def export(self): ''' Export the readings for mass as HTML. ''' for mass in itertools.chain( lectionary.getLectionary().allSundayMasses, lectionary.getLectionary().allSpecialMasses, lectionary.getLectionary().allWeekdayMasses): self._exportMass(mass)
def _writeIndexBody(self, outputFile): self._writeIndexOfSomeMasses( outputFile, 'Sunday Lectionary', lectionary.getLectionary().allSundayMasses) self._writeIndexOfSomeMasses( outputFile, 'Special Lectionary', lectionary.getLectionary().allSpecialMasses) self._writeIndexOfWeekdayMasses( outputFile, lectionary.getLectionary().allWeekdayMasses)
def _writeIndexOfWeekdayMassesInSeason(self, outputFile, seasonid): outputFile.write('''\ <h3>%s</h3> ''' % masses._seasonLongDisplayName(seasonid)) for weekid in lectionary.getLectionary().weekdayMassWeekIDs(seasonid): self._writeIndexOfWeekdayMassesInWeek(outputFile, seasonid, weekid)
def _writeIndexOfWeekdayMasses(self, outputFile, masses_): outputFile.write('''\ <h2>Weekday Lectionary</h2> ''') for seasonid in lectionary.getLectionary().weekdayMassSeasonIDs: self._writeIndexOfWeekdayMassesInSeason(outputFile, seasonid)
def test_parseSpecialCitations(self): readingCount = 0 for mass in lectionary.getLectionary()._allSpecialMasses: for reading in mass.allReadings: readingCount += 1 citations.parse(reading.citation) # $ grep --count /reading special-lectionary.xml self.assertEqual(84, readingCount)
def test_parseWeekdayCitations(self): readingCount = 0 for mass in lectionary.getLectionary()._allWeekdayMasses: for reading in mass.allReadings: readingCount += 1 # TODO: Here is one we cannot parse yet! if reading.citation == 'Est C:12,14-16,23-25': continue citations.parse(reading.citation) # $ grep --count /reading weekday-lectionary.xml self.assertEqual(863, readingCount)
def _writeIndexOfWeekdayMassesInWeek(self, outputFile, seasonid, weekid): if weekid is not None: outputFile.write('''\ <h4>%s</h4> ''' % masses._weekAndSeasonDisplayName(seasonid, weekid)) masses_ = lectionary.getLectionary().weekdayMassesInWeek( seasonid, weekid) outputFile.write('''\ <ul> ''') for mass in masses_: self._writeShortIndexEntryForMass(outputFile, mass) outputFile.write(''' </ul> ''')
def test_parseSundayCitations(self): ''' Prove that the number of readings we find in the Sunday Lectionary by invoking ``grep`` on the XML equals the number of readings we find in our object representation of the Sunday Lectionary. Furthermore, prove that we can parse every one of the citations. ''' readingCount = 0 for mass in lectionary.getLectionary().allSundayMasses: for reading in mass.allReadings: readingCount += 1 citations.parse(reading.citation) # $ grep --count /reading sunday-lectionary.xml self.assertEqual(535, readingCount)
def _findMass(self, massID): return lectionary.getLectionary().findMass(massID)
def test_weekdayMassesInWeek(self): lectionary.getLectionary().weekdayMassesInWeek(None, 'week-1')
def main(args=None): ''' The command-line interface. ''' # Create the command-line parser. exampleText = '''\ Examples: trinity-sunday 2017-10-17 today By default, only the cycle-applicable readings are included. To see all readings, append '#' to the name of the mass (or date). For example: trinity-sunday# 2017-10-17# today# To see only the readings for a particular cycle, append '#' and the name of the cycle to the name of the mass (or date). For example: trinity-sunday#C 2017-10-17#A today#A ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''\ Provide the name of a mass (or a date) and we will write its readings to stdout.''', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=exampleText) parser.add_argument('--list-all-ids', action='store_true', dest='listAllIDs', help='list all mass ids (and exit)') parser.add_argument('--list-weekday-ids', action='store_true', dest='listWeekdayIDs', help='list weekday mass ids (and exit)') parser.add_argument('--list-sunday-ids', action='store_true', dest='listSundayIDs', help='list weekday mass ids (and exit)') parser.add_argument('--list-special-ids', action='store_true', dest='listSpecialIDs', help='list special mass ids (and exit)') parser.add_argument('--export', dest='exportFolderPath', default=None, help='export the whole lectionary') parser.add_argument('query', metavar='QUERY', nargs='?', help='the id of mass (or a date)') # Parse the command-line and handle the list options (if present). options = parser.parse_args(args) if options.listAllIDs: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (lectionary.getLectionary().allIDsFormatted)) raise SystemExit(1) if options.listWeekdayIDs: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (lectionary.getLectionary().weekdayIDsFormatted)) raise SystemExit(1) if options.listSundayIDs: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (lectionary.getLectionary().sundayIDsFormatted)) raise SystemExit(1) if options.listSpecialIDs: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (lectionary.getLectionary().specialIDsFormatted)) raise SystemExit(1) if options.exportFolderPath is not None: exportLectionaryAsHTML(options.exportFolderPath) return # If no query was provided, print help and exit. if options.query is None: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) # Parse the query. try: massTitle, readings = lectionary.getReadings(options.query) except lectionary.NonSingularResultsError as e: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e.message) raise SystemExit(-1) # Write all the readings for the mass to stdout. writeReadingsAsText(massTitle, readings, options)