Example #1
    def start(self):
        self.curtime = robtimer()

        opsStats = {
            'totalLoopTime': 0,
            'numLoops': 0,
            'totalWaitTime': 0,
            'numWaits': 0,
            'successfulReadings': 0,
            'badReadings': 0

        lastWaitStart = 0
        gyroReading = gyro(0, 0, 0, self.curtime)

        while True:
            loopStartTime = robtimer()
            opsStats['numLoops'] += 1

            mpuReading = self.mpu.read()
            gyroReading = mpuReading.gyro

            if gyroReading.z != None:
                opsStats['successfulReadings'] += 1
                if robtimer(
                ) - self.lastMpuReportTime > self.mpuReportInterval:
                    self.lastMpuReportTime = robtimer()
                opsStats['badReadings'] += 1

            if not self.commandQ.empty():
                task = self.commandQ.get_nowait()
                logging.debug("%s: mpops task is: %s" %
                              (time.asctime(), str(task)))

                if task == 'Shutdown':

            elapsedTime = robtimer() - loopStartTime
            waitTime = self.minLoopTime - elapsedTime

            if waitTime > 0:
                opsStats['totalWaitTime'] += waitTime
                opsStats['numWaits'] += 1
                waitTime = 0


            opsStats['totalLoopTime'] += robtimer() - loopStartTime

Example #2
    def calibrateGyro(self):
        Simple software calibration method previously used with ITG3200
        eval board.  A more official approach is probably available
        at this point.  The main purpose of this approach is to cancel
        noise to avoid reporting small angular movement when the device
        is stationary.

        calx = 0.0
        caly = 0.0
        calz = 0.0

        recordCount = 0
        for i in range(100):
            su = self.read()
            if su is not None:
                calx += su.gyro.x
                caly += su.gyro.y
                calz += su.gyro.z
                recordCount += 1

            # Read at ~50Hz instead of 200Hz full speed.
            # Just being conservative for calibration.

        # print("Gyro Calibration: z total %f/ %d readings = %f degrees/sec" % (
        #     calz, recordCount, calz/recordCount/Z_Convention))

        if recordCount != 0:
            result = gyro(
                float(calx) / recordCount / X_Convention,
                float(caly) / recordCount / Y_Convention,
                float(calz) / recordCount / Z_Convention,
                0.0)  # timestamp 0.0 for calibration by convention

            result = self.zeroGyroResult
            # todo: Likely should raise an exception here..

        # print "gyro calibration %.2f,%.2f,%.2f" % (result.x,result.y,result.z)
        return result
Example #3
 def getTestData(self):
     if not self.sampleFile:
             self.sampleFile = open(self.sampleFileName, 'r')
             print('error opening test data file', self.sampleFileName)
         self.sampleData = self.sampleFile.readlines(
         )  # assumes 'small' test data
         self.numSamples = len(self.sampleData)
         self.curSample = 0
     if self.curSample < self.numSamples:
         line = self.sampleData[self.curSample]
         readings = line[29:].split(
             ',')  #unforgiving - based on current log format
         sample = float(readings[2])
         self.curSample += 1
         sample = 30.0
     logging.debug("test sample: z=%f" % (sample, ))
     return gyro(0, 0, sample)
Example #4
    def __init__(
            broadcastQ=None,  # todo avoid calling with positional args
        self.commandQ = commandQ
        self.broadcastQ = broadcastQ
        self.mpucq = mpucq
        self.mpubq = mpubq
        #self.mpucq     = None
        #self.mpubq     = None

        self.rangecq = rangecq
        self.rangebq = rangebq


        self.bat = robdrivers.agmbat.Agmbat()
        self.mover = movepa.Movepa(self.devices['motorController'])
        self.startTime = robtimer()
        self.lastLogTime = 0
        self.lastForwardRange = -1
        self.forwardRange = -1
        self.voltageMonitorThreshold = 10.6
        self.alarmInterval = 60
        self.rangeInterval = 0.5
        self.lastRangeTime = 0
        self.lastPowerTime = 0.
        self.stopPower = power(0, 0)
        self.lastPower = self.stopPower
        self.rangeNoise = 1
        self.lastVoltageAlarm = robtimer() - self.alarmInterval
        self.lastVoltage = voltages(0., 0., 0., 0.)
        #self.voltageInterval    = 180
        self.voltageInterval = 15
        #self.voltageInterval     = 2
        self.voltageNoise = 0.1
        #self.voltageNoise       = 0
        self.lastVoltageTime = robtimer() - self.voltageInterval
        self.lastAmpsTime = 0
        self.ampsInterval = 1
        self.lastAmps = amperages(0, 0, "")
        self.rangeRules = opsrules.RangeRules()
        self.adjustedTask = power(0., 0.)
        self.lastPower = power(0., 0.)
        self.autoAdjust = True  # False means don't adjust for range

