def classify_hazardous(datasets, clf, crossval=False):
    xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest = ld.get_learndata(datasets)
    # map(normalize_dataset, [xtrain, xtest])
    # clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
    print "clf:", clf
    fit_predict(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest, clf)

    if crossval:
        print "init cross validation..."
        xdata, ydata = ld.get_learndata(datasets, split=False)
        k_fold = cross_validation.KFold(n=len(xdata), n_folds=3)
        for tr, ts in k_fold:
            xtrain, ytrain = xdata[tr], ydata[tr]
            xtest, ytest = xdata[ts], ydata[ts]
            # map(normalize_dataset, [xtrain, xtest])
            xtrain, s_ = ld.normalize_dataset(xtrain)
            xtest, s_ = ld.normalize_dataset(xtest)
            fit_predict(xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest, clf)
        print "done."

    # if plotclf:
    #     haz_real, nohaz_real = map(normalize_dataset,
    #                                [datasets[i][:, :-1] for i in [2,3]])
    #     vd.plot_classifier(xtrain, clf, num=200, haz=haz_real, figsize=figsize,
    #                        nohaz=nohaz_real, labels=['Perihelion distance (q)',
    #                        'Argument of periapsis (w)'])
    return xtrain, clf
def split_by_clf(clf,
    Splits datasets by classifier. Returns subsets of initial datasets split
    by classifier and scales of each column.

    haz_test = deepcopy(haz_train) if haz_test is None else haz_test
    nohaz_test = deepcopy(nohaz_train) if nohaz_test is None else nohaz_test

    haz_train_cut, nohaz_train_cut = ld.cut_params(haz_train, nohaz_train,
    haz_test_cut, nohaz_test_cut = ld.cut_params(haz_test, nohaz_test, cutcol)

    bounds = ld.common_bounds(
        [haz_train_cut, nohaz_train_cut, haz_test_cut, nohaz_test_cut])

    haz_train_cut, haz_train_sc = ld.normalize_dataset(haz_train_cut, bounds)
    nohaz_train_cut, nohaz_train_sc = ld.normalize_dataset(
        nohaz_train_cut, bounds)
    haz_test_cut, haz_test_sc = ld.normalize_dataset(haz_test_cut, bounds)
    nohaz_test_cut, nohaz_test_sc = ld.normalize_dataset(
        nohaz_test_cut, bounds)

    scales = ld.common_scales(
        [haz_train_sc, nohaz_train_sc, haz_test_sc, nohaz_test_sc])

    xtrain, ytrain = ld.mix_up(haz_train_cut, nohaz_train_cut)
    clf =, ytrain)

    predicted = clf_split_quality(clf,
    haz_1, nohaz_1, haz_0, nohaz_0 = predicted

    haz_test_1 = haz_test.iloc[haz_1]
    nohaz_test_1 = nohaz_test.iloc[nohaz_1]
    haz_test_0 = haz_test.iloc[haz_0]
    nohaz_test_0 = nohaz_test.iloc[nohaz_0]

    haz_concat = pd.concat((haz_test_1, nohaz_test_1))
    nohaz_concat = pd.concat((haz_test_0, nohaz_test_0))

    #     return haz_concat, nohaz_concat
    return (haz_test_1, nohaz_test_1), (haz_test_0, nohaz_test_0), scales
def sgmask_clf2d_fit(clf, cutcol, inner, outer, scales):
    Fits classifier to separate asteroids belonging to the subgroup 
    from the rest of asteroids. 

    x, y = cutcol
    xmin, xmax = scales[0]
    ymin, ymax = scales[1]

    inner_c = inner[cutcol]
    outer_c = outer[cutcol]

    inner_c = inner_c[inner_c[x] >= xmin]
    inner_c = inner_c[inner_c[x] <= xmax]
    inner_c = inner_c[inner_c[y] >= ymin]
    inner_c = inner_c[inner_c[y] <= ymax]

    outer_c = outer_c[outer_c[x] >= xmin]
    outer_c = outer_c[outer_c[x] <= xmax]
    outer_c = outer_c[outer_c[y] >= ymin]
    outer_c = outer_c[outer_c[y] <= ymax]

    inner_cut = inner_c.as_matrix()
    outer_cut = outer_c.as_matrix()

    bounds = np.asarray(scales).T

    inner_cut, insc = ld.normalize_dataset(inner_cut, bounds=bounds)
    outer_cut, outsc = ld.normalize_dataset(outer_cut, bounds=bounds)

    innum = len(inner_cut)
    sgincol = np.reshape(np.ones(innum), (innum, 1))
    inner_cut_id = np.append(inner_cut, sgincol, axis=1)

    outnum = len(outer_cut)
    sgoutcol = np.reshape(np.zeros(outnum), (outnum, 1))
    outer_cut_id = np.append(outer_cut, sgoutcol, axis=1)

    together = np.concatenate((inner_cut_id, outer_cut_id))
    together = np.random.permutation(together)

    xtrain, ytrain = ld.split_by_lastcol(together)
    clf =, ytrain)

    return clf
def sgmask_clf(hazdf, nohazdf, hazdf_rest, nohazdf_rest, clf, cutcol):
    Fits classifier to separate asteroids belonging to the subgroup 
    from the rest of asteroids. 

