def generate_proxymodels(self): self.item_proxy_model = ItemProxyModel() self.item_proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.view_model) self.item_proxy_model.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) s = QtCore.QSize(160, 250) # Set icon sizing here self.parent.listView.setIconSize(s) self.parent.listView.setModel(self.item_proxy_model) self.table_proxy_model = TableProxyModel(self.parent.temp_dir.path()) self.table_proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.view_model) self.table_proxy_model.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) self.parent.tableView.setModel(self.table_proxy_model) self.update_proxymodels()
def generate_proxymodels(self): self.itemProxyModel = ItemProxyModel() self.itemProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.itemProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) s = QtCore.QSize(160, 250) # Set icon sizing here self.main_window.listView.setIconSize(s) self.main_window.listView.setModel(self.itemProxyModel) self.tableProxyModel = TableProxyModel( self.main_window.temp_dir.path(), self.main_window.tableView.horizontalHeader(), self.main_window.settings['consider_read_at']) self.tableProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.tableProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) self.main_window.tableView.setModel(self.tableProxyModel) self.update_proxymodels()
class Library: def __init__(self, parent): self.main_window = parent self.libraryModel = None self.itemProxyModel = None self.tableProxyModel = None self._translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate def generate_model(self, mode, parsed_books=None, is_database_ready=True): if mode == 'build': self.libraryModel = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.libraryModel.setColumnCount(10) books = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).fetch_data( ('Title', 'Author', 'Year', 'DateAdded', 'Path', 'Position', 'ISBN', 'Tags', 'Hash', 'LastAccessed', 'Addition'), 'books', {'Title': ''}, 'LIKE') if not books: print('Database returned nothing') return elif mode == 'addition': # Assumes self.libraryModel already exists and may be extended # Because any additional books have already been added to the # database using background threads books = [] current_qdatetime = QtCore.QDateTime().currentDateTime() for i in parsed_books.items(): _tags = i[1]['tags'] if _tags: _tags = ', '.join([j for j in _tags if j]) books.append([ i[1]['title'], i[1]['author'], i[1]['year'], current_qdatetime, i[1]['path'], None, i[1]['isbn'], _tags, i[0], None, i[1]['addition_mode'] ]) else: return for i in books: # The database query returns (or the extension data is) # an iterable with the following indices: title = i[0] author = i[1] year = i[2] path = i[4] addition_mode = i[10] last_accessed = i[9] if last_accessed and not isinstance(last_accessed, QtCore.QDateTime): last_accessed = pickle.loads(last_accessed) tags = i[7] if isinstance(tags, list): # When files are added for the first time if tags: tags = ', '.join(str(this_tag) for this_tag in tags) else: tags = None try: date_added = pickle.loads(i[3]) except TypeError: # Because of above date_added = i[3] position_perc = None position = i[5] if position: position = pickle.loads(position) if position['is_read']: position_perc = 1 else: try: position_perc = (position['current_block'] / position['total_blocks']) except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError): try: position_perc = (position['current_chapter'] / position['total_chapters']) except KeyError: position_perc = None try: file_exists = os.path.exists(path) except UnicodeEncodeError: print('Library: Unicode encoding error') all_metadata = { 'title': title, 'author': author, 'year': year, 'date_added': date_added, 'path': path, 'position': position, 'isbn': i[6], 'tags': tags, 'hash': i[8], 'last_accessed': last_accessed, 'addition_mode': addition_mode, 'file_exists': file_exists } author_string = self._translate('Library', 'Author') year_string = self._translate('Library', 'Year') tooltip_string = f'{title} \n{author_string}: {author} \n{year_string}: {str(year)}' # Additional data can be set using an incrementing # QtCore.Qt.UserRole # QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole is the same as item.setText() # The model is a single row and has no columns # No covers are set at this time # That is to be achieved by way of the culling function img_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() img_pixmap.load(':/images/blank.png') img_pixmap = img_pixmap.scaled(420, 600, QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio) item = QtGui.QStandardItem() item.setToolTip(tooltip_string) # Just keep the following order. It's way too much trouble otherwise item.setData(title, QtCore.Qt.UserRole) item.setData(author, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1) item.setData(year, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2) item.setData(all_metadata, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 3) item.setData(tags, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 4) item.setData(file_exists, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 5) item.setData(i[8], QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 6) # File hash item.setData(position_perc, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 