Example #1
def create_spectrograms(filename, out_filename, start_sample, num_samples):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lba = LBAFile(f)
        samples = lba.read(start_sample, num_samples)
        LOG.info("Read {0} samples".format(num_samples))
        os.makedirs("{0}_{1}".format(out_filename, start_sample),

        for pindex in range(samples.shape[2]):
            for findex in range(samples.shape[1]):
                f, t, sxx = signal.spectrogram(samples[:, findex, pindex],
                                               window=('tukey', 0.5))
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), dpi=80)
                plt.xlabel("Time [sec]")
                plt.ylabel("Frequency [MHz]")
                name = "{0}_p{1}_f{2}".format(out_filename, pindex, findex)
                plt.pcolormesh(t, f, sxx)
                LOG.info("Saving plot {0}".format(name))
                                                     start_sample, name))
Example #2
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    with open(args['lba_file'], 'r') as f:
        lba_file = LBAFile(f)
        samples = lba_file.read(args['offset'], args['samples'])
        factor = args['factor']
        downsamples = np.zeros((samples.shape[0] // factor, samples.shape[1], samples.shape[2]))
        for pindex, f in itertools.product(range(2), range(4)):
            readsamples = samples[:, f, pindex]
            downsamples[:, f, pindex] = signal.decimate(readsamples, args['factor'])
        np.savez_compressed(args['output_file'], downsamples)
def save_all(args):
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(args['outfile'])
    outname = "{0}_all.hdf5".format(basename)

    except Exception:

    with open(args['lba_file'], 'r') as f:
        lba = LBAFile(f)
        max_samples = lba.max_samples
        CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10
        samples_read = 0

        with h5py.File(outname, 'w') as outfile:
            while samples_read < max_samples:
                to_read = min(max_samples - samples_read, CHUNK_SIZE)
                samples = lba.read(samples_read, to_read)
                samples_read += to_read

                LOG.info("{0} / {1}. {2}%".format(
                    samples_read, max_samples,
                    (samples_read / max_samples) * 100))

                for polarisation in range(0, samples.shape[2]):
                    polarisation_group = outfile.require_group(
                    for channel in range(0, samples.shape[1]):
                        channel_group = polarisation_group.require_group(

                            dataset = channel_group['samples']
                            dataset.resize(dataset.shape[0] + samples.shape[0],
                            dataset[-samples.shape[0]:] = samples[:, channel,
                                data=samples[:, channel, polarisation],
                                maxshape=(None, ))
Example #4
def load_real_noise(filename,
    Load noise data from the specified file
    :param filename:
    :param num_samples:
    :param batch_size:
    :param use_cuda:
    data = np.zeros((num_batches, batch_size), dtype=np.float32)
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lba = LBAFile(f)
        # Get a bunch of random indexes into the file that will not overflow if we read batch_size samples from
        # that index onward
        indexes = (np.random.rand(num_batches) *
                   (lba.max_samples - batch_size)).astype(int)

        # For each batch, either use the provided frequency and polarisation values,
        # or pick randomly from the 4 frequencies and 2 polarisations.
        frequency_indexes = (np.random.rand(num_batches) * 3).astype(int) \
            if frequency is None else np.repeat(frequency, num_batches)

        polarisation_indexes = (np.random.rand(num_batches) * 2).astype(int) \
            if polarisation is None else np.repeat(polarisation, num_batches)

        # Get data for each batch
        for batch in range(num_batches):
            if batch % 100 == 0 or batch == num_batches - 1:
                LOG.info("Loading real data batch {0} / {1}".format(
                    batch + 1, num_batches))
            lba_data = lba.read(indexes[batch], batch_size)
            data[batch] = lba_data[:, frequency_indexes[batch],

    data = normalise(data)

    return data
Example #5
    def __call__(self):
        Run the preprocessor
        with open(self.file, 'r') as infile:
            lba = LBAFile(infile)

            max_samples = lba.max_samples
            # Ignore any samples at the end that won't fill a full fft window.
            max_samples -= max_samples % self.fft_window

            if self.max_ffts > 0:
                max_samples = min(self.fft_window * self.max_ffts, max_samples)

            max_ffts = max_samples // self.fft_window
            if self.max_ffts == 0:
                self.max_ffts = max_ffts  # Get the max FFTs from the lba file as the user has not specified