        self.lastRanges = {
            'Ranges': {
                'Forward': 0,
                'Left': 0,
                'Right': 0,
                'Bottom': 0,
                'Back': 0,
                'Deltat': 0
            'Timestamp': 0.0

        self.lastMpu = mpuData(gyro(0, 0, 0, 0), accel(0, 0, 0), mag(0, 0, 0),
                               0, 0, 0)  # todo convert to json
        self.curHeading = 0

        self.lastMpuTime = 0
        self.mpuInterval = 2

        logging.info("Instantiated Robot Operations")
        if self.commandQ:
Example #5
class MPU9150_A:
    bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

    #timeout        = 0 #non-blocking mode
    zeroGyroResult = gyro(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    zeroAccelResult = accel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    zeroMagResult = mag(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    # todo - validate these settings, see page 30 of register map
    gyroRanges = {250: 0x0, 500: 0x08, 1000: 0x10, 2000: 0x18}

    # def __init__(self, port=MPU9150_ADDRESS, hix=-17.9244, hiy=-15.01645):
    def __init__(self, port=MPU9150_ADDRESS):

        self.port = port
        # hard iron offsets in uT measured on 2019-01-28 for lbr2a
        # for an untested device, set the default values to
        # hix = 0, hiy = 0
        # self.hix        = hix
        # self.hiy        = hiy
        self.hix = 0
        self.hiy = 0
        self.alpha_setting = None
        self.beta_setting = None
        self.mpu_enabled = False
        self.read_errors = 0
        self.error_limit = 3
        self.mpuPub = publisher.Publisher("MPU Message Publisher")
        self.gyroPub = publisher.Publisher("Gyro Publisher")
        self.doPublish = False  # doPublish means publish even if the result 0
        self.onRecord = False

        self.gyroRange = 250  # dps
        self.gyroFullScaleRange = 2000  # dps
        self.gyroSquelch = 0.09
        self.gyroCalibration = self.zeroGyroResult

        self.accelRange = 0  # selects range of +/- 2g

        #self.magDecl       = 13+55./60. # todo dynamically look up declination
        self.magDecl = 0.
        self.magResolution = 0.3  # AK8975C for MPU9150, +4095 to -4096 : +-1229uT
        self.asa = [0., 0., 0.]  # sensitivy adjustments

        self.rawAngleL = []
        self.lastg = self.zeroGyroResult
        self.lasta = self.zeroAccelResult
        self.lastm = self.zeroMagResult
        self.lastsu = mpuData(self.zeroGyroResult, self.zeroAccelResult,
                              self.zeroMagResult, 0., 0., 0.)
        self.mpusu_zero = mpuData(self.zeroGyroResult, self.zeroAccelResult,
                                  self.zeroMagResult, 0., 0., 0.)

        self.lastRawAngle = -1
        self.unitConTime = 0
        self.numReads = 0


    def setup(self):

            # initialize the device here
            self.mpu = self.port  # legacy from when it was a serial device
            self.mag = MAG_ADDRESS

            # power up the device by selecting the gyro oscilator
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, POWER_MGMT_1, 0x01)

            # respect the 30ms startup time for the gyroscope

            # enable slave i2c mode
            #self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, USER_CTRL, 0x20)

            # enable direct access mode
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, USER_CTRL, 0x00)

            # setup the magnetometer

            # for slave mode: set mode to single read and do reading
            #self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, WRITE_TO_MAG, 0x01)

            # set mode to bypass for direct access to magnetometer from the host
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, INT_PIN_CFG, 0x02)

            # get magnetometer sensitivity adjustments
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mag, MAG_CNTL, 0x0f)
            self.asa = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.mag, MAG_SENS_ADJ, 3)