7) item.setData(False, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 8) # Is the cover being displayed? item.setData(date_added, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 9) item.setData(last_accessed, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 12) item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(img_pixmap)) self.libraryModel.appendRow(item) # The is_database_ready boolean is required when a new thread sends # books here for model generation. if not self.main_window.settings[ 'perform_culling'] and is_database_ready: self.main_window.cover_functions.load_all_covers() def generate_proxymodels(self): self.itemProxyModel = ItemProxyModel() self.itemProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.itemProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) s = QtCore.QSize(160, 250) # Set icon sizing here self.main_window.listView.setIconSize(s) self.main_window.listView.setModel(self.itemProxyModel) self.tableProxyModel = TableProxyModel( self.main_window.temp_dir.path(), self.main_window.tableView.horizontalHeader(), self.main_window.settings['consider_read_at']) self.tableProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.tableProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) self.main_window.tableView.setModel(self.tableProxyModel) self.update_proxymodels() def update_proxymodels(self): # Table proxy model self.tableProxyModel.invalidateFilter() self.tableProxyModel.setFilterParams( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text(), self.main_window.active_library_filters, 0) # This doesn't need to know the sorting box position self.tableProxyModel.setFilterFixedString( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text()) # ^^^ This isn't needed, but it forces a model update every time the # text in the line edit changes. So I guess it is needed. self.tableProxyModel.sort_table_columns( self.main_window.tableView.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorSection( )) self.tableProxyModel.sort_table_columns() # Item proxy model self.itemProxyModel.invalidateFilter() self.itemProxyModel.setFilterParams( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text(), self.main_window.active_library_filters, self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex()) self.itemProxyModel.setFilterFixedString( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text()) self.main_window.statusMessage.setText( str(self.itemProxyModel.rowCount()) + self._translate('Library', ' books')) # TODO # Allow sorting by type # Index of the sorting drop down corresponding to the # UserRole of the item model # This keeps from having to rearrange all the UserRoles in the # existing model sort_roles = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 9, 4: 12, 5: 7} # Sorting according to roles and the drop down in the library toolbar self.itemProxyModel.setSortRole(QtCore.Qt.UserRole + sort_roles[ self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex()]) # This can be expanded to other fields by appending to the list sort_order = QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder if self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex() in [ 3, 4, 5 ]: sort_order = QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder self.itemProxyModel.sort(0, sort_order) self.main_window.start_culling_timer() def generate_library_tags(self): db_library_directories = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path ).fetch_data( ('Path', 'Name', 'Tags'), 'directories', # This checks the directories table NOT the book one {'Path': ''}, 'LIKE') if db_library_directories: # Empty database / table library_directories = { i[0]: (i[1], i[2]) for i in db_library_directories } else: db_library_directories = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).fetch_data( ('Path', ), 'books', # THIS CHECKS THE BOOKS TABLE {'Path': ''}, 'LIKE') library_directories = None if db_library_directories: library_directories = { i[0]: (None, None) for i in db_library_directories } def get_tags(all_metadata): path = os.path.dirname(all_metadata['path']) path_ref = pathlib.Path(path) for i in library_directories: if i == path or pathlib.Path(i) in path_ref.parents: directory_name = library_directories[i][0] if directory_name: directory_name = directory_name.lower() else: directory_name = i.rsplit(os.sep)[-1].lower() directory_tags = library_directories[i][1] if directory_tags: directory_tags = directory_tags.lower() return directory_name, directory_tags # A file is assigned a 'manually added' tag in case it isn't # in any designated library directory added_string = self._translate('Library', 'manually added') return added_string.lower(), None # Generate tags for the QStandardItemModel # This isn't triggered for an empty view model for i in range(self.libraryModel.rowCount()): this_item = self.libraryModel.item(i, 0) all_metadata = + 3) directory_name, directory_tags = get_tags(all_metadata) this_item.setData(directory_name, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 10) this_item.setData(directory_tags, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 11) def prune_models(self, valid_paths): # To be executed when the library is updated by folder # All files in unselected directories will have to be removed # from both of the models # They will also have to be deleted from the library invalid_paths = [] deletable_persistent_indexes = [] for i in range(self.libraryModel.rowCount()): item = self.libraryModel.item(i) item_metadata = + 3) book_path = item_metadata['path'] try: addition_mode = item_metadata['addition_mode'] except KeyError: addition_mode = 'automatic' print('Libary: Error setting addition mode for prune') if (book_path not in valid_paths and (addition_mode != 'manual' or addition_mode is None)): invalid_paths.append(book_path) deletable_persistent_indexes.append( QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(item.index())) if deletable_persistent_indexes: for i in deletable_persistent_indexes: self.libraryModel.removeRow(i.row()) # Remove invalid paths from the database as well database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).delete_from_database( 'Path', invalid_paths)
