Example #1
        def cal_Gm(l, rank):
            #n_l = default_num_l_in_rank * rank + l
            n_l = np.sum(num_ell_array[0:rank]) + l
            ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l
            ell = alpha * ell
            ##offset_Gm = n_l * N_dset * num_kout * data_type_size

            Gmatrix_l = np.zeros((N_dset, num_kout))
            # j denotes column
            for j in range(num_kout):
                #chi_k: comoving distance from k
                chi_k = ell / k_mid[
                    j]  # I would have to say I could only do approximation here, e.g., using k_mid
                z_k = interpolate.splev(chi_k, tck_zchi, der=0)
                # i denotes row
                if z_k < zmax:
                    GF = (growth_factor(z_k, cosmic_params.omega_m) / G_0)**2.0
                    for i in range(N_dset):
                        # redshift bin i: rb_i
                        rb_i = iu1[0][i]
                        gi = lens_eff(zbin, center_z, n_z, nz_y2, rb_i, z_k,
                        # redshift bin j: rb_j
                        rb_j = iu1[1][i]
                        gj = lens_eff(zbin, center_z, n_z, nz_y2, rb_j, z_k,
                        # here too, I did approximation for the integration, e.g., the term (1/k1 - 1/k2)
                        Gmatrix_l[i][j] = pow(
                            (1.0 + z_k), 2.0) * gi * gj * ell * (
                                1.0 / kout[j] -
                                1.0 / kout[j + 1]) * GF * Pnorm_out[j]
            return Gmatrix_l
Example #2
        def cal_cijl(l, rank):
            #n_l = default_num_l_in_rank * rank + l
            n_l = np.sum(num_ell_array[0:rank]) + l
            ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l
            ell = alpha * ell
            ##offset_cijl = n_l * N_dset * data_type_size
            c_temp = np.zeros((nbin_ext, nbin_ext))
            for c_i in range(nbin_ext):
                g_nr = nbin_ext - c_i
                #print('g_nr:', g_nr)
                # gmatrix_jk is used to store integration elements to calculate array C^ij(l) from Pk for a certain l
                # j=i, i+1,...nbin_ext; j in the name gmatrix_jk also denotes row index
                gmatrix_jk = np.zeros((g_nr, num_par))
                # g_col is the column index of gmatrix_jk
                for g_col in range(num_par):
                    chi_k = ell / k_par[g_col]
                    z_k = interpolate.splev(
                        chi_k, tck_zchi, der=0
                    )  # Here z_k is understood as the spectroscopic redshift z
                    g_i = lens_eff(zbin, center_z, n_z, nz_y2, c_i, z_k,
                    if z_k < zmax:  # zmax corresponding to \chi_h in the expression of C^ij(l)
                        GF = (growth_factor(z_k, cosmic_params.omega_m) /
                        #print('zmax, z_k, GF:', zmax, z_k, GF)
                        c_j = c_i
                        # here g_row is the row index of gmatrix_jk
                        for g_row in range(g_nr):
                            g_j = lens_eff(zbin, center_z, n_z, nz_y2, c_j,
                                           z_k, sigma_z_const)
                            gmatrix_jk[g_row][g_col] = pow(
                                (1.0 + z_k), 2.0) * g_i * g_j * ell * (
                                    1.0 / k_camb[g_col] -
                                    1.0 / k_camb[g_col + 1]) * GF
                            ###gmatrix_jk[g_row][g_col] = pow((1.0+z_k), 2.0)*lens_eff(c_i, chi_k)*lens_eff(c_j, chi_k)*ell*(1.0/k_par[g_col]-1.0/k_par[g_col+1])*GF
                            c_j += 1

                c_temp[c_i][c_i:nbin_ext] = np.dot(gmatrix_jk, Pk_par)
            #    print(c_temp)
            cijl = np.asarray(
                dtype=np.float64)  # extract upper-triangle of c_temp
            if rank == 0:
                print('ell from rank', rank, 'is', ell)
            return cijl
def main():
    scale_n = 1.10  # Tully-Fisher total surface number density (unit: arcmin^-2), from Eric et al.(2013), Table 2 (TF-Stage)
    c = 2.99792458e5  # speed of light unit in km/s
    N_dset = (nrbin + 1) * nrbin // 2  # numbe of C^ij(l) data sets
    zbin = np.zeros(nrbin +
                    1)  # for both zbin and chibin, the first element is 0.
    chibin = np.zeros(nrbin + 1)
    eps = 0.1

    inputf = '../Input_files/nz_stage_IV.txt'  # Input file of n(z) which is the galaxy number density distribution in terms of z
    # Here center_z denotes z axis of n(z). It may not be appropriate since we don't have redshift bin setting
    center_z, n_z = np.loadtxt(inputf, dtype='f8', comments='#', unpack=True)
    spl_nz = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(center_z, n_z)
    n_sum = spl_nz.integral(center_z[0],
                            center_z[-1])  # Calculate the total number density
    scale_dndz = 1.0 / n_sum
    n_z = n_z * scale_dndz  # Normalize n(z)
    spl_nz = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
        center_z, n_z)  # Interpolate n(z) in terms of z using spline

    # bin interval
    z_min = center_z[0]
    z_max = 2.0  # based on the data file, at z=2.0, n(z) is very small
    zbin_avg = (z_max - z_min) / float(nrbin)
    for i in range(nrbin):
        zbin[i] = i * zbin_avg + z_min
        if zbin[i] <= z_target:
            target_i = i
    zbin[-1] = z_max