            samples_read = 0
            with h5py.File(self.outfile, 'w') as outfile:
                outfile.attrs['fft_window'] = self.fft_window
                outfile.attrs['samples'] = max_samples
                outfile.attrs['fft_count'] = max_ffts
                outfile.attrs['input_size'] = self.input_size
                outfile.attrs['cutoff'] = self.cutoff
                while samples_read < max_samples:
                    remaining_ffts = (max_samples - samples_read) // self.fft_window
                    LOG.info("Processed {0} out of {1} fft windows".format(max_ffts - remaining_ffts, max_ffts))

                    ffts_to_read = min(remaining_ffts, 128)
                    samples_to_read = self.fft_window * ffts_to_read

                    samples = lba.read(samples_read, samples_to_read)
                    self.output_fft_batch(samples, ffts_to_read, outfile)

                    samples_read += samples_to_read

                LOG.info("Processed {0} out of {0} fft windows".format(max_ffts, max_ffts))
Example #6
def save_fft_data(filename, outfilename, sample_size, chunks_per_file):
    # Pick random position in file, where position + sample_size < max_samples
    # Read the data
    # Create a dataset for each frequency, then under each frequency, each polarisation

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lba = LBAFile(f)
        with h5py.File(outfilename, 'w') as outfile:
            real = {}
            fake1 = generate_fake_noise(chunks_per_file, sample_size)
            fake2 = generate_fake_noise(chunks_per_file, sample_size)
            for _ in range(chunks_per_file):
                sample_position = np.random.randint(
                    0, lba.max_samples - sample_size)
                samples = lba.read(sample_position, sample_size)
                for pindex in range(samples.shape[2]):
                    pdict = real.setdefault("p{0}".format(pindex), {})
                    for findex in range(samples.shape[1]):
                        flist = pdict.setdefault("f{0}".format(findex), [])
                        fft = np.fft.fft(samples[:, findex, pindex])
                        flist.append(np.concatenate((fft.real, fft.imag)))

            save_hdf5(outfile, {"fake1": fake1, "fake2": fake2, "real": real})
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    if args['all']:

    # Form name for outfile using base name, samples, channel, polarisation
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(args['outfile'])
    if args['fft']:
        outname = "{0}_c{1}_p{2}_s{3}_fft{4}{5}".format(
            basename, args['channel'], args['polarisation'], args['samples'],
            args['fft_size'], ext)
        outname = "{0}_c{1}_p{2}_s{3}{4}".format(basename, args['channel'],
                                                 args['samples'], ext)

    except Exception:

    with open(args['lba_file'], 'r') as f:
        lba = LBAFile(f)

        max_samples = args['samples']
        if args['fft']:
            # If using FFT, set the chunk size to the fft size.
            # Either read out the next largest multiple of this chunk size above the specified max_samples,
            # if there's enough samples in the lba file to do this. If not, read the next smallest.
            CHUNK_SIZE = args['fft_size']
            max_possible_samples = lba.max_samples - (
                lba.max_samples % CHUNK_SIZE
            )  # Next smallest multiple of CHUNK_SIZE
            max_samples = max_samples - (
                max_samples %
                CHUNK_SIZE) + CHUNK_SIZE  # Next largest multiple of CHUNK_SIZE
            max_samples = min(max_possible_samples, max_samples)
            CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10

        samples_read = 0
        channel = args['channel']
        polarisation = args['polarisation']

        with h5py.File(outname, 'w') as outfile:
            while samples_read < max_samples:
                to_read = min(max_samples - samples_read, CHUNK_SIZE)
                samples = lba.read(samples_read, to_read)[:, channel,
                samples_read += to_read

                LOG.info("{0} / {1}. {2}%".format(
                    samples_read, max_samples,
                    (samples_read / max_samples) * 100))

                if args['fft']:
                    # Read lba samples, fft them and write out
                    write_fft(outfile, 'data', samples, args['fft_angles_abs'])
                    # Write samples out raw
                    write_raw(outfile, 'data', samples)
    def preprocess(self, name, input_file, observation):

        lba = LBAFile(input_file, self.sample_rate)

        if self.max_samples > 0:
            # User specified max number of samples
            max_samples = min(self.max_samples, lba.max_samples)
            max_samples = lba.max_samples

        # Length of the observation for the number of samples we're reading
        obs_length = lba.obs_length(max_samples)
        start = lba.obs_start
        end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=obs_length)