            # get hard iron calibration adjustments
            # print(f"mag calibrations: hix={self.hix}, hiy={self.hiy}")

            # queue up the first sensor run
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mag, MAG_CNTL, 0x01)

            print("Unexpected error initializing MPU:", sys.exc_info()[0])

        self.mpu_enabled = True

        if not self.setGyroRange(250):
            print("Failed to set gyro range")

        #todo set accel range

    def reset(self):
        self.read_errors = 0
        time.sleep(2)  # todo - determine a good amount of time for the reset

    def sampleMagnetometer(self):
        """sample magnetometer in slave mode. Data is placed in EXT registers"""
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG, MAG_ADDRESS)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG_REGISTER, MAG_CNTL)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG_CTRL, 0x81)

        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG, MAG_READ_ADDRESS)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG_REGISTER, MAG_STATUS1)
        self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, MAG_CTRL, 0x88)

    def get_mag_calibration(self):
        cal = Calibration()
        self.hix, self.alpha_setting = cal.find_setting('MAG_ALPHA')
        self.hiy, self.beta_setting = cal.find_setting('MAG_BETA')

    def adjustSensitivity(self, h):
        Adjustment for factory measured magnetometer sensitivity
        see https://www.akm.com/akm/en/file/datasheet/AK8975.pdf, sec 8.3.11
        hadj = list(
            map(lambda x, a: x * (((a - 128.) * 0.5) / 128. + 1.), h,
        return hadj

    def adjustIron(self, h):
        Make hard and soft iron adjustments here.  As of 2019-01-28,
        lbr2a required hard iron adjustments but not soft iron.
        hadj = [h[0] - self.hix, h[1] - self.hiy, h[2]]
        return hadj

    def readMagnetometer(self):
        returns new sensitivity adjusted mag reading in uT if it's ready
            or most recent previous reading
        Note that mag sensor normally operates at 8-10Hz (read cycle is 9ms),
            while accel and gyro can run at 200Hz

        drdy = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.mag, MAG_STATUS1)
        if drdy == 1:
            lsbraw = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.mag, MAG_DATA, 7)
            status = lsbraw[6]

            if status == 0:  # normal
                lsbrawi = [
                    lsbraw[i + 1] << 8 | lsbraw[i] for i in range(0, 6, 2)
                lsbraw2 = list(map(self.twos_comp, lsbrawi))
                lsbadj = self.adjustSensitivity(lsbraw2)
                msu = [m * self.magResolution for m in lsbadj]
                msuadji = self.adjustIron(msu)
                self.lastm = mag(round(msuadji[0], 4), round(msuadji[1], 4),
                                 round(msuadji[2], 4))
                if status & 0x04:
                    print("Magnetic data read error")
                if status & 0x08:
                    print("Magnetic sensor overflow occured")
                    # when |X|+|Y|+|Z| > 2400uT

        # order some for next time
        if self.bus.read_byte_data(self.mag, MAG_CNTL) == 0:
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mag, MAG_CNTL, 0x01)

        return self.lastm

    def setGyroRange(self, gyroRange=250, calibrate=True):
        The gyro full scale range is controlled by bits 3 and 4 of register 1B.
        It is ok to write to the whole register, as the other bits are
        normally 0 unless a test is enabled.
        if gyroRange in self.gyroRanges:
            rangeCode = self.gyroRanges[gyroRange]
            return False  #todo: raise an exception

            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, GYRO_CONFIG, rangeCode)
            self.gyroRange = gyroRange

            if calibrate:
                self.gyroCalibration = self.calibrateGyro()

            print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

        return True

    def read(self):
         Ask for accelerometer, temperature, gyro, as a burst.
         While the accel, temp and gyro registers are in big endian order,
           the mag data is in little endian.

        Magnetometer reading has been delegated to separate function since
            the data isn't ready as often as the others. (The MPU EXT registers
            are still read as they would have been in slave mode, but the data
            will not be valid.  Instead, the mag data is collected directly
            from the magnetometer.  Leaving this in makes changing back to
            slave mode easier, should the need arise.)

        if not self.mpu_enabled:
            return self.mpusu_zero

        if self.read_errors > self.error_limit:
            print("Resetting MPU due to excessive read errors")
            return self.mpusu_zero