class Library: def __init__(self, parent): self.main_window = parent self.libraryModel = None self.itemProxyModel = None self.tableProxyModel = None self._translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate def generate_model(self, mode, parsed_books=None, is_database_ready=True): if mode == 'build': self.libraryModel = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.libraryModel.setColumnCount(10) books = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).fetch_data( ('Title', 'Author', 'Year', 'DateAdded', 'Path', 'Position', 'ISBN', 'Tags', 'Hash', 'LastAccessed', 'Addition'), 'books', {'Title': ''}, 'LIKE') if not books: logger.warning('Database returned nothing') return elif mode == 'addition': # Assumes self.libraryModel already exists and may be extended # Because any additional books have already been added to the # database using background threads books = [] current_qdatetime = QtCore.QDateTime().currentDateTime() for i in parsed_books.items(): _tags = i[1]['tags'] if _tags: _tags = ', '.join([j for j in _tags if j]) books.append([ i[1]['title'], i[1]['author'], i[1]['year'], current_qdatetime, i[1]['path'], None, i[1]['isbn'], _tags, i[0], None, i[1]['addition_mode']]) else: return for i in books: # The database query returns (or the extension data is) # an iterable with the following indices: title = i[0] author = i[1] year = i[2] path = i[4] addition_mode = i[10] last_accessed = i[9] if last_accessed and not isinstance(last_accessed, QtCore.QDateTime): last_accessed = pickle.loads(last_accessed) tags = i[7] if isinstance(tags, list): # When files are added for the first time if tags: tags = ', '.join(str(this_tag) for this_tag in tags) else: tags = None try: date_added = pickle.loads(i[3]) except TypeError: # Because of above date_added = i[3] position_perc = None position = i[5] if position: position = pickle.loads(position) position_perc = generate_position_percentage(position) try: file_exists = os.path.exists(path) except UnicodeEncodeError: print('Library: Unicode encoding error') all_metadata = { 'title': title, 'author': author, 'year': year, 'date_added': date_added, 'path': path, 'position': position, 'isbn': i[6], 'tags': tags, 'hash': i[8], 'last_accessed': last_accessed, 'addition_mode': addition_mode, 'file_exists': file_exists} author_string = self._translate('Library', 'Author') year_string = self._translate('Library', 'Year') tooltip_string = f'{title} \n{author_string}: {author} \n{year_string}: {str(year)}' # Additional data can be set using an incrementing # QtCore.Qt.UserRole # QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole is the same as item.setText() # The model is a single row and has no columns # No covers are set at this time # That is to be achieved by way of the culling function img_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() img_pixmap.load(':/images/blank.png') img_pixmap = img_pixmap.scaled( 420, 600, QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio) item = QtGui.QStandardItem() item.setToolTip(tooltip_string) # Just keep the following order. It's way too much trouble otherwise # User roles have to be correlated to sorting order below item.setData(title, QtCore.Qt.UserRole) item.setData(author, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1) item.setData(year, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2) item.setData(all_metadata, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 3) item.setData(tags, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 4) item.setData(file_exists, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 5) item.setData(i[8], QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 6) # File hash item.setData(position_perc, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 7) item.setData(False, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 8) # Is the cover being displayed? item.setData(date_added, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 9) item.setData(last_accessed, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 12) item.setData(path, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 13) item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(img_pixmap)) self.libraryModel.appendRow(item) # The is_database_ready boolean is required when a new thread sends # books here for model generation. if not self.main_window.settings['perform_culling'] and is_database_ready: self.main_window.cover_functions.load_all_covers() def generate_proxymodels(self): self.itemProxyModel = ItemProxyModel() self.itemProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.itemProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) s = QtCore.QSize(160, 250) # Set icon sizing here self.main_window.listView.setIconSize(s) self.main_window.listView.setModel(self.itemProxyModel) self.tableProxyModel = TableProxyModel( self.main_window.temp_dir.path(), self.main_window.tableView.horizontalHeader(), self.main_window.settings['consider_read_at']) self.tableProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.libraryModel) self.tableProxyModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(False) self.main_window.tableView.setModel(self.tableProxyModel) self.update_proxymodels() def update_proxymodels(self): # Table proxy model self.tableProxyModel.invalidateFilter() self.tableProxyModel.setFilterParams( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text(), self.main_window.active_library_filters, 0) # This doesn't need to know the sorting box position self.tableProxyModel.setFilterFixedString( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text()) # ^^^ This isn't needed, but it forces a model update every time the # text in the line edit changes. So I guess it is needed. self.tableProxyModel.sort_table_columns( self.main_window.tableView.horizontalHeader().sortIndicatorSection()) self.tableProxyModel.sort_table_columns() # Item proxy model self.itemProxyModel.invalidateFilter() self.itemProxyModel.setFilterParams( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text(), self.main_window.active_library_filters, self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex()) self.itemProxyModel.setFilterFixedString( self.main_window.libraryToolBar.searchBar.text()) self.main_window.statusMessage.setText( str(self.itemProxyModel.rowCount()) + self._translate('Library', ' books')) # TODO # Allow sorting by type # Index of the sorting drop down corresponding to the # UserRole of the item model # This keeps from having to rearrange all the UserRoles in the # existing model sort_roles = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 9, 4: 12, 5: 7} # Sorting according to roles and the drop down in the library toolbar self.itemProxyModel.setSortRole( QtCore.Qt.UserRole + sort_roles[self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex()]) # This can be expanded to other fields by appending to the list sort_order = QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder if self.main_window.libraryToolBar.sortingBox.currentIndex() in [3, 4, 5]: sort_order = QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder self.itemProxyModel.sort(0, sort_order) self.main_window.start_culling_timer() def generate_library_tags(self): db_library_directories = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).fetch_data( ('Path', 'Name', 'Tags'), 'directories', # This checks the directories table NOT the book one {'Path': ''}, 'LIKE') if db_library_directories: # Empty database / table library_directories = { i[0]: (i[1], i[2]) for i in db_library_directories} else: db_library_directories = database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).fetch_data( ('Path',), 'books', # THIS CHECKS THE BOOKS TABLE {'Path': ''}, 'LIKE') library_directories = None if db_library_directories: library_directories = { i[0]: (None, None) for i in db_library_directories} def get_tags(all_metadata): path = os.path.dirname(all_metadata['path']) path_ref = pathlib.Path(path) for i in library_directories: if i == path or pathlib.Path(i) in path_ref.parents: directory_name = library_directories[i][0] if directory_name: directory_name = directory_name.lower() else: directory_name = i.rsplit(os.sep)[-1].lower() directory_tags = library_directories[i][1] if directory_tags: directory_tags = directory_tags.lower() return directory_name, directory_tags # A file is assigned a 'manually added' tag in case it isn't # in any designated library directory added_string = self._translate('Library', 'manually added') return added_string.lower(), None # Generate tags for the QStandardItemModel # This isn't triggered for an empty view model for i in range(self.libraryModel.rowCount()): this_item = self.libraryModel.item(i, 0) all_metadata = + 3) directory_name, directory_tags = get_tags(all_metadata) this_item.setData(directory_name, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 10) this_item.setData(directory_tags, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 11) def prune_models(self, valid_paths): # To be executed when the library is updated by folder # All files in unselected directories will have to be removed # from both of the models # They will also have to be deleted from the library invalid_paths = [] deletable_persistent_indexes = [] for i in range(self.libraryModel.rowCount()): item = self.libraryModel.item(i) item_metadata = + 3) book_path = item_metadata['path'] try: addition_mode = item_metadata['addition_mode'] except KeyError: addition_mode = 'automatic' logger.error('Libary: Error setting addition mode for prune') if (book_path not in valid_paths and (addition_mode != 'manual' or addition_mode is None)): invalid_paths.append(book_path) deletable_persistent_indexes.append( QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex(item.index())) if deletable_persistent_indexes: for i in deletable_persistent_indexes: self.libraryModel.removeRow(i.row()) # Remove invalid paths from the database as well database.DatabaseFunctions( self.main_window.database_path).delete_from_database('Path', invalid_paths)