        LOG.info("LBA obs time: start {0} end {1} duration {2} sec".format(start, end, obs_length))

        observation.observation_name = name
        observation.original_file_name = name
        observation.original_file_type = 'lba'
        observation.additional_metadata = json.dumps(lba.header)
        observation.antenna_name = self.antenna_name if self.antenna_name is not None else lba.header.get('ANTENNANAME', '')
        observation.sample_rate = self.sample_rate
        observation.length_seconds = obs_length
        observation.start_time = start.timestamp()
        observation.num_channels = lba.num_channels

        channel_map = None
        if self.obs_filename is not None:
                vex = pyvex.Vex(self.obs_filename)
                # self._fill_on_source_array1(vex, start, end, max_samples)
                self._fill_source_array(observation, vex, start, end, max_samples)

                # Get channel info from the VEX file.
                # Pick the appropriate mode from the vex file. We run with the assumption for now that there's only one
                # mode, and get everything from it. If there are multiple modes, then error out
                if len(vex.modes) == 0:
                    LOG.warning("No modes in vex file to get channel info from")
                elif len(vex.modes) > 1:
                    LOG.error("Cannot get channel information from vex file because multiple modes are present. This is currently unsupported")
                    # Get antenna info
                    antenna = next((a for a in vex.antennas if a.def_name == self.antenna_name), None)
                    if antenna is None:
                        LOG.error("Specified antenna def name {0} is not present in the vex file".format(self.antenna_name))
                        LOG.info("Found antenna def name {0}. Name {1}".format(self.antenna_name, antenna.name))
                        mode = vex.modes[0]
                        setup = mode.setups[antenna.name]
                        channel_map = [[channel, mode.subbands[channel.subband_id], setup.ifs["IF_{0}".format(channel.if_name)]] for channel in setup.channels]
                        # TODO: I'm unsure if this is correct or what order we should use here
                        #       - Ordering by subband_id will match the CH0(0-8) ordering present in the vex file.
                        #       - Ordering by record_chan seems to make some logic sense as it orders them from low to
                        #       high frequency across pol R then pol L. It also orders the BBC values ascending.
                        #       - Neither of these seem to match the observation_details.md table.

                        # TODO: For now, I'll assume sorting by record chan
                        channel_map.sort(key=lambda c: c[0].record_chan)

            except Exception as e:
                LOG.error("Failed to parse vex file {0}".format(e))

        samples_read = 0
        while samples_read < max_samples:
            remaining_samples = max_samples - samples_read
            samples_to_read = min(remaining_samples, self.chunk_size)
            samples = lba.read(samples_read, samples_to_read)

            for channel_index in range(samples.shape[1]):
                # Loop over each channel, then either output the channel directly
                # into the HDF5 file, or get the channel info to get the appropriate metadata
                # for the channel, then output that.

                channel_name = "channel_{0}".format(channel_index)

                out_channel = observation[channel_name]
                if out_channel is None:
                    out_channel = observation.create_channel(channel_name, shape=(max_samples,), dtype=np.int8)
                    if channel_map is not None:
                        vex_channel, vex_subband, vex_if = channel_map[channel_index]
                        # Add info from the vex file to the channel
                        out_channel.freq_start = vex_channel.bbc_freq
                        out_channel.freq_end = vex_channel.bbc_freq + vex_channel.bbc_bandwidth
                        out_channel.additional_metadata = json.dumps({
                            'channel_name': vex_channel.name,
                            'polarisation': vex_subband.pol.decode('utf-8'),
                            'bbc_name': vex_channel.bbc_name,
                            'record_chan': vex_channel.record_chan,
                            'subband_id': vex_channel.subband_id,
                            'vlba_band_name': vex_if.vlba_band_name,
                            'if_sslo': vex_if.if_sslo,
                            'lower_edge_freq': vex_if.lower_edge_freq
                        }, indent=4)
                data = samples[:, channel_index]
                out_channel.write_data(samples_read, data)

            samples_read += samples_to_read

            if (samples_read // self.chunk_size) % 10 == 0:
                LOG.info("{0:.2%} {1}/{2}".format(samples_read / max_samples, samples_read, max_samples))

        LOG.info("LBA preprocessor complete")
Example #9
    def __call__(self):
        # Firstly, create the output directory
        os.makedirs(self.out_directory, exist_ok=True)

        with open(self.filename, "r") as f:
            lba = LBAFile(f)
            samples = lba.read(self.sample_offset, self.num_samples)