            # self.sampleMagnetometer() # only in slave mode
            regs = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.mpu, READINGS_START_REG,
        except IOError:
            self.read_errors += 1
            print("Unexpected MPU read error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
            print("\treturning 0 result")
            return self.mpusu_zero
            # raise

        t = robtimer()
        lsb = tuple()

        # accelerometer
        for i in range(0, 6, 2):
            lsb += (self.twos_comp(regs[i] << 8 | regs[i + 1]), )

        # temperature
        lsb += (self.twos_comp(regs[6] << 8 | regs[7]), )

        # gyro
        for i in range(8, 14, 2):
            lsb += (self.twos_comp(regs[i] << 8 | regs[i + 1]), )

        lsb += (t, )

        mpusu = self.lsb2su(lsb)
            mpusu.gyro)  # publish separately for legacy reasons..
        self.lastsu = mpusu

        self.numReads += 1

        return mpusu

    def twos_comp(self, val, bits=16):
        """compute the 2's complement of int value val"""
        if (val & (1 <<
                   (bits - 1))) != 0:  # if sign bit is set e.g., 8bit: 128-255
            val = val - (1 << bits)  # compute negative value
        return val

    def lsb2su(self, lsb):
        local sensor bus (LSB) to standard units (SI)
        lsb format: (accelx,accely,accelz,temp,gyrox,gyroy,gyroz,compx,compy,compz)
         conversion formulas from InvenSense UI Data Logger App Note,
         MPU9150 Register Map and Product Spec, and
           for magnetometer: https://www.loveelectronics.co.uk/Tutorials/13/tilt-compensated-compass-arduino-tutorial

        #print lsb
        t0 = robtimer()
        t = lsb[-1]

        # accelerometer in g
        aR = self.accelRange
        aR = 1.0
        # print("accel lsb: x=%d, y=%d, z=%d" % (lsb[0], lsb[1], lsb[2]))
        a = accel(round(float(lsb[0] / 16384.) * aR, 4),
                  round(float(lsb[1] / 16384.) * aR, 4),
                  round(float(lsb[2] / 16384.) * aR, 4))

        # temperature in C
        temperature = round((lsb[3] / 340. + 35), 1)

        # gyro in deg/sec
        gR = self.gyroRange
        gR = 1
        calx = self.gyroCalibration.x
        caly = self.gyroCalibration.y
        calz = self.gyroCalibration.z

        gL = [(float(lsb[4] / 131.) * gR - calx) * X_Convention,
              (float(lsb[5] / 131.) * gR - caly) * Y_Convention,
              (float(lsb[6] / 131.) * gR - calz) * Z_Convention]

        # further squelch noise
        for i in range(len(gL)):
            if abs(gL[i]) < self.gyroSquelch:
                gL[i] = 0.0
        g = gyro(round(gL[0], 3), round(gL[1], 3), round(gL[2], 3),
                 round(t, 4))

        # merge in the magentometer results
        # magnetometer function already returns mag uT
        m = self.zeroMagResult
            m = self.readMagnetometer()
        except Exception:
            self.read_errors += 1
            print("Magnetometer exception", sys.exc_info()[0])
        # this has to be re-worked since readMagnetometer()                
        #todo: better error handling for a.y, a.x domains
        if a.y <= 1.0:
            rollRadians = asin(a.y)
            rollRadians = asin(1.0)
        if a.x <= 1.0:
            pitchRadians = asin(a.x)
            pitchRadians = asin(1.0)
        # algorithm good for tilt <= 40 degrees, ignore tilt otherwise for now

        if abs(rollRadians) > 0.78 or abs(pitchRadians) > 0.78:
            m.x = self.magResolution * lsb[8]  # appears x-y swapped 
            m.y = self.magResolution * lsb[7]
            cosRoll = cos(rollRadians)
            sinRoll = sin(rollRadians)
            cosPitch = cos(pitchRadians)
            sinPitch = sin(pitchRadians)
            magx = self.magResolution * lsb[7] # may need to swap x-y, investigate
            magy = self.magResolution * lsb[8]
            magz = self.magResolution * lsb[9] * -1 # to align with accelerometer

            cx = magx * cosPitch + magz * sinPitch
            cy = magx * sinRoll * sinPitch + magy * cosRoll - \
                 magz * sinRoll * cosPitch

        if cy > 0:
            heading = 90. - atan(cy/cx) * 180./pi
        elif cy < 0:
            heading = 270. - atan(cy/cx) * 180./pi
        elif cy == 0:
            if cx < 0:
                heading = 180.
                heading = 0.
            heading = -1
        # This version of the algorithm does not tilt compensate

        heading = -1
        if m.y == 0:
            if m.x <= 0:
                heading = 0.
            elif m.x > 0:
                heading = 180.
            rawAngle = atan(m.x / m.y) * 180. / pi
            #print rawAngle
            if m.y <= 0:
                heading = round((270. + rawAngle), 0)
                heading = round((90. + rawAngle), 0)