    df = pd.concat((hazdf, nohazdf))
    x, y = cutcol[0], cutcol[1]
    xmin, xmax = min(df[x]), max(df[x])
    ymin, ymax = min(df[y]), max(df[y])

    datacut = df[cutcol].as_matrix()
    datacut, scales = ld.normalize_dataset(datacut)

    ndata = len(datacut)
    sgincol = np.reshape(np.ones(ndata), (ndata, 1))
    datacut_ = np.append(datacut, sgincol, axis=1)

    rest = pd.concat((hazdf_rest, nohazdf_rest))
    rest = rest[rest[x] >= xmin]
    rest = rest[rest[x] <= xmax]

    rest = rest[rest[y] >= ymin]
    rest = rest[rest[y] <= ymax]

    restcut = rest[cutcol].as_matrix()
    restcut, scales = ld.normalize_dataset(restcut)
    nrest = len(restcut)
    sgoutcol = np.reshape(np.zeros(nrest), (nrest, 1))
    restcut_ = np.append(restcut, sgoutcol, axis=1)

    data_rest = np.concatenate((datacut_, restcut_))
    data_rest = np.random.permutation(data_rest)

    xtrain, ytrain = ld.split_by_lastcol(data_rest)
    clf =, ytrain)

    # c = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    # c1i = np.where(c==1)[0]
    # c0i = np.where(c==0)[0]

    return clf
def density_clusters(data_x,
                     figsize=(10, 10)):
    Finds density-based clusters in data with DBSCAN.
    data_x_norm, scales = ld.normalize_dataset(data_x)
    dbsc = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(
        data_x_norm)  # 0.015  100  | 0.021  160
    labels = dbsc.labels_
    unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
    core_samples = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype=bool)
    core_samples[dbsc.core_sample_indices_] = True
    # Number of clusters in labels, ignoring noise if present.
    n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)
    # print "n_clusters_:", n_clusters_
    # print "core_samples:", core_samples[:50]
    # colors = ['yellow', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'magenta']
    colors_ = vd.get_colorlist(len(unique_labels))
    # print "labels:", labels, len(labels)
    # print "unique_labels:", unique_labels

    if plotclusters:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        for (label, color) in zip(unique_labels, colors_):
            if label == -1:
                color = "white"
            class_member_mask = (labels == label)
            xy = data_x_norm[class_member_mask & core_samples]
            plt.plot(xy[:, 0],
                     xy[:, 1],

            xy2 = data_x_norm[class_member_mask & ~core_samples]
            plt.plot(xy2[:, 0],
                     xy2[:, 1],
    return dbsc
def extract_dbclusters(data, dens_layers, verbose=False):
    Iterratively finds density-based clusters in the data with DBSCAN. Continues serch
    for clusters in the outliers left after the previous itteration if the dens_layers
    parameter contains several values for eps and min_smples.

    data_ = deepcopy(data)
    level = 1
    extracted_clusters = []
    for eps, min_samples in dens_layers:
        # densclust = density_clusters(data_, eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples)
        data_norm, scales = ld.normalize_dataset(data_)
        densclust = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(data_norm)
        max_ind = max(densclust.labels_)

        for i in range(max_ind + 1):
            clusters_ind = np.where(densclust.labels_ == i)[0]
            extracted = data_[clusters_ind]
            id_col = (i + level) * np.ones((len(extracted), 1), dtype=int)
            extracted = np.append(extracted, id_col, axis=1)

        rest_ind = np.where(densclust.labels_ == -1)[0]
        data_ = data_[rest_ind]
        level += (max(densclust.labels_) + 1)

    id_col = (level + 0) * np.ones((len(data_), 1), dtype=int)
    extracted = np.append(data_, id_col, axis=1)
    data_ = []

    if verbose:
        print "extracted_clusters\n [ID, number of elements]"
        for ec in extracted_clusters:
            print[ec[0][-1], len(ec)]

    return extracted_clusters