            # Do global things across all samples

            # Split into p0 and p1
            p0 = samples[:, :, 0]
            p1 = samples[:, :, 1]
            for pindex, p in enumerate((p0, p1)):
                # Do things for each polarisation
                self.polarisation = pindex
                os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)


                spectrograms = []

                for freq in range(p.shape[1]):
                    # Do things for each frequency
                    freq_samples = p[:, freq]

                    self.frequency = freq
                    os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)


                    # Spectrogram for this frequency
                    f, t, sxx = self.create_spectrogram(freq_samples)
                    # Calculate the actual frequencies for the spectrogram
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    spectrogram = (f, t, sxx)

                    # Periodogram for this frequency
                    f, pxx = self.create_periodogram(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    self.save_periodogram((f, pxx))

                    # Welch
                    f, spec = self.create_welch(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    self.save_welch((f, spec))

                    # Lombscargle
                    f, pxx = self.create_lombscargle(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    self.save_lombscargle((f, pxx))

                    # FFT
                    f, ft = self.create_fft(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    self.save_fft((f, ft))

                self.frequency = None

                # Create merged spectrograms for this p
                merged = self.merge_spectrograms(spectrograms)
                merged_normalised = self.merge_spectrograms(
                    spectrograms, normalise_local=True)
                self.save_spectrogram(merged, "merged",
                                      "merged local normalisation",
Example #10
    def __call__(self):
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')
        self.LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.LOG.info("Plotter for {0} started".format(self.filename))
        matplotlib.rc('font', weight='normal', size=18)

        # Firstly, create the output directory
        os.makedirs(self.out_directory, exist_ok=True)
        self.LOG.info("Output directory {0} created".format(self.out_directory))

        if self.filename.endswith(".lba"):
            with open(self.filename, "r") as f:
                self.LOG.info("Opening LBA file {0} and reading samples...".format(self.filename))
                lba = LBAFile(f)
                samples = lba.read(self.sample_offset, self.num_samples)
                del lba
                gc.collect()  # Ensure the loaded lba file is unloaded
        elif self.filename.endswith(".npz"):
            samples = np.load(self.filename)["arr_0"]

        self.LOG.info("Read {0} samples".format(self.num_samples))

        # Do global things across all samples
        self.LOG.info("Calculating sample statistics for entire dataset...")

        # Iterate over each of the two polarisations
        for pindex in range(samples.shape[2]):
            self.LOG.info("{0} Polarisation {1}".format(self.filename, pindex))
            p = samples[:, :, pindex]

            self.polarisation = pindex
            os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)
            self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1} Sample statistics...".format(self.filename, pindex))

            spectrogram_groups = [[], []]  # freq1, freq2 : freq3, freq4
            # Iterate over each of the four frequencies
            for freq in range(p.shape[1]):
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1} Frequency {2}".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                freq_samples = p[:, freq]

                self.frequency = freq
                os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Sample statistics...".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))

                # Spectrogram for this frequency
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Spectrogram".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                f, t, sxx = self.create_spectrogram(freq_samples)
                # Calculate the actual frequencies for the spectrogram
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                spectrogram = (f, t, sxx)
                spectrogram_groups[freq // 2].append(spectrogram)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Spectrogram Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))

                # Periodogram for this frequency
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Periodogram".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                f, pxx = self.create_periodogram(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Periodogram Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_periodogram((f, pxx))

                # Welch
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Welch".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                f, spec = self.create_welch(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Welch Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_welch((f, spec))

                # Lombscargle
                    self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Lombscargle".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                    f, pxx = self.create_lombscargle(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                    self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Lombscargle Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                    self.save_lombscargle((f, pxx))
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    print("Zero division in Lombscargle")

                # RFFT
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} RFFT".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                f, ft = self.create_rfft(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} RFFT Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_rfft((f, ft))

                # IFFT
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} IRFFT".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                f, ft = self.create_ifft(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} IRFFT Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_ifft((f, ft))

                # power spectral density
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} PSD".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                Pxx, f = self.create_psd(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} PSD Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_psd((Pxx, f), "Power Spectral Density", "Power Spectral Density [V/rtMHz]")

