Example #1
def indentBody(self, event=None):
    The indent-region command indents each line of the selected body text,
    or each line of a node if there is no selected text. The @tabwidth directive
    in effect determines amount of indentation. (not yet) A numeric argument
    specifies the column to indent to.
    c, undoType = self, 'Indent Region'
    w = c.frame.body.wrapper
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    ins = w.getInsertPoint()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(c.p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width + abs(tab_width),
                                       tab_width) + line[i:]
        if s != line: changed = True
    if changed:
        # Leo 5.6: preserve insert point.
        preserveSel = sel_1 == sel_2
        if preserveSel:
            ins += tab_width
            oldSel = ins, ins
        result = ''.join(result)
        c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType, oldSel, oldYview,
Example #2
 def regularize_whitespace(self, lines):
     Regularize leading whitespace in s:
     Convert tabs to blanks or vice versa depending on the @tabwidth in effect.
     kind = 'tabs' if self.tab_width > 0 else 'blanks'
     kind2 = 'blanks' if self.tab_width > 0 else 'tabs'
     fn = g.shortFileName(self.root.h)
     count, result, tab_width = 0, [], self.tab_width
     self.ws_error = False  # 2016/11/23
     if tab_width < 0:  # Convert tabs to blanks.
         for n, line in enumerate(lines):
             i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
             # Use negative width.
             s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w, -abs(tab_width)) + line[i:]
             if s != line:
                 count += 1
     elif tab_width > 0:  # Convert blanks to tabs.
         for n, line in enumerate(lines):
             # Use positive width.
             s = g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace(line, abs(tab_width))
             if s != line:
                 count += 1
     if count:
         self.ws_error = True  # A flag to check.
         if not g.unitTesting:
             # g.es_print('Warning: Intermixed tabs and blanks in', fn)
             # g.es_print('Perfect import test will ignoring leading whitespace.')
             g.es('changed leading %s to %s in %s line%s in %s' % (
                 kind2, kind, count, g.plural(count), fn))
         if g.unitTesting:  # Sets flag for unit tests.
             self.report('changed %s lines' % count)
     return result
Example #3
def convertTabs(self, event=None):
    '''Convert all tabs to blanks in the selected node.'''
    c = self
    changed = False
    dirtyVnodeList = []
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines(
    # Use the relative @tabwidth, not the global one.
    theDict = c.scanAllDirectives()
    tabWidth = theDict.get("tabwidth")
    if tabWidth:
        result = []
        for line in lines:
            i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
            s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(
                w, -abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:]  # use negative width.
            if s != line: changed = True
        if changed:
            undoType = 'Convert Tabs'
            result = ''.join(result)
            oldSel = None
            dirtyVnodeList = c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType,
                                              oldSel, oldYview)  # Handles undo
    return changed, dirtyVnodeList
Example #4
 def regularizeWhitespace(self, s):
     '''Regularize leading whitespace in s:
     Convert tabs to blanks or vice versa depending on the @tabwidth in effect.
     This is only called for strict languages.'''
     changed = False
     lines = g.splitLines(s)
     result = []
     tab_width = self.tab_width
     if tab_width < 0:  # Convert tabs to blanks.
         for line in lines:
             i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
             s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(
                 w, -abs(tab_width)) + line[i:]  # Use negative width.
             if s != line: changed = True
     elif tab_width > 0:  # Convert blanks to tabs.
         for line in lines:
             s = g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace(
                 line, abs(tab_width))  # Use positive width.
             if s != line: changed = True
     if changed:
         action = 'tabs converted to blanks' if self.tab_width < 0 else 'blanks converted to tabs'
         message = 'inconsistent leading whitespace. %s' % action
     return ''.join(result)
Example #5
def indentBody(self, event=None):
    The indent-region command indents each line of the selected body text,
    or each line of a node if there is no selected text. The @tabwidth directive
    in effect determines amount of indentation. (not yet) A numeric argument
    specifies the column to indent to.
    c, undoType = self, 'Indent Region'
    w = c.frame.body.wrapper
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    ins = w.getInsertPoint()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(c.p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width + abs(tab_width), tab_width) + line[i:]
        if s != line: changed = True
    if changed:
        # Leo 5.6: preserve insert point.
        preserveSel = sel_1 == sel_2
        if preserveSel:
            ins += tab_width
            oldSel = ins, ins
        result = ''.join(result)
        c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType, oldSel, oldYview, preserveSel)
Example #6
def alwaysIndentBody(self, event=None):
    The always-indent-region command indents each line of the selected body
    text. The @tabwidth directive in effect determines amount of
    c, p, u, w = self, self.p, self.undoer, self.frame.body.wrapper
    # #1801: Don't rely on bindings to ensure that we are editing the body.
    event_w = event and event.w
    if event_w != w:
    # "Before" snapshot.
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    # Initial data.
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    # Calculate the result.
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        if line.strip():
            i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
            s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width + abs(tab_width),
                                           tab_width) + line[i:]
            if s != line:
                changed = True
            result.append('\n')  # #2418
    if not changed:
    # Set p.b and w's text first.
    middle = ''.join(result)
    all = head + middle + tail
    p.b = all  # Sets dirty and changed bits.
