def testCapitalization(self):
     tests = []
     tests.append( TestCase.formVerb(SKey.REG, 'DISmiss', 'Dismisses', 'Dismissed','Dismissing') )
     tests[-1].forms[SKey.INFINATIVE] = 'Dismiss' # override InflTestHelper's so test is correct
     tests.append( TestCase.formAdj(SKey.REG, 'Brainy', 'Brainier', 'Brainiest') )
     tests.append( TestCase.formNoun(SKey.REG, 'FLY', 'FLIES',) )
     for word in tests:
         infl_dict = lemminflect.getAllInflectionsOOV(word.base, word.upos)
         msg = '\n%s\nCorrect : %s\nFunction: %s' %  (word.base, word.forms, infl_dict)
         self.assertTrue(word.inflectionsInDict(infl_dict), msg)
Example #2
def sample_verb(tag_list, source_tag, source):
    tag_list = [tag for tag in tag_list if tag != source_tag]
    tag = rd.choice(tag_list)
    cand_list = getInflection(source, tag)
    if cand_list == []:
        cand_list = getAllInflectionsOOV(source, upos='VERB').values()
    if len(cand_list) > 0:
        cand = rd.choice(cand_list)
        cand = None
    return cand
Example #3
 def testUPOSLog(self):
     with self.assertLogs():
         infl = lemminflect.getInflection('WORD', 'X')
     self.assertEqual(infl, ())
     with self.assertLogs():
         infls = lemminflect.getAllInflections('WORD', 'X')
     self.assertEqual(infls, {})
     with self.assertLogs():
         infls = lemminflect.getAllInflectionsOOV('WORD', 'X')
     self.assertEqual(infls, {})
     token = self.nlp('testing')[0]
     self.assertEqual(token._.inflect('X'), 'testing')
Example #4
def get_lemmas(word: str, pos: PartOfSpeech):
    word = word.lower()

    if (" " in word or "." in word):
        return JSONResponse (status_code = 200, content = {"message": "Input must contain only a single word without spaces or punctuation."})

    # Get the basic lemma version of the word first
    lemmas = getLemma(word, pos)
    if len(lemmas) > 0:
        lemma = getLemma(word, pos)[0]
        lemma = word

    inflections = merge_inflections(getAllInflections(lemma, upos=pos), getAllInflectionsOOV(lemma, upos=pos))
    return {"lemma": lemma, "inflections": inflections}
Example #5
    def __call__(self, sent, index):
        # get word
        if sent[index].org is not None:
            word = sent[index].org
            word = sent[index].lemma

        # get cand
        cand = None
        source = word.lower()
        if source != '':
            source_tag = sent[index].tag
            tag_list = [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag != source_tag]
            tag = rd.choice(tag_list)
            cand_list = getInflection(source, tag)
            if cand_list == []:
                cand_list = getAllInflectionsOOV(source, upos='VERB').values()
            if len(cand_list) > 0:
                cand = rd.choice(cand_list)

        # replace to cand
        if cand is not None:
            if word.istitle():
                cand = cand.title()
            sent[index].org = cand
            if ((index >= 1 and sent[index - 1].pos != 'AUX')
                    and (index >= 2 and sent[index - 2].pos != 'AUX')
                    and self.sampler() < self.aux_ratio
                ):  # 直前にAUXがなくVBG, VBNなら"have (been)"の変化を直前に挿入する
                if tag == 'VBG':
                        EnToken(index=sent[index].index - 0.25,
                elif tag == 'VBN':
                        EnToken(index=sent[index].index - 0.25,
            sent[index] = self.add_history(sent[index])
        return sent
 def testUPosException(self):
     self.assertEqual(lemminflect.getAllInflectionsOOV('test', 'X'), {})
Example #7
def api_getAllInflectionsOOV():
    content = request.json
    result = getAllInflectionsOOV(content['lemma'], content['upos'])
    return jsonify(result)