopCount = loopCount + 1
                URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + \
                      urllib.urlencode(self.params) + '&page=' + str(loopCount)
                resultxml = None
                    rootxml, in_cache = self.get_request(URL)
                    if rootxml is None:
                        logger.debug('Error requesting next page of results')
                        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                except Exception as e:
                    resultxml = None
                    logger.error("Error finding next page of results: %s" % e)

                if resultxml is not None:
                    if all(False for book in
                           resultxml):  # returns True if iterator is empty
                        resultxml = None