    # Calculate the proper selection range (i, j, ins).
    if sel_1 == sel_2:
        line = result[0]
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        i = j = len(head) + i
        i = len(head)
        j = len(head) + len(middle)
        if middle.endswith('\n'):  # #1742.
            j -= 1
    # Set the selection range and scroll position.
    w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j)
    # "after" snapshot.
    u.afterChangeBody(p, 'Indent Region', bunch)
def convertAllBlanks(self, event=None):
    '''Convert all blanks to tabs in the selected outline.'''
    c = self
    u = c.undoer
    undoType = 'Convert All Blanks'
    current = c.p
    if g.app.batchMode:
    d = c.scanAllDirectives()
    tabWidth = d.get("tabwidth")
    count = 0
    dirtyVnodeList = []
    u.beforeChangeGroup(current, undoType)
    for p in current.self_and_subtree():
        # g.trace(p.h,tabWidth)
        innerUndoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
        if p == current:
            changed, dirtyVnodeList2 = c.convertBlanks(event)
            if changed:
                count += 1
            changed = False
            result = []
            text = p.v.b
            lines = text.split('\n')
            for line in lines:
                i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
                s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(
                    w, abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:]  # use positive width.
                if s != line: changed = True
            if changed:
                count += 1
                dirtyVnodeList2 = p.setDirty()
                result = '\n'.join(result)
                u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, innerUndoData)
    u.afterChangeGroup(current, undoType, dirtyVnodeList=dirtyVnodeList)
    if not g.unitTesting:
        g.es("blanks converted to tabs in", count, "nodes")
        # Must come before c.redraw().
    if count > 0:
Example #8
def convertTabs(self, event=None):
    """Convert all tabs to blanks in the selected node."""
    c, p, u, w = self, self.p, self.undoer, self.frame.body.wrapper
    # "Before" snapshot.
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    # Data...
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    # Use the relative @tabwidth, not the global one.
    theDict = c.scanAllDirectives(p)
    tabWidth = theDict.get("tabwidth")
    if not tabWidth:
        return False
    # Calculate the result.
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(
            width, -abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:]  # use negative width.
        if s != line:
            changed = True
    if not changed:
        return False
    # Set p.b and w's text first.
    middle = ''.join(result)
    p.b = head + middle + tail  # Sets dirty and changed bits.
    w.setAllText(head + middle + tail)
    # Calculate the proper selection range (i, j, ins).
    i = len(head)
    j = max(i, len(head) + len(middle) - 1)
    # Set the selection range and scroll position.
    w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j)
    # "after" snapshot.
    u.afterChangeBody(p, 'Add Comments', bunch)
    return True
Example #9
def dedentBody(self, event=None):
    """Remove one tab's worth of indentation from all presently selected lines."""
    c, p, u, w = self, self.p, self.undoer, self.frame.body.wrapper
    # Initial data.
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(c.p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    # Calculate the result.
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width - abs(tab_width),
                                       tab_width) + line[i:]
        if s != line:
            changed = True
    if not changed:
    # Set p.b and w's text first.
    middle = ''.join(result)
    all = head + middle + tail
    p.b = all  # Sets dirty and changed bits.
    # Calculate the proper selection range (i, j, ins).
    if sel_1 == sel_2:
        line = result[0]
        ins, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        i = j = len(head) + ins
        i = len(head)
        j = len(head) + len(middle)
        if middle.endswith('\n'):  # #1742.
            j -= 1
    # Set the selection range and scroll position.
    w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j)
    u.afterChangeBody(p, 'Unindent Region', bunch)
Example #10
def convertTabs(self, event=None):
    '''Convert all tabs to blanks in the selected node.'''
    c = self; changed = False; dirtyVnodeList = []
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines(expandSelection=True)
    # Use the relative @tabwidth, not the global one.
    theDict = c.scanAllDirectives()
    tabWidth = theDict.get("tabwidth")
    if tabWidth:
        result = []
        for line in lines:
            i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
            s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w, -abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:] # use negative width.
            if s != line: changed = True
        if changed:
            undoType = 'Convert Tabs'
            result = ''.join(result)
            oldSel = None
            dirtyVnodeList = c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType, oldSel, oldYview) # Handles undo
    return changed, dirtyVnodeList
Example #11
def convertAllTabs(self, event=None):
    """Convert all tabs to blanks in the selected outline."""
    c = self
    u = c.undoer
    undoType = 'Convert All Tabs'
    current = c.p
    if g.app.batchMode:
    theDict = c.scanAllDirectives(c.p)
    tabWidth = theDict.get("tabwidth")
    count = 0
    u.beforeChangeGroup(current, undoType)
    for p in current.self_and_subtree():
        undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
        if p == current:
            changed = self.convertTabs(event)
            if changed:
                count += 1
            result = []
            changed = False
            text = p.v.b
            lines = text.split('\n')
            for line in lines:
                i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
                s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(
                    w, -abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:]  # use negative width.
                if s != line:
                    changed = True
            if changed:
                count += 1
                u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)
    u.afterChangeGroup(current, undoType)
    if not g.unitTesting:
        g.es("tabs converted to blanks in", count, "nodes")
    if count > 0:
Example #12
 def regularizeWhitespace(self, s):
     '''Regularize leading whitespace in s:
     Convert tabs to blanks or vice versa depending on the @tabwidth in effect.