    # Note that here chibin[0] is not equal to 0, since there is redshift cut at low z.
    for i in range(0, nrbin + 1):
        chibin[i] = comove_d(zbin[i]) * c / 100.0

    print('Xmax', c / 100.0 * comove_d(zbin[-1]))
    #Xmax = comove_d(zbin[-1])

    print('target_i:', target_i)
    #z_array = np.linspace(0.0, zbin[target_i+1], 1000, endpoint=False)
    z_array = np.linspace(0.0, z_max, 1000, endpoint=True)
    chi_array = np.array([comove_d(z_i) for z_i in z_array]) * c / 100.0
    print("chi_array:", chi_array)
    g_i_array = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    for chi_k in chi_array:
        g_i = lens_eff(target_i, chi_k, chibin, eps)
        g_i_array = np.append(g_i_array, g_i)

    print('min_gi:', np.min(g_i_array), 'at chi=',
    odir0 = '/Users/ding/Documents/playground/shear_ps/project_final/fig_lens_eff/gi_data/'
    odir = odir0 + '{}/'.format(survey_stage)
    if not os.path.exists(odir):
    ofile = odir + 'gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}.npz'.format(
        nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    np.savez(ofile, z=z_array, gi=g_i_array)

    odir = './figs/lens_eff_gi/'
    if not os.path.exists(odir):

    ofile = odir + 'gi_{}_nrbin{}_zi_{}.pdf'.format(survey_stage, nrbin,
    plot_lens_eff(z_array, g_i_array, nrbin, z_target, ofile)

    ofile = odir + 'gi_{}_nrbin{}_zi_{}_version2.pdf'.format(
        survey_stage, nrbin, z_target)
    plot_lens_eff_version2(z_array, chi_array, g_i_array, nrbin, z_target,
def main():
    c = 2.99792458e5  # speed of light unit in km/s
    sigma_z_const = 0.05  # for PW-Stage IV, from Table 3 in Eric et al. 2015
    #scale_n = 31.0
    # input galaxy number density n(z) file
    inputf = '../Input_files/nz_stage_IV.txt'  # Input file of n(z) which is the galaxy number density distribution in terms of z
    # Here center_z denotes z axis of n(z). It may not be appropriate since we don't have redshift bin setting
    center_z, n_z = np.loadtxt(inputf, dtype='f8', comments='#', unpack=True)
    num_z = len(center_z)
    spl_nz = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(center_z, n_z)
    n_sum = spl_nz.integral(center_z[0],
                            center_z[-1])  # Calculate the total number density
    scale_dndz = 1.0 / n_sum
    n_z = n_z * scale_dndz  # normalize n(z) to match the total number density from the data file equal to 1.0/arcmin^2
    tck_nz = interpolate.splrep(center_z, n_z)
    zmax = 2.0  # Based on Eric's n(z) data file for Stage IV weak lensing survey, we cut number density at z=2.0, after which n(z) is very small.
    #-- Removed this extrapolation part for n(z) since the given data file covers large z range.
    # ...
    # Set zmax_ext as the maximum z after extension, it's about 2.467 in this case.
    zmax_ext = zmax + math.sqrt(2.0) * 0.05 * (
        1 + zmax) * 2.2  # 2.2 is from erf(2.2) which is close to 1.0
    print('zmax_ext: ', zmax_ext)  # It's about 2.467.
    nz_y2 = np.zeros(num_z)

    #**** Different from the previous case that zmin is 0, zmin is not 0 in the new n(z) file. ****#
    zmin = center_z[0]
    zbin_avg = (zmax - zmin) / float(nrbin)  # bin interval
    nbin_ext = int(zmax_ext / zbin_avg)
    #print('# of redshift bins (extended): ', nbin_ext)

    zbin = np.zeros(nbin_ext + 1)
    for i in range(nbin_ext + 1):
        zbin[i] = i * zbin_avg + zmin
        if zbin[i] <= z_target:
            target_i = i

    #z_array = np.linspace(0.0, zbin[target_i+1], 1000, endpoint=False)
    z_array = np.linspace(0.0, zmax, 1000, endpoint=False)
    chi_array = np.array([comove_d(z_i) for z_i in z_array
                          ])  # not including the unit of distance
    g_i_array = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    for z_k in z_array:
        g_i = lens_eff(zbin, center_z, n_z, nz_y2, target_i, z_k,
        g_i_array = np.append(g_i_array, g_i)

    odir0 = '/Users/ding/Documents/playground/shear_ps/project_final/fig_lens_eff/gi_data/'
    odir = odir0 + '{}/'.format(survey_stage)
    if not os.path.exists(odir):
    ofile = odir + 'gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}.npz'.format(
        nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    #ofile = './gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}_30abscissas.npz'.format(nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    #ofile = './gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}_50abscissas.npz'.format(nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    #ofile = './gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}_50abscissas_5sigma.npz'.format(nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    #ofile = './gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_rbinid_{}_50abscissas_largerintlim_in_denominator.npz'.format(nrbin, z_target, target_i)
    np.savez(ofile, z=z_array, gi=g_i_array)

    odir = './figs/lens_eff_gi/'
    if not os.path.exists(odir):

    ofile = odir + 'gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}.pdf'.format(nrbin, z_target)
    plot_lens_eff(z_array, g_i_array, nrbin, z_target, ofile)

    ofile = odir + 'gi_nrbin{}_zk_{}_version2.pdf'.format(nrbin, z_target)
    plot_lens_eff_version2(z_array, chi_array, g_i_array, nrbin, z_target,