        #print 'heading: %.0f' % heading
        su = mpuData(g, a, m, round(heading, 2), temperature, round(t, 4))

        deltat = robtimer() - t0
        self.unitConTime += deltat

        return su

    def calibrateGyro(self):
        Simple software calibration method previously used with ITG3200
        eval board.  A more official approach is probably available
        at this point.  The main purpose of this approach is to cancel
        noise to avoid reporting small angular movement when the device
        is stationary.

        calx = 0.0
        caly = 0.0
        calz = 0.0

        recordCount = 0
        for i in range(100):
            su = self.read()
            if su is not None:
                calx += su.gyro.x
                caly += su.gyro.y
                calz += su.gyro.z
                recordCount += 1

            # Read at ~50Hz instead of 200Hz full speed.
            # Just being conservative for calibration.

        # print("Gyro Calibration: z total %f/ %d readings = %f degrees/sec" % (
        #     calz, recordCount, calz/recordCount/Z_Convention))

        if recordCount != 0:
            result = gyro(
                float(calx) / recordCount / X_Convention,
                float(caly) / recordCount / Y_Convention,
                float(calz) / recordCount / Z_Convention,
                0.0)  # timestamp 0.0 for calibration by convention

            result = self.zeroGyroResult
            # todo: Likely should raise an exception here..

        # print "gyro calibration %.2f,%.2f,%.2f" % (result.x,result.y,result.z)
        return result

    def calibrateMag(self, samples=500, source=None):
        Execute calibration procedure to calculate the hard (and eventually soft)
        iron adjustments.  Note that the robot must be in a safe location for spinning
        around it's Z axis in order to collect the data.
        :param: samples - the number of magnetometer readings to collect
        :param: source - Collect new samples if None, otherwise read samples from path given by source.
        todo - simplify using numpy arrays
        if samples > 1000:
            print(f"Samples limited to 1000 instead of {samples}")
            samples = 1000

        cal_data = []
        x = None
        y = None

        if source is None or source == '-':
            self.hix = 0.
            self.hiy = 0.
                "Collecting magnetometer calibration data.  Robot should be spinning about its z axis."
            for r in range(samples):
            print("Calibration data collected.")
            print(f"Example: {str(cal_data[-1])}")

            x = [r.mag.x for r in cal_data]
            y = [r.mag.y for r in cal_data]

            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error saving magnetometer samples:\n{str(e)}")

            if source is not None and source != '-':
                source_path = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, source)
                source_path = None

            alpha, beta, x_corrected, y_corrected = calc_mag_correction(
                x, y, source_path)
            self.hix = alpha
            self.hiy = beta

            if self.alpha_setting is None:
                self.alpha_setting = CalibrationSetting(
                    robot_id, 'MAG_ALPHA', alpha)
                self.alpha_setting.value = alpha

            if self.beta_setting is None:
                self.beta_setting = CalibrationSetting(robot_id, 'MAG_BETA',
                self.beta_setting.value = beta

            self.save_corrected(x_corrected, y_corrected)
                f"Completed hard iron calibration with alpha {alpha}, beta {beta}"

        except Exception as calexception:
            print(f"Error calibrating magnetometer:\n{str(calexception)}")


    def save_cal_data(self, cal_data):
        with open(magCalibrationLogFile, 'w') as f:
            print("X,Y,Z,Heading", file=f)
            for r in cal_data:
                print(f"{r.mag.x},{r.mag.y},{r.mag.z},{r.heading}", file=f)

    def save_corrected(self, x, y):
        with open(magCalibrationLogFile + '-corrected', 'w') as f:
            print("X-Corrected,Y-Corrected", file=f)
            for i in range(len(x)):
                print(f"{x[i]},{y[i]}", file=f)