     This is only called for strict languages.'''
     changed = False; lines = g.splitLines(s); result = []; tab_width = self.tab_width
     if tab_width < 0: # Convert tabs to blanks.
         for line in lines:
             i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
             s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w, -abs(tab_width)) + line[i:] # Use negative width.
             if s != line: changed = True
     elif tab_width > 0: # Convert blanks to tabs.
         for line in lines:
             s = g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace(line, abs(tab_width)) # Use positive width.
             if s != line: changed = True
     if changed:
         action = 'tabs converted to blanks' if self.tab_width < 0 else 'blanks converted to tabs'
         message = 'inconsistent leading whitespace. %s' % action
     return ''.join(result)
Example #13
def convertAllBlanks(self, event=None):
    '''Convert all blanks to tabs in the selected outline.'''
    c = self; u = c.undoer; undoType = 'Convert All Blanks'
    current = c.p
    if g.app.batchMode:
    d = c.scanAllDirectives()
    tabWidth = d.get("tabwidth")
    count = 0; dirtyVnodeList = []
    u.beforeChangeGroup(current, undoType)
    for p in current.self_and_subtree():
        innerUndoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
        if p == current:
            changed, dirtyVnodeList2 = c.convertBlanks(event)
            if changed:
                count += 1
            changed = False; result = []
            text = p.v.b
            lines = text.split('\n')
            for line in lines:
                i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tabWidth)
                s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w, abs(tabWidth)) + line[i:] # use positive width.
                if s != line: changed = True
            if changed:
                count += 1
                dirtyVnodeList2 = p.setDirty()
                result = '\n'.join(result)
                u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, innerUndoData)
    u.afterChangeGroup(current, undoType, dirtyVnodeList=dirtyVnodeList)
    if not g.unitTesting:
        g.es("blanks converted to tabs in", count, "nodes")
            # Must come before c.redraw().
    if count > 0:
Example #14
def dedentBody(self, event=None):
    '''Remove one tab's worth of indentation from all presently selected lines.'''
    c, undoType = self, 'Unindent'
    w = c.frame.body.wrapper
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    ins = w.getInsertPoint()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(c.p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width - abs(tab_width), tab_width) + line[i:]
        if s != line: changed = True
    if changed:
        result = ''.join(result)
        # Leo 5.6: preserve insert point.
        preserveSel = sel_1 == sel_2
        if preserveSel:
            ins = max(0, ins - abs(tab_width))
            oldSel = ins, ins
        c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType, oldSel, oldYview, preserveSel)
Example #15
def dedentBody(self, event=None):
    '''Remove one tab's worth of indentation from all presently selected lines.'''
    c, undoType = self, 'Unindent'
    w = c.frame.body.wrapper
    sel_1, sel_2 = w.getSelectionRange()
    ins = w.getInsertPoint()
    tab_width = c.getTabWidth(c.p)
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    changed, result = False, []
    for line in lines:
        i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
        s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width - abs(tab_width), tab_width) + line[i:]
        if s != line: changed = True
    if changed:
        # Leo 5.6: preserve insert point.
        preserveSel = sel_1 == sel_2
        if preserveSel:
            ins = max(len(head), len(result[0]) - len(lines[0]) + ins)
            oldSel = ins, ins
        result = ''.join(result)
        c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType, oldSel, oldYview, preserveSel)
Example #16
 def regularize_whitespace(self, s):
     Regularize leading whitespace in s:
     Convert tabs to blanks or vice versa depending on the @tabwidth in effect.
     kind = 'tabs' if self.tab_width > 0 else 'blanks'
     kind2 = 'blanks' if self.tab_width > 0 else 'tabs'
     fn = g.shortFileName(self.root.h)
     lines = g.splitLines(s)
     count, result, tab_width = 0, [], self.tab_width
     self.ws_error = False # 2016/11/23
     if tab_width < 0: # Convert tabs to blanks.
         for n, line in enumerate(lines):
             i, w = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width)
             s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(w, -abs(tab_width)) + line[i:]
                 # Use negative width.
             if s != line:
                 count += 1
     elif tab_width > 0: # Convert blanks to tabs.
         for n, line in enumerate(lines):
             s = g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace(line, abs(tab_width))
                 # Use positive width.
             if s != line:
                 count += 1
     if count:
         self.ws_error = True # A flag to check.
         if not g.unitTesting:
             # g.es_print('Warning: Intermixed tabs and blanks in', fn)
             # g.es_print('Perfect import test will ignoring leading whitespace.')
             g.es('changed leading %s to %s in %s line%s in %s' % (
                 kind2, kind, count, g.plural(count), fn))
         if g.unitTesting: # Sets flag for unit tests.
             self.report('changed %s lines' % count)
     return ''.join(result)