                # amplitude spectral density
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} ASD".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                np.sqrt(Pxx, Pxx)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} ASD Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq))
                self.save_psd((Pxx, f), "Amplitude Spectral Density", "Amplitude Spectral Density [sqrt(V/rtMHz)]")

            self.frequency = None

            # Create merged spectrograms for this p
            self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1} Merged Spectrograms...".format(self.filename, pindex))
            for index, group in enumerate(spectrogram_groups):
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1} Merged Spectrograms Group {2}".format(self.filename, pindex, index))
                merged = self.merge_spectrograms(group)
                merged_normalised = self.merge_spectrograms(group, normalise_local=True)
                self.LOG.info("{0}, P{1} Merged Spectrograms Group {2} Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, index))
                self.save_spectrogram(merged, "group {0} merged".format(index), "spectrogram_group{0}_merged.png".format(index))
                self.save_spectrogram(merged_normalised, "group {0} merged local normalisation".format(index), "spectrogram_group{0}_merged_normalised.png".format(index))
Example #11
    def __call__(self):

        LOGGER.info("Plotter for {0} started".format(self.filename))
        matplotlib.rc('font', weight='normal', size=18)

        # Firstly, create the output directory
        os.makedirs(self.out_directory, exist_ok=True)
        LOGGER.info("Output directory {0} created".format(self.out_directory))

        with open(self.filename, "r") as f:
            LOGGER.info("Opening LBA file {0} and reading samples...".format(
            lba = LBAFile(f)
            samples = lba.read(self.sample_offset, self.num_samples)
            del lba
            gc.collect()  # Ensure the loaded lba file is unloaded

        LOGGER.info("Read {0} samples".format(self.num_samples))

        # Do global things across all samples
        LOGGER.info("Calculating sample statistics for entire dataset...")

        # Iterate over each of the two polarisations
        for pindex in range(samples.shape[2]):
            LOGGER.info("{0} Polarisation {1}".format(self.filename, pindex))
            p = samples[:, :, pindex]

            self.polarisation = pindex
            os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)
            LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1} Sample statistics...".format(
                self.filename, pindex))

            # spectrogram_groups = [[], []]  # freq1, freq2 : freq3, freq4
            # Iterate over each of the four frequencies
            for freq_index in range(p.shape[1]):
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1} Frequency {2}".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                freq_samples = p[:, freq_index]

                self.frequency = freq_index
                os.makedirs(self.get_output_filename(), exist_ok=True)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Sample statistics...".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))

                # Spectrogram for this frequency
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Spectrogram".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                f, t, sxx = self.create_spectrogram(freq_samples)
                # Calculate the actual frequencies for the spectrogram
                self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                spectrogram = (f, t, sxx)
                # spectrogram_groups[freq_index // 2].append(spectrogram)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Spectrogram Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))

                # Periodogram for this frequency
                # LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Periodogram".format(self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                # f, pxx = self.create_periodogram(freq_samples)
                # self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                # LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Periodogram Saving".format(self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                # self.save_periodogram((f, pxx))

                # Welch
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Welch".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                f, spec = self.create_welch(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Welch Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                self.save_welch((f, spec))

                # Lombscargle
                    LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Lombscargle".format(
                        self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                    f, pxx = self.create_lombscargle(freq_samples)
                    self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                    LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} Lombscargle Saving".format(
                        self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                    self.save_lombscargle((f, pxx))
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    print("Zero division in Lombscargle")

                # RFFT
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} RFFT".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                f, ft = self.create_rfft(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} RFFT Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                self.save_rfft((f, ft))

                # IFFT
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} IRFFT".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                f, ft = self.create_ifft(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} IRFFT Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                self.save_ifft((f, ft))

                # power spectral density
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} PSD".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                pxx, f = self.create_psd(freq_samples)
                self.fix_freq(f, freq_index)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} PSD Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                self.save_psd((pxx, f), "Power Spectral Density",
                              "Power Spectral Density [V/rtMHz]")

                # amplitude spectral density
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} ASD".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                np.sqrt(pxx, pxx)
                LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1}, F{2} ASD Saving".format(
                    self.filename, pindex, freq_index))
                self.save_psd((pxx, f), "Amplitude Spectral Density",
                              "Amplitude Spectral Density [sqrt(V/rtMHz)]")

            self.frequency = None

            # Create merged spectrograms for this p
            """LOGGER.info("{0}, P{1} Merged Spectrograms...".format(self.filename, pindex))