    def close(self):
        self.mpu_enabled = False
            # self.mpu.close()
            # for the i2c version of the driver, interpret close as reset mpu
            self.bus.write_byte_data(self.mpu, POWER_MGMT_1, 0x80)
            self.mpuPub.publish(time.asctime() + " InvenSense MPU Closed")
            msg = time.asctime() + " Error Closing Controller"
Example #6
    def lsb2su(self, lsb):
        local sensor bus (LSB) to standard units (SI)
        lsb format: (accelx,accely,accelz,temp,gyrox,gyroy,gyroz,compx,compy,compz)
         conversion formulas from InvenSense UI Data Logger App Note,
         MPU9150 Register Map and Product Spec, and
           for magnetometer: https://www.loveelectronics.co.uk/Tutorials/13/tilt-compensated-compass-arduino-tutorial

        #print lsb
        t0 = robtimer()
        t = lsb[-1]

        # accelerometer in g
        aR = self.accelRange
        aR = 1.0
        # print("accel lsb: x=%d, y=%d, z=%d" % (lsb[0], lsb[1], lsb[2]))
        a = accel(round(float(lsb[0] / 16384.) * aR, 4),
                  round(float(lsb[1] / 16384.) * aR, 4),
                  round(float(lsb[2] / 16384.) * aR, 4))

        # temperature in C
        temperature = round((lsb[3] / 340. + 35), 1)

        # gyro in deg/sec
        gR = self.gyroRange
        gR = 1
        calx = self.gyroCalibration.x
        caly = self.gyroCalibration.y
        calz = self.gyroCalibration.z

        gL = [(float(lsb[4] / 131.) * gR - calx) * X_Convention,
              (float(lsb[5] / 131.) * gR - caly) * Y_Convention,
              (float(lsb[6] / 131.) * gR - calz) * Z_Convention]

        # further squelch noise
        for i in range(len(gL)):
            if abs(gL[i]) < self.gyroSquelch:
                gL[i] = 0.0
        g = gyro(round(gL[0], 3), round(gL[1], 3), round(gL[2], 3),
                 round(t, 4))

        # merge in the magentometer results
        # magnetometer function already returns mag uT
        m = self.zeroMagResult
            m = self.readMagnetometer()
        except Exception:
            self.read_errors += 1
            print("Magnetometer exception", sys.exc_info()[0])
        # this has to be re-worked since readMagnetometer()                
        #todo: better error handling for a.y, a.x domains
        if a.y <= 1.0:
            rollRadians = asin(a.y)
            rollRadians = asin(1.0)
        if a.x <= 1.0:
            pitchRadians = asin(a.x)
            pitchRadians = asin(1.0)
        # algorithm good for tilt <= 40 degrees, ignore tilt otherwise for now

        if abs(rollRadians) > 0.78 or abs(pitchRadians) > 0.78:
            m.x = self.magResolution * lsb[8]  # appears x-y swapped 
            m.y = self.magResolution * lsb[7]
            cosRoll = cos(rollRadians)
            sinRoll = sin(rollRadians)
            cosPitch = cos(pitchRadians)
            sinPitch = sin(pitchRadians)
            magx = self.magResolution * lsb[7] # may need to swap x-y, investigate
            magy = self.magResolution * lsb[8]
            magz = self.magResolution * lsb[9] * -1 # to align with accelerometer

            cx = magx * cosPitch + magz * sinPitch
            cy = magx * sinRoll * sinPitch + magy * cosRoll - \
                 magz * sinRoll * cosPitch

        if cy > 0:
            heading = 90. - atan(cy/cx) * 180./pi
        elif cy < 0:
            heading = 270. - atan(cy/cx) * 180./pi
        elif cy == 0:
            if cx < 0:
                heading = 180.
                heading = 0.
            heading = -1
        # This version of the algorithm does not tilt compensate

        heading = -1
        if m.y == 0:
            if m.x <= 0:
                heading = 0.
            elif m.x > 0:
                heading = 180.
            rawAngle = atan(m.x / m.y) * 180. / pi
            #print rawAngle
            if m.y <= 0:
                heading = round((270. + rawAngle), 0)
                heading = round((90. + rawAngle), 0)

        #print 'heading: %.0f' % heading
        su = mpuData(g, a, m, round(heading, 2), temperature, round(t, 4))

        deltat = robtimer() - t0
        self.unitConTime += deltat

        return su