Example #1
def test_certificate_output_schema_subject_details(session, certificate, issuer_plugin):
    from lemur.certificates.schemas import CertificateOutputSchema
    from lemur.authorities.service import update_options

    # Mark authority as non-cab-compliant
    update_options(certificate.authority.id, '[{"name": "cab_compliant","value":false}]')

    data, errors = CertificateOutputSchema().dump(certificate)
    assert not errors
    assert data["issuer"] == "LemurTrustUnittestsClass1CA2018"
    assert data["distinguishedName"] == "L=Earth,ST=N/A,C=EE,OU=Karate Lessons,O=Daniel San & co,CN=san.example.org"

    # Original subject details should be returned because of cab_compliant option update above
    assert data["country"] == "EE"
    assert data["state"] == "N/A"
    assert data["location"] == "Earth"
    assert data["organization"] == "Daniel San & co"
    assert data["organizationalUnit"] == "Karate Lessons"

    # Mark authority as cab-compliant
    update_options(certificate.authority.id, '[{"name": "cab_compliant","value":true}]')
    data, errors = CertificateOutputSchema().dump(certificate)
    assert not errors
    assert "country" not in data
    assert "state" not in data
    assert "location" not in data
    assert "organization" not in data
    assert "organizationalUnit" not in data
Example #2
def test_reissue_certificate(
    issuer_plugin, crypto_authority, certificate, logged_in_user
    from lemur.certificates.service import reissue_certificate
    from lemur.authorities.service import update_options
    from lemur.tests.conf import LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION

    # test-authority would return a mismatching private key, so use 'cryptography-issuer' plugin instead.
    certificate.authority = crypto_authority
    new_cert = reissue_certificate(certificate)
    assert new_cert
    assert new_cert.key_type == "RSA2048"
    assert new_cert.organization != certificate.organization
    # Check for default value since authority does not have cab_compliant option set
    assert new_cert.organization == LEMUR_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION
    assert new_cert.description.startswith(f"Reissued by Lemur for cert ID {certificate.id}")

    # update cab_compliant option to false for crypto_authority to maintain subject details
    update_options(crypto_authority.id, '[{"name": "cab_compliant","value":false}]')
    new_cert = reissue_certificate(certificate)
    assert new_cert.organization == certificate.organization
Example #3
    def setup_acme_client(self, authority):
        if not authority.options:
            raise InvalidAuthority("Invalid authority. Options not set")
        options = {}

        for option in json.loads(authority.options):
            options[option["name"]] = option.get("value")
        email = options.get("email", current_app.config.get("ACME_EMAIL"))
        tel = options.get("telephone", current_app.config.get("ACME_TEL"))
        directory_url = options.get(
            "acme_url", current_app.config.get("ACME_DIRECTORY_URL"))

        existing_key = options.get("acme_private_key",
        existing_regr = options.get("acme_regr",

        eab_kid = options.get("eab_kid", None)
        eab_hmac_key = options.get("eab_hmac_key", None)

        if existing_key and existing_regr:
            current_app.logger.debug("Reusing existing ACME account")
            # Reuse the same account for each certificate issuance

            # existing_key might be encrypted
            if not is_json(existing_key):
                # decrypt the private key, if not already in plaintext (json format)
                existing_key = data_decrypt(existing_key)

            key = jose.JWK.json_loads(existing_key)
            regr = messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(existing_regr)
                "Connecting with directory at {0}".format(directory_url))
            net = ClientNetwork(key, account=regr)
            client = BackwardsCompatibleClientV2(net, key, directory_url)
            return client, {}
            # Create an account for each certificate issuance
            key = jose.JWKRSA(key=generate_private_key("RSA2048"))

            current_app.logger.debug("Creating a new ACME account")
                "Connecting with directory at {0}".format(directory_url))

            net = ClientNetwork(key, account=None, timeout=3600)
            client = BackwardsCompatibleClientV2(net, key, directory_url)
            if eab_kid and eab_hmac_key:
                # external account binding (eab_kid and eab_hmac_key could be potentially single use to establish
                # long-term credentials)
                eab = messages.ExternalAccountBinding.from_data(
                registration = client.new_account_and_tos(
                        email=email, external_account_binding=eab))
                registration = client.new_account_and_tos(

            # if store_account is checked, add the private_key and registration resources to the options
            if options['store_account']:
                new_options = json.loads(authority.options)
                # the key returned by fields_to_partial_json is missing the key type, so we add it manually
                key_dict = key.fields_to_partial_json()
                key_dict["kty"] = "RSA"
                acme_private_key = {
                    "name": "acme_private_key",
                    "value": data_encrypt(json.dumps(key_dict))

                acme_regr = {
                    "name": "acme_regr",
                    "value": json.dumps({
                        "body": {},
                        "uri": registration.uri

                    authority.id, options=json.dumps(new_options))

            current_app.logger.debug("Connected: {0}".format(registration.uri))

        return client, registration
Example #4
    def setup_acme_client(self, authority):
        if not authority.options:
            raise InvalidAuthority("Invalid authority. Options not set")
        options = {}

        for option in json.loads(authority.options):
            options[option["name"]] = option.get("value")
        email = options.get("email", current_app.config.get("ACME_EMAIL"))
        tel = options.get("telephone", current_app.config.get("ACME_TEL"))
        directory_url = options.get(
            "acme_url", current_app.config.get("ACME_DIRECTORY_URL")

        existing_key = options.get(
            "acme_private_key", current_app.config.get("ACME_PRIVATE_KEY")
        existing_regr = options.get("acme_regr", current_app.config.get("ACME_REGR"))

        if existing_key and existing_regr:
            current_app.logger.debug("Reusing existing ACME account")
            # Reuse the same account for each certificate issuance
            key = jose.JWK.json_loads(existing_key)
            regr = messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(existing_regr)
                "Connecting with directory at {0}".format(directory_url)
            net = ClientNetwork(key, account=regr)
            client = BackwardsCompatibleClientV2(net, key, directory_url)
            return client, {}
            # Create an account for each certificate issuance
            key = jose.JWKRSA(key=generate_private_key("RSA2048"))

            current_app.logger.debug("Creating a new ACME account")
                "Connecting with directory at {0}".format(directory_url)

            net = ClientNetwork(key, account=None, timeout=3600)
            client = BackwardsCompatibleClientV2(net, key, directory_url)
            registration = client.new_account_and_tos(

            # if store_account is checked, add the private_key and registration resources to the options
            if options['store_account']:
                new_options = json.loads(authority.options)
                # the key returned by fields_to_partial_json is missing the key type, so we add it manually
                key_dict = key.fields_to_partial_json()
                key_dict["kty"] = "RSA"
                acme_private_key = {
                    "name": "acme_private_key",
                    "value": json.dumps(key_dict)

                acme_regr = {
                    "name": "acme_regr",
                    "value": json.dumps({"body": {}, "uri": registration.uri})

                authorities_service.update_options(authority.id, options=json.dumps(new_options))

            current_app.logger.debug("Connected: {0}".format(registration.uri))

        return client, registration