Example #1
def build_kagper_hucent(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with some density of kagomization (kagper = kagome percolation)

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid(

    # Select some fraction of vertices (which are points) --> xypick gives Nkag of the vertices (xy)
    Nkag = round(lp['percolation_density'] * len(xy))
    ind_shuffled = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(xy)))
    xypick = np.sort(ind_shuffled[0:Nkag])

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])
    while mfok:
        lp['subconf'] += 1
        mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])

    lattice_exten = 'kagper_hucent' + lattice_exten[10:] + \
                    '_perd' + sf.float2pstr(lp['percolation_density'], ndigits=2) + \
                    '_r' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['subconf']))
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
Example #2
                title += r' $V \pm \sigma = $' + sf.float2pstr(
                    lp['pin']) + r'$\pm$' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])
                title += r' $V = $' + str(int(lp['pin']))
        chern.get_haldane_chern(check=args.check, title=title)

    if args.contributions:
        # Calc chern number for specified network
            meshfn = le.find_meshfn(lp)
            lp['meshfn'] = meshfn
            lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        except RuntimeError:
            print '\n\n Could not find lattice --> creating it!'
            meshfn, trash = le.build_meshfn(lp)
            lp['meshfn'] = meshfn
            lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        hlat = haldane_lattice_class.HaldaneLattice(lat, lp)
        print '\n\n\nhaldane_chern_class: ', hlat.lattice.lp, '\n'
        chern = HaldaneChern(hlat, cp=cp)
        if args.title == '':
            title = None
            title = eval("r'" + args.title.replace('_', ' ') + "'")
        chern.calc_haldane_chern(contributions=True, title=title)
Example #3
def build_kagome_randomcent(lp):
    """Build uniformly random point set, and construct voronoized network from that.

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    NH = lp['NH']
    NV = lp['NV']
    LL = (NH, NV)
    if lp['periodicBC']:
        xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5, high=NH * 0.5, size=NH * NV)
        yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5, high=NV * 0.5, size=NH * NV)
        xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0]
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict = \
            kagomecentroid_periodic_network_from_pts(xy, LL, BBox='auto', check=lp['check'])
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

        # check that all points are inside BBox
        shapedict = {lp['shape']: [NH, NV]}
        keep = argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=lp['check'])
        if len(np.where(keep)[0]) != len(xy):
            raise RuntimeError('Some points were spuriously outside the allowed BBox.')
        polygon = auto_polygon(lp['shape'], NH, NV, eps=0.00)
        perstr = '_periodic'
        xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5 - 10, high=NH * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20))
        yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5 - 10, high=NV * 0.5 + 10, size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20))
        xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0]

        xy, NL, KL, BL = kagomecentroid_lattice_from_pts(xy, polygon=None, trimbound=False, check=lp['check'])

        # Crop to polygon
        shapedict = {lp['shape']: [NH, NV]}
        keep = argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=lp['check'])
        xy, NL, KL, BL = le.remove_pts(keep, xy, BL, NN='min')
        polygon = auto_polygon(lp['shape'], NH, NV, eps=0.00)
        PVxydict = {}
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        perstr = ''

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])
    print 'mfok = ', mfok
    while mfok:
        lp['conf'] += 1
        mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])

    lattice_exten = lp['LatticeTop'] + '_' + lp['shape'] + perstr + '_r' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf']))

    # Rescale so that median bond length is unity
    bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy)
    scale = 1. / np.median(bL)
    xy *= scale
    polygon *= scale
    LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale)
    if lp['periodicBC']:
        PVx *= scale
        PVy *= scale
        PVxydict.update((key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items())
    LVUC = 'none'
    LV = 'none'
    UC = 'none'
    BBox = polygon
    PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten