def to_rdf(data, graph, base=None, context_data=None): """ @@ TODO: add docstring describing args and returned value type """ context = Context() if isinstance(data, list): resources = data elif isinstance(data, dict): resources = data.get(context.graph_key, data) if not isinstance(resources, list): resources = [resources] context_data = data.get(CONTEXT_KEY) or context_data if context_data: context.load(context_data) if context.vocab: graph.bind(None, context.vocab) for term in context.terms: if term.iri and term.iri.endswith(('/', '#', ':')): graph.bind(term.key, term.iri) state = graph, context, base for node in resources: _add_to_graph(state, node) return graph
def to_rdf(tree, graph, base=None, context_data=None): """ @@ TODO: add docstring describing args and returned value type """ context = Context() context.load(context_data or tree.get(CONTEXT_KEY) or {}, base) id_obj = tree.get(context.id_key) resources = id_obj if not isinstance(id_obj, list): resources = [tree] for term in context.terms: if term.iri and term.iri.endswith(('/', '#', ':')): graph.bind(term.key, term.iri) state = graph, context, base for node in resources: _add_to_graph(state, node) return graph
def to_tree(graph, context_data=None, base=None, generate_compact=True, context_uri=None): """ @@ TODO: add docstring describing args and returned value type """ tree = {} # TODO: Check which prefixes are actually used when creating curies and add # incrementally. (Use rdflib features for this, e.g. RecursiveSerializer?) if not context_data: if generate_compact: context_data = dict( (pfx, unicode(ns)) for (pfx, ns) in graph.namespaces() if pfx and unicode(ns) != u"") if isinstance(context_data, Context): context = context_data context_data = context.to_dict() else: context = Context(context_data) if context_uri: tree[context.context_key] = context_uri elif context_data: tree[context.context_key] = context_data nodes = [] state = (graph, context, base) # TODO: framing/CBD-with-startnode... for s in set(graph.subjects()): # only unreferenced.. TODO: not if more than one ref! if isinstance(s, URIRef) or not any(graph.subjects(None, s)): current = _subject_to_node(state, s) nodes.append(current) if len(nodes) == 1: tree.update(nodes[0]) else: tree[context.graph_key] = nodes return tree
def _add_to_graph(state, node): graph, context, base = state if not isinstance(node, dict) or context.value_key in node: return l_ctx = node.get(CONTEXT_KEY) if l_ctx: context = Context(context.to_dict()) context.load(l_ctx) id_val = node.get(context.id_key) if isinstance(id_val, unicode) and (not bNodeIdRegexp.match(id_val)): subj = URIRef(context.expand(id_val), base) else: subj = BNode() for pred_key, obj in node.items(): term = None if not isinstance(obj, list): obj_nodes = [obj] else: obj_nodes = obj if pred_key in (CONTEXT_KEY, context.id_key): continue if pred_key == context.type_key: pred = RDF.type term = Term(None, None, context.id_key) elif pred_key == context.graph_key: for onode in obj_nodes: _add_to_graph(state, onode) continue else: pred_uri = context.expand(pred_key) if not pred_uri: continue pred = URIRef(pred_uri) # TODO: refactor context to get_term by key or iri term = context._term_map.get(pred_key) or context.get_term(pred_uri) if term: if term.container == LIST_KEY: obj_nodes = [{context.list_key: obj_nodes}] elif isinstance(obj, dict): if term.container == INDEX_KEY: obj_nodes = [] for values in obj.values(): if not isinstance(values, list): obj_nodes.append(values) else: obj_nodes += values elif term.container == LANG_KEY: obj_nodes = [] for lang, values in obj.items(): if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for v in values: obj_nodes.append((v, lang)) for obj_node in obj_nodes: obj = _to_object(state, term, obj_node) if obj is None: continue if term and term.coercion == REV_KEY: graph.add((obj, pred, subj)) else: graph.add((subj, pred, obj)) return subj