Example #1
 def __init__(self, parent):
     wx.Window.__init__(self, parent)
     self.photos = imgutil.load_images(BASE_DIR)
     self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.on_paint)
     self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeypress)
     self.cols = wall_cols
     self.cur = 0
     self.bg_timer = wx.Timer(self, id=2000)
     self.lettory_timer = wx.Timer(self, id=2001)
     self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer, self.bg_timer)
     self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_lettory, self.lettory_timer)
     self.cur_bg = {}
     self._image_cache = {}
     self.lettory_start = False
     self.bg_start  = True
     self.lettory = Lettory(BASE_DIR)
     for photo in self.photos:
         image = Image.open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "photos", photo))
         self._image_cache[self.photos[self.cur]] = image
Example #2
class WallWindow(wx.Window):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        wx.Window.__init__(self, parent)
        self.photos = imgutil.load_images(BASE_DIR)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.on_paint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeypress)
        self.cols = wall_cols
        self.cur = 0
        self.bg_timer = wx.Timer(self, id=2000)
        self.lettory_timer = wx.Timer(self, id=2001)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer, self.bg_timer)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_lettory, self.lettory_timer)
        self.cur_bg = {}
        self._image_cache = {}
        self.lettory_start = False
        self.bg_start  = True
        self.lettory = Lettory(BASE_DIR)
        for photo in self.photos:
            image = Image.open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "photos", photo))
            self._image_cache[self.photos[self.cur]] = image

    def next_background(self):
        n = 0
        dw, dh = wx.DisplaySize()
        w = int(math.ceil(((dw-self.cols*2)*1.0)/(self.cols*1.0)))
        y = top = ((dh%w)/4)
        x = left = ((dw%w)/2)
        rows = dh/w
        print "width: %s" % w
        background = Image.new('RGBA', (dw, dh), (255, 255, 255, 0))
        while n < (self.cols*rows) and self.photos:
            need_paste = True
            if n >= (self.cols*main_logo['postion'][1] + 5) and n < (self.cols*(main_logo['postion'][0]+1) + 5):
                for i in range(main_logo['postion'][2]):
                    if (n - (main_logo['postion'][0]+i))%self.cols == 0:
                        need_paste = False
            if need_paste and self.photos:
                image =  self._image_cache.get(self.photos[self.cur], None)
                if not image:
                    image = Image.open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "photos", self.photos[self.cur]))
                    self._image_cache[self.photos[self.cur]] = image
                image.thumbnail((w-2, w-2), Image.ANTIALIAS)
#                image = imgutil._crop((w-2, w-2), image, True)
                background.paste(image, (x, y))
            n += 1
            self.cur += 1
            if n % self.cols == 0:
                x = left
                y += w
                x += w
            if self.cur >= len(self.photos):
                self.cur = 0

        image = imgutil._crop((w*main_logo['postion'][2], w*main_logo['postion'][2]), 
                              Image.open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "photos", "Steve-Jobs-iOSCon.jpg")),
        background.paste(image, (left+main_logo['postion'][0]*w, top+main_logo['postion'][1]*w))
        return background
    def next_people(self):
        avatar_path = self.lettory.next_people_avatar()
        if avatar_path and os.path.exists(avatar_path):
            dw, dh = wx.DisplaySize()
            w = imgutil.rcd(((dw-self.cols*2)*1.0)/(self.cols*1.0))
            background = Image.new('RGBA', (w*main_logo['postion'][2], w*main_logo['postion'][2]), main_logo['bg_color'])
            image = Image.open(avatar_path)
            image = imgutil._crop((w*main_logo['postion'][2], w*main_logo['postion'][2]), image, False)
            background.paste(image, (0, 0))
#            body_font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "xxk.ttf"), lottery_people['font_size'])
#            imgutil.draw_word_wrap(
#                    background,
#                    "%s:%s" % (id, name), 
#                    lottery_people['position'][0], 
#                    lottery_people['position'][1], 
#                    max_width=1000,
#                    fill=lottery_people['font_color'],
#                    font=body_font
#                )
            return imgutil.to_data(background)

    def get_background(self):
        self.cur_bg = {'background':self.next_background(), 'opacity':1.0}
        background = self.cur_bg['background']
        bg = cStringIO.StringIO()
        background.save(bg, "png", quality=100)
        bg = bg.getvalue()
        return bg

    def draw_backgroud(self):
        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
        bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(wx.ImageFromStream(cStringIO.StringIO(self.get_background())))
        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, True)
    def draw_people(self):
        dw, dh = wx.DisplaySize()
        w = imgutil.rcd(((dw-self.cols*2)*1.0)/(self.cols*1.0))
        top = ((dh%w)/4)
        left = ((dw%w)/2)
        bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(wx.ImageFromStream( cStringIO.StringIO(self.next_people())))
        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, main_logo['postion'][0]*w+left, main_logo['postion'][1]*w+top, True)

    def on_paint(self, evt):
        if self.bg_start:
        elif self.lettory_start:

    def on_timer(self, evt):
#        print 'on change bg %s ' % self.bg_start
        if self.bg_start:

    def on_lettory(self, evt):
        #print 'on lettory %s' % self.lettory_start
        if self.lettory_start:

    def OnKeypress(self, evt):
        code = evt.GetRawKeyCode()
        print code
        # 按空格键抽奖
        if code in [32, 12576, 49]:
            self.lettory_start = not self.lettory_start
            self.bg_start = False
        # 按s键盘保存结果
        if code == 1 and not self.lettory_start:
        # 按回车键启动或暂停更换背景
        elif code in [65293, 13, 36]:
            self.bg_start = not self.lettory_start and not self.bg_start
            if self.bg_start: